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Memory Management Utilities Reference

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Applications can use the Memory Management Utilities to

While Carbon supports most of the Memory Management Utilities, there are changes to functions that assume a 68K runtime environment.

For a list of unsupported functions, see the Carbon Specification.

Functions by Task

Determining the Measurement System

Reading and Writing Location Data

Setting and Restoring the A5 Register

Getting the User and Computer Name

Managing a Queue

Working With Parameter RAM


Working With Universal Procedure Pointers



Returns a reference to the CFString that represents the computer name.

CFStringRef CSCopyMachineName (

Return Value

A CFStringRef. See the Base Services documentation for a description of the CFStringRef data type.

Declared In


Returns a reference to the CFString that represents the user name.

CFStringRef CSCopyUserName (
   Boolean useShortName


A Boolean value that specifies whether to return the short name or full name of the user.

Return Value

A CFStringRef. See the Base Services documentation for a description of the CFStringRef data type.


The function CSCopyUserName returns a CFStringRef based on the read UID (RUID, as returned by getuid) of the calling process. This can result in unexpected behavior (that is, CSCopyUserName returning different results than SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser) for processes that manipulate their UID.

Declared In


Delays execture for the specified amount of time.

void Delay (
   unsigned long numTicks,
   unsigned long *finalTicks

Declared In


Removes a queue element directly from an operating-system queue or from a queue that you have created.

OSErr Dequeue (
   QElemPtr qElement,
   QHdrPtr qHeader


A pointer to a queue element to remove from a queue.


A pointer to a queue header.

Return Value

A result code. See “Memory Management Utilities Result Codes.”


The Dequeue function attempts to find the queue element specified by the qElement parameter in the queue specified by the qHeader parameter. If Dequeue finds the element, it removes the element from the queue, adjusts the other elements in the queue accordingly, and returns noErr. Otherwise, it returns qErr, indicating that it could not find the element in the queue. The Dequeue function does not deallocate the memory occupied by the queue element.

For a description of the QElem record, see QElem; for a description of the QHdr record, see QHdr.

The Dequeue function disables interrupts as it searches through the queue for the element to be removed. The time during which interrupts are disabled depends on the length of the queue and the position of the entry in the queue. The Dequeue function can be called at interrupt time. However, the Dequeue function is ordinarily used only by system software and, whenever possible, you should manipulate an operating-system queue indirectly, by calling special-purpose removal functions. You can use the Queue Utilities functions for directly manipulating queues that you create. Use the following functions instead of Dequeue:

Declared In


Disposes of a universal procedure pointer (UPP) to a deferred-task callback.

void DisposeDeferredTaskUPP (
   DeferredTaskUPP userUPP


The universal procedure pointer.


See the callback DeferredTaskProcPtr for more information.

Declared In


Adds elements directly to an operating-system queue or a queue that you create.

void Enqueue (
   QElemPtr qElement,
   QHdrPtr qHeader


A pointer to the queue element to add to a queue.


A pointer to a queue header.


The Enqueue function adds the queue element specified by the qElement parameter to the end of the queue specified by the qHeader parameter. The specified queue header is updated to reflect the new queue element.

For a description of the QElem record, see QElem; for a description of the QHdr record, see QHdr.

Because interrupt functions are likely to manipulate operating-system queues, interrupts are disabled for a short time while the specified queue is updated. You can call the Enqueue function at interrupt time. However, the Enqueue function is ordinarily used only by system software. Whenever possible, you should manipulate an operating-system queue indirectly, by calling special-purpose functions whenever possible, instead of the Enqueue function. You can use the Queue Utilities functions for directly manipulating queues that you create. Use the following functions instead of Enqueue:

Declared In


Calls a deferred-task callback.

void InvokeDeferredTaskUPP (
   long dtParam,
   DeferredTaskUPP userUPP


You should not need to use the function InvokeDeferredTaskUPP, as the system calls your deferred-task callback for you. See the callback DeferredTaskProcPtr for more information.

Declared In


Verifies whether the current script system is using the metric system or the English system of measurement.

Boolean IsMetric (

Return Value

TRUE if the metric system is being used; FALSE if the English system is being used.


The IsMetric function examines the metricSys field of the numeric-format resource (resource type 'itl0') to determine if the current script is using the metric system. A value of 255 in the metricSys field indicates that the metric system (centimeters, kilometers, milligrams, degrees Celsius, and so on) is being used. A value of 0 in the metricSys field indicates that the English system of measurement (inches, miles, ounces, degrees Fahrenheit, and so on) is used.

If you want to use units of measurement different from that of the current script, you need to override the value of the metricSys field in the current numeric-format resource. You can do this by using your own version of the numeric-format resource instead of the current script system’s default international resource.

The IsMetric function is the same as the IUMetric function, which was previously available with the International Utilities Package.

Special Considerations

The IsMetric function may move or purge blocks in the heap calling it may cause problems if you’ve dereferenced a handle. Do not call this function from within interrupt code, such as in a completion function or a VBL task.

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Notifies the system that the specified data is subject to execution.

void MakeDataExecutable (
   void *baseAddress,
   unsigned long length


The starting address of the data to be flushed.


The length of the data pointed to by the baseAddress parameter.

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Creates a new universal procedure pointer (UPP) to a deferred-task callback.

DeferredTaskUPP NewDeferredTaskUPP (
   DeferredTaskProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your deferred-task callback.

Return Value

On return, a UPP to a deferred-task callback. See the description of the DeferredTaskUPP data type.


See the callback DeferredTaskProcPtr for more information.

Declared In


Obtains information about a geographic location or time zone.

void ReadLocation (
   MachineLocation *loc


On return, the fields of the geographic location structure containing the geographic location and the time-zone information.The ReadLocation procedure reads the stored geographic location and time zone of the Macintosh computer from extended parameter RAM.

You can get values for the latitude, longitude, daylight savings time (DST), or Greenwich mean time (GMT). If the geographic location record has never been set, all fields contain 0.


The latitude and longitude are stored as Fract values, giving accuracy to within one foot. For example, a Fract value of 1.0 equals 90 degrees –1.0 equals –90 degrees and –2.0 equals –180 degrees.

To convert these values to a degrees format, you need to convert the Fract values first to the Fixed data type, then to the LongInt data type. Use the Mathematical and Logical Utilities functions Fract2Fix and Fix2Long to accomplish this task.

The DST value is a signed byte value that specifies the offset for the hour field—whether to add one hour, subtract one hour, or make no change at all.

The GMT value is in seconds east of GMT. For example, San Francisco is at –28,800 seconds (8 hours * 3,600 seconds per hour) east of GMT. The gmtDelta field is a 3-byte value contained in a long word, so you must take care to get it properly.

The ReadLocation function was previously available with the Script Manager.

For more information on the geographic location record, see MachineLocation.

For more information on the Fract data type and the conversion routines Long2Fix, Fix2Fract, Fract2Fix, and Fix2Long, see Mathematical and Logical Utilities.

Special Considerations

Do not call the ReadLocation function at interrupt time.

Declared In


Obtains the current number of ticks (a tick is approximately 1/60 of a second) since the system last started up.

UInt32 TickCount (


The TickCount function returns an unsigned 32-bit integer that indicates the current number of ticks since the system last started up. You can use this value to compare the number of ticks that have elapsed since a given event or other action occurred. For example, you could compare the current value returned by TickCount with the value of the when field of an event structure.

The tick count is incremented during the vertical retrace interrupt, but this interrupt can be disabled. Your application should not rely on the tick count to increment with absolute precision. Your application also should not assume that the tick count always increments by 1 an interrupt task might keep control for more than one tick. If your application keeps track of the previous tick count and then compares this value with the current tick count, your application should compare the two values by checking for a “greater than or equal” condition rather than “equal to previous tick count plus 1.”

Do not rely on the tick count being exact; it is usually accurate to within one tick, but this level of accuracy is not guaranteed.

Related Sample Code
Declared In



Defines a pointer to a deferred-task callback.

typedef void (*DeferredTaskProcPtr) (
   long dtParam

If you name your function MyDeferredTaskProc, you would declare it like this:

void MyDeferredTaskProc (
   long dtParam

Declared In

Data Types


Contains information related to a deferred task.

struct DeferredTask {
   volatile QElemPtr qLink;
   short qType;
   volatile short dtFlags;
   DeferredTaskUPP dtAddr;
   long dtParam;
   long dtReserved;
typedef struct DeferredTask DeferredTask;
typedef DeferredTask * DeferredTaskPtr;

Declared In


Defines a universal procedure pointer to a deferred-task callback.

typedef DeferredTaskProcPtr DeferredTaskUPP;


For more information, see the description of the DeferredTaskProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Contains information about the geographical location of a computer.

struct MachineLocation {
   Fract latitude
   Fract longitude
   union {
      SInt8 dlsDelta;
      long gmDelta;
      struct {
         SInt8 pad[3];
         SInt8 Delta;
      } dls;
   } u;
typedef struct MachineLocation MachineLocation;


The location’s latitude, in fractions of a great circle. For example, Copenhagen, Denmark is at 55.43 degrees north latitude. When writing the latitude to extended parameter RAM with the WriteLocation procedure, you must convert this value to a Fract data type. (For example, a Fract value of 1.0 equals 90 degrees –1.0 equals –90 degrees and –2.0 equals –180 degrees.) For more information on the Fract data type, see Mathematical and Logical Utilities.


The location’s longitude, in fractions of a great circle. For example, Copenhagen, Denmark is at 12.34 degrees east longitude. When writing the longitude to extended parameter RAM with the WriteLocation procedure, you must convert this value to a Fract data type. (For example, a Fract value of 1.0 equals 90 degrees –1.0 equals –90 degrees and –2.0 equals –180 degrees.


A value that represents the current state of daylight savings time.


A signed byte value representing the hour offset for daylight saving time. This field is a 1-byte value contained in a long word. It should be preserved when writing gmtDelta.


The geographic location and time-zone information of a Macintosh computer are stored in extended parameter RAM. The MachineLocation data type defines the format for the geographic location record.

The ReadLocation and WriteLocation procedures use the geographic location record to read and store the geographic location and time zone information in extended parameter RAM. If the geographic location record has never been set, all fields contain 0.

In order for MachineLocation to be endian-safe, a new member has been added to the 'u' union in the structure. You are encouraged to use the new member instead of the old one.

If your code looked like this:

MachineLocation.u.dlsDelta = 1;

you should change it to this:

MachineLocation.u.dls.Delta = 1;

to be endian safe. The gmtDelta remains the same; the low 24-bits are used. Remember that order of assignment DOES matter.

This will overwrite results:

MachineLocation.u.dls.Delta = 0xAA;         // u = 0xAAGGGGGG; G=Garbage
MachineLocation.u.gmtDelta = 0xBBBBBB;      // u = 0x00BBBBBB;

when in fact reversing the assignment would have preserved the values:

MachineLocation.u.gmtDelta = 0xBBBBBB;      // u = 0x00BBBBB;
MachineLocation.u.dls.Delta = 0xAA;         // u = 0xAABBBBBB;
Declared In


Contains information about a queue element.

struct QElem {
   QElem * qLink;
   short qType;
   short qData[1];
typedef struct QElem QElem;
typedef QElem * QElemPtr;


The type of the queue element. For a description of the values which you can use in this field, see “Queue Types.”


A variable array of data. The type of data and the length depend upon the queue type, specified in the qType field.


A queue element is a single entry in a queue. Each operating-system queue created and maintained by the Macintosh Operating System consists of a queue header and a linked list of queue elements. The exact structure of an element in an operating-system queue depends on the type of the queue. The QElem data type defines the available queue elements.

Declared In


Contains information about the event queue.

struct QHdr {
   volatile short qFlags;
   volatile QElemPtr qHead;
   volatile QElemPtr qTail;
typedef struct QHdr QHdr;
typedef QHdr * QHdrPtr;


Queue flags.


First queue entry.


Last queue entry.


The event queue consists of a header followed by the actual entries in the queue. The event queue has the same header as all standard Macintosh Operating System queues. The Qhdr structure defines the queue header.

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Contains information about the system environment.

struct SysEnvRec {
   short environsVersion;
   short machineType;
   short systemVersion;
   short processor;
   Boolean hasFPU;
   Boolean hasColorQD;
   short keyBoardType;
   short atDrvrVersNum;
   short sysVRefNum;
typedef struct SysEnvRec SysEnvRec;


The version number of the SysEnvirons function that was used to fill in the record.

When you call the SysEnvirons function, you specify a version number to ensure that you receive a system environment record that matches your expectations. If you request a more recent version of SysEnvirons than is available, SysEnvirons places its own version number in the environsVersion field and returns a function result envVersTooBig.


A code for the Macintosh model. See “Macintosh Model Codes.” Use the Gestalt function to obtain information about machine types not listed among these constants.


The version number of the current System file, represented as two byte-long numbers with one or more implied decimal points. The value $0410, for example, represents system software version 4.1.

If you call SysEnvirons when a system earlier than 4.1 is running, the MPW glue places $0 in this field and returns a result code of envNotPresent.


A code for the microprocessor. See “Microprocessor Codes.”


A Boolean value that indicates whether hardware floating-point processing is available.


A Boolean value that indicates whether Color QuickDraw is present. This field says nothing about the presence of a color monitor.


A code for the keyboard type. See “Keyboard Constants.” Use the Gestalt function to obtain information about keyboard types not listed among these constants.

If the Apple Desktop Bus is in use, this field returns the keyboard type of the keyboard on which the last keystroke was made.


The version number of the AppleTalk driver (specifically, the .MPP driver) currently installed. If AppleTalk is not loaded, this field is 0.


The working-directory reference number of the folder or volume that holds the open System file.


The SysEnvirons function fills in a system environment record, which describes some aspects of the software and hardware environment.

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Contains settings used by the system at startup.

struct SysParmType {
   UInt8 valid;
   UInt8 aTalkA;
   UInt8 aTalkB;
   UInt8 config;
   short portA;
   short portB;
   long alarm;
   short font;
   short kbdPrint;
   short volClik;
   short misc;
typedef struct SysParmType SysParmType;
typedef SysParmType * SysPPtr;

Declared In


Addressing Errors

Specify a type of addressing error.

enum {
   false32b = 0,
   true32b = 1


Indicates a 24-bit addressing error.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in OSUtils.h.


Indicates a 32-bit addressing error.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in OSUtils.h.

Keyboard Constants

Specify keyboard types.

enum {
   envUnknownKbd = 0,
   envMacKbd = 1,
   envMacAndPad = 2,
   envMacPlusKbd = 3,
   envAExtendKbd = 4,
   envStandADBKbd = 5,
   envPrtblADBKbd = 6,
   envPrtblISOKbd = 7,
   envStdISOADBKbd = 8,
   envExtISOADBKbd = 9

Macintosh Model Codes

Specify models of Macintosh computers.

enum {
   envMac = -1,
   envXL = -2,
   envMachUnknown = 0,
   env512KE = 1,
   envMacPlus = 2,
   envSE = 3,
   envMacII = 4,
   envMacIIx = 5,
   envMacIIcx = 6,
   envSE30 = 7,
   envPortable = 8,
   envMacIIci = 9,
   envMacIIfx = 11

Microprocessor Codes

Specify types of microprocessors.

enum {
   envCPUUnknown = 0,
   env68000 = 1,
   env68010 = 2,
   env68020 = 3,
   env68030 = 4,
   env68040 = 5

Queue Types

Specifies queue types.

enum {
   dummyType = 0,
   vType = 1,
   ioQType = 2,
   drvQType = 3,
   evType = 4,
   fsQType = 5,
   sIQType = 6,
   dtQType = 7,
   nmType = 8
typedef SignedByte QTypes;



Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in OSUtils.h.


Specifies a vertical retrace queue type. See the Vertical Retrace Manager for more information.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in OSUtils.h.


Specifies a file I/O or driver I/O queue type.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in OSUtils.h.


Specifies a drive queue type.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in OSUtils.h.


Specifies an event queue type. See the Event Manager for more information.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in OSUtils.h.


Specifies a volume-control-block queue type.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in OSUtils.h.


Specifies a slot interrupt queue type. See the Slot Manager for more information.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in OSUtils.h.


Specifies a deferred task queue type. See Memory Management Utilities for more information.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in OSUtils.h.


Specifies a notification queue type. See the Notification Manager for more information.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in OSUtils.h.


The different queue types that are accessible to your application are defined by the QTypes data type. Each of these enumerated queue types determines a different type of queue element. These constants are used in the qtype field of the QElem structure.

Sorting Constants

Specify the result types for the function RelString.

enum {
   sortsBefore = -1,
   sortsEqual = 0,
   sortsAfter = 1


Indicates the first string is less than the second string.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in OSUtils.h.


Indicates the first string is equivalent to the second string.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in OSUtils.h.


Indicates the first string is greater than the second string.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in OSUtils.h.

Assorted Use Constants

Defines constants to indicate use of various things, such as to use MIDE or AppleTalk.

enum {
   useFree = 0,
   useATalk = 1,
   useAsync = 2,
   useExtClk = 3,
   useMIDI = 4

Version Number

Specifies the version of the current system environment.

enum {
   curSysEnvVers = 2

Result Codes

The most common result codes returned by Memory Management Utilities are listed in the table below. Memory Management Utilities may also return the following errors:

Result CodeValueDescription
qErr -1

Queue element not found during deletion.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

vTypErr -2

Invalid queue element.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

corErr -3

Core routine number out of range

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

unimpErr -4

Unimplemented core routine.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

SlpTypeErr -5

Invalid queue element.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

hwParamErr -502

Processor does not support flushing a range.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

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