Q: How do I determine the which version of an Audio Unit I am using?A: Core Audio uses the Component Manager to make Audio Units available as a system-wide resource. After obtaining a valid instance of an Audio Unit, you can use the method This can be useful when an Audio Unit has two separate versions with different features; you would want to determine which version is installed before using the Audio Unit. The code below determines if a suitable version of Apple's 3Dmixer Audio Unit is installed on a users system. Because the different versions of the 3Dmixer behave differently, you would want to determine which version resides on the user's system. Listing 1: Getting the 3D Mixer Version. #define kPreferredMixerVersion 0x20000 #define kMinimumMixerVersion 0x10300 long mixerVersion = kMinimumMixerVersion; //The Version format is 0xMMMMmmbb //The digits M/m/b are stored in BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) format //where each digit has a range of 0 - 9 (normal binary digits have a range of 0 - 15) if(Is3DMixerVersionValid(&mixerVersion)){ // yes, we can work with it. May want to examine the version number further if a // specific feature is desired. } bool Is3DMixerVersionValid(long *versionNumber) { ComponentDescription mixerCD = { kAudioUnitType_Mixer, // type kAudioUnitSubType_3DMixer, // subType kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple, // manufacturer 0, // flags 0 }; // flags mask // initially false bool versionValid = false; long version = 0; Component mixerC= FindNextComponent(0, &mixerCD); require(NULL != mixerC, bail); require(versionNumber != nil, bail); version = GetComponentVersion((ComponentInstance)mixerC); // if the returned version is less than 0x20000 (it may even be 0x10300 // which is really old!) it's not the version of the 3DMixer we want to use // so we're not going to do anything and just return false // if however the version is 0x20000 or greater, then it is the version // of 3DMixer mixer we want to use, so we set outPreferred3DMixerExists to true if (version >= *versionNumber){ versionValid = true; *versionNumber = version; // validated this pointer on entry } bail: return versionValid; } Note: For more information on Component's and ComponentDescriptions, please refer to the Component Manager Reference. Document Revision History
Posted: 2005-03-07 |