What is an Idling Movie Importer?As described in the Movie Data Exchange Components documentation, movie import components import data from non-movie sources into QuickTime movies. For example, a CD audio track can be imported into a QuickTime movie. In general, this is accomplished by a single call to one of the importer's Idling movie importer components differ from non-idling importer components in that they implement a special routine Because they are called at periodic intervals, idling movie importers are given the opportunity to display the movie data as it is downloaded, similar to how fast-start movies are displayed, rather than after the data has been completely downloaded. Designating your Importer as an Idling ImporterYou must identify your movie importer as an idling movie importer in order for your Listing 1: canMovieImportWithIdle component flag. canMovieImportWithIdle = 1L << 20 MovieImportIdleHere's a description of the new Listing 2: MovieImportIdle MovieImportIdle Call the movie data import component to handle periodic tasks. ComponentResult MovieImportIdle ( // IV-2677 MovieImportComponent ci, // IV-2677 long inFlags, long *outFlags ); ci A movie data import component instance. Your software obtains this reference from OpenComponent or OpenDefaultComponent. inFlags Flags (see below) that specify control information governing the import operation. outFlags Flags (see below) that identify a field that is to receive status information about the import operation. Your component sets the appropriate flags in this field when the operation is complete. Function Result: Returns noErr if there is no error. inFlags Constants Currently not used. Set to 0. outFlags Constants movieImportResultComplete Indicates whether or not your component has completed importing the data. Set this flag to 1 if your component is finished importing the data. VERSION NOTES Introduced in QuickTime 4. PROGRAMMING INFO C interface file: QuickTimeComponents.h Availability: Non-Carbon CFM: in QuickTimeLib 4.0 and later CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0.2 and later Mac OS X: in version 10.0 or later Windows: in qtmlClient.lib 4.0 and later Notifying the Movie Controller that the Movie has changedAfter idling importers append newly processed media to a movie (usually via calls to Listing 3: Notify the movie controller that the movie has changed. QTAtomContainer container; Movie theMovie; // We must notify the movie controller that the movie has changed, // so we'll send it the kActionMovieChanged wired action if (QTNewAtomContainer(&container) == noErr) { QTAtom anAction; OSType whichAction = EndianU32_NtoB(kActionMovieChanged); OSErr err = QTInsertChild(container, kParentAtomIsContainer, kAction, 1, 0, 0, NULL, &anAction); if (err == noErr) { err = QTInsertChild(container, anAction, kWhichAction, 1, 0, sizeof (whichAction), &whichAction, NULL); } if (err == noErr) { err = MovieExecuteWiredActions(theMovie, 0, container); } err = QTDisposeAtomContainer(container); } Note: Do not execute this action more frequently than two or three times per second. Concurrent playback may become choppy if a movie's state is reset via this action too frequently. Here's a description of the Listing 4: MovieExecuteWiredActions function. MovieExecuteWiredActions Execute the specified wired actions for the movie OSErr MovieExecuteWiredActions ( Movie theMovie, long flags, QTAtomContainer actions ); Parameter Descriptions theMovie A movie identifier. Your application obtains this identifier from such functions as NewMovie, NewMovieFromFile, and NewMovieFromHandle. flags Flags (see below) that specify control information for the wired action to be performed actions An atom container with the wired action(s) to execute function result You can access Movie Toolbox error returns through GetMoviesError and GetMoviesStickyError, as well as in the function result. See Error Codes. flags Constant movieExecuteWiredActionDontExecute Any wired action callback procedures shouldn't execute the actions, but may want to look at them. The AddMovieExecuteWiredActionsProc function lets you add a callback to a movie to execute wired actions. The RemoveMovieExecuteWiredActionsProc lets you remove the callback. Version Notes Introduced in QuickTime 4. Programming Info C interface file: Movies.h Carbon status: Supported Related Java Methods quicktime.std.movies.Movie.executeWiredActions() MovieImportSetIdleManagerQuickTime 6 introduces a number of new Idle Manager APIs. These are discussed in the What\x92s New in QuickTime 6 documentation. Among them is the MovieImportDataRef/MovieImportFile/MovieImportHandle Special ConsiderationsMovie Importer components may of course choose to implement the Idling movie importers which support any of the above routines should return MovieImportDataRefImport components (in general) should implement An import component indicates it supports Here's a description of the Listing 5: the MovieImportDataRef function. MovieImportDataRef Import movie data from a data reference. ComponentResult MovieImportDataRef ( // IV-2677 MovieImportComponent ci, // IV-2677 Handle dataRef, // IV-2683 OSType dataRefType, // IV-2695 Movie theMovie, // IV-2685 Track targetTrack, // IV-2685 Track *usedTrack, // IV-2685 TimeValue atTime, // IV-2697 TimeValue *addedDuration, // IV-2697 long inFlags, long *outFlags ); ci A movie import component instance. Your software obtains this reference from OpenComponent (II-1161) or OpenDefaultComponent (II-1163). dataRef The data reference to the data to be imported. dataRefType The type of data reference in the dataRef parameter. theMovie A movie identifier. Your application obtains this identifier from such functions as NewMovie (II-1098), NewMovieFromFile (II-1110), and NewMovieFromHandle (II-1113). targetTrack The track that is to receive the imported data. This track identifier is supplied by the Movie Toolbox and is valid only if the movieImportMustUseTrack flag in the inFlags parameter is set to 1. usedTrack A pointer to the track that received the imported data. Your component returns this track identifier to the Movie Toolbox. Your component needs to set this parameter only if you operate on a single track or if you create a new track. If you modify more than one track, leave the field referred to by this parameter unchanged. atTime The time corresponding to the location where your component is to place the imported data. This time value is expressed in the movie's time coordinate system. addedDuration A pointer to the duration of the data that your component added to the movie. Your component must specify this value in the movie's time coordinate system. inFlags Flags (see below) that control the behavior of this function. outFlags Flags (see below) that this function sets on return. Function Result: See "Error Codes" (IV-2718). Returns noErr if there is no error. inFlags Constants movieImportCreateTrack Indicates that your component should create a new track to receive the imported data. You must create a track whose type value corresponds to the media type that you have specified in your component's manufacturer code. You should return the track identifier of this new track in the field referred to by the usedTrack parameter, unless you create more than one track. If you create more than one track, be sure to set the movieImportResultUsedMultipleTracks flag in the field referred to by the outFlags parameter to 1. If the movieImportCreateTrack flag is set to 1, then the movieImportMustUseTrack flag is set to 0. movieImportMustUseTrack Indicates that your component must use an existing track. That track is identified by the targetTrack parameter. If you create more than one track, be sure to set the movieImportResultUsedMultipleTracks flag in the field referred to by the outFlags parameter to 1. If the movieImportMustUseTrack flag is set to 1, then the movieImportCreateTrack flag is set to 0. If both the movieImportCreateTrack and movieImportMustUseTrack flags are set to 0, then you are free to use any existing tracks in the movie or to create a new track (or tracks) as needed. movieImportInParallel Indicates whether you are to perform an insert operation or a paste operation. If this flag is set to 0, then you should insert the imported data into the target track. If this flag is set to 1, then you should add the imported data to the track, overwriting preexisting open space currently in the track. Note that an application may use MovieImportSetDuration (II-982) to control the amount of data you paste into a movie. If the movieImportMustUseTrack flag is set to 1, then you should use the track specified by the targetTrack parameter. If this is not possible, return an appropriate Movie Toolbox result code. movieImportWithIdle Indicates you should perform the import operation as an idling importer. Set the movieImportResultNeedIdles flag in the outFlags parameter to 1, and your MovieImportIdle routine will get called periodically to process the movie data. outFlags Constants movieImportResultUsedMultipleTracks Indicates that your component modified more than one track in the movie. Set this flag to 1 if your component places imported data into more than one track. In this case, you do not need to update the field referred to by the usedTrack parameter. movieImportResultNeedIdles Indicates your component would like it\x92s MovieImportIdle routine to be called periodically to process the movie data. movieImportResultComplete Indicates your component is finished processing the movie data. VERSION NOTES Introduced in QuickTime 3 or earlier. PROGRAMMING INFO C interface file: QuickTimeComponents.h Carbon status: Supported RELATED JAVA METHODS quicktime.std.movies.Track.fromMovieImporterDataRef(), quicktime.std.qtcomponents.MovieImporter.fromDataRef() MovieImportGetLoadStateIdling importers may choose to implement the movie importer Documentation for the asynchronous movie loading process (and the high-level function Here\x92s a brief description of the Listing 6: MovieImportGetLoadState. Returns the asynchronous load state for a movie. ComponentResult MovieImportGetLoadState( MovieImportComponent ci, long * importerLoadState) ci A movie import component instance. importerLoadState A pointer that is to receive the current load state for the movie. Values for loading process are as follows: kMovieLoadStateLoading Indicates the importer is searching for the movie resource kMovieLoadStatePlayable Indicates the movie is fully formed, fast-start would work kmovieLoadStatePlaythroughOK Indicates that the download would complete before the playback would complete. This value will be returned after the movie has become playable kMovieLoadStateComplete Indicates all media data is available Function Result: See "Error Codes" (IV-2718). Returns noErr if there is no error. DISCUSSION Your component can implement this function if it supports asynchronous movie loading over slow connections. Use it to report the current load state of the movie. VERSION NOTES Availability: Non-Carbon CFM: in QuickTimeLib 4.1 and later CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.1 and later Mac OS X: in version 10.0 or later Windows: in qtmlClient.lib 4.1 and later PROGRAMMING INFO C interface file: QuickTimeComponents.h Programming summary: "Importing Movie Data" (V-2910) Carbon status: Supported Idling Importers & Movie ControllersIdling importers may wish to supply a hint regarding the type of movie controller to use for the imported movie. For example, if the importer implements a still image format it might want to make sure the movie does not display any controller. This is accomplished by specifying the no-interface movie controller (also referred to as the none movie controller) as the desired movie controller for the movie. The no-interface movie controller operates just like the standard movie controller except that no controller bar is displayed and no keyboard events are passed to it. When an application calls Importers can specify the suggested controller for the movie by calling the Listing 7: Specifying the no-interface movie controller hint. OSErr err; OSType noneType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('none'); /* set the "none" controller for this movie */ err = SetUserDataItem(GetMovieUserData(theMovie), &noneType, sizeof(noneType), kUserDataMovieControllerType, 1); You should call SummaryIdling movie importer components are just like regular movie import components except they implement a special routine Document Revision History
Posted: 2004-11-12 |