Q: I want to decompress and play Window's Microsoft ADPCM-compressed WAVE files on
the Mac, but I want to use the Sound Manager, not QuickTime. Is this possible?
A: Yes, this is possible, for the most part. However,
you must still use QuickTime, at least partially, unless you want to
write your own sound decompressor component to handle the ADPCM
sounds. You won't need to use the QuickTime API to play the sound:
you will use the Sound Manager's API, but you will still need to
ensure that QuickTime 3.0 or later is installed.
This Q&A details how you would use the QuickTime IMA sound
decompressor components that come with QuickTime 3.0 (along with the
Sound Manager's APIs) so that you can decompress and play the sound
QuickTime supplies two sound decompressor components: one for
Microsoft ADPCM compressed WAVE files, and one for Intel IMA-DVI
compressed WAVE files, whose signatures are
kMicrosoftADPCMFormat and
kDVIIntelIMAFormat , respectively.
However, playing a IMA-compressed WAVE file via the Sound Manager
is not as simple as merely specifying one of these sound
decompressors. Due to the file format variances allowed in IMA-compressed
WAVE files, the decompressor component has to be
configured so that it can correctly decompress the sound.
You configure the decompressor component by reading the 'fmt
' chunk out of the WAVE file and passing it, as a QuickTime
atom, to the appropriate decompressor component. You do not need to
do any endian conversion on the 'fmt ' chunk before you
place it in the atom, because the IMA decompressor components expect
the data to be in little endian format, exactly as it comes out of
the WAVE file.
Once the atom has been constructed, send it to the decompressor
component via SoundConverterSetInfo with the
siDecompressionParams selector.
Once this has been done, you can use the Sound Manager's
SoundConvert routines to decompress the sound into a
buffer so that you can play the uncompressed sound (because you
cannot directly play the compressed sound), or do anything else to
the uncompressed sound that you want to.
Note: Make sure that you make your buffers of compressed
data large enough; 8K is a good starting point, but you may
need to make it larger to handle every possible WAVE. If the
buffer is not large enough, the call to
SoundConverterGetBufferSizes will fail with an
the error code notEnoughBufferSpace (-207). If
you get this error you should increase the size of the
buffer and call SoundConverterGetBufferSizes
again, repeating the process until it does not return an
error (or returns an error other than
notEnoughBufferSpace ).
Here is sample code showing how to create the atom and pass it to
the decompressor component. You will need to supply your own code to
parse the WAVE file's header and extract the 'fmt '
typedef struct adpcmcoef_tag {
short iCoef1;
short iCoef2;
typedef struct waveformat_extended_tag {
short wFormatTag; /* format type */
short nChannels; /* number of channels (i.e. mono, stereo...) */
long nSamplesPerSec; /* sample rate */
long nAvgBytesPerSec; /* for buffer estimation */
short nBlockAlign; /* block size of data */
short wBitsPerSample; /* Number of bits per sample of mono data */
short cbSize; /* The count in bytes of the extra size */
typedef struct adpcmwaveformat_tag {
short wSamplesPerBlock;
short wNumCoef;
typedef struct {
long atomSize; // how big this structure is (big endian)
long atomType; // atom type - always kMicrosoftADPCMFormat
// (big endian)
// everything below here is little endian -
// right out of the wave header
} AtomMSADPCMWaveFormatEx;
typedef struct {
AudioFormatAtom formatData;
AtomMSADPCMWaveFormatEx endianData;
AudioTerminatorAtom terminatorData;
} AudioCompressionAtom, *AudioCompressionAtomPtr, **AudioCompressionAtomHandle;
OSErr ASoundGetWAVEHeader (...) {
case FormatID:
format = EndianU16_LtoN (WAVETemplate->fmt.wFormatTag);
switch (format) {
case 2: // MS ADPCM
case 17: // IMA ADPCM
BlockMoveData (&(WAVETemplate->fmt.wFormatTag), formatChunk,
EndianU32_LtoN (WAVETemplate->fmt.ckSize));
OSErr DecompressWave (...) {
AudioCompressionAtom decomAtom;
if (err == noErr) {
// Parse the WAVE file and get the 'fmt ' atom.
err = ASoundGetWAVEHeader (&theSoundInfo, &length,
if (err == noErr) {
// Figure out which type of ADPCM file we have.
switch (EndianU16_LtoN (decomAtom.endianData.adpcm.wfx.wFormatTag)) {
case 0x0002:
waveFormat = kMicrosoftADPCMFormat;
case 0x0011:
waveFormat = kDVIIntelIMAFormat;
err = badFormat;
if (err == noErr) {
inputFormat.flags = 0;
inputFormat.format = waveFormat;
inputFormat.numChannels = EndianU16_LtoN
inputFormat.sampleSize = EndianU16_LtoN
inputFormat.sampleRate = (EndianU32_LtoN
(decomAtom.endianData.adpcm.wfx.nSamplesPerSec)) << 16;
inputFormat.sampleCount = 0;
inputFormat.buffer = nil;
inputFormat.reserved = 0;
outputFormat.flags = 0;
outputFormat.format = kSoundNotCompressed;
outputFormat.numChannels = EndianU16_LtoN
outputFormat.sampleSize = 16;
outputFormat.sampleRate = (EndianU32_LtoN
(decomAtom.endianData.adpcm.wfx.nSamplesPerSec)) << 16;
outputFormat.sampleCount = 0;
outputFormat.buffer = nil;
outputFormat.reserved = 0;
err = SoundConverterOpen (&inputFormat, &outputFormat, &sc);
if (err == noErr) {
// Make atom to send to ADPCM decompressor so it knows how to
// decompress the data.
decomAtom.formatData.size = sizeof (AudioFormatAtom);
decomAtom.formatData.atomType = kAudioFormatAtomType;
decomAtom.formatData.format = waveFormat;
decomAtom.endianData.atomSize = sizeof (AtomMSADPCMWaveFormatEx);
decomAtom.endianData.atomType = waveFormat;
decomAtom.terminatorData.size = sizeof (AudioTerminatorAtom);
decomAtom.terminatorData.atomType = kAudioTerminatorAtomType;
err = SoundConverterSetInfo (sc, siDecompressionParams, &decomAtom);
if (err == noErr) {
targetBytes = 4096;
do {
targetBytes *= 2;
err = SoundConverterGetBufferSizes
(sc, targetBytes, &inputFrames, &inputBytes, &outputBytes);
} while (err == notEnoughBufferSpace && targetBytes < (MaxBlock () / 4));
From this point on, use standard sound conversion code to uncompress the sound.
[Oct 19 1998]