This document explains how to initialize a disk as either single- or double-sided. It only applies to 800K drives, of course.
Updated: [February 01 1986]
Calling the disk driver
You can call the disk driver to initialize a disk and determine programmatically whether
it should be initialized as single- (MFS) or double- (HFS) sided. All you have to do is call
the .Sony driver directly to do the formatting then the Disk Initialization Package
to write the directory information.
This is not the way you should normally format disks within an application.
If the user puts in an unformatted disk, you should let her or him decide whether it becomes single- or double-sided via the Disk Initialization
dialog. This automatically happens when you call DIBadMount or the user inserts a disk while in Standard File. The intent of this technical note
is to provide a means for specific applications to produce, say, 400K disks. An example might be a production disk copying program.
From MPW Pascal:
error: OSErr;
paramBlock: ParamBlockRec; {needs OSIntf}
WITH paramBlock DO BEGIN
ioRefNum := -5; {.Sony driver}
ioVRefNum := 1; {drive number}
csCode := 6; {format control code}
IPtr:=@csParam; {pretend it's an INTEGER}
IPtr^:=1; {number of sides}
error:=PBControl(@paramBlock, FALSE); {do the call}
IF error=ControlErr THEN
{you are under MFS, which doesn't support control code 6, but it}
{would always get formatted single-sided anyway.}
{other errors are possible: ioErr, etc.}
From MPW C:
OSErr error;
CntrlParam paramBlock;
paramBlock.ioCRefNum = -5; /*.Sony driver*/
paramBlock.ioVRefNum = 1; /*drive number*/
paramBlock.csCode = 6; /*format control code*/
paramBlock.csParam[0]=1; /*for single sided,2 for double-sided*/
error=PBControl(¶mBlock, false);/*do the call*/
if (error==controlErr) ;
/*you are under MFS, which doesn't support control code 6, but it*/
/*would always get formatted single-sided anyway.*/
/*other errors are possible: ioErr, etc.*/
You then call DIZero to write a standard (MFS or HFS) directory. It will
produce MFS if you formatted it single-sided, and HFS if you formatted double-sided.
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The Disk Driver
The Disk Initialization Package
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