Q: What combinations of the CUPS PPD keywords cupsColorSpace, cupsColorOrder and cupsBitsPerColor values are supported by Mac OS X?A: Table 1: Supported cupsColorSpace - cupsColorOrder - cupsBitsPerColor combinations cupsColorSpace | cupsColorOrder | cupsBitsPerColor | Mac OS X version |
CUPS_CSPACE_RGB | CUPS_ORDER_CHUNKED | 8 bits per color | 10.2 and later | CUPS_CSPACE_K | CUPS_ORDER_CHUNKED | 8 bits per color | 10.2 and later | CUPS_CSPACE_K | CUPS_ORDER_BANDED | 1 bit per color | 10.2 and later | CUPS_CSPACE_K | CUPS_ORDER_CHUNKED | 1 bit per color | 10.2 and later | CUPS_CSPACE_W | CUPS_ORDER_CHUNKED | 8 bits per color | 10.2 and later | CUPS_CSPACE_CMYK | CUPS_ORDER_CHUNKED | 8 bits per color | 10.2 and later | CUPS_CSPACE_KCMY | CUPS_ORDER_CHUNKED | 8 bits per color | 10.2 and later | CUPS_CSPACE_CMYK | CUPS_ORDER_BANDED | 1 bit per color | 10.3 and later | CUPS_CSPACE_KCMY | CUPS_ORDER_BANDED | 1 bit per color | 10.3 and later | CUPS_CSPACE_KCMYcm | CUPS_ORDER_BANDED | 1 bit per color | 10.3 and later | CUPS_CSPACE_CMY | CUPS_ORDER_BANDED | 1 bit per color | 10.3 and later | CUPS_CSPACE_RGBW | CUPS_ORDER_CHUNKED | 8 bits per color | 10.4 and later | CUPS_CSPACE_RGBA | CUPS_ORDER_CHUNKED | 8 bits per color | 10.4 and later | CUPS_CSPACE_K | CUPS_ORDER_CHUNKED | 16 bits per color | 10.4 and later | CUPS_CSPACE_W | CUPS_ORDER_CHUNKED | 16 bits per color | 10.4 and later | CUPS_CSPACE_RGB | CUPS_ORDER_CHUNKED | 16 bits per color | 10.4 and later | CUPS_CSPACE_CMYK | CUPS_ORDER_CHUNKED | 16 bits per color | 10.4 and later |
The allowed values of cupsColorSpace, cupsColorOrder and cupsBitsPerColor and their meaning are documented the CUPS Software Programmer's Manual in the "Device and Bitmap Variables" section. The CUPS Software Programmer's Manual is available at http://www.cups.org/spm.html. Document Revision HistoryDate | Notes |
2005-08-10 | Added combinations supported in Mac OS X 10.4 and later. | 2004-08-27 | Table of supported combinations of cupsColorSpace, cupsColorOrder and cupsBitsPerColor values supported by Mac OS X. |
Posted: 2005-08-10