Q: I'm passing multiple file descriptors from one process to another over a UNIX domain socket. Sometimes the receiving process only gets the first one. Is this is a known problem?A: Yes. Mac OS X 10.5 fixes a number of kernel bugs related to descriptor passing (rr. 4650646, 5232558, 5232524). On earlier systems you must take steps to avoid these bugs. Always pass descriptors over a stream-based socket (SOCK_STREAM ). It is possible to pass descriptors over a datagram-based socket (SOCK_DGRAM ) but the kernel does not guarantee delivery of the message, and hence its associated descriptor. Avoid writing descriptors to a full socket. In some circumstances the message, and its associated descriptor, might get dropped. Avoid passing two or more descriptors back-to-back. If you need to do this, acknowledge each descriptor as you pass it. Listing 1 shows one way to do this.
Listing 1: The safest way to pass descriptors
// When we pass a descriptor, we have to pass at least one byte
// of data along with it, otherwise the recvmsg call will not
// block if the descriptor hasn't been written to the other end
// of the socket yet.
static const char kDummyData = 'D';
// Due to a kernel bug in Mac OS X 10.4.x and earlier
// <rdar://problem/4650646>, you will run into problems if you write
// data to a socket while a process is trying to receive a descriptor
// from that socket. A common symptom of this problem is that, if
// you write two descriptors back-to-back, the second one just
// disappears.
// To avoid this problem, we explicitly ACK all descriptor transfers.
// After writing a descriptor, the sender reads an ACK byte from the
// socket. After reading a descriptor, the receiver sends an ACK byte
// (kACKData) to unblock the sender.
static const char kACKData = 'A';
static bool kWorkaround4650646 = true;
static int ReadDescriptor(int fd, int *fdRead)
// Read a descriptor from fd and place it in *fdRead.
// On success, the caller is responsible for closing *fdRead.
int err;
int junk;
struct msghdr msg;
struct iovec iov;
struct {
struct cmsghdr hdr;
int fd;
} control;
char dummyData;
ssize_t bytesReceived;
// Pre-conditions
assert(fd >= 0);
assert( fdRead != NULL);
assert(*fdRead == -1);
// Read a single byte of data from the socket, with the assumption
// that this byte has piggybacked on to it a single descriptor that
// we're trying to receive. This is pretty much standard boilerplate
// code for reading descriptors; see <x-man-page://2/recv> for details.
iov.iov_base = (char *) &dummyData;
iov.iov_len = sizeof(dummyData);
msg.msg_name = NULL;
msg.msg_namelen = 0;
msg.msg_iov = &iov;
msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
msg.msg_control = &control;
msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(control);
msg.msg_flags = MSG_WAITALL;
do {
bytesReceived = recvmsg(fd, &msg, 0);
if (bytesReceived == sizeof(dummyData)) {
if ( (dummyData != kDummyData)
|| (msg.msg_flags != 0)
|| (msg.msg_control == NULL)
|| (msg.msg_controllen != sizeof(control))
|| (control.hdr.cmsg_len != sizeof(control))
|| (control.hdr.cmsg_level != SOL_SOCKET)
|| (control.hdr.cmsg_type != SCM_RIGHTS)
|| (control.fd < 0) ) {
err = EINVAL;
} else {
*fdRead = control.fd;
err = 0;
} else if (bytesReceived == 0) {
err = EPIPE;
} else {
assert(bytesReceived == -1);
err = errno;
assert(err != 0);
} while (err == EINTR);
// Send the ACK. If that fails, we have to act like we never got the
// descriptor in our to ensure consistent results for our caller.
if ( (err == 0) && kWorkaround4650646) {
do {
if ( write(fd, &kACKData, sizeof(kACKData)) == -1 ) {
err = errno;
} while (err == EINTR);
if (err != 0) {
junk = close(*fdRead);
assert(junk == 0);
*fdRead = -1;
// Post condition
assert( (err == 0) == (*fdRead >= 0) );
return err;
static int WriteDescriptor(int fd, int fdToWrite)
// Write the descriptor fdToWrite to fd.
int err;
struct msghdr msg;
struct iovec iov;
struct {
struct cmsghdr hdr;
int fd;
} control;
ssize_t bytesSent;
char ack;
// Pre-conditions
assert(fd >= 0);
assert(fdToWrite >= 0);
control.hdr.cmsg_len = sizeof(control);
control.hdr.cmsg_level = SOL_SOCKET;
control.hdr.cmsg_type = SCM_RIGHTS;
control.fd = fdToWrite;
iov.iov_base = (char *) &kDummyData;
iov.iov_len = sizeof(kDummyData);
msg.msg_name = NULL;
msg.msg_namelen = 0;
msg.msg_iov = &iov;
msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
msg.msg_control = &control;
msg.msg_controllen = control.hdr.cmsg_len;
msg.msg_flags = 0;
do {
bytesSent = sendmsg(fd, &msg, 0);
if (bytesSent == sizeof(kDummyData)) {
err = 0;
} else {
assert(bytesSent == -1);
err = errno;
assert(err != 0);
} while (err == EINTR);
// After writing the descriptor, try to read an ACK back from the
// recipient. If that fails, or we get the wrong ACK, we've failed.
if ( (err == 0) && kWorkaround4650646 ) {
do {
ssize_t bytesRead;
bytesRead = read(fd, &ack, sizeof(ack));
if (bytesRead == 0) {
err = EPIPE;
} else if (bytesRead == -1) {
err = errno;
} while (err == EINTR);
if ( (err == 0) && (ack != kACKData) ) {
err = EINVAL;
return err;
Document Revision HistoryDate | Notes |
2007-10-29 | First Version |
Posted: 2007-10-29