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Q: How do I use the graphics importer API's to read image data which resides not in a file but in memory?
A: Create a handle data reference for your data, and use the However, if you just make a "plain" handle data reference, it doesn't contain any information about the file type or file name, so QuickTime has to perform a slow search through the available graphics importers, asking each if it recognizes the data - there's no other way. As well as being slow, this will miss some file formats that can't be detected by validation. If you have the file name, you should add the file name to the handle data reference. If you know the file type and/or MIME type, you should add that as well. For information and code showing how to add these types of data to your handle data reference, refer to Technote 1195, "Tagging Handle Data References in QuickTime 4."
Here's a code snippet showing how to use the graphics importer API's to read image data that resides not in a file but in memory. You simply pass to this function in the void MyGetGraphicsImporterForHandle(Handle imageDataH, Str255 fileName, OSType fileType, StringPtr mimeTypeString, Ptr initDataPtr, Size initDataByteCount ) { OSErr err; Handle dataRef = nil; ComponentInstance gi=0; /* first create the handle data reference - refer to TechNote 1195 for the details */ dataRef = myCreateHandleDataRef( imageDataH, fileName, fileType, mimeTypeString, initDataPtr, initDataByteCount ); if (dataRef != nil) { /* now get the appropriate graphics importer component for this image */ err = GetGraphicsImporterForDataRef( dataRef, HandleDataHandlerSubType, &gi ); /* it's now safe to dispose of the data reference */ DisposeHandle(dataRef); if (err == noErr) { /* that we have the graphics importer component for this image, we can call any of the graphics importer routines to manipulate the image... */ /* close the graphics importer component instance when we are done */ CloseComponent(gi); } } } Handle myCreateHandleDataRef( Handle dataHandle, Str255 fileName, OSType fileType, StringPtr mimeTypeString, Ptr initDataPtr, Size initDataByteCount ) { OSErr err; Handle dataRef = nil; Str31 tempName; long atoms[3]; StringPtr name; // First create a data reference handle for our data err = PtrToHand( &dataHandle, &dataRef, sizeof(Handle)); if (err) goto bail; // If this is QuickTime 3 or later, we can add // the filename to the data ref to help importer // finding process. Find uses the extension. name = fileName; if (name == nil) { tempName[0] = 0; name = tempName; } // Only add the file name if we are also adding a // file type, MIME type or initialization data if ((fileType) || (mimeTypeString) || (initDataPtr)) { err = PtrAndHand(name, dataRef, name[0]+1); if (err) goto bail; } // If this is QuickTime 4, the handle data handler // can also be told the filetype and/or // MIME type by adding data ref extensions. These // help the importer finding process. // NOTE: If you add either of these, you MUST add // a filename first -- even if it is an empty Pascal // string. Under QuickTime 3, any data ref extensions // will be ignored. // to add file type, you add a classic atom followed // by the MacOS filetype for the kind of file if (fileType) { atoms[0] = EndianU32_NtoB(sizeof(long) * 3); atoms[1] = EndianU32_NtoB(kDataRefExtensionMacOSFileType); atoms[2] = EndianU32_NtoB(fileType); err = PtrAndHand(atoms, dataRef, sizeof(long) * 3); if (err) goto bail; } // to add MIME type information, add a classic atom followed by // a Pascal string holding the MIME type if (mimeTypeString) { atoms[0] = EndianU32_NtoB(sizeof(long) * 2 + mimeTypeString[0]+1); atoms[1] = EndianU32_NtoB(kDataRefExtensionMIMEType); err = PtrAndHand(atoms, dataRef, sizeof(long) * 2); if (err) goto bail; err = PtrAndHand(mimeTypeString, dataRef, mimeTypeString[0]+1); if (err) goto bail; } // add any initialization data, but only if a dataHandle was // not already specified (any initialization data is ignored // in this case) if((dataHandle == nil) && (initDataPtr)) { atoms[0] = EndianU32_NtoB(sizeof(long) * 2 + initDataByteCount); atoms[1] = EndianU32_NtoB(kDataRefExtensionInitializationData); err = PtrAndHand(atoms, dataRef, sizeof(long) * 2); if (err) goto bail; err = PtrAndHand(initDataPtr, dataRef, initDataByteCount); if (err) goto bail; } return dataRef; bail: if (dataRef) { // make sure and dispose the data reference handle // once we are done with it DisposeHandle(dataRef); } return nil; }
Note that you can dispose the handle data reference (
Alternately, you can use the void MyGetGraphicsImporterForHandle(OSType dataType, Handle imageDataHandle) { OSErr err; ComponentInstance ci=0; /* get the appropriate graphics importer component for this image */ err = OpenADefaultComponent(GraphicsImporterComponentType, dataType, &ci); if (err == noErr) { ComponentResult result; /* now specify the handle in which the graphics data resides. NOTE: For PICTs, imageDataHandle must include the standard 512 byte header. */ result = GraphicsImportSetDataHandle(ci, imageDataHandle); /* we can call any of the graphics importer routines to manipulate the image...*/ /* make sure and close the component when we are done */ err = CloseComponent(ci); } } [Apr 03 2000] |