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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 1 - Open Transport Essentials

Chapter 11 - TCP/IP Services

This chapter describes TCP/IP-specific information about Open Transport functions and gives possible values for options that you can use with the TCP/IP protocols. You need this information only if you have a specific need to use the TCP/IP protocols or must bind explicitly to an IP address.

This chapter describes the progamming interface to Open Transport's implementation of TCP/IP, including the use of Open Transport endpoint and mapper functions with TCP/IP and the use of single linked multi-homing (available only for Open Transport version 1.3). This chapter also describes the TCP/IP service provider, which provides an interface to the TCP/IP Domain Name Resolver (DNR) for clients of Open Transport. To get the most out of this chapter, you should already be familiar with the concepts and application interfaces described in the chapters "Introduction to Open Transport", "Getting Started", "Providers", "Endpoints", "Mappers", and "Option Management" in this book. For complete reference information about the structures and functions introduced in this chapter, see "TCP/IP Services Reference".

This chapter gives only a very rudimentary introduction to the TCP/IP protocol family. You will need to familiarize yourself with the operation and use of the various TCP/IP protocols before you can make effective use of the Open Transport implementation of TCP/IP. You should read "About the TCP/IP Protocol Family" for an introduction to the protocol family and for pointers to more information.

In this chapter the term TCP/IP is used when the information presented applies equally to all protocols of the TCP/IP family (such as RARP, BOOTP, DHCP, or UDP, as well as TCP and IP). When the information is specific to one protocol, the name of that protocol is used.

This chapter starts with a brief introduction to the TCP/IP protocol family, followed by an introduction to the TCP/IP services provided by Open Transport. Then "Using General Open Transport Functions With TCP/IP" describes TCP/IP-specific information relating to functions described in the chapters "Endpoints" and "Mappers" in this book.

Chapter Contents
About the TCP/IP Protocol Family
About TCP/IP Services
About the Open Transport DNR
About Single Link Multi-Homing
Configuring Your System to Use Multiple IP Addresses
Checking for Availability
Getting Information About Secondary Addresses
Using TCP/IP Services
Setting Options When Configuring a TCP/IP Provider
Using RawIP
Receiving RawIP Datagrams
Sending RawIP Datagrams
Manually Setting the IP Header
Limitations of the Header-Included Mode
Using IP Multicasting
Querying DNS Servers
Avoiding Delay When Rebinding to TCP Connections
Using General Open Transport Functions With TCP/IP
Obtaining Endpoint Data With TCP/IP
Using Endpoint Functions With TCP/IP
Using Mapper Functions With TCP/IP

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998