This Technical Note discusses the new features and calls available with
AppleTalk Phase 2.
[Aug 01 1989]
AppleTalk Phase 2 is only available on Macintosh Plus or later Macintosh
platforms, and it requires the installation of AppleTalk file V53, or greater.
Both EtherTalk 2.0 and TokenTalk 2.0 automatically install this AppleTalk file.
Developer Technical Support can supply the Phase 2 drivers for development use;
however, if you need to include the Phase 2 drivers in your product, you must
license them from Software Licensing. For more information, contact:
Apple Software Licensing
Apple Computer, Inc.,
20525 Mariani Avenue, M/S 38-I
Cupertino, CA, 95014
(408) 974-4667
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What is AppleTalk Phase 2?
AppleTalk Phase 2 contains enhancements to the routing and naming services of
AppleTalk. Among these enhancements is the ability to create AppleTalk
networks which support more than 254 nodes, and to do so in a manner that is,
to the greatest extent possible, compatible with current AppleTalk
implementations and applications. Multiple zones per network are now
supported, and users can choose their machine's zone. Benefits include
improved network traffic and better router selection. New calls and features
have been implemented with this enhancement and are documented in this Note.
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Are AppleTalk Phase 2 Drivers Present?
So you want to use these new calls and features, but can you? First, one needs
to check to see if the node is running AppleTalk Phase 2. There are two ways
this can be accomplished. The easiest way is to make a _SysEnvirons
call and check the returned atDrvrVersNum field. If this byte is
greater than or equal to 53, then AppleTalk Phase 2 drivers are present. If,
for some reason, a _SysEnvirons call is not practical or otherwise not
possible, one can check 7 bytes off the device control entry for the .MPP
driver for a single byte, which is the driver version (actually the low byte of
the qFlags field of DCtlQHdr in the DCE). Again, if this
byte is 53 or greater, AppleTalk Phase 2 is present, and the calls and features
outlined in this Note may be used.
Calls to the .MPP Driver
AppleTalk Phase 2 introduces many new variables, and we highly recommend that
you use the new GetAppleTalkInfo call instead of looking at MPP
globals directly. In addition, on a Macintosh running the AppleTalk Internet
Router software, there may be more than one .MPP driver present. These
additional drivers can be found by walking through the unit table
(UTableBase $11C) and looking for drivers named .MPP other than at
unit slot 9. Generally, the only port of interest to you is the user port,
reflected in this call as PortID 0 with a refnum of -10.
Parameter Block
--> 26 csCode word ; always GetAppleTalkInfo (258)
--> 28 Version word ; requested info version
<-- 30 VarsPtr pointer ; pointer to well known MPP vars
<-- 34 DCEPtr pointer ; pointer to MPP DCE
<-- 38 PortID word ; port number [0..7]
<-- 40 Configuration long ; 32-bit configuration word
<-- 44 SelfSend word ; non zero if SelfSend enabled
<-- 46 NetLo word ; low value of network range
<-- 48 NetHi word ; high value of network range
<-- 50 OurAddr long ; our 24-bit AppleTalk address
<-- 54 RouterAddr long ; 24-bit address of (last) router
<-- 58 NumOfPHs word ; max. number of protocol handlers
<-- 60 NumOfSkts word ; max. number of static sockets
<-- 62 NumNBPEs word ; max. concurrent NBP requests
<-- 64 NTQueue pointer ; pointer to registered name queue
<-> 68 *LAlength word ; length in bytes of data link addr
--> 70 *LinkAddr pointer ; data link address returned
--> 74 *ZoneName pointer ; zone name returned
This call is provided to simplify the task of obtaining details about the
current AppleTalk network connection. The following are the parameters which
this call returns:
Version is passed by the caller. The concept is similar to one used by
_SysEnvirons , where a version ID is passed to the function to return a
requested level of information. If the driver cannot respond because this
number is too high, paramErr is returned. The current version number
is 1.
VarsPtr is the pointer to AppleTalk variables. This points to the well
known sysLapAddr and read header area or RHA.. This pointer may not
be equal to $2D8 (ABusVars ) for other than port 0.
DCEPtr is a pointer to the driver's device control entry. See the Device
Manager chapters of Inside Macintosh for details.
PortID is the port number, and it is always zero, unless a router is
active and a driver refnum other than -10 is used.
Configuration is a 32-bit word of configuration flags. Currently only the
following bits are returned:
31 (SrvAdrBit ) is true if server node-ID was requested at open time.
Note that even if server address is requested, it may be ignored by those ADEVs
which do not honor it (i.e., EtherTalk, TokenTalk, etc.).
30 (RouterBit ) is true if an AppleTalk Internet Router was loaded at
system startup. Note that a router may be loaded, but not active.
7 (BadZoneHintBit ) is true if the node's zone name hint is invalid,
thus causing a default zone to be selected.
6 (OneZoneBit ) is true if only one zone is assigned to an extended
SelfSend (the ability for a node to send packets to itself) is non-zero if
this feature is currently enabled.
NetLo is the low value of the network range. Non-extended networks always
have a range of exactly one network, if the network number is known.
NetHi is the high value of the network range.
OurAddr is the 24-bit AppleTalk network address of the node. The most
significant byte is always zero.
RouterAddr is the 24-bit AppleTalk address of the router from which we
last heard. Users should always use this address when attempting to
communicate directly with a router.
NumOfPHs , are maximum capacities for the driver. They are number of
NumOfSkts , and handlers, number of static sockets, and number of
concurrent NBP
NumNBPEs requests allowed, respectively.
NTQueue is a pointer to the registered names table queue. See Inside
Macintosh, Volume II, The AppleTalk Manager, for NT Queue details.
LALength is passed by the caller to indicate how much (if any) of the data
link address is to be copied to a user-supplied buffer (pointed to by
LinkAddr ). The actual length is returned by the driver. If the
caller requests more bytes than the actual number, then data in the buffer
after the address is undefined. The caller is responsible for providing
sufficient buffer space.
LinkAddr is a pointer to a user-supplied buffer into which the data link
address data is copied. If the pointer is NIL , no data is
ZoneName is a pointer to a user-supplied buffer into which the node's
stored zone name is copied. If the pointer is NIL , no data is copied.
The user buffer must be 33 bytes or more in size.
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Calls to the .ATP Driver
Parameter Block
--> 26 csCode word ; always KillAllGetReq (259)
--> 28 atpSocket byte ; socket on which to kill all pending
KillAllGetReq aborts all outstanding GetRequest calls on the
specified socket and completes them with reqAborted errors (it does
not close the specified socket, it only kills all pending GetRequest
calls on that socket). To kill all the GetRequest calls, simply pass
the desired socket number in the atpSocket field.
cbNotFound control block not found (-1102)
Setting the TRel Timer in SendRequest Calls
It is now possible to set the TRel timer in SendRequest or
NSendRequest calls with ATP XO (exactly once) service so as not to be
locked into the pre-AppleTalk Phase 2 time of 30 seconds. This is done by
setting bit 2 in the atpFlags field to indicate to the driver that an
extended parameter block is being used. Make a standard SendRequest
call, but add the timeout constant desired in the new TRelTime field
byte of the parameter block. Both nodes must be running AppleTalk Phase 2 for
this feature to be supported.
The timeout constants are enumerated as follows in the lower three bits of the
TRelTime ($32 offset) byte:
000 $0 TRel timer set to 30 seconds
001 $1 TRel timer set to one minute
010 $2 TRel timer set to two minutes
011 $3 TRel timer set to four minutes
100 $4 TRel timer set to eight minutes
All other values are reserved.
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Name Binding Protocol (NBP) Change: Wildcard Lookup
In AppleTalk Phase 2, NBP is enhanced to provide additional wildcard support.
The double tilde (~), $C5, is now reserved in the object name and type strings
and used in a lookup to mean a match of zero or more characters. Thus "~cliff"
matches "cliff," "the cliff," "grazing off the cliff," etc., and "123~456"
matches "123456," "123zz456," etc. At most one ~ is allowed in any string. A
single ~ has the same meaning as a single =, which also must continue to be
accepted. The ~ has no special meaning in zone names. Clients of NBP must be
aware that "old" (pre-AppleTalk Phase 2) nodes may not process this new
wildcard feature correctly. This feature should probably only be used when it
is known that the responding devices are running Phase 2 drivers as well.
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Obtaining Zone Information Using the New .XPP Driver Calls
Previously, Zone Information Protocol (ZIP) functions were accomplished via
direct ATP calls to the local router. It was rather nasty business, having to
mess with the ATPUserData on subsequent calls to retain state
information. We now recommend the use of the following XPP driver calls to
access ZIP. Old ATP calls will continue to be supported for compatibility. It
should also be noted that with Phase 2 drivers present, the .XPP driver is
automatically opened by MPP.
Parameter Block
--> 26 csCode word ; always xCall (246)
--> 28 xppSubCode word ; always zipGetZoneList (6)
--> 30 xppTimeout byte ; retry interval (seconds)
--> 31 xppRetry byte ; retry count
32 <unused> word ; word space for rent. see the super.
--> 34 zipBuffPtr pointer ; pointer to buffer (must be 578 bytes)
<-- 38 zipNumZones word ; no. of zone names in this response
<-- 40 zipLastFlag byte ; non-zero if no more zones
41 <unused> byte ; filler
--> 42 ziplnfoField 70 bytes ; on initial call, set first word to zero
GetZoneList is used to obtain a complete list of zones on the
internet. ZipBuffPtr points to a buffer that.must be 578 bytes
(ATPMaxData ) in length. The actual number of zone names returned in
the buffer is returned in zipNumZones . The fields xppTimeout
and xppRetry contain the ATP retry interval (in seconds) and count,
The first time this call is made, the first word of the ziplnfoField
should be set to zero. When the call completes, zipLastFlag is
non-zero if all the zone names fit into the buffer. If not, the call should be
made again immediately, without changing zipInfoField (it contains
state information needed to get the next part of the list). The call should be
repeated until zipLastFlag is non-zero. The 70-byte
zipInfoField must always be allocated at the end of the parameter
Result codes noErr No Error (0)
noBridgeErr No router is available (-93)
ReqFailed SendRequest failed; retry count exceeded (-1096)
Following are short examples of using GetZoneList .
{ csCodes for new .XPP driver calls }
xCall = 246;
{ xppSubCodes }
zipGetLocalZones = 5;
zipGetZoneList = 6;
zipGetMyZone = 7;
{ offsets for xCall queue elements }
xCallParam = packed record
qLink: QElemPtr;
ioTrap: INTEGER;
ioCmdAddr: Ptr;
ioCompletion: ProcPtr;
ioResult: OsErr;
ioNamePtr: StringPtr;
ioRefNum: INTEGER;
csCode: INTEGER;
xppSubCode: INTEGER;
xppTimeOut: Byte;
xppRetry: Byte;
filler: INTEGER;
zipBuffPtr: Ptr;
zipNumZones: INTEGER;
zipLastFlag: INTEGER;
zipInfoField: packed array[1..70] of Byte;
procedure doGetZoneListPhs2;
XCallParamPtr = ^XCallParam;
xpb: XCallParamPtr;
resultCode: OSErr;
zoneBuffer, theBufferPtr: Ptr;
totalZones: integer;
xpb := XCallParamPtr(NewPtr(sizeof(XCallParam)));
zoneBuffer := NewPtr(33 * 100); { size of maxstring * 100 zones }
theBufferPtr := NewPtr(578); { size of atpMaxData }
xpb^.zipInfoField[1] := 0; { ALWAYS 0 on first call. contains state info
on subsequent calls }
xpb^.zipInfoField[2] := 0; { ALWAYS 0 on first call. contains state info
on subsequent calls }
xpb^.ioRefNum := XPPRefNum; { driver refNum -41 }
xpb^.csCode := xCall;
xpb^.xppSubCode := zipGetZoneList;
xpb^.xppTimeOut := 3;
xpb^.xppRetry := 4;
xpb^.zipBuffPtr := Ptr(theBufferPtr); { this buffer will be filled with }
( packed zone names }
{ initialization for loop }
xpb^.zipLastFlag := 0;
totalZones := 0;
resultCode := 0;
{ loop until zipLastFlag is non-zero or an error occurs }
while ((xpb^.zipLastFlag = 0) and (resultCode = 0)) do
resultCode := PBControl(ParmBlkPtr(xpb), false);
if (resultCode = noErr) then
totalZones := xpb^.zipNumZones + totalZones;
{ you can now copy the zone names into the zoneBuffer }
csCodes for new .XPP driver calls
#define xCall 246
#define zipGetLocalZones 5
#define zipGetZoneList 6
#define zipGetMyZone 7
offsets for xCall queue elements
typedef struct
QElemPtr qLink;
short qType;
short ioTrap;
Ptr ioCmdAddr;
ProcPtr ioCompletion;
OsErr ioResult;
StringPtr ioNamePtr;
short ioVRefNum;
short ioRefNum;
short csCode;
short xppSubCode;
unsigned char xppTimeOut;
unsigned char xppRetry;
short filler;
Ptr zipBuffPtr;
short zipNumZones;
short zipLastFlag;
unsigned char zipInfoField[70];
} xCallParam;
xCallParam xpb;
OSErr resultCode = 0;
Ptr zoneBuffer, theBufferPtr;
short totalZones = 0;
zoneBuffer = NewPtr(33*100); /* size of maxstring * 100 zones */
theBufferPtr = NewPtr(578); /* size of atpMaxData */
xpb.zipInfoField[0] = 0; /* ALWAYS 0 on first call. contains
state info on subsequent calls */
xpb.zipInfoField[1] = 0; /* ALWAYS 0 on first call. contains
state info on subsequent calls */
/* initialization for loop */
xpb.zipLastFlag = 0;
xpb.ioCRefNum = XPPRefNum; /* driver refNum -41 */
xpb.csCode = xCall;
xpb.xppSubCode = zipGetZoneList;
xpb.xppTimeOut = 3;
xpb.xppRetry = 4;
xpb.zipBuffPtr = (Ptr) theBufferPtr; /* this buffer will be filled with
the packed zone names */
/* loop until zipLastFlag is non-zero or an error occurs */
while(xpb.zipLastFlag == 0 && resultCode == 0) {
resultCode = PBControl(&xpb, false);
if(resultCode == noErr) {
totalZones += xpb.zipNumZones;
/* you can now copy the zone names into the zoneBuffer */
Parameter Block
--> 26 csCode word ; always xCall (246)
--> 28 xppSubCode word ; always zipGetLocalZones (5)
--> 30 xppTimeout byte ; retry interval (seconds)
--> 31 xppRetry byte ; retry count
32 <unused> word ; filler
--> 34 zipBuffPtr pointer ; pointer to buffer (must be 578 bytes)
<-- 38 zipNumZones word ; no. of zone names in this response
<-- 40 zipLastFlag byte ; non-zero if no more zones
41 <unused> byte ; filler
--> 42 ziplnfoField 70 bytes ; on initial call, set first word to zero
This call has the same format and procedures as GetZoneList , the
difference being that GetLocalZones returns a list of zone names
currently defined only on the node's network cable rather than the entire
network. The 70-byte zipInfoField must always be allocated at the end
of the parameter block.
Result codes noErr No Error (0)
noBridgeErr No router is available (-93)
ReqFailed SendRequest failed; retry count exceeded (-1096)
The examples for GetZoneList will also work for
GetLocalZones if you substitute the xppSubCode .
Parameter Block
--> 26 csCode word ; always xCall (246)
--> 28 xppSubCode word ; always zipGetMyZone (7)
--> 34 zipBuffPtr pointer ; pointer to buffer (must be 33 bytes)
--> 42 ziplnfoField 70 bytes ; first word must be set to zero on every
GetMyZone returns the node's AppleTalk zone name. This is the zone in
which all of the node's network visible entities are registered.
ZipBuffPtr points to a buffer that must be 33 bytes in length. If
noBridgeErr is returned by the call, there is no internet, and the
zone name is effectively an asterisk (*). The 70-byte zipInfoField
must always be allocated at the end of the parameter block.
Result codes noErr No Error (0)
ReqFailed SendRequest failed; retry count exceeded (-1096)
Following are short examples of using GetMyZone .
procedure getMyZonePhs2;
resultCode :OSErr;
myZoneNameBuffer := NewPtr(33);
xpb.ioCRefNum := xppRefNum;
xpb.csCode := xCall;
xpb.xppSubCode := zipGetMyZone;
xpb.zipBuffPtr := myZoneNameBuffer;
xpb.zipInfoField[1] := 0; { ALWAYS 0 }
xpb.zipInfoField[2] := 0; { ALWAYS 0 }
resultCode := PBControl(@xpb, false);
xCallParam xpb;
OSErr resultCode;
Ptr myZoneNameBuffer;
myZoneNameBuffer := NewPtr(33);
xpb.ioCRefNum = xppRefNum;
xpb.csCode = xCall;
xpb.xppSubCode = zipGetMyZone;
xpb.zipBuffPtr = (Ptr) myZoneNameBuffer;
xpb.zipInfoField[0] = 0; /* ALWAYS 0 */
xpb.zipInfoField[1] = 0; /* ALWAYS 0 */
resultCode = PBControl(&xpb, false);
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Potential Nastiness
When running on a node with Phase 2 compatible drivers, we always recommend
using the .XPP calls outlined in the previous section. Care was taken to keep
backward compatibility with the already existing ATP ZIP calls (they are being
trapped out with the Phase 2 drivers), but there are problems about which you
should be aware.
- Do not rely on checking the TID (transaction ID validity bit) or other bits in the
atpFlags , as some of you have been doing. The atpFlags are not guaranteed to be correct on an ATP ZIP call with a Phase 2 driver present.
- Do not repeatedly stuff the router address back into the
ATPParamBlock on subsequent ATP ZIP GetZoneList calls. There exists the possibility of concurrent GetZoneList calls being made by other tasks and wrong router addresses being used (a small possibility yes, but it does exist).
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The AppleTalk Transition Queue
To keep applications and other resident processes on the Macintosh informed of
AppleTalk events, such as the opening and closing of AppleTalk drivers, a new
transition queue has been implemented. Processes can register themselves with
the AppleTalk Transition Queue, and when a significant event occurs, they will
be notified of this fact. Each transition queue element has the following MPW
assembly-language format:
AeQentry RECORD 0
QLink DS.L 1 ; link to next record
QType DS.W 1 ; unused
CallAddr DS.L 1 ; pointer to task record
Three calls have been provided in the LAP Manager to add an entry, remove an
entry, and return a pointer to the AppleTalk event queue header. The method
for making calls to the LAP Manager is explained in the following section. The
queue is maintained by the LAP Manager, so it can be active even when AppleTalk
(MPP) is not.
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Making a LAP Manager Call
The LAP Manager is installed in the system heap at startup time, before the
AppleTalk Manager opens the .MPP driver (hence, the inclusion of the AppleTalk
Transition Queue in LAP Manager rather than under .MPP). Calls are made to the
LAP Manager by jumping through a low-memory location, with register D0
equal to a dispatch code that identifies the function. The exact sequence
MOVEQ #Code,D0 ; D0 = ID code of wanted LAP call
MOVE.L LAPMgrPtr,An ; An -> start of LAP manager (from $B18)
JSR LAPMgrCall(An) ; Call the LAP manager at entry point
LAPMgrPtr EQU $B18 ; This points to our start (more
; commonly known as ATalkHk2)
LAPMgrCall EQU 2 ; Offset to make LAP manager
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The AppleTalk Transition Queue LAP Calls
LAddAEQ (D0 =23)
Call: A0--> Entry to be added to the AppleTalk event queue.
The LAddAEQ call adds an entry, pointed to by A0 , to the
AppleTalk event queue.
MOVEQ #LAddAEQ,D0 ; D0 = 23 code of LAddAEQ LAP call
MOVE.L LAPMgrPtr,An ; An -> start of LAP manager (from $B18)
LRmvAEQ (D0 =24)
Call: A0--> Entry to be removed from the AppleTalk event queue.
The LRmvAEQ call removes an entry, pointed to by A0 , from the
AppleTalk event queue.
MOVEQ #LRmvAEQ,D0 ; D0 = 24 code of LRmvAEQ LAP call
MOVE.L LAPMgrPtr,An ; An -> start of LAP manager (from $B18)
JSR LAPMgrCall(An) ; Call the LAP manager at entry point
LGetAEQ (D0 =25)
Return: A1--> Pointer to the AppleTalk event queue header.
The LGetAEQ call returns a pointer in A1 to the AppleTalk
event queue header, previously described.
MOVEQ #LGetAEQ,D0 ; D0 = 25 code of LGetAEQ LAP call
MOVE.L LAPMgrPtr,An ; An -> start of LAP manager (from $B18)
JSR LAPMgrCall(An) ; Call the LAP manager at entry point
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The Transitions
Each process is called at CallAddr when any significant transitions
occur. A value is passed in, which indicates the nature of the event.
Additional parameters may also be passed and a pointer to the task's queue
element is also passed. This is provided so processes may append their own
data structures (e.g., a globals pointer) at the end of the task record, which
can be referenced when they are called. Processes should follow the MPW C
register conventions. Registers D0 , D1 , D2 ,
A0 , and A1 are scratch registers that are not preserved by C
functions. The arguments passed to the process should be left on the stack,
since the calling routine removes them. All other registers should be
The Open Transition
For AppleTalk open transitions, the process has the following interface:
From assembly language, the stack upon calling looks as follows:
OpenEvent RECORD 0
ReturnAddr DS.L 1 ; address of caller
theEvent DS.L 1 ; = 0 ; ID of Open transaction
aqe DS.L 1 ; pointer to task record
SlotDevParam DS.L 1 ; pointer to Open parameter block
This routine is called only when the open routine for .MPP executes
successfully. Every entry in the transition queue is called in the same order
that the entries were added to the queue. If AppleTalk is already open and an
_Open call is made, no process is called. The process should return a
function result in D0 , which is currently ignored.
A pointer to the open request parameter block is passed to the open event
process for information only (i.e., the event process may not prevent AppleTalk
open calls). Those fields which are of interest are
OpenPB->ioPermssn , passed by the caller, and
OpenPB->ioMix , which is both passed by the caller and updated by
the .MPP open (see Inside Macintosh, Volume V, The AppleTalk Manager).
The Close Transition
For AppleTalk close transitions, the process has the following interface:
From assembly language, the stack upon calling looks as follows:
CloseEvent RECORD 0
ReturnAddr DS.L 1 ; address of caller
theEvent DS.L 1 ; = 2 ; ID of Close transaction
aqe DS.L 1 ; pointer to task record
The process is being told that AppleTalk is closing, which gives the process an
opportunity to close gracefully. Every entry in the event queue is called, one
after the other, in the same order that the entries were added to the queue.
The close action cannot be cancelled. The process should return a function
result in D0 , which is currently ignored.
The ClosePrep and CancelClosePrep Transitions
The AtalkClosePrep and the CancelAtalkClosePrep control calls
are used by various elements of the System, such as the Chooser, to inform or
query AppleTalk clients of the closing of network drivers. For example, on a
machine equipped to go to sleep or to wake up, the _Sleep trap
is used by such entities as sleeptimer, Finder, and Shutdown to inform
AppleTalk clients that it is desirable for the network driver (.MPP) to be
closed. The _Sleep trap may be trying to do any of the
following three things: request permission for sleep, alert for impending
sleep, or inform that wake up is underway. The sleep request calls the
following two .MPP control calls; these calls are made before sleep queue
procedures are called.
The first control call, AtalkClosePrep , is used to inform or query
AppleTalk clients that the network driver might be closed in the very near
future. The call has the following interface:
AtalkClosePrep (csCode = 259 )
Parameter Block
--> 26 csCode word ;always AtalkClosePrep
<-- 28 clientName pointer ;-> name of client using driver
Result codes
noErr The AppleTalk network driver (.MPP) may be closed
closeErr The AppleTalk network driver (.MPP) may not be closed
clientName is a pointer to an identifying string that is returned only if
the result is closeErr . Note that the pointer may be NIL in
this case, while the pointer is always NIL if the return code is
noErr .
All tasks in the AppleTalk Transition Queue are called with the event
ClosePrep . The tasks can prevent driver closure with a negative
response to the event call. Each task is called with the following
From assembly language, the stack upon calling looks as follows:
ClosePrep RECORD 0 ;top of the stack
ReturnAddr DS.L 1 ;addr of caller
theEvent DS.L 1 ;=3
aqe DS.L 1 ;->task rec.
clientName DS.L 1 ;ptr. to ptr. to name of client
For this event, theEvent = 3 , and the task is being both
informed and asked if closing the network driver is acceptable. If driver
closure is acceptable, the task need only to reply affirmative (D0 =
0 ), or if not acceptable, deny the request (D0 != 0 ). The task
may use the event as an opportunity to "prepare to die" or may simply respond.
For example, a task may prevent further sessions from forming while waiting for
the actual close event.
clientName is a pointer to a field in the .MPP control call parameter
block where the task may optionally store a string address. This string
identifies the client who has AppleTalk in use and is denying the request to
close it. This string may be used in a dialog to inform the user to take
appropriate action or explain why the requested action could not be
If any task responds negatively, no subsequent tasks are called. Any tasks
called prior to the one that denied a query are recalled with another event,
CancelClosePrep (described below), enabling them to "undo preparations
to die," and the control call then completes with a closeErr error.
From assembly language, the stack upon calling looks as follows:
CancelClosePrep RECORD 0 ;top of the stack
ReturnAddr DS.L 1 ;addr of caller
theEvent DS.L 1 ;=4
aqe DS.L 1 ;->task rec.
For this event, theEvent = 4 , and the task is being informed that
although it has recently approved a request to close the network driver, a
subsequent task in the AppleTalk Transition Queue has denied permission. This
event permits the task to undo any processing that may have been performed in
anticipation of the network driver being closed. The process should return a
function result in D0 , which is currently ignored.
The second new control call, CancelAtalkClosePrep , is used to undo the
effects of a successful AtalkClosePrep control call. Even though all
queried tasks in the AppleTalk Transition Queue approved of network driver
closure, other conditions may exist after making the AtalkClosePrep
control call which prohibit network driver closure. In this case, it is
necessary to recall all tasks to undo any processing that may have been
performed in anticipation of the network driver being closed. The control call
to do this has the following interface:
CancelAtalkClosePrep (csCode = 260 )
Parameter Block
--> 26 csCode word ;always CancelAtalkClosePrep
Result codes noErr Nothing could possibly go wrong
All tasks in the AppleTalk Transition Queue are called with the event
CancelClosePrep as described above.
The use of the low-memory global ChooserBits ($946) is no
longer an acceptable means of preventing AppleTalk from closing when AppleTalk
Phase 2 is present. Transitions other than defined above must be ignored and
are reserved for future implementation. In the future transitions may be
defined for notifying processes when a change in zone name occurs.
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Potential Compatibility Problems
Using DDP and Talking to Routers
If, for some reason, you need to talk to any router via DDP, always use the
GetAppleTalkInfo call outlined in this Note to get the router's actual
24-bit address.
The WriteLAP function (csCode = 243) to the .MPP driver is no
longer supported, since a node is no longer identified only by its eight-bit
(LAP) node ID.
On a Macintosh running the AppleTalk Internet Router software, the
SelfSend flag is always set, so if you try to clear this flag using
the PSetSelfSend call (Inside Macintosh, Volume V-514), you will get
an error.
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Inside AppleTalk
Inside Macintosh, Volume II, The AppleTalk Manager
Inside Macintosh, Volume V, The AppleTalk Manager
EtherTalk and Alternate AppleTalk Connections Reference, May 5, 1989--Draft
AppleTalk Phase 2 Protocol Specification (DTS)
Macintosh Portable Developer Notes (DTS)
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Change History
Incorporated the ClosePrep and
CancelClosePrep transitions and the new control calls to the .MPP

Acrobat version of this Note (52K)
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