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Inside Macintosh: Operating System Utilities /
Chapter 8 - Trap Manager / Trap Manager Reference
Routines / Manipulating One Trap Dispatch Table (Obsolete Routines)


The GetTrapAddress function is obsolete and is documented here only for the sake of completeness.

FUNCTION GetTrapAddress (trapNum: Integer): LongInt;
Toolbox A-line instruction or a trap number. If you specify an A-line instruction, the function extracts the trap number for you.
The GetTrapAddress function was used when both the Operating System trap addresses and Toolbox trap addresses were located in the same trap dispatch table. Today, any system software routine with the trap number $00 to $4F, $54, or $57 is drawn from the Operating System dispatch table; any other software routine is taken from the Toolbox dispatch table.

The GetTrapAddress function is not supported under Power PC.
The GetTrapAddress procedure ignores the high-order bits in the trapNum parameter; the procedure is not able to differentiate between Operating System routines and Toolbox routines. The GetTrapAddress procedure is not reliable on any computer today.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996