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Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.

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Mapping OT Error Numbers to theirNames

Q: How do I map Open Transport error numbers to their names?

A: There are two ways to do this. The first is the "OTErr" MacsBug 'dcmd' that ships with the debugging version of OT. This 'dcmd' allows you to quickly map an error number to a (sometimes) meaningful error name. Once you install it in your Debugger Prefs file, you can type, for example, "oterr -3271" in MacsBug and get the name for that error.

The second solution is the Open Transport Errors Decoder, included here as a public service.

Name                      Number
kOTNoError                     0
kOTOutOfMemoryErr          -3211
kOTNotFoundErr             -3201
kOTDuplicateFoundErr       -3216
kOTBadAddressErr           -3150
kOTBadOptionErr            -3151
kOTAccessErr               -3152
kOTBadReferenceErr         -3153
kOTNoAddressErr            -3154
kOTOutStateErr             -3155
kOTBadSequenceErr          -3156
kOTSysErrorErr             -3157
kOTLookErr                 -3158
kOTBadDataErr              -3159
kOTBufferOverflowErr       -3160
kOTFlowErr                 -3161
kOTNoDataErr               -3162
kOTNoDisconnectErr         -3163
kOTNoUDErrErr              -3164
kOTBadFlagErr              -3165
kOTNoReleaseErr            -3166
kOTNotSupportedErr         -3167
kOTStateChangeErr          -3168
kOTNoStructureTypeErr      -3169
kOTBadNameErr              -3170
kOTBadQLenErr              -3171
kOTAddressBusyErr          -3172
kOTIndOutErr               -3173
kOTProviderMismatchErr     -3174
kOTResQLenErr              -3175
kOTResAddressErr           -3176
kOTQFullErr                -3177
kOTProtocolErr             -3178
kOTBadSyncErr              -3179
kOTCanceledErr             -3180
kEPERMErr                  -3200
kENOENTErr                 -3201
kENORSRCErr                -3202
kEINTRErr                  -3203
kEIOErr                    -3204
kENXIOErr                  -3205
kEBADFErr                  -3208
kEAGAINErr                 -3210
kENOMEMErr                 -3211
kEACCESErr                 -3212
kEFAULTErr                 -3213
kEBUSYErr                  -3215
kEEXISTErr                 -3216
kENODEVErr                 -3218
kEINVALErr                 -3221
kENOTTYErr                 -3224
kEPIPEErr                  -3231
kERANGEErr                 -3233
kEWOULDBLOCKErr            -3234
kEDEADLKErr                -3234
kEALREADYErr               -3236
kENOTSOCKErr               -3237
kEDESTADDRREQErr           -3238
kEMSGSIZEErr               -3239
kEPROTOTYPEErr             -3240
kENOPROTOOPTErr            -3241
kEPROTONOSUPPORTErr        -3242
kESOCKTNOSUPPORTErr        -3243
kEOPNOTSUPPErr             -3244
kEADDRINUSEErr             -3247
kEADDRNOTAVAILErr          -3248
kENETDOWNErr               -3249
kENETUNREACHErr            -3250
kENETRESETErr              -3251
kECONNABORTEDErr           -3252
kECONNRESETErr             -3253
kENOBUFSErr                -3254
kEISCONNErr                -3255
kENOTCONNErr               -3256
kESHUTDOWNErr              -3257
kETOOMANYREFSErr           -3258
kETIMEDOUTErr              -3259
kECONNREFUSEDErr           -3260
kEHOSTDOWNErr              -3263
kEHOSTUNREACHErr           -3264
kEPROTOErr                 -3269
kETIMEErr                  -3270
kENOSRErr                  -3271
kEBADMSGErr                -3272
kECANCELErr                -3273
kENOSTRErr                 -3274
kENODATAErr                -3275
kEINPROGRESSErr            -3276
kESRCHErr                  -3277
kENOMSGErr                 -3278
kOTClientNotInittedErr     -3279
kOTPortHasDiedErr          -3280
kOTPortWasEjectedErr       -3281
kOTBadConfigurationErr     -3282
kOTConfigurationChangedErr -3283
kOTUserRequestedErr        -3284
kOTPortLostConnection      -3285

[Jun 01 1996]

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