Leopard Reference
This page lists new and recently changed documents, including Articles, Guides, Reference, Release Notes, Sample Code, Technical Notes, and Technical Q&As. Most documents have a revision history, which details additions and changes to that document since the previous version. Look for "Revision History" at the bottom of the document or in the document's table of contents.

Items are listed in reverse chronological order by publication date. To see the list sorted by the type of revision, click Sort by Revision Type. Items published for the first time (First Version) will be at the top of the list, followed by items with new or changed content (Content Update), followed by items with small fixes, such as typos and format errors, but no significant content changes (Minor Change).

New and updated Reference Library documents are announced in the bi-weekly Apple Developer Connection News, available as an option to ADC members. See the Membership Overview page for details on joining.
Document Revision Descriptions
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2009-01-06 vDSP Correlation, Convolution, and Filtering Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected inaccuracies in documenting function parameters.
Minor Change Carbon
2009-01-06 vDSP Matrix Operations Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Includes vDSP_mmov and vDSP_mmovD.
Content Update Carbon
2009-01-06 vDSP One-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transforms Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Minor Change Carbon
2009-01-07 vDSP Single-Vector Operations Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Minor Change Carbon
2008-11-19 vDSP Two-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transforms Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Improved function discussions and corrected formulae.
Minor Change Carbon
2009-01-06 vDSP Vector-To-Scalar Operations Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Minor fixes to pseudocode and function parameter descriptions.
Minor Change Carbon
2009-01-06 vDSP Vector-to-Vector Arithmetic Operations Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added more detailed descriptions of function parameters.
Minor Change Carbon
2009-01-06 vecLib Framework Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected the Availability of the vForce.h functions.
Minor Change Carbon
2009-01-02 NSAutoreleasePool Class Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Changed "managed memory environment" to "reference-counted environment" throughout.
Minor Change Cocoa
2009-01-06 vecLib Framework Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected the Availability of the vForce.h functions.
Minor Change General
2009-01-06 vDSP Correlation, Convolution, and Filtering Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected inaccuracies in documenting function parameters.
Minor Change Vector Engines
2009-01-06 vDSP Matrix Operations Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Includes vDSP_mmov and vDSP_mmovD.
Content Update Vector Engines
2009-01-06 vDSP One-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transforms Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Minor Change Vector Engines
2008-10-15 vDSP Reference Collection (HTML) (PDF)
Fixed several formulaic inaccuracies. Improved discussion on the proper usage of the vDSP_create_fftsetup functions.
Minor Change Vector Engines
2009-01-07 vDSP Single-Vector Operations Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Minor Change Vector Engines
2008-11-19 vDSP Two-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transforms Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Improved function discussions and corrected formulae.
Minor Change Vector Engines
2009-01-06 vDSP Vector-To-Scalar Operations Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Minor fixes to pseudocode and function parameter descriptions.
Minor Change Vector Engines
2009-01-06 vDSP Vector-to-Vector Arithmetic Operations Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Added more detailed descriptions of function parameters.
Minor Change Vector Engines
2009-01-06 vecLib Framework Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Corrected the Availability of the vForce.h functions.
Minor Change Vector Engines