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Folder Manager Reference

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The Folder Manager allows you to find and search folders, create new folders, and control how files are routed between folders. Because you can use the Folder Manager to manipulate standard Mac OS folders without relying on their names, your program is tolerant of changes to folder names and easier to localize.

Carbon supports the Folder Manager, although some functions have been deprecated in Mac OS X. You should always check the value of gestaltFindFolderAttr in Mac OS X to determine what functionality is available.

Functions by Task

Describing Folders

Manipulating Folders

Routing Files

Working With Folder Manager Notification Functions

Working With Folder Descriptors

Finding Files in Special Folders



Copies the supplied information into a new folder descriptor entry in the system folder list.

OSErr AddFolderDescriptor (
   FolderType foldType,
   FolderDescFlags flags,
   FolderClass foldClass,
   FolderLocation foldLocation,
   OSType badgeSignature,
   OSType badgeType,
   ConstStrFileNameParam name,
   Boolean replaceFlag


Pass a constant identifying the type of the folder you wish the Folder Manager to be able to find. See Folder Type Constants.


Set these flags to indicate whether a folder is created during startup, if the folder name is locked, and if the folder is created invisible; see Folder Descriptor Flags.


Pass the class of the folder which you wish the Folder Manager to be able to find. The folder class determines how the foldLocation parameter is interpreted. See Folder Descriptor Classes for a discussion of relative and special folder classes.


For a relative folder, specify the folder type of the parent folder of the target. For a special folder, specify the location of the folder; see Folder Descriptor Locations.


Reserved. Pass 0.


Reserved. Pass 0.


A string specifying the name of the desired folder. For relative folders, this is the exact name of the desired folder. For special folders, the actual target folder may have a different name than the name specified in the folder descriptor. For example, the System Folder is often given a different name, but it can still be located with FindFolder.


Pass a Boolean value indicating whether you wish to replace a folder descriptor that already exists for the specified folder type. If true, it replaces the folder descriptor for the specified folder type. If false, it does not replace the folder descriptor for the specified folder type.

Return Value

A result code. See “Folder Manager Result Codes.” The result code duplicateFolderDescErr indicates that a folder descriptor is already installed with the specified folder type and replaceFlag is false.


The AddFolderDescriptor function copies the supplied information into a new descriptor entry in the system folder list. You need to provide folder descriptors for each folder you wish the Folder Manager to be able to find via the function FindFolder. For example, a child folder located in a parent folder needs to have a descriptor created both for it and its parent folder, so that the child can be found. This function is supported under Mac OS 8 and later.

Declared In


Determines whether a file path is enclosed inside a special folder type for the given domain.

OSErr DetermineIfPathIsEnclosedByFolder (
   FSVolumeRefNum domainOrVRefNum,
   OSType folderType,
   const UInt8 *utf8Path,
   Boolean pathIsRealPath,
   Boolean *outResult


The domain or volume reference number to check. For information about the possible domains, see Disk and Domain Constants. You can also pass 0 to check all domains and volumes, or you can pass kOnAppropriateDisk to check the appropriate volume for the specified file.


The special folder type to check. For information about the possible folder types, see Folder Type Constants.


A UTF-8 encoded path to the file for which to search.


A Boolean value that indicates whether the utf8Path parameter is guaranteed to be a full and complete path, as opposed to a path containing a symbolic link, an alias, or a relative path.


A pointer to a Boolean variable. On return, indicates whether or not the file is enclosed inside the special folder type for the given domain.


This function provides an efficient way to check to see if a file (or folder) is inside a special folder for a given domain. A typical use for this function is to determine if a given file is inside the trash on a volume:

err = DetermineIfPathIsEnclosedByFolder (kOnAppropriateDisk, kTrashFolderType, path, false, &result);
Declared In


Disposes of the universal procedure pointer (UPP) to a notification function.

void DisposeFolderManagerNotificationUPP (
   FolderManagerNotificationUPP userUPP


The UPP to dispose of.

Declared In


Obtains location information for system-related directories.

OSErr FindFolder (
   FSVolumeRefNum vRefNum,
   OSType folderType,
   Boolean createFolder,
   FSVolumeRefNum *foundVRefNum,
   SInt32 *foundDirID


Pass the volume reference number of the volume on which you want to locate a directory, or a constant specifying a disk or domain. The constants which you can use in this parameter are described in Disk and Domain Constants.

Note that, on Mac OS X, passing a volume reference number in this parameter does not make sense for most of the folder type selectors which you can specify in the folderType parameter. On Mac OS X, folders are "domain-oriented"; because there may be more than one domain on any given physical volume, asking for these folders on a per-volume basis yields undefined results. For example, if you were to request the Fonts folder (represented by the selector kFontsFolderType) on volume -100, are you requesting the folder /System/Library/Fonts, /Library/Fonts, or ~/Fonts? On Mac OS X you should pass a disk or domain constant in this parameter.


Pass a four-character folder type, or a constant that represents the type, for the folder you want to find; see Folder Type Constants.


A value of type Boolean, as defined in Create Folder Flags. Pass the constant kCreateFolder to create a directory if it does not already exist; otherwise, pass the constant kDontCreateFolder. Directories inside the System Folder are created only if the System Folder directory exists. The FindFolder function will not create a System Folder directory even if you specify the kCreateFolder constant in the createFolder parameter. Passing kCreateFolder will also not create a parent folder; if the parent of the target folder does not already exist, attempting to create the target will fail.


A pointer to a value of type short. On return, the value specifies the volume reference number for the volume containing the directory specified in the folderType parameter.


A pointer to a value of type long. On return, the value specifies the directory ID number for the directory specified in the folderType parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Folder Manager Result Codes.” The result code fnfErr indicates that the type has not been found in the 'fld#' resource, or the disk doesn’t have System Folder support, or the disk does not have desktop database support for Desktop Folder—in all cases, the folder has not been found. The result code dupFNErr indicates that a file has been found instead of a folder.


As of Mac OS 8 and later, your application can add folders to the System Folder—or nest folders within other folders—and locate the folders via the FindFolder function. Prior to Mac OS 8, your application could only use FindFolder to find folders that were immediately inside of the System Folder, and a few other special folders such as the Trash folder and the System Folder itself. Now, once a folder (and any folders that it is nested within) is described in a folder descriptor—that is, registered using the function AddFolderDescriptor —your application can use FindFolder to find the folder no matter where it is located.

Those folders you’re most likely to want to access are Preferences and Trash. For example, you might wish to check for the existence of a user’s configuration file in Preferences or, if your application runs out of disk storage when trying to save a file, check how much disk storage is taken by items in the Trash directory and report this to the user.

The specified folder used for a given volume might be located on a different volume; therefore, do not assume the volume that you specify in vRefNum and the volume returned through foundVRefNum will be the same.

Related Sample Code
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Determines whether a file of type FSRef is enclosed inside a special folder type for the given domain.

OSErr FSDetermineIfRefIsEnclosedByFolder (
   FSVolumeRefNum domainOrVRefNum,
   OSType folderType,
   const FSRef *inRef,
   Boolean *outResult


The domain or volume reference number to check. For information about the possible domains, see Disk and Domain Constants. You can also pass 0 to check all domains and volumes, or you can pass kOnAppropriateDisk to check the appropriate volume for the specified file.


The special folder type to check. For information about the possible folder types, see Folder Type Constants.


The file for which to search.


A pointer to a Boolean variable. On return, indicates whether or not the file is enclosed inside the special folder type for the given domain.


This function provides an efficient way to check to see if a file (or folder) is inside a special folder for a given domain. A typical use for this function is to determine if a given file is inside the trash on a volume:

err = FSDetermineIfRefIsEnclosedByFolder (kOnAppropriateDisk, kTrashFolderType, &ref, &result);
Declared In


Obtains location information for system-related directories.

OSErr FSFindFolder (
   FSVolumeRefNum vRefNum,
   OSType folderType,
   Boolean createFolder,
   FSRef *foundRef


Pass the volume reference number of the volume on which you want to locate a directory, or a constant specifying a disk or domain. The constants which you can use in this parameter are described in Disk and Domain Constants.

Note that, on Mac OS X, passing a volume reference number in this parameter does not make sense for most of the folder type selectors which you can specify in the folderType parameter. On Mac OS X, folders are "domain-oriented"; because there may be more than one domain on any given physical volume, asking for these folders on a per-volume basis yields undefined results. For example, if you were to request the Fonts folder (represented by the selector kFontsFolderType)on volume -100, are you requesting the folder /System/Library/Fonts, /Library/Fonts, or ~/Fonts? On Mac OS X you should pass a disk or domain constant in this parameter.


Pass a four-character folder type, or a constant that represents the type, for the folder you want to find; see Folder Type Constants.


A value of type Boolean, as defined in Create Folder Flags. Pass the constant kCreateFolder to create a directory if it does not already exist; otherwise, pass the constant kDontCreateFolder. Passing kCreateFolder will not create a parent folder; if the parent of the target folder does not already exist, attempting to create the target will fail.


A pointer to a file system reference. On return, the FSRef refers to the directory specified by the vRefNum and folderType parameters.

Return Value

A result code. See “Folder Manager Result Codes.”

Related Sample Code
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Obtains the folder types contained in the global descriptor list.

OSErr GetFolderTypes (
   UInt32 requestedTypeCount,
   UInt32 *totalTypeCount,
   FolderType *theTypes


Pass the number of FolderType values that can fit in the buffer pointed to by the theTypes parameter; see Folder Type Constants.


Pass a pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer value. On return, the value is set to the total number of FolderType values in the list. The totalTypeCount parameter may produce a value that is larger or smaller than that of the requestedTypeCount parameter. If totalTypeCount is equal to or smaller than the value passed in for requestedTypeCount and the value produced by the theTypes parameter is non-null, then all folder types were returned to the caller.


Pass a pointer to an array of FolderType values; see Folder Type Constants. On return, the array contains the folder types for the installed descriptors. You can step through the array and call GetFolderDescriptor for each folder type. Pass null if you only want to know the number of descriptors installed in the system’s global list, rather than the actual folder types of those descriptors.

Return Value

A result code. See “Folder Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the folder type for the specified folder.

OSErr IdentifyFolder (
   FSVolumeRefNum vRefNum,
   SInt32 dirID,
   FolderType *foldType


Pass the volume reference number (or the constant kOnSystemDisk for the startup disk) of the volume containing the folder whose type you wish to identify.


Pass the directory ID number for the folder whose type you wish to identify.


Pass a pointer to a value of type FolderType. On return, the value is set to the folder type of the folder with the specified vRefNum and dirID parameters; see Folder Type Constants for descriptions of possible values.

Return Value

A result code. See “Folder Manager Result Codes.”


The folder type is identified for the folder specified by the vRefNum and dirID parameters, if such a folder exists. Note that if there are multiple folder descriptors that map to an individual folder, IdentifyFolder returns the folder type of only the first matching descriptor that it finds.

Carbon Porting Notes

This function is not useful on Mac OS X.

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Invalidates any prior FindFolder results for the specified folder.

OSErr InvalidateFolderDescriptorCache (
   FSVolumeRefNum vRefNum,
   SInt32 dirID


Pass the volume reference number (or the constant kOnSystemDisk for the startup disk) of the volume containing the folder for which you wish the descriptor cache to be invalidated. Pass 0 to completely invalidate all folder cache information.


Pass the directory ID number for the folder for which you wish the descriptor cache to be invalidated. Pass 0 to invalidate the cache for all folders on the specified disk.

Return Value

A result code. See “Folder Manager Result Codes.”


The InvalidateFolderDescriptorCache function searches to see if there is currently a cache of results from FindFolder calls on the specified folder. If so, it invalidates the cache from the previous calls to the FindFolder function in order to force the Folder Manager to reexamine the disk when FindFolder is called again on the specified directory ID or volume reference number.

If you remove a directory on disk which you know is a Folder Manager folder, you should call this function to update the Folder Manager.

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Calls your notification function.

OSStatus InvokeFolderManagerNotificationUPP (
   OSType message,
   void *arg,
   void *userRefCon,
   FolderManagerNotificationUPP userUPP


You should not need to use the InvokeFolderManagerNotificationUPP function, as the system calls your notification function for you.

Declared In


Creates a new universal procedure pointer (UPP) to a notification function.

FolderManagerNotificationUPP NewFolderManagerNotificationUPP (
   FolderManagerNotificationProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your notification function.

Return Value

The UPP to the notification function.

Declared In


Deletes the specified folder descriptor entry from the system folder list.

OSErr RemoveFolderDescriptor (
   FolderType foldType


Pass a constant identifying the type of the folder for which you wish to remove a descriptor. See Folder Type Constants.

Return Value

A result code. See “Folder Manager Result Codes.”


Once a folder descriptor has been removed, the function FindFolder will no longer be able to locate the folder type.

Declared In



Defines a pointer to a notification function, called for all Folder Manager notifications.

typedef OSStatus (*FolderManagerNotificationProcPtr)
   OSType message,
   void * arg,
   void * userRefCon);

If you name your function MyFolderManagerNotificationProc, you would declare it like this:

OSStatus MyFolderManagerNotificationProc
   OSType message,
   void * arg,
   void * userRefCon);


The type of notification (user login, user logout, etc.). See “Notification Messages.”


A pointer to additional information, if any. For most messages, this is a pointer to a FindFolderUserRedirectionGlobals structure. If the message is kFolderManagerNotificationDiscardCachedData, arg is undefined.


A pointer to a value for your own use; this may be any value you want, such as a pointer to your globals or other state information.

Return Value

A result code. See “Folder Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In

Data Types


Used in the arg parameter of a notification function.

struct FindFolderUserRedirectionGlobals {
   UInt32 version;
   UInt32 flags;
   Str31 userName;
   short userNameScript;
   short currentUserFolderVRefNum;
   long currentUserFolderDirID;
   short remoteUserFolderVRefNum;
   long remoteUserFolderDirID;
typedef struct FindFolderUserRedirectionGlobals FindFolderUserRedirectionGlobals;
typedef FindFolderUserRedirectionGlobals * FindFolderUserRedirectionGlobalsPtr;

Declared In


Used to find existing folder descriptors and create new ones.

struct FolderDesc {
   Size descSize;
   FolderType foldType;
   FolderDescFlags flags;
   FolderClass foldClass;
   FolderType foldLocation;
   OSType badgeSignature;
   OSType badgeType;
   UInt32 reserved;
   StrFileName name;
typedef struct FolderDesc FolderDesc;
typedef FolderDesc * FolderDescPtr;


The size (in bytes) of this structure.


A constant of type FolderType that identifies the kind of target folder. See “Folder Type Constants” for a list of possible folder types.


Flags indicating whether a folder is created during startup, if the folder name is locked, and if the folder created is invisible; see “Folder Descriptor Flags.”


The class indicating whether the folder is relative to the parent folder or special; see “Folder Descriptor Classes.”


For a relative folder, the foldLocation field specifies the FolderType of the parent folder of the target. For special folders, the location of the folder. See “Folder Descriptor Locations.”


Reserved. Set this field to 0.


Reserved. Set this field to 0.


Reserved. Set this field to 0.


A string specifying the name of the desired folder. For relative folders, this will be the exact name of the desired folder. For special folders, the actual target folder may have a different name than the name specified in the folder descriptor. For example, the System Folder is often given a different name, but it can still be located with FindFolder.


The FolderDesc structure is supported under Mac OS 8 and later.

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Defines a universal procedure pointer (UPP) to a notification function.

typedef FolderManagerNotificationProcPtr FolderManagerNotificationUPP;


For more information, see the description of the FolderManagerNotificationProcPtr callback function.

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Specifies the folder that files are routed to, based on the folder they are routed from.

struct FolderRouting {
   Size descSize;
   OSType fileType;
   FolderType routeFromFolder;
   FolderType routeToFolder;
   RoutingFlags flags;
typedef struct FolderRouting FolderRouting;
typedef FolderRouting * FolderRoutingPtr;


The size (in bytes) of this structure.


A constant of type OSType that describes the file type of the item to be routed.


The folder type identifying the folder from which an item will be routed. If an item is dropped on the folder specified in the routeFromFolder field, it will be routed to the folder described in the routeToFolder field. See “Folder Type Constants” for a list of possible values.


The folder type identifying the folder to which an item will be routed; see “Folder Type Constants” for a list of possible values.


Reserved. Set this field to 0.

Declared In


struct MultiUserGestalt {
   short giVersion;
   short giReserved0;
   short giReserved1;
   short giReserved2;
   short giReserved3;
   FSSpec giReserved4;
   short giDocsVRefNum;
   long giDocsDirID;
   short giForceSaves;
   short giForceOpens;
   Str31 giSetupName;
   Str31 giUserName;
   Str31 giFrontAppName;
   short giReserved5;
   short giIsOn;
   short giUserLoggedInType;
   char giUserEncryptPwd[16];
   short giUserEnvironment;
   long giReserved6;
   long giReserved7;
   Boolean giDisableScrnShots;
   Boolean giSupportsAsyncFSCalls;
   short giPrefsVRefNum;
   long giPrefsDirID;
   unsigned long giUserLogInTime;
   Boolean giUsingPrintQuotas;
   Boolean giUsingDiskQuotas;
   Boolean giInSystemAccess;
   Boolean giUserFolderEnabled;
   short giReserved8;
   long giReserved9;
   Boolean giInLoginScreen;
typedef struct MultiUserGestalt MultiUserGestalt;
typedef MultiUserGestalt * MultiUserGestaltPtr;


The structure version. A structure version of 0 is invalid.


Obsolete with structure version 3.




Obsolete with structure version 6.]




Obsolete with structure version 6.


The volume reference number associated with the user's documents location.


The directory ID of the user's documents folder.


True if the user is forced to save to their documents folder.


True if the user is forced to open from their documents folder.


The name of the current setup.


The name of the current user.


The name of the frontmost application.


Obsolete with structure version 6.


True if Multiple Users or Macintosh Manager is currently on.


The logged in user type. Zero indicates a normal user, 1 indicates a workgroup administrator, and 2 indicates a global administrator.


The encrypted user password.


The environment that the user has logged into.






True if screen shots are not allowed.


The Finder uses this to tell if our patches support asynchronous trap patches.


The volume reference number of preferences.


The directory ID of the At Ease Items folder on the preferences volume.


The time in seconds the user has been logged in.


True if the logged in user is using printer quotas.


True if the logged in user has disk quotas active.


True if the system is in System Access, that is the owner is logged in.


True if FindFolder is redirecting folders.


True if no user has logged in, including the owner.

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Create Folder Flags

Indicate whether a folder should be created, if it is not found.

enum {
   kCreateFolder = true,
   kDontCreateFolder = false


Specifies that the folder should be created, if it is not found.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies that the folder should not be created, if it is not found.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


You can pass these flag constants in the createFolder parameter of the function FSFindFolder.

Folder Descriptor Classes

Specify how folder location information should be interpreted.

enum {
   kRelativeFolder = 'relf',
   kSpecialFolder = 'spcf'
typedef OSType FolderClass;


Relative folders are located in terms of the folders in which they are nested, that is, their parent folders. This constant indicates that the folder location specified is the folder type of the parent folder, and the name specified is the name of the folder. Most folder descriptors are for relative folders.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Special folders—such as the System Folder and the disk’s root directory—are in set locations that are not determined relative to any other folder. This constant indicates that the folder is located algorithmically, according to the constant supplied for the folder location (kBlessedFolder or kRootFolder). Developers cannot create new folder descriptors of the kSpecialFolder class.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Constants of type FolderClass are used to specify how folder location information should be interpreted in the function AddFolderDescriptor and the structure FolderDesc. The FolderClass constants are supported under Mac OS 8 and later.

Developers can only create new folder descriptors with a class of kRelativeFolder.

Folder Descriptor Flags

Specify various attributes of a folder.

enum {
   kCreateFolderAtBoot = 0x00000002,
   kCreateFolderAtBootBit = 1,
   kFolderCreatedInvisible = 0x00000004,
   kFolderCreatedInvisibleBit = 2,
   kFolderCreatedNameLocked = 0x00000008,
   kFolderCreatedNameLockedBit = 3,
   kFolderCreatedAdminPrivs = 0x00000010,
   kFolderCreatedAdminPrivsBit = 4
};enum {
   kFolderInUserFolder = 0x00000020,
   kFolderInUserFolderBit = 5,
   kFolderTrackedByAlias = 0x00000040,
   kFolderTrackedByAliasBit = 6,
   kFolderInRemoteUserFolderIfAvailable = 0x00000080,
   kFolderInRemoteUserFolderIfAvailableBit = 7,
   kFolderNeverMatchedInIdentifyFolder = 0x00000100,
   kFolderNeverMatchedInIdentifyFolderBit = 8,
   kFolderMustStayOnSameVolume = 0x00000200,
   kFolderMustStayOnSameVolumeBit = 9,
   kFolderManagerFolderInMacOS9FolderIfMacOSXIsInstalledMask =
   kFolderManagerFolderInMacOS9FolderIfMacOSXIsInstalledBit = 10,
   kFolderInLocalOrRemoteUserFolder = kFolderInUserFolder | kFolderInRemoteUserFolderIfAvailable
typedef UInt32 FolderDescFlags;


If the bit specified by this mask is set, the folder is created during startup if needed.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


If the bit specified by this mask is set, the folder created is invisible.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


If the bit specified by this mask is set, the name of the folder is locked when the folder is created.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


The FolderDescFlags enumeration defines masks your application can use in the AddFolderDescriptor function and the FolderDesc structure to specify various attributes of a folder. All other flag bits are reserved for future use. The FolderDescFlags constants are supported under Mac OS 8 and later.

Folder Descriptor Locations

Identify special folder locations.

enum {
   kBlessedFolder = 'blsf',
   kRootFolder = 'rotf'
};typedef OSType FolderLocation;


Indicates that the folder location is the System Folder on the volume.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Indicates that the folder location is the root directory of the volume.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


There are two special folder locations that you can specify in folder descriptors via the FolderDesc structure and the AddFolderDescriptor function. For folders whose class is kSpecialFolder, you can use the following constants to specify the location of the folder algorithmically. The FolderLocation constants are supported under Mac OS 8 and later.


enum {
   kCurrentUserFolderLocation = 'cusf'


Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.

Folder Type Constants

Specify a type of folder on a particular volume.

enum {
   kSystemFolderType = 'macs',
   kDesktopFolderType = 'desk',
   kSystemDesktopFolderType = 'sdsk',
   kTrashFolderType = 'trsh',
   kSystemTrashFolderType = 'strs',
   kWhereToEmptyTrashFolderType = 'empt',
   kPrintMonitorDocsFolderType = 'prnt',
   kStartupFolderType = 'strt',
   kShutdownFolderType = 'shdf',
   kAppleMenuFolderType = 'amnu',
   kControlPanelFolderType = 'ctrl',
   kSystemControlPanelFolderType = 'sctl',
   kExtensionFolderType = 'extn',
   kFontsFolderType = 'font',
   kPreferencesFolderType = 'pref',
   kSystemPreferencesFolderType = 'sprf',
   kTemporaryFolderType = 'temp'
enum {
   kExtensionDisabledFolderType = 'extD',
   kControlPanelDisabledFolderType = 'ctrD',
   kSystemExtensionDisabledFolderType = 'macD',
   kStartupItemsDisabledFolderType = 'strD',
   kShutdownItemsDisabledFolderType = 'shdD',
   kApplicationsFolderType = 'apps',
   kDocumentsFolderType = 'docs'
enum {
   kVolumeRootFolderType = 'root',
   kChewableItemsFolderType = 'flnt',
   kApplicationSupportFolderType = 'asup',
   kTextEncodingsFolderType = 'ƒtex',
   kStationeryFolderType = 'odst',
   kOpenDocFolderType = 'odod',
   kOpenDocShellPlugInsFolderType = 'odsp',
   kEditorsFolderType = 'oded',
   kOpenDocEditorsFolderType = 'ƒodf',
   kOpenDocLibrariesFolderType = 'odlb',
   kGenEditorsFolderType = 'ƒedi',
   kHelpFolderType = 'ƒhlp',
   kInternetPlugInFolderType = 'ƒnet',
   kModemScriptsFolderType = 'ƒmod',
   kPrinterDescriptionFolderType = 'ppdf',
   kPrinterDriverFolderType = 'ƒprd',
   kScriptingAdditionsFolderType = 'ƒscr',
   kSharedLibrariesFolderType = 'ƒlib',
   kVoicesFolderType = 'fvoc',
   kControlStripModulesFolderType = 'sdev',
   kAssistantsFolderType = 'astƒ',
   kUtilitiesFolderType = 'utiƒ',
   kAppleExtrasFolderType = 'aexƒ',
   kContextualMenuItemsFolderType = 'cmnu',
   kMacOSReadMesFolderType = 'morƒ',
   kALMModulesFolderType = 'walk',
   kALMPreferencesFolderType = 'trip',
   kALMLocationsFolderType = 'fall',
   kColorSyncProfilesFolderType = 'prof',
   kThemesFolderType = 'thme',
   kFavoritesFolderType = 'favs',
   kInternetFolderType = 'intƒ',
   kAppearanceFolderType = 'appr',
   kSoundSetsFolderType = 'snds',
   kDesktopPicturesFolderType = 'dtpƒ',
   kInternetSearchSitesFolderType = 'issf',
   kFindSupportFolderType = 'fnds',
   kFindByContentFolderType = 'fbcf',
   kInstallerLogsFolderType = 'ilgf',
   kScriptsFolderType = 'scrƒ',
   kFolderActionsFolderType = 'fasf',
   kLauncherItemsFolderType = 'laun',
   kRecentApplicationsFolderType = 'rapp',
   kRecentDocumentsFolderType = 'rdoc',
   kRecentServersFolderType = 'rsvr',
   kSpeakableItemsFolderType = 'spki',
   kKeychainFolderType = 'kchn',
   kQuickTimeExtensionsFolderType = 'qtex',
   kDisplayExtensionsFolderType = 'dspl',
   kMultiprocessingFolderType = 'mpxf',
   kPrintingPlugInsFolderType = 'pplg'
typedef OSType FolderType;


Specifies the System Folder.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Desktop Folder.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the single-user Trash folder.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the shared Trash folder on a file server, this indicates the parent directory of all logged-on users’ Trash subdirectories.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the PrintMonitor Documents folder in the System Folder.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Startup Items folder in the System Folder.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Shutdown Items folder in the System Folder.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Apple Menu Items folder in the System Folder.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Control Panels folder in the System Folder.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Extensions folder in the System Folder.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Fonts folder in the System Folder.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Preferences folder in the System Folder.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Temporary folder. This folder exists as an invisible folder at the volume root.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Extensions (Disabled) folder in the System Folder. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Control Panels (Disabled) folder in the System Folder. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the System Extensions (Disabled) folder in the System Folder. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Startup Items (Disabled) folder in the System Folder. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Shutdown Items (Disabled) folder in the System Folder. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Applications folder installed at the root level of the volume. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Documents folder. This folder is created at the volume root. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the root folder of a volume. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the invisible folder on the system disk called “Cleanup at Startup” whose contents are deleted when the system is restarted, instead of merely being moved to the Trash. When the FindFolder function indicates this folder is available (by returning noErr), developers should usually use this folder for their temporary items, in preference to the Temporary Folder. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Application Support folder in the System Folder. This folder contains code and data files needed by third-party applications. These files should usually not be written to after they are installed. In general, files deleted from this folder remove functionality from an application, unlike files in the Preferences folder, which should be non-essential. One type of file that could be placed here would be plug-ins that the user might want to maintain separately from any application, such as for an image-processing application that has many “fourth-party” plug-ins that the user might want to upgrade separately from the host application. Another type of file that might belong in this folder would be application-specific data files that are not preferences, such as for a scanner application that needs to read description files for specific scanner models according to which are currently available on the SCSI bus or network. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Text Encodings folder in the System Folder. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the OpenDoc stationery folder. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the OpenDoc root folder. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the OpenDoc shell plug-ins folder in the OpenDoc folder. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the OpenDoc editors folder in the Mac OS folder. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the OpenDoc subfolder in the Editors folder. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the OpenDoc libraries folder. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies a general editors folder. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Help folder in the System Folder. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Browser Plug-ins folder in the System Folder. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Modem Scripts folder in the Extensions folder. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Printer Descriptions folder in the Extensions folder. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the printer drivers folder. This constant is not currently supported.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Scripting Additions folder in the System Folder. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the general shared libraries folder. This constant is not currently supported.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Voices folder in the Extensions folder. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Control Strip Modules folder in the System Folder. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Assistants folder installed at the root level of the volume. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Utilities folder installed at the root level of the volume. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Apple Extras folder installed at the root level of the volume. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Contextual Menu Items folder in the System Folder. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Mac OS Read Me Files folder installed at the root level of the volume. Supported with Mac OS 8 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Location Manager Modules folder in the Extensions Folder. Supported with Mac OS 8.1 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Location Manager Prefs folder in the Preferences folder. Supported with Mac OS 8.1 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Locations folder in the Location Manager Prefs folder. Files containing configuration information for different locations are stored here. Supported with Mac OS 8.1 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the ColorSync Profiles folder in the System Folder. Supported with Mac OS 8.1 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Theme Files folder in the Appearance folder. Supported with Mac OS 8.1 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Favorites folder in the System Folder. This folder is for storing Internet location files, aliases, and aliases to other frequently used items. Facilities for adding items into this folder are found in Contextual Menus, the Finder, Navigation Services, and others. Supported with Mac OS 8.1 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Internet folder installed at the root level of the volume. This folder is a location for saving Internet-related applications, resources, and tools. Supported with Mac OS 8.5 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Appearance folder in the System Folder. Supported with Mac OS 8.5 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Sound Sets folder in the Appearance folder. Supported with Mac OS 8.5 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Desktop Pictures folder in the Appearance folder. This folder is used for storing desktop picture files. Files of type 'JPEG' are auto-routed into this folder when dropped into the System Folder. Supported with Mac OS 8.5 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Internet Search Sites folder in the System Folder. This folder contains Internet search site specification files used by the Find application when it accesses Internet search sites. Files of type 'issp' are auto-routed to this folder. Supported with Mac OS 8.5 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Find folder in the Extensions folder. This folder contains files used by the Find application. Supported with Mac OS 8.5 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Find By Content folder installed at the root level of the volume. This folder is invisible and its use is private to Find By Content. Supported with Mac OS 8.5 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Installer Logs folder installed at the root level of the volume. You can use this folder to save installer log files. Supported with Mac OS 8.5 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Scripts folder in the System Folder. This folder is for saving AppleScript scripts. Supported with Mac OS 8.5 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Folder Action Scripts folder in the Scripts folder. Supported with Mac OS 8.5 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Launcher Items folder in the System Folder. Items in this folder appear in the Launcher control panel. Items included in folders with names beginning with a bullet (Option-8) character will appear as a separate panel in the Launcher window. Supported with Mac OS 8.5 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Recent Applications folder in the Apple Menu Items folder. Apple Menu Items saves aliases to recent applications here. Supported with Mac OS 8.5 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Recent Documents folder in the Apple Menu Items folder. Apple Menu Items saves aliases to recently opened documents here. Supported with Mac OS 8.5 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Recent Servers folder in the Apple Menu Items folder. Apple Menu Items saves aliases to recently mounted servers here. Supported with Mac OS 8.5 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Specifies the Speakable Items folder. This folder is for storing scripts and items recognized by speech recognition. Supported with Mac OS 8.5 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


enum {
   kDomainTopLevelFolderType = 'dtop',
   kDomainLibraryFolderType = 'dlib',
   kColorSyncFolderType = 'sync',
   kColorSyncCMMFolderType = 'ccmm',
   kColorSyncScriptingFolderType = 'cscr',
   kPrintersFolderType = 'impr',
   kSpeechFolderType = 'spch',
   kCarbonLibraryFolderType = 'carb',
   kDocumentationFolderType = 'info',
   kDeveloperDocsFolderType = 'ddoc',
   kDeveloperHelpFolderType = 'devh',
   kISSDownloadsFolderType = 'issd',
   kUserSpecificTmpFolderType = 'utmp',
   kCachedDataFolderType = 'cach',
   kFrameworksFolderType = 'fram',
   kPrivateFrameworksFolderType = 'pfrm',
   kClassicDesktopFolderType = 'sdsk',
   kDeveloperFolderType = 'devf',
   kSystemSoundsFolderType = 'ssnd',
   kComponentsFolderType = 'cmpd',
   kQuickTimeComponentsFolderType = 'wcmp',
   kCoreServicesFolderType = 'csrv',
   kPictureDocumentsFolderType = 'pdoc',
   kMovieDocumentsFolderType = 'mdoc',
   kMusicDocumentsFolderType = 'doc',
   kInternetSitesFolderType = 'site',
   kPublicFolderType = 'pubb',
   kAudioSupportFolderType = 'adio',
   kAudioSoundsFolderType = 'asnd',
   kAudioSoundBanksFolderType = 'bank',
   kAudioAlertSoundsFolderType = 'alrt',
   kAudioPlugInsFolderType = 'aplg',
   kAudioComponentsFolderType = 'acmp',
   kKernelExtensionsFolderType = 'kext',
   kDirectoryServicesFolderType = 'dsrv',
   kDirectoryServicesPlugInsFolderType = 'dplg',
   kInstallerReceiptsFolderType = 'rcpt',
   kFileSystemSupportFolderType = 'fsys',
   kAppleShareSupportFolderType = 'shar',
   kAppleShareAuthenticationFolderType = 'auth',
   kMIDIDriversFolderType = 'midi',
   kKeyboardLayoutsFolderType = 'klay',
   kIndexFilesFolderType = 'indx',
   kFindByContentIndexesFolderType = 'fbcx',
   kManagedItemsFolderType = 'mang',
   kBootTimeStartupItemsFolderType = 'empz'


enum {
   kAppleshareAutomountServerAliasesFolderType = 'srvƒ',
   kPreMacOS91ApplicationsFolderType = 'åpps',
   kPreMacOS91InstallerLogsFolderType = 'îlgf',
   kPreMacOS91AssistantsFolderType = 'åstƒ',
   kPreMacOS91UtilitiesFolderType = 'ütiƒ',
   kPreMacOS91AppleExtrasFolderType = 'åexƒ',
   kPreMacOS91MacOSReadMesFolderType = 'orƒ',
   kPreMacOS91InternetFolderType = 'întƒ',
   kPreMacOS91AutomountedServersFolderType = 'ßrvƒ',
   kPreMacOS91StationeryFolderType = 'ødst'


enum {
   kUsersFolderType = 'usrs',
   kCurrentUserFolderType = 'cusr',
   kCurrentUserRemoteFolderLocation = 'rusf',
   kCurrentUserRemoteFolderType = 'rusr',
   kSharedUserDataFolderType = 'sdat',
   kVolumeSettingsFolderType = 'vsfd'


enum {
   kLocalesFolderType = 'ƒloc',
   kFindByContentPluginsFolderType = 'fbcp'

Disk and Domain Constants

Identify the disk or domain in which to locate a folder.

enum {
   kOnSystemDisk = -32768L,
   kOnAppropriateDisk = -32767,
   kSystemDomain = -32766,
   kLocalDomain = -32765,
   kNetworkDomain = -32764,
   kUserDomain = -32763,
   kClassicDomain = -32762
enum {
   kLastDomainConstant = kUserDomain


Specifies the system disk.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


In most cases, the equivalent of kOnSystemDisk. On Mac OS X, use this constant instead of the constant kOnSytemDisk to indicate any disk.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Folders.h.


You can pass this constant in the vRefNum parameter of FSFindFolder to locate a folder on the startup disk.

Notification Options

Specify options for the FolderManagerRegisterNotificationProc function.

enum {
   kDoNotRemoveWhenCurrentApplicationQuitsBit = 0,
   kDoNotRemoveWheCurrentApplicationQuitsBit = kDoNotRemoveWhenCurrentApplicationQuitsBit


Tells the Folder Manager to not remove your notification function when the current application quits. Otherwise, a notification function registered within an application's context will be automatically removed when that application quits. Programs that register notifications at system startup should set this bit.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 through Mac OS X v10.4.

Declared in Folders.h.


Use kDoNotRemoveWhenCurrentApplicationQuitsBit instead.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 through Mac OS X v10.4.

Declared in Folders.h.

FSFindFolderExtended Flags

Specify additional options for folder searches performed with the FSFindFolderExtended function.

enum {
   kFindFolderExtendedFlagsDoNotFollowAliasesBit = 0,
   kFindFolderExtendedFlagsDoNotUseUserFolderBit = 1,
   kFindFolderExtendedFlagsUseOtherUserRecord = 0x01000000


These are passed to FSFindFolderExtended and FindFolderExtended in the flags field.

FindFolderUserRedirectionGlobals Flags

Used in the flags field of the FindFolderUserRedirectionGlobals structure

enum {
   kFindFolderRedirectionFlagUseDistinctUserFoldersBit = 0,
= 1,
= 2
typedef UInt32 RoutingFlags;

FindFolderUserRedirectionGlobals Structure Version

Represents the current version of the FindFolderUserRedirectionGlobals structure.

enum {
   kFolderManagerUserRedirectionGlobalsCurrentVersion = 1

Notification Messages

Define messages sent to your notification function.

enum {
   kFolderManagerNotificationMessageUserLogIn = 'log+',
   kFolderManagerNotificationMessagePreUserLogIn = 'logj',
   kFolderManagerNotificationMessageUserLogOut = 'log-',
   kFolderManagerNotificationMessagePostUserLogOut = 'logp',
   kFolderManagerNotificationDiscardCachedData = 'dche',
   kFolderManagerNotificationMessageLoginStartup = 'stup'


Sent when a user has logged in. When you receive this message FindFolder will return the vRefNum and dirID of the user's redirected folders until the user logs out. This message can be used to load the new user's preferences.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 through Mac OS X v10.4.

Declared in Folders.h.


Sent just prior to redirecting FindFolder to the user's folders. Calling FindFolder when receiving this notification will return the vRefNum and dirID of the system folders. This message can be used to update the owner's preference files prior to FindFolder being redirected.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 through Mac OS X v10.4.

Declared in Folders.h.


Sent when a user has logged out. This is the last time FindFolder will return the user's folders; after this notification FindFolder will return the vRefNum and dirID of system folders. This message can be used to update a user's preference files during logout.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 through Mac OS X v10.4.

Declared in Folders.h.


Sent just after FindFolder has been restored to return the vRefNum and dirID of system folders. This message can be used to load the owner's preferences.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 through Mac OS X v10.4.

Declared in Folders.h.


Sent by third-party software when the entire Folder Manager cache should be flushed.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 through Mac OS X v10.4.

Declared in Folders.h.


Available in Mac OS X v10.0 through Mac OS X v10.4.

Declared in Folders.h.

FolderManagerCallNotificationProcs Options

Used in the options parameter of FolderManagerCallNotificationProcs.

enum {
   kStopIfAnyNotificationProcReturnsErrorBit = 31

Result Codes

The most common result codes returned by Folder Manager are listed below.

Result CodeValueDescription
badFolderDescErr -4270

Invalid folder

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

duplicateFolderDescErr -4271

Duplicate folders for a particular routing

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

noMoreFolderDescErr -4272

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

invalidFolderTypeErr -4273

Invalid folder name

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

duplicateRoutingErr -4274

Same routing for two folders

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

routingNotFoundErr -4275

No routing set up for the folder passed in

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

badRoutingSizeErr -4276

Incorrect descSize field of the folder routing structure

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Gestalt Constants

You can check for version and feature availability information by using the Folder Manager selectors defined in the Gestalt Manager. For more information see Inside Mac OS X: Gestalt Manager Reference.

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© 2003, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2006-07-12)

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