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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 2 - Open Transport Reference
Appendix C - Special Functions

Functions That Allocate Memory

Table C-4 lists all Open Transport functions that allocate memory on your behalf and therefore require that you call either the InitOpenTransport function or the InitOpenTransportUtilities function before calling them.

Some functions listed in Table C-4 are not documented in this manual because they are specific to Open Transport protocol and device drivers. They are listed here to provide a complete reference.

Table C-4  Functions that allocate memory

Function Calling restrictions
OTAllocneeds InitOpenTransport
OTAllocMemneeds InitOpenTransportUtilities
OTAsyncOpenEndpointneeds InitOpenTransport
OTAsyncOpenMapperneeds InitOpenTransport
OTAsyncOpenProviderneeds InitOpenTransport
OTAsyncStreamOpenneeds InitOpenTransport
OTCreateDeferredTaskneeds InitOpenTransportUtilities
OTCreateSystemTaskneeds InitOpenTransportUtilities
OTOpenEndpointneeds InitOpenTransport
OTOpenEndpointOnStreamneeds InitOpenTransport
OTOpenMapperneeds InitOpenTransport
OTOpenProviderneeds InitOpenTransport
OTOpenProviderOnStreamneeds InitOpenTransport
OTRegisterAsClientneeds InitOpenTransportUtilities
OTStreamOpenneeds InitOpenTransport
OTStreamPipeneeds InitOpenTransport
OTTransferProviderOwnership    needs InitOpenTransport
OTUnregisterAsClientneeds InitOpenTransportUtilities
OTWhoAmIneeds InitOpenTransport

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998