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Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.

Current information on this Reference Library topic can be found here:

Finding Drivers in the Unit Table


This note will explain how code can be written to determine the reference number of a previously installed driver when only the name is known.

You should already be familiar with The Device Manager chapter of Inside Macintosh before reading this technical note.

 Updated: [February 01 1986]

Obtaining a drive reference number

The Pascal code at the end of this note demonstrates how to obtain the reference number of a driver that has been installed in the Unit Table. The reference number may then be used in subsequent calls to the Device Manager such as Open, Control and Prime.

One thing to note is that the dRAMBased bit really only tells you whether dCtlDriver is a pointer or a handle, not necessarily whether the driver is in ROM or RAM. SCSI drivers, for instance, are in RAM but not relocatable; their DCE entries contain pointers to them.

From MPW Pascal:

    PROCEDURE GetDrvrRefNum(driverName: Str255; VAR drvrRefNum: INTEGER);

          WordPtr      = ^INTEGER;

          UTableBase   = $11C;     {low memory globals}
          UnitNtryCnt  = $1D2;

          dRAMBased    = 6;        {bit in dCtlFlags that indicates ROM/RAM}
          drvrName     = $12;      {length byte and name of driver [string]}

          negCount    : INTEGER;
          DCEH        : DCtlHandle;
          drivePtr    : Ptr;
          s           : Str255;

          UprString(driverName, FALSE); {force same case for compare}

          negCount := - WordPtr(UnitNtryCnt)^; {get -(table size)}
          {Check to see that driver is installed, obtain refNum.}
          {Assumes that an Open was done previously -- probably by an INIT.}
          {Driver doesn't have to be open now, though.}

          drvrRefNum := - 12 + 1;  {we'll start with driver refnum = -12,
                                    right after .ATP entry}

          {Look through unit table until the driver found or reach the end.}

             drvrRefNum := drvrRefNum - 1; {bump to next refnum}
             DCEH := GetDCtlEntry(drvrRefNum); {get handle to DCE}

             s := '';              {no driver, no name}

             IF DCEH <> NIL THEN
                WITH DCEH^^ DO BEGIN     {this is safe -- no chance of heap
                        moving before dCtlFlags/dCtlDriver

         IF (dCtlDriver <> NIL) THEN BEGIN
                    IF BTST(dCtlFlags, dRAMBased) THEN
                       drivePtr := Handle(dCtlDriver)^ {zee derÉference}
                       drivePtr := Ptr(dCtlDriver);

                    IF drivePtr <> NIL THEN BEGIN
                       s := StringPtr(ORD4(drivePtr) + drvrName)^;
                       UprString(s,FALSE); {force same case for compare}
         END;             {IF}
                END;               {WITH}
          UNTIL (s = driverName) OR (drvrRefNum = negCount);

          {Loop until we find it or we've just looked at the last slot.}

          IF s <> driverName THEN drvrRefNum := 0; {can't find driver}

From MPW C:

short       GetDrvrRefNum(driverName)
char        *driverName[256];

{  /* GetDrvrRefNum */

    #define        UnitNtryCnt    0x1d2

    /*bit in dCtlFlags that indicates ROM/RAM*/
    #define          dRAMBased     6
    /*length byte and name of driver [string]*/
    #define          drvrName      0x12

    short            negCount,dRef;
    DCtlHandle        DCEH;
    char            *drivePtr,*s;

    negCount = -*(short *)(UnitNtryCnt); /*get -(table size)*/

    /*Check to see that driver is installed, obtain refNum.*/
    /*Assumes that an Open was done previously -- probably by an INIT.*/
    /*Driver doesn't have to be open now, though.*/

    dRef = -12 + 1;  /*we'll start with driver refnum == -12,
                        right after .ATP entry*/

    /*Look through unit table until we find driver or reach the end.*/

    do {
        dRef -= 1; /*bump to next refnum*/
        DCEH = GetDCtlEntry(dRef); /*get handle to DCE*/

        s = "";

        if ((DCEH != nil) && ( (**DCEH).dCtlDriver != nil) )
            if (((**DCEH).dCtlFlags >> dRAMBased) & 1)
                            /* test dRamBased bit */
                drivePtr = *(Handle) (**DCEH).dCtlDriver;
                            /*zee derÉference*/
                drivePtr = (**DCEH).dCtlDriver;

            if (drivePtr != nil)
                s = drivePtr + drvrName;
    } while (!(EqualString(s,driverName,0,0)) && (dRef != negCount));
    /*Loop until we find it or we've just looked at the last slot.*/

    if (EqualString(s,driverName,0,0))
        return dRef;
        return 0; /*can't find driver*/
}/* GetDrvrRefNum */

That's all there is to locating a driver and picking up the reference number.

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The Device Manager chapter of Inside Macintosh

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Change History

Changes since 01-February-1986

Corrected the C sample code specifically for "do...while" loop to continue while the driverName did not match that of the name of the driver for a unit entry.

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Acrobat version of this Note (52K)


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