This Technical Note discusses coding data access extensions that provide an
interface between the Data Access Manager and remote data sources. Each of the
functions that a data access extension must implement is described.
[May 01 1992]
A data access extension is a program that provides an interface between the
Data Access Manager and the remote data source. The data access extension
implements all of the low-level functions and handles network communication for
the Data Access Manager. Because the data access extension implements the
low-level Data Access Manager functions, it must return appropriate result
codes and handle asynchronous execution of functions as appropriate.
Each data access extension contains a flag that indicates to the
Data Access Manager whether the data access extension supports asynchronous
execution of routines. If an application attempts to make an asynchronous call
to a data access extension that has the first bit (bit 0) of the flags field
cleared to 0, the Data Access Manager returns a result code of
rcDBAsyncNotSupp and terminates execution of the routine. To ensure
compatibility of your data access extension with all applications, your data
access extension should support asynchronous execution of functions. The data
access extension flags field is described in the next section, "Contents of a
Data Access Extension."
As soon as the data access extension begins execution of an asynchronous
routine, it should return a noErr result code for the function result
and set the result field of the asynchronous parameter block to 1. It should
return control to the calling routine as quickly as possible. When it
terminates execution of the routine, the data access extension must place the
return code in the result field. Result codes for each of the data access
extension routines are listed in the next section. The asynchronous parameter
block is described in "Asynchronous Execution of Routines" in the Data Access
Manager chapter of Inside Macintosh Volume VI, page 8-50.
When the data access extension has completed execution of an asynchronous
routine, it must call the application's completion routine pointed to by the
completionProc field of the asynchronous parameter block. The completion
routine is described in "Asynchronous Execution of Routines" in the Data Access
Manager chapter of Inside Macintosh Volume VI, page 8-50.
The data access extension can use the ddevRef field in the
asynchronous parameter block for its own purposes.
This Technote describes each of the functions that a data access extension
must implement.
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Contents of a Data Access Extension
A data access extension consists of a file of type 'ddev' , located in the
Extensions Folder. The data access extension file must contain these resources:
'ddev' (function; resource ID is 128)
'STR ' (name of data access extension; resource ID is 128)
'dflg' (version number and flags; resource ID is 128)
The 'ddev' resource contains a function that implements all of the low-level
Data Access Manager functions. The Data Access Manager calls the ddev function
whenever the manager needs to execute a low-level function.
Here is a function declaration for a ddev function.
The params parameter is a parameter block that includes a routine selector. The
data access extension parameter block is described in the next section, "Data
Access Extension Parameters."
You must set bit 6 of the resource attribute byte to 1 for the 'ddev' resource
so that the resource is read into the system heap. Resource attributes are
discussed in the Resource Manager chapter of Inside Macintosh
Volume I.
The 'STR ' resource must contain a character string of not more than 63
characters that specifies the name of the data access extension. Under system
7.0 or later, the data access extension is assumed to reside in the
"Extensions" folder within the System folder. The data access extension name is
a parameter to the DBInit function.
The 'dflg' resource contains two 4-byte fields, as follows:
version: LongInt; {data access extension format}
flags: LongInt {data access extension flags}
The version field indicates the version of the data access extension format
used for this data access extension. It must be set to 0 for the version 7.0
Data Access Manager.
The flags field specifies flags that the data access extension must set. At
present, only the least significant bit is defined; all other bits must be
cleared to 0. Set the flags field to the constant kAsyncSupported
(that is, set the least significant bit to 1) if this data access extension
supports asynchronous calls, or to 0 if it does not. If an application attempts
to make an asynchronous call to a data access extension that has the flags
field cleared to 0, the Data Access Manager returns a result code of
rcDBAsyncNotSupp .
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Data Access Extension Parameters
This section describes the parameter block that the Data Access Manager passes
to a data access extension. The section "Data Access Extension Messages"
specifies which parameters are significant for each type of routine and whether
each value is passed to the data access extension or returned by the data
access extension.
The Data Access Manager passes a parameter block to a data access extension.
The parameter block is defined as a DDEVParams record.
message: Integer; {routine selector}
ddevStorage: LongInt; {storage for use by }
{ data access extension}
asyncPB: DBAsyncParmBlkPtr;
{pointer to asynch }
{ parameter block}
sessID: LongInt; {session ID}
returnedID: LongInt; {session ID returned}
version: LongInt; {version number}
start: LongInt; {session start time}
host: StringPtr; {name of remote system}
user: StringPtr; {user name}
password: StringPtr; {user password}
connStr: StringPtr; {connection string}
network: StringPtr; {name of the network}
buffer: Ptr; {data buffer}
err1: LongInt; {primary error code returned}
err2: LongInt; {secondary error code }
{ returned}
item1: StringPtr; {pointer to object of error }
{ message}
item2: StringPtr; {pointer to object of }
{ error message}
errorMsg: StringPtr; {pointer to error message}
timeout: LongInt; {timeout value for DBGetItem}
dataType: DBType; {data type}
sessNum: Integer; {session number}
state: Integer; {status of the data source}
len: Integer; {length of data item}
places: Integer; {decimal places in data item}
flags: Integer; {flags}
abort: Boolean {flag for DBBreak}
Field Descriptions
message The routine selector that tells the data access extension which
function to execute. For the values for this field and
descriptions of the routines, see the next section, "Data
Access Extension Messages."
ddevStorage Reserved for use by the data access extension. The Data Access
Manager sets this field to 0 when it calls the data access
extension with the DBOpen message. The data access extension
can store any value in this field at that time, and the Data
Access Manager retains that value on all subsequent calls to
the data access extension. The value of this field does not
depend on the session ID; it is the same for all sessions that
are using the same data access extension.
asyncPB Pointer to the asynchronous parameter block. If the application
is making a synchronous call, this field is NIL. The
asynchronous parameter block is described in "Asynchronous
Execution of Routines" in the Data Access Manager chapter of
Inside Macintosh Volume VI.
sessID The session ID. The data access extension returns the session
ID to the DBInit function; all other Data Access Manager
functions pass the session ID to the data access extension.
The purpose of the session ID is to provide applications with a
unique identifier for each active session. The Data Access
Manager reads the session ID returned by the data access
extension, and then assigns a unique session ID to each
session. The Data Access Manager performs the mapping between
the session IDs that it provides to applications and the ones
used by each data access extension.
returnedID The session ID returned by the DBGetConnInfo function.
version The version number of the data access extension assigned by the
developer of the data access extension. It is not the same as
the version number in the 'dflg' resource of the data access
extension, which indicates the format of the data access
start The time at which the session was opened, in ticks.
host The name of the remote system on which the data source is
user The name of the user who is establishing a session.
password The password associated with the user name.
connStr A connection string needed to establish a session.
network A string specifying the network in use for this session.
buffer A pointer to a buffer containing the item to be sent by the
DBSend or DBSendItem functions or received by the DBGetItem
err1 The primary error code returned by the data source.
err2 The secondary error code returned by the data source.
item1 A pointer to a NULL-terminated string that identifies the first
object of the error message returned by the data source. The
use of this parameter depends on the specific data source you
are using.
item2 A pointer to a NULL-terminated string that identifies the
second object of the error message returned by the data source.
The use of this parameter depends on the specific data source
you are using.
errorMsg A pointer to the error message returned by the data source.
timeout The timeout period for the DBGetItem function, in sixtieths of
seconds. When the data access extension executes the DBGetItem
function, it requests a data item from the remote data source.
If the remote data source does not return the requested data
item in the amount of time specified by the timeout parameter,
the data access extension should cancel execution of the
DBGetItem function. The timeout value cannot be used if the
DBGetItem function is called asynchronously.
dataType The data type of a requested or returned data item. Data types
are described in "Getting Query Results" in the Data Access
Manager chapter of Inside Macintosh Volume VI.
sessNum The session number. This number is assigned by the data access
extension and is unique for all current sessions for a single
data access extension only. The same session number can be
assigned to concurrent sessions that use different data access
state The status of the data source. Value Status noErr Execution
of a query successful; ready for another rcDBValue Output data
is available rcDBError Execution of a query ended in an error
rcDBExec Currently executing a query
len The length of the data item requested or returned.
places The number of decimal places in the data item.
flags Flags returned by the DBGetItem function or sent to the
DBSendItem function. For the DBGetItem function, if the flags
field is set to kDBLastColFlag (that is, the least significant
bit is set to 1), the data item is in the last column of the
row. There are no flags currently defined for the DBSendItem
abort A parameter used by the DBBreak function. The meaning of this
parameter depends on the specific implementation of the data
source communications system you are using.
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Data Access Extension Messages
There are sixteen values that the Data Access Manager can pass to the data
access extension in the messages field of the data access extension parameter
block. Thirteen of them correspond exactly to the thirteen low-level functions.
The other three are used by the Data Access Manager to initialize and close the
data access extension and to allow the data access extension to perform routine
periodic tasks. The messages that correspond to low-level routines are not
described in this section. Instead, only the parameters they use and the result
codes they must be able to return are listed. For descriptions of these
routines, see the section "Data Access Manager Routines" in the Data Access
Manager chapter of Inside Macintosh Volume VI. The DBOpen ,
DBClose , and DBIdle messages are described in detail in this
Each parameter in the list is preceded by an arrow that indicates how the
parameter is used, as follows:
-> The Data Access Manager passes the value of the parameter as input to the
data access extension.
<- The data access extension returns the value of the parameter after the
routine has completed execution.
<-> The Data Access Manager provides a value for the parameter, and the
data access extension returns another value.
Parameter block
-> 00 message word routine selector; kDBOpen
<- 02 ddevStorage long storage for data access extension
When an application calls the DBInit function or the
DBStartQuery function (which calls the DBInit function), it
specifies a data access extension. If that data access extension is not already
in memory, the DBInit function loads it into memory and sends it the
kDBOpen message. The data access extension should allocate any memory
it needs at this time. Because the data access extension can be called by more
than one application, it should allocate memory in the system heap rather than
the application heap. The data access extension can also return a value in the
ddevStorage field of the data access extension parameter block.
When the Data Access Manager calls the data access extension, the current
resource file is the data access extension file and the default directory is
the Extensions Folder on the current startup disk. The data access extension
must ensure that both of these values are unchanged when it returns control to
the Data Access Manager.
Result codes
noErr 0 Data Access Extension initialized successfully
rcDBError - -802 Error initializing data access extension
Parameter block
-> 00 message word routine selector; kDBClose
-> 02 ddevStorage long storage for data access extension
When an application calls the DBEnd function, closing the last open
session for a data access extension, the Data Access Manager follows the
kDBEnd message with a kDBClose message before removing the
data access extension from memory. The data access extension should free any
memory that it allocated before returning control to the Data Access Manager.
Result code
noErr 0 No error
Parameter block
-> 00 message word routine selector; kDBIdle
<-> 02 ddevStorage long storage for data access extension
The Data Access Manager periodically sends the kDBIdle message to each
data access extension. The data access extension can ignore this message or
take the opportunity to perform periodic tasks. Because the timing of the
kDBIdle messages might not be regular, the data access extension must
not depend on receiving these messages at particular times or with a particular
Result code
noErr 0 No error
Parameter block
-> 00 message word routine selector; kDBInit
<-> 02 ddevStorage long storage for data access extension
-> 06 asyncPB long pointer to asynch parameter block
<- 10 sessID long session ID
-> 26 host long pointer to name of remote system
-> 30 user long pointer to user name
-> 34 password long pointer to user password
-> 38 connStr long pointer to connection string
The DBInit function initiates a session with a remote data source. See
"Controlling the Session" in the Data Access Manager chapter of Inside
Macintosh Volume VI for a complete description of this function.
Result codes
noErr 0 No error
rcDBError - 802 Error initiating session
Parameter block
-> 00 message word routine selector; kDBEnd
<-> 02 ddevStorage long storage for data access extension
-> 06 asyncPB long pointer to asynch parameter block
-> 10 sessID long session ID
The DBEnd function terminates a session with a remote data source and
terminates the network connection between the application and the remote
computer. See "Controlling the Session" in the Data Access Manager chapter
of Inside Macintosh Volume VI for a complete description of this
Result codes
noErr 0 No error
rcDBError -802 Error ending session
Parameter block
-> 00 message word routine selector;
<-> 02 ddevStorage long pointer to storage for ddev
-> 06 asyncPB long pointer to asynch parameter block
-> 10 sessID long session ID
<- 14 returned ID long session ID returned
<- 18 version long version number
<- 22 start long session start time in ticks
<- 26 host long pointer to name of remote system
<- 30 user long pointer to user name
<- 38 connStr long pointer to connection string
<- 42 network long pointer to name of network
-> 78 sessNum word session number
<- 80 state word status of data source
The DBGetConnInfo function returns information about the specified
session. See "Controlling the Session" in the Data Access Manager chapter of
Inside Macintosh Volume VI for a complete description of this function.
Result codes
noErr 0 No error
rcDBBadSessNum -808 Invalid session number
Parameter block
-> 00 message word routine selector;
<-> 02 ddevStorage long storage for data access extension
-> 06 asyncPB long pointer to asynch parameter block
-> 10 sessID long session ID
<- 78 sessNum word session number
The DBGetSessionNum function returns a session number. See
"Controlling the Session" in the Data Access Manager chapter of Inside
Macintosh Volume VI for a complete description of this function.
Result codes
noErr 0 No error
rcDBError - 802 Error getting session number
Parameters used
> 00 message word routine selector; kDBKill
<-> 02 ddevStorage long storage for data access extension
-> 06 asyncPB long pointer to asynch parameter block
The DBKill function cancels the execution of an asynchronous call. See
"Controlling the Session" in the Data Access Manager chapter of Inside
Macintosh Volume VI for a complete description of this function.
Result codes
noErr 0 Asynchronous routine canceled successfully
rcDBError -802 Error canceling routine
Parameter block
-> 00 message word routine selector; kDBSend
<-> 02 ddevStorage long storage for data access extension
-> 06 asyncPB long pointer to asynch parameter block
-> 10 sessID long session ID
-> 46 buffer long pointer to data buffer
-> 82 len word length of data
The DBSend function sends a query or a portion of a query to the
remote data source. See "Sending and Executing Queries" in the Data Access
Manager chapter of Inside Macintosh Volume VI for a complete description
of this function.
Result codes
noErr 0 No error
rcDBError -802 Error trying to send text
Parameter block
-> 00 message word routine selector; kDBSendItem
<-> 02 ddevStorage long storage for data access extension
-> 06 asyncPB long pointer to asynch parameter block
-> 10 sessID long session ID
-> 46 buffer long pointer to data buffer
-> 74 dataType long data type
-> 82 len word length of data item
-> 84 places word decimal places in data item
-> 86 flags word flags
The DBSendItem function sends a single data item to the remote data
source. See "Sending and Executing Queries" in the Data Access Manager chapter
of Inside Macintosh Volume VI for a complete description of this
Result codes
noErr 0 No error
rcDBError -802 Error trying to send item
Parameter block
-> 00 message word routine selector; kDBExec
<-> 02 ddevStorage long storage for data access
-> 06 asyncPB long pointer to asynch parameter block
-> 10 sessID long session ID
The DBExec function initiates execution of a query. See "Sending and
Executing Queries" in the Data Access Manager chapter of Inside
Macintosh Volume VI for a complete description of this function.
Result codes
noErr 0 Execution has begun
rcDBError -802 Error trying to begin execution
Parameter block
-> 00 message word routine selector; kDBState
<-> 02 ddevStorage long storage for data access extension
-> 06 asyncPB long pointer to asynch parameter block
-> 10 sessID long session ID
The result code returned by the DBState function indicates the status
of the remote data source. See "Sending and Executing Queries" in the Data
Access Manager chapter of Inside Macintosh Volume VI for a complete
description of this function.
Result codes
noErr 0 No error; ready for more text
rcDBValue -801 Output data available
rcDBError - 802 Execution ended in an error
rcDBExec -806 Currently executing query
Parameter block
-> 00 message word routine selector; kDBGetErr
<-> 02 ddevStorage long storage for data access extension
-> 06 asyncPB long pointer to asynch parameter block
-> 10 sessID long session ID
<- 50 err1 long primary error code
<- 54 err2 long secondary error code
<- 58 item1 long pointer to first object of error message
<- 62 item2 long pointer to second object of error message
<- 66 errorMsg long pointer to error message
The DBGetErr function retrieves error codes and error messages from a
remote data source. See "Sending and Executing Queries" in the Data Access
Manager chapter of Inside Macintosh Volume VI for a complete
description of this function.
Result codes
noErr 0 No error
rcDBError -802 Error retrieving error information
Parameter block
-> 00 message word routine selector; kDBBreak
<-> 02 ddevStorage long storage for data access extension
-> 06 asyncPB long pointer to asynch parameter block
-> 10 sessID long session ID
-> 88 abort byte abort flag
The DBBreak function can halt execution of a query and reinitialize
the remote data source, or it can unconditionally terminate a session with a
data source. See "Sending and Executing Queries" in the Data Access Manager
chapter of Inside Macintosh Volume VI for a complete description of this
Result codes
noErr 0 Execution has begun
rcDBError - -802 Break or abort attempt was unsuccessful
Parameter block
-> 00 message word routine selector; kDBGetItem
<-> 02 ddevStorage long storage for data access
-> 06 asyncPB long pointer to asynch parameter block
-> 10 sessID long session ID
-> 46 buffer long pointer to data buffer
-> 70 timeout long timeout value
<-> 74 dataType long data type
<-> 82 len word length of data item
<-> 84 places word decimal places in data item
<- 86 flags word flags
The DBGetItem function retrieves the next data item from the data
source. See "Retrieving Results" in the Data Access Manager chapter of
Inside Macintosh Volume VI for a complete description of this function.
Result codes
noErr 0 No error; no next data item
rcDBValue -801 A nonzero data item was successfully retrieved
rcDBNull -800 The data item was NULL
rcDBError -802 No next data item; execution ended in an error
rcDBBadType -803 Next data item not of requested data type
rcDBBreak -805 Timed out
Parameter block
-> 00 message word routine selector;
<-> 02 ddevStorage long storage for data access extension
-> 06 asyncPB long pointer to asynch parameter block
-> 10 sessID long session ID
The DBUnGetItem function reverses the effect of the last call to the
DBGetItem function. See "Retrieving Results" in the Data Access
Manager chapter of Inside Macintosh Volume VI for a complete description
of this function.
Result codes
noErr 0 No error
rcDBError -802 Error executing function
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Inside Macintosh, Volume VI, Data Access Manager chapter
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