Q: I'm using QTSetAtomData to modify some atom data, but I'd like to know what this call does with the atomData pointer being passed to it.
A: QTSetAtomData is used to change the data of a leaf atom. It copies the number of bytes passed in as dataSize from the address atomData to the contents of atom . It will resize the atom if necessary.
OSErr QTSetAtomData(QTAtomContainer container,
QTAtom atom,
long dataSize,
void *atomData)
When using this function be aware that the position (offset) of any atoms within the QTAtomContainer greater than the passed in QTAtom will need to be re-found using QTFindChildByID or QTFindChildByIndex . Also, the passed in QTAtomContainer must be unlocked; this call will fail if you've locked the atom container by calling QTLockAtomContainer .
Note that an atom is either a parent, or a leaf containing data. It cannot be both. Make sure to not call QTSetAtomData with an atom that has any child atoms contained within it.
[Jan 14 2003]