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Leopard Reference Library: Tools
Apple's suite of developer tools includes a number of optimization tools to help developers gather performace metrics, as well as identify and eliminate inefficiencies in their code. Code-profiling applications such as Shark show where an application is spending its time. Developers can use tools such as MallocDebug to help track down memory leaks and analyze memory use. Using these and other tools provided by Apple, developers can fine-tune their applications for high performance.

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Improving Your Software with Xcode andStatic Code Analysis Techniques (HTML)
Learn about static analysis and get started using it with an Xcode project.
Articles 2006-07-10
Optimizing Your Application with System Trace in Shark 4 (HTML)
See how your code interacts with Mac OS X using the power of Shark.
Articles 2006-01-30
Optimizing Your Applications with Shark 4 (HTML)
Learn how using Shark 4 can help you dramatically improve performance in your application.
Articles 2004-11-08
Optimizing with Shark: Big Payoff, Small Effort (HTML)
Learn to improve your application's performance by sampling a real application using Shark.
Articles 2004-01-19
Maximizing Mac OS X Application Performance (HTML)
Learn how to achieve better performance on Mac OS X.
Articles 2003-06-23
Instruments User Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the Instruments application and explains how to use it to examine program behavior.
Guides 2008-10-15
Shark User Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to analyze code performance by profiling the system.
Guides 2008-04-14
Big Top User Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to monitor the use of resources on Macintosh computers, locally and over a network.
Guides 2007-10-31
Saturn 4.5 User Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to analyze a program's function-calling structure.
Guides 2007-10-31
Performance Overview (HTML) (PDF)
Introduces the factors that determine performance.
Guides 2006-10-03
Code Size Performance Guidelines (HTML) (PDF)
Guidelines for reducing the size of an application binary.
Guides 2006-06-28
Memory Usage Performance Guidelines (HTML) (PDF)
Guidelines for improving the performance of memory-related code.
Guides 2006-06-28
Launch Time Performance Guidelines (HTML) (PDF)
Guidelines for improving the launch performance of an application.
Guides 2006-04-04
Code Speed Performance Guidelines (HTML) (PDF)
Guidelines for improving the performance and efficiency of code.
Guides 2005-07-07
File-System Performance Guidelines (HTML) (PDF)
Guidelines for improving the performance of file-related code.
Guides 2005-07-07
Malloc Debug Environment Variables Release Notes (HTML)
Release Notes 2005-04-29
Test64BitMultiprec (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Implements (PPC) A*Y+B where A & B are arrays of 64-bit words and Y is a 64-bit integer
Sample Code 2006-06-09
Fractal Performance (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Three fractal applications that show various bottlenecks and how they can be fixed.
Sample Code 2006-04-17
Ensuring Backwards Binary Compatibility - Weak Linking and Availability Macros on Mac OS X (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2064: Ensuring that Mach-O applications built using today's Mac OS X runs on previous versions of the OS.
Technical Notes 2003-02-18
GDB for MacsBug Veterans (HTML)
TN2030: Translate your experience with MacsBug into a working knowledge of the GNU source-level debugger (GDB).
Technical Notes 2001-10-18
Disabling Processor Cores on a Multi-Core System (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1141: Describes how to disable processor cores on a multi-core system for testing purposes.
Technical Q&As 2008-09-16
Common QA and Roadmap for USB Software Development on Mac OS X (HTML)
QA1370: Roadmap for development of USB Software on Mac OS X and some Common Questions and Answers
Technical Q&As 2006-02-28
Changing the TCP Window Size (HTML)
NW47: Describes how to change the TCP window size in Open Transport.
Technical Q&As 1997-03-14