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Open Transport Errors -3151/-3160 and Option Management

Q: When I make an OptionManagement call to set an endpoint option, I receive one of two error messages, Error -3155 (bad option) or Error -3160 (buffer overflow). What should I be looking at to resolve these errors?

A: Error -3151 indicates that a bad option or option value was passed to an Open Transport endpoint. The following answers assume an understanding of making calls to OTOptionManagement. For more information on call to OTOptionManagement, please refer to "Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport", chapter 7, Option Management. You can download an electronic copy of this documentation from the Open Transport Web Page.

The common reasons for Error -3151 are:

  1. The option length for the option is incorrect. Most Open Transport Option Management option values are 4 bytes long. Some options take string and structure values. You must set both the TOptMgmt opt.len field, and the TOptionHeader len field to the exact length of the option buffer request. You can also use the same buffer and TOptMgmt structure for the Option Management response, which is discussed in the next section regarding Error -3160.

    Error -3151 occurs most often when the option value is 1 byte long, but a 4-byte length is specified. Again, there are two places where the length argument is set - in the TOptMgmt structure and in the TOptionHeader structure.

  2. A return TOptMgmt pointer was passed in the call to OTOptionManagement and the maxlen field is not set correctly. Not setting this parameter can also result in Error -3160, depending on its input value. The OTMultiCastPitch code sample in the OpenTransport SDK demonstrates this problem when trying to set the IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP option. The corrected call is shown as follows:

            optReq.flags = T_NEGOTIATE;
            optReq.opt.len = sizeof(optBuffer);      // specify the size of the buffer
            optReq.opt.maxlen = sizeof(optBuffer);   // <--- add this line of code
            optReq.opt.buf = (UInt8*) optBuffer;
            OTMemzero(optBuffer, sizeof(optBuffer));
            opt->level = INET_IP;
            opt->name = IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP;
            opt->len = sizeof(optBuffer);           // specify the size of the option

    A similar correction is required in the same code sample when trying to set the IP_MULTICAST_TTL option. The modified code sample is shown below.

    The previous corrections applies to the Open Transport SDK v1.3 and earlier.

  3. There is a known problem when using Open Transport v1.3 and earlier. You will encounter this error when using the OTOptionManagement T_ALLOPT value to obtain all of the current IP option settings in one call. This problem is demonstrated with the OTMulticastPitchSample code running under Open Transport v 1.3 and earlier. The workaround is to ask individually for the status of each option where the current setting is desired.

The common reasons for Error -3160 are:

  1. The TOptMgmt opt.maxlen field was not initialized, or incorrectly set. This error can be returned even if the option was successfully negotiated. The solution is to set the maxlen field correctly.
  2. There is a known problem when using Open Transport v1.3 and earlier. If you try to negotiate a TCP/IP option whose length is 1 or 2 bytes, Open Transport will return this error if the return buffer is set for a buffer for less than a 4-byte response. Interestingly, the option may be successfully negotiated. The workaround for this problem is to define the size of the buffer as kOTFourByteOptionSize and to continue to set the two len fields as kOTOneByteOptionSize or kOTTwoByteOptionSize (as of this writing, there are no 2-byte option settings).

Error -3160 will not be returned if there is no return parameter specified. On the other hand, without checking the return value, you cannot know whether the return status of the option call was T_SUCCESS or not. This problem applies when trying to set the following options:

Option Level Option Name

The following modifications and corrections apply to the OTMultiCastPitchSample.cp file.

Correction 1:

Change to the sample code for setting the IP_MULTICAST_TTL option.

        //  Setup time-to-live for multicast sends (defaults to 1)
        //  Can reuse the TOptMgmt, but not Option itself is different.
        //  While we could reuse the buffer above, I'll do it right to
        //  demonstrate correctness.
        UInt8 ttlOptBuffer[ kOTFourByteOptionSize ]; // <-- 4 byte option length buffer
        ttlOpt = (TOption*)ttlOptBuffer;

        optReq.flags = T_NEGOTIATE;
        optReq.opt.len = kOTOneByteOptionSize; // <-- leave as 1 byte option size
        optReq.opt.maxlen = sizeof(ttlOptBuffer); // <-- set return buffer maxlen
        optReq.opt.buf = (UInt8*) ttlOptBuffer;
        OTMemzero(optBuffer, sizeof(ttlOptBuffer));
        ttlOpt->level = INET_IP;
        ttlOpt->name = IP_MULTICAST_TTL;
        ttlOpt->len = kOTOneByteOptionSize; // <-- leave as 1 byte option size

        *(char*)(ttlOpt->value) = kDefaultTTL;

        err = gEndpt->OptionManagement(&optReq, &optReq);

Correction 2: Change to the sample code for setting the IP_MULTICAST_LOOP option.

    //  Turn off loopback - unless you want to receive your own packets back.
    TOptMgmt optReq;
    UInt8 optBuffer[ kOTFourByteOptionSize ]; // <-- 4 byte option length buffer
    TOption* opt = (TOption*)optBuffer;

    OTMemzero(optBuffer, sizeof(optBuffer));
    optReq.flags    = T_NEGOTIATE;
    optReq.opt.len  = kOTOneByteOptionSize; // <-- leave as 1 byte option size
    optReq.opt.maxlen   = sizeof(optBuffer); // <-- set return buffer maxlen
    optReq.opt.buf  = (UInt8*) optBuffer;

    opt->level = INET_IP;
    opt->name = IP_MULTICAST_LOOP;
    opt->len = kOTOneByteOptionSize; // <-- leave as 1 byte option size
    *(char *)(opt->value) = gLoopbackState;

    err = gEndpt->OptionManagement(&optReq, &optReq);

[Apr 07 1997]

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