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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 1 - Open Transport Essentials
Chapter 10 - Advanced Topics

No-Copy Receiving

Open Transport allows you to receive data without doing the extra copying that is normally involved in receiving data, which can save time and resources.

Normally, when you call one of the receive functions to get data, you pass the address of a buffer you have allocated, and Open Transport copies data from its own internal buffers to the buffer you specify. Doing a no-copy receive means that Open Transport does not copy data from its buffers into yours, but instead allows you to access its internal buffers directly. For example, you might have received some data that needs to be written to disk and you have four files, each with a different buffer, that are expecting data. Normally what you would do is store the data in a temporary buffer while you determined which of the four files was the right destination. When you identified the target, you'd then copy the data from the temporary buffer into that file's buffer.

A no-copy receive allows you to peek at the data when you receive it and write it out immediately. Open Transport does this by giving you access to a special no-copy receive buffer, OTBuffer. To use this buffer correctly, you must

You need to release the no-copy receive buffer (with the OTReleaseBuffer function) as soon as you are finished using it so that you are not tying up system resources required elsewhere. One consequence of holding on to a buffer too long is that your link layer driver starts allocating more buffers as it receives more data and, if it isn't well designed, it may run out of space and lose packets.

In many cases, for performance reasons, drivers pass their actual DMA buffers when they return data. If this is the case, when you do a no-copy receive, you are getting the actual DMA buffers from the driver. If you hold on to the buffer for too long, you may begin to starve the driver for DMA buffers, which adversely affects the performance of the system. It is very important that if you are doing a no-copy receive, you hold onto the buffer for as short a time as possible. If it seems necessary to hold on to the buffer for any length of time, overall performance is better if you instead make a copy of the data and return the buffer to the system.

On PPC systems no-copy receives are only supported for PPC Open Transport clients. Emulated 68000 clients may not use no-copy receives on PPC systems.
Figure 10-2 shows the structure of Open Transport's internal receive buffers. You will be accessing data referenced in these buffers when you do a no-copy receive. To do this, you allocate a variable that holds the address of the first OTBuffer structure and then access additional buffers using the fNext field of each buffer.

Figure 10-2 OTBuffer structures

In Figure 10-2 the variable MyOTB holds the address of the first OTBuffer structure. The unused fields of the structure are shaded. The fData field of the structure points to the first data packet; the fLen field specifies the length of the data packet, and the fNext field holds the address of the second OTBuffer structure, which provides the location and size of the second data packet.

The no-copy receive buffer is actually a linked chain of buffers, with the next buffer pointed to by the fNext field in each buffer. You can access all of the received data by tracing the chain of fNext pointers. For your convenience, Open Transport provides the OTBufferInfo structure and the utility functions, OTReadBuffer and OTBufferDataSize, to read through the OTBuffer structure.

In order to do a no-copy receive, you must

  1. Allocate a local variable into which Open Transport will store the address of the first OTBuffer structure. The OTBufferInfo type is especially useful for this local variable.

  2. Pass the constant kOTNetbufDataIsOTBufferStar for the nbytes parameter of the OTRcv function or the udata.maxlen field used with other receive functions to indicate that you are doing a no-copy receive.

  3. Use the utility function OTBufferDataSize to determine the size of the no-copy receive buffer.

  4. Use the utility function OTReadBuffer to read bytes from the data buffers. The fOffset field of the OTBufferInfo structure specifies how much of the buffer has been read.

  5. Use the OTReleaseBuffer function to return the no-copy receive buffer to the system when you are finished copying data from the buffer.

The following two listings show two different methods of doing nocopy receives. Listing 10-1 shows the NoCopyReceiveUsingOTReadBuffer user-defined function. This function reads data from the endpoint (ep) using a no-copy receive. The data is then copied out of the OTBuffer chain using the OTReadBuffer utility function. This method is useful if you need to look at a small chunk of data, which you can copy using OTReadBUffer, to decide what to do with the rest.

Listing 10-1 Doing a no-copy receive: method 1

enum {
   kTransferBufferSize = 1024

static char gTransferBuffer[kTransferBufferSize];

static OSStatus NoCopyReceiveUsingOTReadBuffer(EndpointRef ep, SInt16 
   OSStatus err;
   OTResult result;
   OTBufferInfo bufferInfo;
   OTFlags junkFlags;
   UInt32 bytesRemaining;
   UInt32 bytesThisTime;
   SInt32 count;
   err = noErr;
   /* Initialise the bufferInfo data structure. */
   bufferInfo.fOffset = 0;
   bufferInfo.fBuffer = nil;
   /* Read the data.  Use the constant kOTNetbufDataIsOTBufferStar */ 
   /* to indicate that you want to do a no-copy receive. */
   result = OTRcv(ep, &bufferInfo.fBuffer, kOTNetbufDataIsOTBufferStar,
   if (result >= 0) {

      /* Use OTBufferDataSize to calculate how much data is returned */
      bytesRemaining = OTBufferDataSize(bufferInfo.fBuffer);

      /* Write that data to the file.  We do this in chunks, */
      /* copying each chunk of data out of the OTBuffer chain */
      /* and into our transfer buffer using OTReadBuffer, then */
      /* writing each chunk of data, until there is no 
      /* more data left in the buffer chain. */
      while (err == noErr && bytesRemaining > 0) {
         if (bytesRemaining > kTransferBufferSize) {
            bytesThisTime = kTransferBufferSize;
         } else {
            bytesThisTime = bytesRemaining;
         (void) OTReadBuffer(&bufferInfo, gTransferBuffer,
         count = bytesThisTime;
         err = FSWrite(destFileRefNum, &count, gTransferBuffer);
         bytesRemaining -= bytesThisTime;
      err = noErr;
   } else {
      err = result;
   /* Clean up.  We MUST release the OTBuffer chain back to OT */
   /* so that it can reuse it. OTReleaseBuffer does not tolerate */
   /* the parameter being nil, so we check for that case first. */
   if (bufferInfo.fBuffer != nil) {
   return err;
The method shown in the previous listing is not particularly efficient, but it does demonstrate the use of the OTReadBuffer function. The second method, shown in Listing 10-2, uses the NoCopyReceiveWalkingBufferChain user-defined function to read data from the endpoint (ep) using a no-copy receive. The code walks through the resulting buffer chain, writing out chunks of data directly to the file from the buffers returned to us by Open Transport.

Listing 10-2 Doing a no-copy receive: method 2

static OSStatus NoCopyReceiveWalkingBufferChain(EndpointRef ep, 
                                 SInt16 destFileRefNum)
   OSStatus err;
   OTResult result;
   OTBufferInfo bufferInfo;
   OTBuffer *thisBuffer;
   OTFlags junkFlags;
   SInt32 count;
   err = noErr;

   /* Initialise the bufferInfo data structure. */

   bufferInfo.fOffset = 0;
   bufferInfo.fBuffer = nil;
   /* Read the data.  Use the constant kOTNetbufDataIsOTBufferStar */
   /* to indicate that you want to do a no-copy receive. */

   result = OTRcv(ep, &bufferInfo.fBuffer, kOTNetbufDataIsOTBufferStar,
   if (result >= 0) {
   /* Walk the returned buffer chain, writing out each chunk to file */
      thisBuffer = bufferInfo.fBuffer;
      while (err == noErr && thisBuffer != nil) {
         count = thisBuffer->fLen;
         err = FSWrite(destFileRefNum, &count, thisBuffer->fData);
         thisBuffer = thisBuffer->fNext;
   } else {
      err = result;

   /* Clean up.  We MUST release the OTBuffer chain to Open Transport */
   /* so that it can reuse it., OTReleaseBuffer does not tolerate */
   /* the parameter being nil, so we check for that case first. */

   if (bufferInfo.fBuffer != nil) {

   return err;

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998