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Inside Macintosh: Operating System Utilities /
Chapter 4 - Date, Time, and Measurement Utilities / Date, Time, and Measurement Utilities Reference

Converting Between Date-Time Formats

The Date, Time, and Measurement Utilities provide two procedure, SecondsToDate and DateToSeconds, that you can use to convert between date-time formats. You can convert a number of seconds to a date and time and a date and time to a number of seconds.

If you use a standard date-time value (used to access a number of seconds) or a date-time record (used to access a date and time) to access date-time information, you can use the SecondsToDate and DateToSeconds procedures to convert between these date-time formats. Use the SecondsToDate procedure to convert a number of seconds to a date and time, and use the DateToSeconds procedure to convert a date and time to a number of seconds.

The system software uses the SecondsToDate and DateToSeconds procedures provided by the current script system.


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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996