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Inside Macintosh: Imaging With QuickDraw /
Chapter 9 - Printing Manager / Printing Manager Reference
Data Structures /


The record defined by the data type TPrJob contains information about the print job. The prJob field of the TPrint record (described on page 9-41) contains a TPrJob record. You can set the contents of this record as a result of calling the PrJobDialog function (described on page 9-59) or the PrJobInit function (described on page 9-62), or by calling the PrintDefault procedure or PrValidate function (described on page 9-56 and page 9-57, respectively).

TYPE TPrJob =                 {print job record}
      iFstPage:   Integer;    {first page of page range}
      iLstPage:   Integer;    {last page of page range}
      iCopies:    Integer;    {number of copies}
      bJDocLoop:  SignedByte; {printing method: draft or deferred}
      fFromUsr:   Boolean;    {reserved}
      pIdleProc:  PrIdleProcPtr; 
                              {pointer to an idle procedure}
      pFileName:  StringPtr;  {spool filename: NIL for default}
      iFileVol:   Integer;    {spool file volume; set to 0 }
                              { initially}
      bFileVers:  SignedByte; {spool file version; set to 0 }
                              { initially}
      bJobX:      SignedByte; {reserved}
Field Description
The page number of the first page to print.
The page number of the last page to print.
The number of copies requested, which is also the number of times your application should send the document to the printer. However, some PostScript printer drivers handle multiple copies internally and set this value to 1.
The printing method, as indicated by one of these constants:
               CONST bDraftLoop = 0;   {draft-quality printing}
                     bSpoolLoop = 1;   {deferred printing}
See the description of the PrPicFile procedure on page 9-68 on how to send a print job to the printer when this field contains the bSpoolLoop constant.
A pointer to the idle procedure (described in "Writing an Idle Procedure" on page 9-35) for this printing operation. A value of NIL specifies the default idle procedure.
The name of the spool file (normally "Print File") for deferred printing. This field is maintained by the printer driver, and your application should not change or rely on its value.
The volume reference number of the spool file. This field is maintained by the printer driver, and your application should not change or rely on its value.
The version number of the spool file, initialized to 0.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996