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Inside Macintosh: Imaging With QuickDraw /
Chapter 5 - Graphics Devices / Graphics Devices Reference
Routines for Graphics Devices / Determining the Characteristics of a Video Device


To determine whether the flag bit for an attribute has been set in the gdFlags field of a GDevice record, use the TestDeviceAttribute function.

FUNCTION TestDeviceAttribute (gdh: GDHandle; 
                              attribute: Integer): Boolean;
A handle to a GDevice record.
One of the following constants, which represent bits in the gdFlags field of a GDevice record:
           CONST {flag bits for gdFlags field of GDevice record}
            gdDevType      = 0;  {if bit is set to 0, graphics }
                                 { device is black and white; }
                                 { if set to 1, device supports }
                                 { color}
            burstDevice    = 7;  {if bit is set to 1, device }
                                 { supports block transfer}
            ext32Device    = 8;  {if bit is set to 1, device }
                                 { must be used in 32-bit mode}
            ramInit        = 10; {if bit is set to 1, device has }
                                 { been initialized from RAM}
            mainScreen     = 11; {if bit is set to 1, device is }
                                 { the main screen}
            allInit        = 12; {if bit is set to 1, all }
                                 { devices were initialized from }
                                 { 'scrn' resource}
            screenDevice   = 13; {if bit is set to 1, device is }
                                 { a screen}
            noDriver       = 14; {if bit is set to 1, GDevice }
                                 { record has no driver}
            screenActive   = 15; {if bit is set to 1, device is }
                                 { active}
The TestDeviceAttribute function tests a single graphics device attribute to see if its bit is set to 1 and, if so, returns TRUE. Otherwise, TestDeviceAttribute returns FALSE.

The TestDeviceAttribute function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap. Your application should not call this function at interrupt time.

Listing 5-3 on page 5-9 illustrates the use of TestDeviceAttribute. Your application can use the SetDeviceAttribute procedure, described on page 5-21, to change any of the flags tested by the TestDeviceAttribute function.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996