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PBShare, PBUnshare, and PBGetUGEntry


This Technical Note documents three new File Manager routines available on shared local volumes. The Pascal glue code, C glue code, and the assembler equates and macros for the calls are included in this note.

[Oct 01 1991]

PBShare, PBUnshare, and PBGetUGEntry

Three new File Manager routines, PBShare, PBUnshare and PBGetUGEntry are available on local volumes that have File Sharing enabled. These three routines are necessary to implement a "Sharing" dialog used to make a volume or directory a "share point" on the network and to set the Owner and User/Group of a shared folder. (For a description of share points, see Macintosh Technical Note #301.) The PBShare routine makes a volume or folder a share point. The PBUnshare routine undoes the effect of PBShare; it makes a share point unavailable on the network. The PBGetUGEntry routine lets you access the list of User and Group names and IDs on the local file server.

File Sharing should be on and the volume should be sharable before you call these three routines. You can check to see if File Sharing is turned on and that the local volume is sharable by calling the PBHGetVolParms routine and checking the bHasPersonalAccessPrivileges (local File Sharing is enabled) bit returned in the vMAttrib field of the GetVolParmsInfoBuffer. File Sharing is turned on if local File Sharing is enabled on any mounted volume. A portion of a volume can be shared only if local File Sharing is enabled on that volume. The following two functions can be used for these checks:

FUNCTION VolIsSharable (vRefNum: Integer): Boolean;
    {See if local File Sharing is enabled on the volume specified by vRefNum}
        pb: HParamBlockRec;
        infoBuffer: GetVolParmsInfoBuffer;
        err: OSErr;
      WITH pb DO
          ioNamePtr := NIL;
          ioVRefNum := vRefNum;
          ioBuffer := @infoBuffer;
          ioReqCount := SizeOf(infoBuffer);
      err := PBHGetVolParmsSync(@pb);
      IF err = noErr THEN
        IF BTst(infoBuffer.vMAttrib, bHasPersonalAccessPrivileges) THEN
          VolIsSharable := TRUE
          VolIsSharable := FALSE
        VolIsSharable := FALSE;

    FUNCTION SharingIsOn: Boolean;
    {See if File Sharing is turned on by seeing if any volume has}
    {local File Sharing enabled}

        pb: HParamBlockRec;
        err: OSErr;
        volIndex: Integer;
        sharing: Boolean;

      sharing := FALSE; {assume File Sharing is off}
      volIndex := 1;
        WITH pb DO
            ioNamePtr := NIL;
            ioVolIndex := volIndex;
        err := PBHGetVInfoSync(@pb);
        IF err = noErr THEN
          sharing := VolIsSharable(pb.ioVRefNum);
        volIndex := volIndex + 1;
      UNTIL (err <> noErr) OR sharing; {stop if error or if a volume has}
                                       {local File Sharing enabled}
      SharingIsOn := sharing;

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The Routines

Assembly-Language Note: These routines are called through the _HFSDispatch macro with register A0 pointing to the parameter block and register D0 containing a routine selector. When your completion routine is called, register A0 points to the parameter block of the asynchronous call and register D0 contains the result code. See Inside Macintosh Volume IV, pages IV-115 through IV-119, for detailed information.


FUNCTION PBShare (paramblock: HParmBlkPtr; async: Boolean) : OSErr;

Trap Macro _Share

Routine selector $42

Parameter Block

-> 12 ioCompletion long pointer to completion routine

<- 16 ioResult word result code

-> 18 ioNamePtr long pointer to directory name

-> 22 ioVRefNum word volume specification

-> 48 ioDirID long parent directory ID

PBShare makes the directory pointed to by the ioNamePtr/ioDirID pair on the volume specified by ioVRefNum a share point.

Field descriptions

ioCompletion Longword input pointer: A pointer to the completion routine.

ioResult Word result value: Result code.

ioNamePtr Longword input pointer: Points to the directory name, or NIL if ioDirID is the directory ID.

ioVRefNum Word input value: The volume specification (volume reference number, working directory reference number, drive number, or 0 for default volume).

ioDirID Longword input value: The directory or parent directory specification.

Result codes

noErr 0 No error

tmfoErr -42 Too many share points

fnfErr -43 File not found

dupFNErr -48 There is already a share point with this name

paramErr -50 This function is not supported

dirNFErr -120 Directory not found

afpAccessDenied -5000 This folder cannot be shared

afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Object was a file, not a directory

afpContainsSharedErr -5033 The directory contains a share point

afpInsideSharedErr -5043 The directory is inside a shared directory

Pascal glue code for PBShare:

    FUNCTION PBShare (paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr; async: BOOLEAN): OSErr;
      INLINE $101F,  { MOVE.B     (A7)+,D0   }
             $205F,  { MOVEA.L    (A7)+,A0   }
             $6606,  { BNE.S      *+$0008    }
             $7042,  { MOVEQ      #$42,D0    }
             $A260,  { _FSDispatch,Immed     }
             $6004,  { BRA.S      *+$0006    }
             $7042,  { MOVEQ      #$42,D0    }
             $A660,  { _FSDispatch,Sys,Immed }
             $3E80;  { MOVE.W     D0,(A7)    }

    FUNCTION PBShareSync (paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr): OSErr;
      INLINE $205F,  { MOVEA.L    (A7)+,A0   }
             $7042,  { MOVEQ      #$42,D0    }
             $A260,  { _FSDispatch,Immed     }
             $3E80;  { MOVE.W     D0,(A7)    }

    FUNCTION PBShareAsync (paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr): OSErr;
      INLINE $205F,  { MOVEA.L    (A7)+,A0   }
             $7042,  { MOVEQ      #$42,D0    }
             $A660,  { _FSDispatch,Sys,Immed }
             $3E80;  { MOVE.W     D0,(A7)    }

MPW C v3.1 glue code for PBShare:

    pascal OSErr PBShare (HParmBlkPtr paramBlock, Boolean async)
      = {0x101F,   /* MOVE.B     (A7)+,D0   */
         0x205F,   /* MOVEA.L    (A7)+,A0   */
         0x6606,   /* BNE.S      *+$0008    */
         0x7042,   /* MOVEQ      #$42,D0    */
         0xA260,   /* _FSDispatch,Immed     */
         0x6004,   /* BRA.S      *+$0006    */
         0x7042,   /* MOVEQ      #$42,D0    */
         0xA660,   /* _FSDispatch,Sys,Immed */
         0x3E80};  /* MOVE.W     D0,(A7)    */

    pascal OSErr PBShareSync (HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
      = {0x205F,   /* MOVEA.L    (A7)+,A0   */
         0x7042,   /* MOVEQ      #$42,D0    */
         0xA260,   /* _FSDispatch,Immed     */
         0x3E80};  /* MOVE.W     D0,(A7)    */

    pascal OSErr PBShareAsync (HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
      = {0x205F,   /* MOVEA.L    (A7)+,A0   */
         0x7042,   /* MOVEQ      #$42,D0    */
         0xA660,   /* _FSDispatch,Sys,Immed */
         0x3E80};  /* MOVE.W     D0,(A7)    */

MPW C v3.2 glue code for PBShare:

    pascal OSErr PBShare (HParmBlkPtr paramBlock, Boolean async)
      = {0x101F,   /* MOVE.B     (A7)+,D0   */
         0x205F,   /* MOVEA.L    (A7)+,A0   */
         0x6606,   /* BNE.S      *+$0008    */
         0x7042,   /* MOVEQ      #$42,D0    */
         0xA260,   /* _FSDispatch,Immed     */
         0x6004,   /* BRA.S      *+$0006    */
         0x7042,   /* MOVEQ      #$42,D0    */
         0xA660,   /* _FSDispatch,Sys,Immed */
         0x3E80};  /* MOVE.W     D0,(A7)    */

    #pragma parameter __D0 PBShareSync(__A0)
    pascal OSErr PBShareSync (HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
      = {0x7042,   /* MOVEQ      #$42,D0    */
         0xA260};  /* _FSDispatch,Immed     */

    #pragma parameter __D0 PBShareAsync(__A0)
    pascal OSErr PBShareAsync (HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
      = {0x7042,   /* MOVEQ      #$42,D0    */
         0xA660};  /* _FSDispatch,Sys,Immed */

Assembler equate and macro for _Share:

    selectShare         EQU   $42

 _Share &async1,&async2
DoHFSDispatch selectShare,&async1,&async2


FUNCTION PBUnshare (paramblock: HParmBlkPtr; async: Boolean) : OSErr;

Trap Macro _Unshare

Routine selector $43

Parameter Block

-> 12 ioCompletion long pointer to completion routine

<- 16 ioResult word result code

-> 18 ioNamePtr long pointer to directory name

-> 22 ioVRefNum word volume specification

-> 48 ioDirID long parent directory ID

PBUnshare makes the share point pointed to by the ioNamePtr/ioDirID pair on the volume specified by ioVRefNum unavailable on the network; it undoes the effect of PBShare.

Field descriptions

ioCompletion Longword input pointer: A pointer to the completion routine.

ioResult Word result value: Result code.

ioNamePtr Longword input pointer: Points to the directory name, or NIL if ioDirID is the directory ID.

ioVRefNum Word input value: The volume specification (volume reference number, working directory reference number, drive number, or 0 for default volume).

ioDirID Longword input value: The directory or parent directory specification.

Result codes

noErr 0 No error

fnfErr -43 File not found

dirNFErr -120 Directory not found

afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Object was a file, not a directory, or this directory is not a share point

Pascal glue code for PBUnshare:

    FUNCTION PBUnshare (paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr; async: BOOLEAN): OSErr;
      INLINE $101F,  { MOVE.B     (A7)+,D0   }
             $205F,  { MOVEA.L    (A7)+,A0   }
             $6606,  { BNE.S      *+$0008    }
             $7043,  { MOVEQ      #$43,D0    }
             $A260,  { _FSDispatch,Immed     }
             $6004,  { BRA.S      *+$0006    }
             $7043,  { MOVEQ      #$43,D0    }
             $A660,  { _FSDispatch,Sys,Immed }
             $3E80;  { MOVE.W     D0,(A7)    }

    FUNCTION PBUnshareSync (paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr): OSErr;
      INLINE $205F,  { MOVEA.L    (A7)+,A0   }
             $7043,  { MOVEQ      #$43,D0    }
             $A260,  { _FSDispatch,Immed     }
             $3E80;  { MOVE.W     D0,(A7)    }

    FUNCTION PBUnshareAsync (paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr): OSErr;
      INLINE $205F,  { MOVEA.L    (A7)+,A0   }
             $7043,  { MOVEQ      #$43,D0    }
             $A660,  { _FSDispatch,Sys,Immed }
             $3E80;  { MOVE.W     D0,(A7)    }

MPW C v3.1 glue code for PBUnshare:

    pascal OSErr PBUnshare (HParmBlkPtr paramBlock, Boolean async)
      = {0x101F,   /* MOVE.B     (A7)+,D0   */
         0x205F,   /* MOVEA.L    (A7)+,A0   */
         0x6606,   /* BNE.S      *+$0008    */
         0x7043,   /* MOVEQ      #$43,D0    */
         0xA260,   /* _FSDispatch,Immed     */
         0x6004,   /* BRA.S      *+$0006    */
         0x7043,   /* MOVEQ      #$43,D0    */
         0xA660,   /* _FSDispatch,Sys,Immed */
         0x3E80};  /* MOVE.W     D0,(A7)    */

    pascal OSErr PBUnshareSync (HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
      = {0x205F,   /* MOVEA.L    (A7)+,A0   */
         0x7043,   /* MOVEQ      #$43,D0    */
         0xA260,   /* _FSDispatch,Immed     */
         0x3E80};  /* MOVE.W     D0,(A7)    */

    pascal OSErr PBUnshareAsync (HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
      = {0x205F,   /* MOVEA.L    (A7)+,A0   */
         0x7043,   /* MOVEQ      #$43,D0    */
         0xA660,   /* _FSDispatch,Sys,Immed */
         0x3E80};  /* MOVE.W     D0,(A7)    */

MPW C v3.2 glue code for PBUnshare:

    pascal OSErr PBUnshare (HParmBlkPtr paramBlock, Boolean async)
      = {0x101F,   /* MOVE.B     (A7)+,D0   */
         0x205F,   /* MOVEA.L    (A7)+,A0   */
         0x6606,   /* BNE.S      *+$0008    */
         0x7043,   /* MOVEQ      #$43,D0    */
         0xA260,   /* _FSDispatch,Immed     */
         0x6004,   /* BRA.S      *+$0006    */
         0x7043,   /* MOVEQ      #$43,D0    */
         0xA660,   /* _FSDispatch,Sys,Immed */
         0x3E80};  /* MOVE.W     D0,(A7)    */

    #pragma parameter __D0 PBUnshareSync(__A0)
    pascal OSErr PBUnshareSync (HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
      = {0x7043,   /* MOVEQ      #$43,D0    */
         0xA260};  /* _FSDispatch,Immed     */

    #pragma parameter __D0 PBUnshareAsync(__A0)
    pascal OSErr PBUnshareAsync (HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
      = {0x7043,   /* MOVEQ      #$43,D0    */
         0xA660};  /* _FSDispatch,Sys,Immed */

Assembler equate and macro for _Unshare:

    selectUnshare         EQU   $43

_Unshare &async1,&async2
DoHFSDispatch selectUnshare,&async1,&async2


FUNCTION PBGetUGEntry (paramblock: HParmBlkPtr; async: Boolean) : OSErr;

Trap Macro _GetUGEntry

Routine selector $44

Parameter Block

-> 12 ioCompletion long pointer to completion routine

<- 16 ioResult word result code

-> 26 ioObjType word object type function code

-> 28 ioObjNamePtr long ptr to returned user/group name

<-> 32 ioObjID long user/group ID

PBGetUGEntry asks the local file server for the next user or group in its list. PBGetUGEntry returns the user or group name and the user or group ID.

Field descriptions

ioCompletion Longword input pointer: A pointer to the completion routine.

ioResult Word result value: Result code.

ioObjType Word input value: Determines the type of object to be returned, as follows:

$0000 return next user

$FFFF return next group

ioObjNamePtr Longword input pointer: Points to a result buffer where the user or group name is to be returned. If the pointer is NIL, then no name is returned. The name is returned as a Pascal string with a maximum size of 31 characters (Str31).

ioObjID Longword input/result value: The server will return the first user or group whose name is alphabetically next from the user specified by ioObjID. Setting ioObjID to 0 will return the first user or group. On return, ioObjID will be the user or group's ID.

You can enumerate the user or group list in alphabetical order by calling this routine again and again without changing the parameter block until the result code fnfErr is returned.

Result codes

noErr 0 No error

paramErr -50 The ioObjID is negative or this function is not supported

fnfErr -43 There are no more users or groups to return

Pascal glue code for PBGetUGEntry:

    FUNCTION PBGetUGEntry (paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr;
      async: BOOLEAN): OSErr;
      INLINE $101F,  { MOVE.B     (A7)+,D0   }
             $205F,  { MOVEA.L    (A7)+,A0   }
             $6606,  { BNE.S      *+$0008    }
             $7044,  { MOVEQ      #$44,D0    }
             $A260,  { _FSDispatch,Immed     }
             $6004,  { BRA.S      *+$0006    }
             $7044,  { MOVEQ      #$44,D0    }
             $A660,  { _FSDispatch,Sys,Immed }
             $3E80;  { MOVE.W     D0,(A7)    }

    FUNCTION PBGetUGEntrySync (paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr):
      INLINE $205F,  { MOVEA.L    (A7)+,A0   }
             $7044,  { MOVEQ      #$44,D0    }
             $A260,  { _FSDispatch,Immed     }
             $3E80;  { MOVE.W     D0,(A7)    }

    FUNCTION PBGetUGEntryAsync (paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr):
      INLINE $205F,  { MOVEA.L    (A7)+,A0   }
             $7044,  { MOVEQ      #$44,D0    }
             $A660,  { _FSDispatch,Sys,Immed }
             $3E80;  { MOVE.W     D0,(A7)    }

MPW C v3.1 glue code for PBGetUGEntry:

    pascal OSErr PBGetUGEntry (HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,
         Boolean async)
      = {0x101F,   /* MOVE.B     (A7)+,D0   */
         0x205F,   /* MOVEA.L    (A7)+,A0   */
         0x6606,   /* BNE.S      *+$0008    */
         0x7044,   /* MOVEQ      #$44,D0    */
         0xA260,   /* _FSDispatch,Immed     */
         0x6004,   /* BRA.S      *+$0006    */
         0x7044,   /* MOVEQ      #$44,D0    */
         0xA660,   /* _FSDispatch,Sys,Immed */
         0x3E80};  /* MOVE.W     D0,(A7)    */

    pascal OSErr PBGetUGEntrySync (HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
      = {0x205F,   /* MOVEA.L    (A7)+,A0   */
         0x7044,   /* MOVEQ      #$44,D0    */
         0xA260,   /* _FSDispatch,Immed     */
         0x3E80};  /* MOVE.W     D0,(A7)    */

    pascal OSErr PBGetUGEntryAsync (HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
      = {0x205F,   /* MOVEA.L    (A7)+,A0   */
         0x7044,   /* MOVEQ      #$44,D0    */
         0xA660,   /* _FSDispatch,Sys,Immed */
         0x3E80};  /* MOVE.W     D0,(A7)    */

MPW C v3.2 glue code for PBGetUGEntry:

    pascal OSErr PBGetUGEntry (HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,
         Boolean async)
      = {0x101F,   /* MOVE.B     (A7)+,D0   */
         0x205F,   /* MOVEA.L    (A7)+,A0   */
         0x6606,   /* BNE.S      *+$0008    */
         0x7044,   /* MOVEQ      #$44,D0    */
         0xA260,   /* _FSDispatch,Immed     */
         0x6004,   /* BRA.S      *+$0006    */
         0x7044,   /* MOVEQ      #$44,D0    */
         0xA660,   /* _FSDispatch,Sys,Immed */
         0x3E80};  /* MOVE.W     D0,(A7)    */

    #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetUGEntrySync(__A0)
    pascal OSErr PBGetUGEntrySync (HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
      = {0x7044,   /* MOVEQ      #$44,D0    */
         0xA260};  /* _FSDispatch,Immed     */

    #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetUGEntryAsync(__A0)
    pascal OSErr PBGetUGEntryAsync (HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
      = {0x7044,   /* MOVEQ      #$44,D0    */
         0xA660};  /* _FSDispatch,Sys,Immed */

Assembler equate and macro for _GetUGEntry:

    selectGetUGEntry    EQU   $44

_GetUGEntry &async1,&async2
DoHFSDispatch selectGetUGEntry,&async1,&async2

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Inside Macintosh, Volume IV, The File Manager

Inside Macintosh, Volume V, File Manager Extensions In a Shared Environment

Inside Macintosh, Volume VI, The File Manager

Inside AppleTalk, AppleTalk Filing Protocol

Technical Note M.FL.FileShare , File Sharing and Shared Folders

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