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Navigation Services Reference

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Navigation Services is an application programming interface that allows your application to provide a user interface for navigating, opening, and saving Mac OS file objects.

This reference describes the application programming interface for Navigation Services, as introduced with CarbonLib 1.1. Navigation Services establishes a new model for creating, displaying, and processing dialogs. This new functionality gives you the ability to create truly modeless dialogs and provides support for Unicode and Mac OS X sheets.

Navigation Services replaces the Standard File Package, which is not supported in Carbon.

Functions by Task

Creating Dialogs

Choosing Files, Folders and Volumes

Saving Files

Customizing Dialogs

Running And Disposing of Dialogs

Obtaining Dialog Information

Translating Files

Identifying Navigation Services Availability

Working With Universal Procedure Pointers

Deprecated Functions

Unsupported Functions



Disposes of a UPP to an application-defined event–handling function.

void DisposeNavEventUPP (
   NavEventUPP userUPP


The UPP to dispose of.


For more information on event–handling functions, see NavEventProcPtr.

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Disposes of a UPP to an application-defined filter function.

void DisposeNavObjectFilterUPP (
   NavObjectFilterUPP userUPP


The UPP to dispose of.


For more information on filter functions, see NavObjectFilterProcPtr.

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Disposes of a UPP to an application-defined preview function.

void DisposeNavPreviewUPP (
   NavPreviewUPP userUPP


The UPP to dispose of.


For more information on preview functions, see NavPreviewProcPtr.

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Calls your application-defined event–handling function.

void InvokeNavEventUPP (
   NavEventCallbackMessage callBackSelector,
   NavCBRecPtr callBackParms,
   void *callBackUD,
   NavEventUPP userUPP


You should not need to use the function InvokeNavEventUPP, as the system calls your event–handling function for you.

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Calls your application-defined filter function.

Boolean InvokeNavObjectFilterUPP (
   AEDesc *theItem,
   void *info,
   void *callBackUD,
   NavFilterModes filterMode,
   NavObjectFilterUPP userUPP


You should not need to use the function InvokeNavObjectFilterUPP, as the system calls your filter function for you.

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Calls your application-defined preview function.

Boolean InvokeNavPreviewUPP (
   NavCBRecPtr callBackParms,
   void *callBackUD,
   NavPreviewUPP userUPP


You should not need to use the function InvokeNavPreviewUPP, as the system calls your preview function for you.

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Completes a save operation and performs any needed translation on the file.

OSErr NavCompleteSave (
   const NavReplyRecord *reply,
   NavTranslationOptions howToTranslate


A pointer to a structure of type NavReplyRecord. Upon return, Navigation Services uses this structure to provide data to your application about the results of your NavCompleteSave call.


A pointer to a structure of type NavTranslationOptions. Pass one of two values to specify how to perform any needed translation. For a description of the constants you can use to represent these values, see “Translation Options.” Translating in-place causes the source file to be replaced by the translation. Translating to a copy results in a file name followed by the string “(converted)” to avoid unwanted replacement. If you call the NavCompleteSave function in response to a Save a Copy command, you should pass the kNavTranslateInPlace constant in this parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Navigation Services Result Codes.” Since this function performs any needed translation, it may return a translation error.


You should always call NavCompleteSave to complete any file saving operation performed with the NavCreatePutFileDialog function. NavCompleteSave performs any needed translation, so you do not have to use the function NavTranslateFile when saving. If you wish to turn off automatic translation, set to false the value of the translationNeeded field of the NavReplyRecord structure you pass in the reply parameter of the NavPutFile function. If you turn off automatic translation, your application is responsible for any required translation.

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Creates a dialog that asks the user whether to discard changes.

OSStatus NavCreateAskDiscardChangesDialog (
   const NavDialogCreationOptions *inOptions,
   NavEventUPP inEventProc,
   void *inClientData,
   NavDialogRef *outDialog


A pointer to a structure specifying options that control the appearance and behavior of the dialog. You must supply a string in the saveFileName field of this structure; otherwise the function returns paramErr.


A Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) to your application’s event-handling function. You are strongly advised to create and register an event-handling function, as described in NavEventProcPtr. You must have an event-handling function in order to create modeless or window-modal (sheet) dialogs. Specify NULL in this parameter if you do not implement an event-handling function.


A pointer to an application-defined value that is passed back to all callback functions. You can use this value to provide context information, for example. You may pass NULL in this parameter.


On successful creation of a Discard Changes dialog, A pointer to a Navigation Services dialog reference that you can pass to the NavDialogRun function

Return Value

A result code.


This function creates a dialog that gives the user the option of discarding unsaved changes to a file or cancelling the operation. This dialog is most commonly used when the user wants to revert to the last saved version of a document.

Once you have successfully created the Discard Changes dialog, you display it by calling the NavDialogRun function. After the user interacts with the dialog, you can obtain information about the dialog session by calling the NavDialogGetReply function. When you are finished with the dialog, dispose of it by calling the NavDialogDispose function.

This function replaces the NavAskDiscardChanges function and adds support for Unicode and new window modalities.

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Creates a Review Changes dialog, which notifies the user of multiple unsaved documents and gives the user the option to review them.

OSStatus NavCreateAskReviewDocumentsDialog (
   const NavDialogCreationOptions *inOptions,
   ItemCount inDocumentCount,
   NavEventUPP inEventProc,
   void *inClientData,
   NavDialogRef *outDialog


A pointer to a structure specifying options that control the appearance and behavior of the dialog.


The number of documents needing review. This number appears in the text presented to the user. If the total number of unsaved documents is unknown, specify 0; Navigation Services uses a general message. You should not specify 1; this alert should be used only when more than one document needs review. For more information, see Inside Mac OS X: Aqua Human Interface Guidelines.


A universal procedure pointer (UPP) to an application-defined event-handling function. You are strongly advised to create and register an event-handling function, as described in NavEventProcPtr. You must have an event-handling function in order to create modeless or window-modal (sheet) dialogs. Specify NULL in this parameter if you do not implement an event-handling function.


A pointer to an application-defined value that is passed back to all callback functions.


Upon successful completion, a reference to the created dialog.

Return Value

A result code. See “Navigation Services Result Codes.”


The Review Changes dialog tells the user how many unsaved documents there are and asks the user to choose one of the following options:

Use of this dialog is appropriate when an application is quitting and there is more than one unsaved document. It is supported only on Mac OS X; prior to Mac O X, this dialog is not part of the application quit sequence.

Upon successful creation, the dialog is not visible; to present and run the dialog, call the NavDialogRun function. After the dialog is complete, dispose of it with the NavDialogDispose function. Upon dismissal of the dialog, the user’s action is set to one of the following actions: kNavUserActionReviewDocuments, kNavUserActionDiscardDocuments, or kNavUserActionCancel. You can obtain this reply by calling the NavDialogGetReply.

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Creates a dialog that asks the user whether to save changes.

OSStatus NavCreateAskSaveChangesDialog (
   const NavDialogCreationOptions *inOptions,
   NavAskSaveChangesAction inAction,
   NavEventUPP inEventProc,
   void *inClientData,
   NavDialogRef *outDialog


A pointer to a structure specifying options that control the appearance and behavior of the dialog.


A value indicating whether the user is closing a document or quitting the application and thereby determines the message displayed to the user. To provide a customized message for the dialog, specify a non-NULL value in the message field of the structure provided in the inOptions parameter.


A Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) to your application’s event-handling function. You are strongly advised to create and register an event-handling function, as described in NavEventProcPtr. You must have an event-handling function in order to create modeless or window-modal (sheet) dialogs. Specify NULL in this parameter if you do not implement an event-handling function.


A pointer to an application-defined value that is passed back to all callback functions. You can use this value to provide context information, for example. You may pass NULL in this parameter.


On successful creation of the Save Changes dialog, a pointer to a Navigation Services dialog reference that you can pass to the NavDialogRun function.

Return Value

A result code. See “Navigation Services Result Codes.” A result code.


This function creates a Save Changes dialog, which your application should display when the user attempts to close a document or quit the application with unsaved changes. The Save Changes dialog allows the user to choose one of the following options:

Once you have successfully created the Save Changes dialog, you display it by calling the NavDialogRun function. After the user interacts with the dialog, you can obtain information about the dialog session by calling the NavDialogGetReply function. When you are finished with the dialog, dispose of it by calling the NavDialogDispose function.

If there is more than one document with unsaved changes when the user attempts to quit your application, you should display a Review Changes dialog instead. You can create a Review Changes dialog with the NavCreateAskReviewDocumentsDialog function.

This function replaces the NavAskSaveChanges function and adds support for Unicode and new window modalities.

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Creates a Choose File dialog, which prompts the user to select a single file as the target of an operation.

OSStatus NavCreateChooseFileDialog (
   const NavDialogCreationOptions *inOptions,
   NavTypeListHandle inTypeList,
   NavEventUPP inEventProc,
   NavPreviewUPP inPreviewProc,
   NavObjectFilterUPP inFilterProc,
   void *inClientData,
   NavDialogRef *outDialog


A pointer to a structure specifying options that control the appearance and behavior of the dialog.


A structure specifying a creator signature and a list of file types to show in the Choose File dialog.


A Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) to your application’s event-handling function. You are strongly advised to create and register an event-handling function, as described in NavEventProcPtr. You must have an event-handling function in order to create modeless or window-modal (sheet) dialogs. Specify NULL in this parameter if you do not implement an event-handling function.


A Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) to your application’s preview function. You may specify NULL if you don’t need to register a preview function. For more information on preview functions, see NavPreviewProcPtr.


A Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) to your application’s filter function. You may specify NULL if you don’t need to register a filter function. For more information on filter functions, see NavObjectFilterProcPtr.


A pointer to an application-defined value that is passed back to all callback functions. You can use this value to provide context information, for example. You may pass NULL in this parameter.


On successful creation of a Choose File dialog, A pointer to a Navigation Services dialog reference that you can pass to the NavDialogRun function.

Return Value

A result code. See “Navigation Services Result Codes.” A result code.


Once you have successfully created the Choose File dialog, you display it by calling the NavDialogRun function. After the user interacts with the dialog, you can obtain information about the dialog session by calling the NavDialogGetReply function. When you are finished with the dialog, you should dispose of it by calling the NavDialogDispose function.

This function replaces the NavChooseFile function and adds support for Unicode and new window modalities.

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Creates a Choose Folder dialog, which prompts the user to select a folder as the target of an operation.

OSStatus NavCreateChooseFolderDialog (
   const NavDialogCreationOptions *inOptions,
   NavEventUPP inEventProc,
   NavObjectFilterUPP inFilterProc,
   void *inClientData,
   NavDialogRef *outDialog


A pointer to a structure specifying options that control the appearance and behavior of the dialog.


A Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) to your application’s event-handling function. You are strongly advised to create and register an event-handling function, as described in NavEventProcPtr. You must have an event-handling function in order to create modeless or window-modal (sheet) dialogs. Specify NULL in this parameter if you do not implement an event-handling function.


A Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) to your application’s filter function. You may specify NULL if you don’t need to register a filter function. For more information on filter functions, see NavObjectFilterProcPtr.


A pointer to an application-defined value that is passed back to all callback functions. You can use this value to provide context information, for example. You may pass NULL in this parameter.


On successful creation of a Choose Folder dialog, A pointer to a Navigation Services dialog reference that you can pass to the NavDialogRun function.

Return Value

A result code. See “Navigation Services Result Codes.” A result code.


Once you have successfully created the Choose Folder dialog, you display it by calling the NavDialogRun function. After the user interacts with the dialog, you can obtain information about the dialog session by calling the NavDialogGetReply function. When you are finished with the dialog, you should dispose of it by calling the NavDialogDispose function.

This function replaces the NavChooseFolder function and adds support for Unicode and new window modalities.

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Creates a Choose Object dialog, which prompts the user to select a file. folder or volume.

OSStatus NavCreateChooseObjectDialog (
   const NavDialogCreationOptions *inOptions,
   NavEventUPP inEventProc,
   NavPreviewUPP inPreviewProc,
   NavObjectFilterUPP inFilterProc,
   void *inClientData,
   NavDialogRef *outDialog


A pointer to a structure specifying options that control the appearance and behavior of the dialog.


A Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) to your application’s event-handling function. You are strongly advised to create and register an event-handling function, as described in NavEventProcPtr. You must have an event-handling function in order to create modeless or window-modal (sheet) dialogs. Specify NULL in this parameter if you do not implement an event-handling function.


A Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) to your application’s preview function. You may specify NULL if you don’t need to register a preview function. For more information on preview functions, see NavPreviewProcPtr.


A Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) to your application’s filter function. You may specify NULL if you don’t need to register a filter function. For more information on filter functions, see NavObjectFilterProcPtr.


A pointer to an application-defined value that is passed back to all callback functions. You can use this value to provide context information, for example. You may pass NULL in this parameter.


On successful creation of a Choose Object dialog, a pointer to a Navigation Services dialog reference that you can pass to the NavDialogRun function.

Return Value

A result code. See “Navigation Services Result Codes.” A result code.


Once you have successfully created the Choose Object dialog, you display it by calling the NavDialogRun function. After the user interacts with the dialog, you can obtain information about the dialog session by calling the NavDialogGetReply function. When you are finished with the dialog, you should dispose of it by calling the NavDialogDispose function.

This function replaces the NavChooseObject function and adds support for Unicode and new window modalities.

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Creates a Choose Volume dialog, which prompts the user to select a volume.

OSStatus NavCreateChooseVolumeDialog (
   const NavDialogCreationOptions *inOptions,
   NavEventUPP inEventProc,
   NavObjectFilterUPP inFilterProc,
   void *inClientData,
   NavDialogRef *outDialog


A pointer to a structure specifying options that control the appearance and behavior of the dialog.


A Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) to your application’s event-handling function. You are strongly advised to create and register an event-handling function, as described in NavEventProcPtr. You must have an event-handling function in order to create modeless or window-modal (sheet) dialogs. Specify NULL in this parameter if you do not implement an event-handling function.


A Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) to your application’s filter function. You may specify NULL if you don’t need to register a filter function. For more information on filter functions, see NavObjectFilterProcPtr.


A pointer to an application-defined value that is passed back to all callback functions. You can use this value to provide context information, for example. You may pass NULL in this parameter.


On successful creation of a Choose Volume dialog, A pointer to a Navigation Services dialog reference that you can pass to the NavDialogRun function.

Return Value

A result code. See “Navigation Services Result Codes.” A result code.


Once you have successfully created the Choose Volume dialog, you display it by calling the NavDialogRun function. After the user interacts with the dialog, you can obtain information about the dialog session by calling the NavDialogGetReply function. When you are finished with the dialog, you should dispose of it by calling the NavDialogDispose function.

This function replaces the NavChooseVolume function and adds support for Unicode and new window modalities.

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Creates an Open dialog, which prompts the user to select a file or files to be opened.

OSStatus NavCreateGetFileDialog (
   const NavDialogCreationOptions *inOptions,
   NavTypeListHandle inTypeList,
   NavEventUPP inEventProc,
   NavPreviewUPP inPreviewProc,
   NavObjectFilterUPP inFilterProc,
   void *inClientData,
   NavDialogRef *outDialog


A pointer to a structure specifying options that control the appearance and behavior of the dialog.


A structure specifying an application signature and a list of file types to show in the Open dialog.


A Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) to your application’s event-handling function. You are strongly advised to create and register an event-handling function, as described in NavEventProcPtr. You must have an event-handling function in order to create modeless or window-modal (sheet) dialogs. Specify NULL in this parameter if you do not implement an event-handling function.


A Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) to your application’s preview function. You may specify NULL if you don’t need to register a preview function. For more information on creating a preview function, see NavPreviewProcPtr.


A Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) to your application’s filter function. You may specify NULL if you don’t need to register a filter function. For more information on creating a filter function, see NavObjectFilterProcPtr.


A pointer to an application-defined value that is passed back to all callback functions. You can use this value to provide context information, for example. You may pass NULL in this parameter.


On successful creation of an Open dialog instance, this value specifies a Navigation Services dialog reference that you can pass to the NavDialogRun function.

Return Value

A result code. See “Navigation Services Result Codes.” A result code.


Once you have successfully created the Open dialog, you display it by calling the NavDialogRun function. After the user interacts with the dialog, you can obtain information about the dialog session by calling the NavDialogGetReply function. When you are finished with the dialog, you should dispose of it by calling the NavDialogDispose function.

This function replaces the NavGetFile function and adds support for Unicode and new window modalities.

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Creates a New Folder dialog.

OSStatus NavCreateNewFolderDialog (
   const NavDialogCreationOptions *inOptions,
   NavEventUPP inEventProc,
   void *inClientData,
   NavDialogRef *outDialog


A pointer to a structure specifying options that control the appearance and behavior of the dialog.


A Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) to your application’s event-handling function. You are strongly advised to create and register an event-handling function, as described in NavEventProcPtr. You must have an event-handling function in order to create modeless or window-modal (sheet) dialogs. Specify NULL in this parameter if you do not implement an event-handling function.


A pointer to an application-defined value that is passed back to all callback functions. You can use this value to provide context information, for example. You may pass NULL in this parameter.


On successful creation of a New Folder dialog, a pointer to a Navigation Services dialog reference that you can pass to the NavDialogRun function.

Return Value

A result code. See “Navigation Services Result Codes.” A result code.


Once you have successfully created the New Folder dialog, you display it by calling the NavDialogRun function. After the user interacts with the dialog, you can obtain information about the dialog session by calling the NavDialogGetReply function. When you are finished with the dialog, you should dispose of it by calling the NavDialogDispose function

Use the New Folder dialog to allow the user to create a new folder. Navigation Services creates the folder as specified by the user and returns a reference to the folder in the selection field of the reply record.

This function replaces the NavNewFolder function and adds support for Unicode and new window modalities.

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Creates a Save dialog, which prompts the user for the name and location of a file to be saved.

OSStatus NavCreatePutFileDialog (
   const NavDialogCreationOptions *inOptions,
   OSType inFileType,
   OSType inFileCreator,
   NavEventUPP inEventProc,
   void *inClientData,
   NavDialogRef *outDialog


A pointer to a structure specifying options that control the appearance and behavior of the dialog.


A four-character code specifying a file type for the file to be saved.


A four-character code specifying a creator signature for the file to be saved. If you want to change or remove the top default item in the Format menu, pass kNavGenericSignature.


A Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) to your application’s event-handling function. You are strongly advised to create and register an event-handling function, as described in NavEventProcPtr. You must have an event-handling function in order to create modeless or window-modal (sheet) dialogs. Specify NULL in this parameter if you do not implement an event-handling function.


A pointer to an application-defined value that is passed back to all callback functions. You can use this value to provide context information, for example. You may pass NULL in this parameter.


On successful creation of a Save dialog, a pointer to a Navigation Services dialog reference that you can pass to the NavDialogRun function.

Return Value

A result code. See “Navigation Services Result Codes.” A result code.


Once you have successfully created the Save dialog, you display it by calling the NavDialogRun function. After the user interacts with the dialog, you can obtain information about the dialog session by calling the NavDialogGetReply function. When you are finished with the dialog, you should dispose of it by calling the NavDialogDispose function.

This function replaces the NavPutFile function and adds support for Unicode and new window modalities.

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Allows your application to control various settings in Navigation Services dialogs.

OSErr NavCustomControl (
   NavDialogRef dialog,
   NavCustomControlMessage selector,
   void *parms


A Navigation Services dialog reference. You can obtain this value from the context field of the structure of type NavCBRec specified in the callBackParms parameter of your event-handling function.


A value of type NavCustomControlMessage. Pass one or more of the constants representing the possible values used to control various aspects of the active dialog. For a description of these constants, see “Custom Control Settings.”


A pointer to a configuration value. Some of the control setting constants passed in the selector parameter require that you provide an additional configuration value. For a description of which constants require configuration values, see “Custom Control Settings.”

Return Value

A result code. See “Navigation Services Result Codes.”


If you provide an event-handling function and an event occurs in a Navigation Services dialog, Navigation Services calls your event-handling function and specifies one of the constants described in “Event Messages” in the param field of a NavCBRec structure. Navigation Services specifies this structure in the callBackParms parameter of your event-handling function. When Navigation Services supplies the kNavCBStart constant in the param field, your application can call the NavCustomControl function and pass one of the constants described in “Custom Control Settings” to control various aspects of the active Navigation Services dialog. For example, your application can tell Navigation Services to sort the browser list by date by calling the NavCustomControl function and passing the kNavCtlSortBy constant in the selector parameter and a pointer to the kNavSortDateField configuration constant in the parms parameter. (Some of the NavCustomControlMessage constants do not require a corresponding configuration constant.)

Note that your application can call the NavCustomControl function from within its event-handling function or its preview-drawing function.

Special Considerations

Navigation Services does not accept calls to the NavCustomControl function until an appropriate dialog box is fully initialized and displayed. Always check for the kNavCBStart constant, described in “Event Messages,” in the param field of the NavCBRec structure before calling the NavCustomControl function.

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Disposes of a dialog reference.

void NavDialogDispose (
   NavDialogRef inDialog


A Navigation Services dialog reference previously obtained by your application.


Use this function to dispose of a dialog reference when you are completely finished with its associated dialog. You may call NavDialogDispose from within your application-defined event-handling function.

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Reports the results of a dialog session (unless cancelled or programmatically terminated).

OSStatus NavDialogGetReply (
   NavDialogRef inDialog,
   NavReplyRecord *outReply


A reference to a previously created dialog.


A pointer to a reply record you allocate to be filled out by Navigation Services.

Return Value

A result code. See “Navigation Services Result Codes.”


Call this function when you obtain a value other than kNavUserActionCancel or kNavUserActionNone from the NavDialogGetUserAction function. Upon completion of the NavDialogGetReply function, Navigation Services fills out the specified reply record with information about the dialog session. When you are finished with the reply record, remember to dispose of it by calling the NavDisposeReply function.

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Gets the current state of extension hiding in a Save dialog.

Boolean NavDialogGetSaveFileExtensionHidden (
   NavDialogRef inPutFileDialog


A reference to the Save dialog. You can create a Save dialog using the NavCreatePutFileDialog function.

Return Value

True if the extension is hidden; false if the extension is visible or if there is no extension.


This function can be called at any time to determine if a Save dialog is hiding the file extension—if any—of the file to be saved.

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Obtains the current value of the filename text field in a Save dialog.

CFStringRef NavDialogGetSaveFileName (
   NavDialogRef inPutFileDialog


A reference to a previously created dialog.

Return Value

A reference to the string containing the save filename. You should retain this string reference if you need the information after the dialog is dismissed. On Mac OS X, the full filename is returned, including any extension that may be hidden from the user. See the CFString documentation for a description of the CFStringRef data type.


This function provides a Unicode-based replacement for using the kNavGetEditFileName selector with the NavCustomControl function.

Special Considerations

Note that you cannot use NavDialogGetSaveFileName with a Save dialog created using the NavPutFile function. You should instead create your Save dialog using the NavCreatePutFileDialog function.

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Reports the user action taken to dismiss a dialog.

NavUserAction NavDialogGetUserAction (
   NavDialogRef inDialog


A reference to a previously created dialog.

Return Value

One of the constants defined by the NavUserAction enumeration. This value indicates the user action that dismissed the dialog. See “User Actions” for a description of the values that may be returned here.


If the dialog has not been dismissed or if the dialog was terminated by using the kNavCtlTerminate selector with the NavCustomControl function, the NavDialogGetUserAction function returns the kNavUserActionNone constant. When you obtain a value other than kNavUserActionCancel or kNavUserActionNone after returning from a file-handling dialog, Navigation Services fills out a reply record that you can obtain with the NavDialogGetReply function.

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Obtains a window reference for a dialog.

WindowRef NavDialogGetWindow (
   NavDialogRef inDialog


A reference to a previously created dialog.

Return Value

A window reference for the specified dialog. Note that a valid dialog reference may not have a window associated with it until the NavDialogRun function is called. If no window is associated with the specified dialog, the NavDialogGetWindow function returns NULL.

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Displays a previously created dialog.

OSStatus NavDialogRun (
   NavDialogRef inDialog


A reference to a previously created Navigation Services dialog.

Return Value

A result code. See “Navigation Services Result Codes.”


You must create a dialog before displaying it. To create a dialog, call one of the NavCreate...Dialog functions described in “Choosing Files, Folders and Volumes” and “Saving Files.” If you specify an application-modal or system-modal dialog, the NavDialogRun function returns after the dialog is dismissed. If you specify a window-modal dialog (sheet) or a modeless dialog, the NavDialogRun function returns immediately; in order to know when the dialog has been dismissed, you must supply an event-handling function and watch for the kNavCBUserAction event.

After the user interacts with the dialog, you can obtain information about the dialog session by calling the NavDialogGetReply function.

Version Notes

On Mac OS 9 and earlier, all Navigation Services dialogs are modal, even if a window-modal or modeless dialog is requested. However, the kNavCBUserAction event is still sent to your event-handling function. It is possible to use a single programming model on both Mac OS 9 and on Mac OS X, provided you assume that the NavDialogRun function returns immediately after displaying the dialog.

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Sets UTI filtering criteria for “get file” and “choose file” dialogs.

OSStatus NavDialogSetFilterTypeIdentifiers (
   NavDialogRef inGetFileDialog,
   CFArrayRef inTypeIdentifiers


A Navigation Services dialog reference obtained from calling NavCreateChooseFileDialog or NavCreateGetFileDialog.


A Core Foundation array of uniform type identifiers. This array specifies the file types that you want your dialog to enable. If you pass an empty array, all files are filtered (and will appear dimmed in the dialog). If you pass NULL, all files are enabled.

The file types you specify here also appear in the popup menu (displayed using the localized name associated with the UTI), allowing the user to filter by a specific file type. The “All readable documents” selection displays all the types specified in the UTI array.

Return Value

A result code. See “Navigation Services Result Codes.”


For simple filtering by file type, you should use this function instead of writing a custom filter callback function. However, you can also use this call in conjunction with a filter callback; your custom filter callback is called after NavDialogSetFilterTypeIdentifiers performs the initial filtering.

This function supersedes the list of OSType values you can pass in the inTypeList parameter in dialog creation functions.

You can call this function at any time, even while the dialog is displayed. For example, say your dialog contained a custom menu item to filter by a specific type. When the user selects your menu item, you could call NavDialogSetFilterTypeIdentifiers with the UTI corresponding to that type, and the dialog will automatically update with the new filtering criteria.

For more information about uniform type identifiers, see Uniform Type Identifiers Overview

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Sets the current state of extension hiding in a Save dialog.

OSStatus NavDialogSetSaveFileExtensionHidden (
   NavDialogRef inPutFileDialog,
   Boolean inHidden


A reference to the Save dialog. You can create a Save dialog using the NavCreatePutFileDialog function.


A Boolean value indicating whether the file extension should be hidden. Pass true to hide the file extension; false to make any extension visible.

Return Value

A result code. See “Navigation Services Result Codes.”


This function can be called at any time to hide or show the extension of the file to be saved in a Save dialog. If the current filename has no extension, hiding the extension has no effect.

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Specifies the current value of the filename text field in a Save dialog.

OSStatus NavDialogSetSaveFileName (
   NavDialogRef inPutFileDialog,
   CFStringRef inFileName


A reference to a previously created dialog.


The filename to specify.

Return Value

A result code. See “Navigation Services Result Codes.”


This function may be called at any time to set the current filename for a save operation. You may use it to set an initial filename before calling NavDialogRun, or to change the filename dynamically while a dialog is running.

This function provides a Unicode-based replacement for using the kNavSetEditFileName selector with the NavCustomControl function.

Special Considerations

Note that you cannot use NavDialogSetSaveFileName with a Save dialog created using the NavPutFile function. You should instead create your Save dialog using the NavCreatePutFileDialog function.

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Releases the memory allocated for a NavReplyRecord structure after your application has finished using the structure.

OSErr NavDisposeReply (
   NavReplyRecord *reply


A pointer to a structure of type NavReplyRecord that your application has created.

Return Value

A result code. See “Navigation Services Result Codes.”


If your application calls a Navigation Services function that uses a structure of type NavReplyRecord, you must use the NavDisposeReply function afterward to release the memory allotted for the NavReplyRecord structure.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Determines the default attributes or behavior for dialogs.

OSStatus NavGetDefaultDialogCreationOptions (
   NavDialogCreationOptions *outOptions


A pointer to a NavDialogCreationOptions structure that you provide. On return, Navigation Services fills out the structure with default dialog configuration values.

Return Value

A result code. See “Navigation Services Result Codes.”


This function gives you a simple way to initialize a NavDialogCreationOptions structure and set default options before creating a Navigation Services dialog. After you create the NavDialogCreationOptions structure, you can change the configuration options before you call one of the dialog creation functions.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Pre-loads the Navigation Services shared library.


OSErr NavLoad (

Return Value

A result code. See “Navigation Services Result Codes.”


Use this function to pre-load the Navigation Services library. Pre-loading increases the memory used by your application, but it provides the best performance when using Navigation Services functions. If you don’t use the NavLoad function, the Navigation Services shared library may not be loaded until your application calls one of the Navigation Services functions. If you use the NavLoad function, you must call the function NavUnload if you want to release reserved memory prior to quitting.

Declared In


Reports whether the Navigation Services library is available on the user’s system.

pascal Boolean NavServicesAvailable

Return Value

A Boolean value. This function returns true if Navigation Services is available, false if not.


Use this function before attempting to use Navigation Services on Mac OS 8 and Mac OS 9. It is not necessary to call this function on Mac OS X, as Navigation Services is always available.

Special Considerations

There is a known problem with Navigation Services 1.0 that occurs if you call NavServicesAvailable more than once without the Appearance Manager being installed. Make sure that you check for the presence of the Appearance Manager before calling NavServicesAvailable.

Version Notes

Available in Navigation Services 1.0 and later.

Declared In



Boolean NavServicesCanRun (

Declared In


Unloads the Navigation Services shared library.


OSErr NavUnload (

Return Value

A result code. See “Navigation Services Result Codes.”


This function allows your application to unload the Navigation Services library and release the memory reserved for it. If you use the function NavLoad to load the Navigation Services library, you must call the NavUnload function if you want to release reserved memory prior to quitting.

Declared In


Creates a new universal procedure pointer to your application-defined event–handling function.

NavEventUPP NewNavEventUPP (
   NavEventProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your event–handling function.

Return Value

On return, a universal procedure pointer (UPP) to the event–handling function. See the description of the NavEventUPP data type.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Creates a new universal procedure pointer to your application-defined filter function.

NavObjectFilterUPP NewNavObjectFilterUPP (
   NavObjectFilterProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your filter function.

Return Value

On return, a universal procedure pointer (UPP) to the filter function. See the description of the NavObjectFilterUPP data type.

Declared In


Creates a new universal procedure pointer to your application-defined preview function.

NavPreviewUPP NewNavPreviewUPP (
   NavPreviewProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your preview function.

Return Value

On return, a universal procedure pointer (UPP) to the preview function. See the description of the NavPreviewUPP data type.

Declared In



A pointer to an event-handling function that handles events such as window updating and resizing.

typedef void (*NavEventProcPtr) (
   NavEventCallbackMessage callBackSelector,
   NavCBRecPtr callBackParms,
   void * callBackUD);

If you name your function MyNavEventProc, you would declare it like this:

void MyNavEventProc (
   NavEventCallbackMessage callBackSelector,
   NavCBRecPtr callBackParms,
   void * callBackUD);


One of the values specified by the NavEventCallbackMessage data type. These values indicate which type of event your function must respond to. For a description of the constants that represent these values, see “Event Messages.”


A pointer to a NavCBRec structure. Your application uses the data supplied in this structure to process the event.


A pointer to a value set by your application when it calls a Navigation Services dialog creation function. When Navigation Services calls your event-handling function, the callBackUD value is passed back to your application in this parameter.


Register your event-handling function by passing a Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) in the eventProc parameter of a Navigation Services dialog creation function. You obtain this UPP by calling the function NewNavEventUPP and passing a pointer to your event-handling function. If you determine that an event is appropriate for your event-handling function, you can call other functions to handle custom control drawing.

When events involve controls, your event-handling function must respond to events only for your application-defined controls. To determine which control is affected by an event, pass the kNavCtlGetFirstControlID constant, described in “Custom Control Settings,” in the selector parameter of the function NavCustomControl.

Declared In


A pointer to a filter function that determines whether file objects should be displayed in the browser list and navigation menus.

typedef Boolean (*NavObjectFilterProcPtr)
   AEDesc * theItem,
   void * info,
   void * callBackUD,
   NavFilterModes filterMode);

If you name your function MyNavObjectFilterProc, you would declare it like this:

Boolean MyNavObjectFilterProc (
   AEDesc * theItem,
   void * info,
   void * callBackUD,
   NavFilterModes filterMode);


A pointer to an Apple event descriptor structure (AEDesc). Navigation Services uses this structure to provide information about the object being passed to your filter function. Always check the Apple event descriptor type before deciding if an object needs to be filtered. Never assume that an object is a file specification, because the browser or pop-up menus may contain objects of other types. Make sure that your function only returns true if it recognizes the object.


A pointer to a NavFileOrFolderInfo structure. Navigation Services uses this structure to provide file or folder information about the item being passed to your filter function. This information is only valid for objects of descriptor types 'typeFSS' or 'typeFSRef'.


A pointer to a value set by your application when it calls a Navigation Services dialog creation function. When Navigation Services calls your filter function, the callBackUD value is passed back to your application in this parameter.


A value representing which list of objects is currently being filtered. For a description of the constants used to represent these values, see “Object Filtering Constants.”

Return Value

A Boolean value. If your application returns true, Navigation Services displays the object. If your application returns false, Navigation Services displays the object as dimmed.


Register your filter function by passing a Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) in the filterProc parameter of a dialog creation function. You obtain this UPP by calling the function NewNavObjectFilterUPP and passing a pointer to your filter function. Navigation Services calls your filter function to determine whether a file object should be displayed in the browser list or the pop-up menus.

If you use a filter function in conjunction with built-in translation, you should provide a list of file types to inform Navigation Services which document types your application can open. You can do so using the following methods:

If you provide a list of file types, your filter callback is called only for the files that match the specified type list. For example, if you wanted to enable only text files below a certain size, you could use NavDialogSetFilterTypeIdentifiers to enable only text files, and then use a filter callback to screen for file size. You should make sure that your filter callback doesn’t automatically eliminate a document type in the filter list (for example, if the list allows JPEG files and the callback eliminates everything but PICT files). This is to ensure that the user can always see some files when a particular file type is selected from the Enable popup menu.

If your filter function returns a result of true, Navigation Services displays the object. Note that this is the opposite of Standard File filter functions.

Declared In


A pointer to a preview function that displays custom file previews.

typedef Boolean (*NavPreviewProcPtr)
   NavCBRecPtr callBackParms,
   void * callBackUD);

If you name your function MyNavPreviewProc, you would declare it like this:

Boolean MyNavPreviewProc (
   NavCBRecPtr callBackParms,
   void * callBackUD);


A pointer to a NavCBRec structure. Navigation Services uses this structure to provide data needed for your function to draw the preview.


A pointer to a value set by your application when it calls a Navigation Services function such as NavCreateGetFileDialog. When Navigation Services calls your preview function, the callBackUD value is passed back to your application in this parameter.

Return Value

A Boolean value. Your application returns true if your preview function successfully draws the custom file preview. If your preview function returns false, Navigation Services displays the preview if the file contains a valid 'pnot' resource. If your preview function returns false and a 'pnot' resource is not available, Navigation Services displays a blank preview area.


Register your preview function by passing the resulting Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) in the previewProc parameter of a Navigation Services dialog creation function. You obtain this UPP by calling the function NewNavPreviewUPP and passing a pointer to your preview-drawing function. When the user selects a file, Navigation Services calls your preview-drawing function. Your preview function, in turn, calls the function NavCustomControl to determine if the preview area is visible and, if so, what its dimensions are.

Declared In

Data Types


An opaque reference to an instance of a Navigation Services dialog.

typedef struct __NavDialog * NavDialogRef;


Your application obtains a NavDialogRef by calling one of the dialog creation functions described in “Choosing Files, Folders and Volumes” and “Saving Files.” Once you obtain a valid reference, you pass it to other functions in order to display and process dialogs. When you are completely finished using the reference, dispose of it by calling the function NavDialogDispose. This data type is available in CarbonLib 1.1 and later and in Mac OS X. It replaces the NavContext data type previously used by Navigation Services.

Declared In


Provides information you can use for event-handling and customization.

struct NavCBRec {
   UInt16 version;
   NavDialogRef context;
   WindowRef window;
   Rect customRect;
   Rect previewRect;
   NavEventData eventData;
   NavUserAction userAction;
   char reserved[218];
typedef struct NavCBRec NavCBRec;
typedef NavCBRec * NavCBRecPtr;


Identifies the version of this structure. This value is defined by the kNavCBRecVersion constant.


An opaque object identifying the dialog instance.


An opaque object identifying the dialog’s window.


A local coordinate rectangle describing the customization area available to your application. This determines how much room your application has to install custom controls.


A local coordinate rectangle describing the preview area available to your application’s preview function. The minimum size is 145 pixels wide by 118 pixels high.


A structure of type NavEventData. This structure provides event-specific data to your NavEventProcPtr function.


A constant specifying the action taken by the user, generating a kNavCBUserAction event. See “User Actions” for a description of the possible values for this field.

This field is available in CarbonLib 1.1 and later or in Mac OS X version 10.0 and later.




The NavCBRec structure is passed to your application-defined event-handling and preview functions. For more information on event-handling and preview functions, see NavEventProcPtr and NavPreviewProcPtr, respectively.

Declared In


Contains dialog configuration settings you can pass to Navigation Services dialog creation functions.

struct NavDialogCreationOptions {
   UInt16 version;
   NavDialogOptionFlags optionFlags;
   Point location;
   CFStringRef clientName;
   CFStringRef windowTitle;
   CFStringRef actionButtonLabel;
   CFStringRef cancelButtonLabel;
   CFStringRef saveFileName;
   CFStringRef message;
   UInt32 preferenceKey;
   CFArrayRef popupExtension;
   WindowModality modality;
   WindowRef parentWindow;
   char reserved[16];
typedef struct NavDialogCreationOptions NavDialogCreationOptions;


Identifies the version of this structure. The structure version is represented by the kNavDialogCreationOptionsVersion constant.


One of several constants defined by the NavDialogOptionFlags data type as described in “Dialog Configuration Options.”


A point describing the location of the upper-left corner of the dialog window, in global coordinates. If you set this field to (-1,-1), then the dialog window appears in the same location as when it was last closed. The size and location of the dialog window is persistent, but defaults to opening in the middle of the main screen if any portion is not visible when opened at the persistent location and size.

This field is ignored for sheet dialogs.


A string that identifies your application in the window title of file dialogs and in the message displayed for the Save Changes, Review Changes, and Ask Discard changes alerts.

On Mac OS 8 and 9, Navigation Services cannot maintain persistence information for your application if you do not provide this string.


A string that you can provide to override the default window title. If you pass NULL, the default window title is used.


An alternative button title for the dialog’s default button. If you pass NULL, the button uses the default label (Open or Save, for example.


An alternative button title for the dialog’s Cancel button. If you pass NULL, the default button title is used.


The default filename for a file to be saved (Save dialog only). If you pass NULL, the filename field is blank.


For the file dialogs, a string for the banner, or prompt, below the browser list. This message can provide more descriptive instructions for the user. If you pass NULL, no banner appears and the browser list expands to fill that area.

For the Save Changes, Review Changes and Ask Discard Changes alerts, a string specifying a custom message that replaces the default message.


An application-defined value that identifies which set of dialog preferences Navigation Services should use. If your application maintains multiple sets of preferences for a particular type of dialog, you can determine which set is active by specifying the appropriate value in the preferenceKey field. For example, an application may provide one set of preferences when it calls the function to open text files and a different set of preferences when opening movie files. If you do not wish to provide a preference key, specify 0 for the preferenceKey value.


A reference to an array of menu item strings. These strings are used to add extra menu items to the Show pop-up menu in an Open dialog or to the Format pop-up menu in a Save dialog. Your application can use this array to add additional document types to be opened or saved, or different ways of saving a file (with or without line breaks, for example).


This value allows you to specify the modality of the dialog. The default modality for all dialogs is kWindowModalityAppModal. If you specify the kWindowModalityWindowModal constant to make a dialog appear as a sheet, you must provide a valid window reference in the parentWindow field. If you specify the kWindowModalityWindowModal constant on Mac OS 8 or 9, the modality is set to kWindowModalityAppModal.

This field is available in CarbonLib 1.1 and later or in Mac OS X version 10.0 and later.


A reference to the parent window for a sheet.

This field is available in CarbonLib 1.1 and later or in Mac OS X version 10.0 and later.




When you create a Navigation Services dialog, using one of the NavCreate...Dialog creation functions, you must supply a NavDialogCreationOptions structure to specify the appearance and behavior of the dialog. You can initialize a NavDialogCreationOptions structure using the NavGetDefaultDialogCreationOptions function; this fills out the structure with the default dialog creation settings.

Declared In


Contains event data for Navigation Services dialogs.

struct NavEventData {
   NavEventDataInfo eventDataParms;
   SInt16 itemHit;
typedef struct NavEventData NavEventData;


A structure of type NavEventDataInfo.


A signed integer value. On return, this value represents the item number of the dialog item last clicked by the user. If the user clicks something other than a valid Navigation Services-generated control item, this value is -1.


The NavEventData structure is passed to your application-defined event-handling or preview function in the eventData field of the NavCBRec structure.

The NavEventData structure contains a structure of type NavEventDataInfo. In Navigation Services 1.1 or later, the NavEventData structure also contains a field describing the dialog item last clicked by the user.

Version Notes

itemHit field added in Navigation Services 1.1.

Declared In


Provides event–handling data to your application.

union NavEventDataInfo {
   EventRecord * event;
   void * param;
typedef union NavEventDataInfo NavEventDataInfo;


A pointer to the EventRecord structure describing an event to be handled by your event-handling function.


A pointer to additional event data. In most cases, this data consists of an Apple event descriptor list (AEDescList) for the file or files affected by the event described in the event field. For example, if the event consists of the user making a selection in the browser list, the AEDescList specifies the file or files selected.

Declared In


Contains file or folder information for use by your application-defined filter function.

struct NavFileOrFolderInfo {
   UInt16 version
   Boolean isFolder
   Boolean visible
   UInt32 creationDate
   UInt32 modificationDate
   union {
      struct {
         Boolean locked;
         Boolean resourceOpen;
         Boolean dataOpen;
         Boolean reserved1;
         UInt32 dataSize;
         UInt32 resourceSize;
         FInfo finderInfo;
         FXInfo finderXInfo;
      } fileInfo;
      struct {
         Boolean shareable;
         Boolean sharePoint;
         Boolean mounted;
         Boolean readable;
         Boolean writeable;
         Boolean reserved2;
         UInt32 numberOfFiles;
         DInfo finderDInfo;
         DXInfo finderDXInfo;
         OSType folderType;
         OSType folderCreator;
         char reserved3[206];
      } folderInfo;
   } fileAndFolder;
typedef struct NavFileOrFolderInfo NavFileOrFolderInfo;


Identifies the version of this structure.


A Boolean value. If this value is set to true, the object being described is a folder or volume; otherwise, the value is set to false. An alias to a folder or volume returns true. Check for the kIsAlias constant in the fileAndFolder.folderInfo.finderDInfo field to determine whether an object is an alias.


A Boolean value. If this value is set to true, the object being described is visible in the browser list; otherwise, the value is set to false.


The creation date of the object being described.


The modification date of the object being described.


If isFolder is false, a Boolean value indicating whether the file is locked.


If isFolder is false, a Boolean value indicating whether the resource fork of the file is open.


If isFolder is false, a Boolean value indicating whether the data fork of the file is open.




If isFolder is false, the size of the file’s data fork.


If isFolder is false, the size of the file’s resource fork.


If isFolder is false, a structure specifying further information about the file. See the Finder Interface documentation for more information on the FInfo structure.


If isFolder is false, a structure specifying extended Finder information for the file. See the Finder Interface documentation for more information on the FXInfo structure.


If isFolder is true, a Boolean value indicating whether the folder is shareable.


If isFolder is true, a Boolean value indicating whether the folder is a share point.


If isFolder is true, a Boolean value indicating whether the folder is mounted.


If isFolder is true, a Boolean value indicating whether the folder is readable.


If isFolder is true, a Boolean value indicating whether the folder is writeable.




If isFolder is true, the number of files in the folder.


If isFolder is true, a directory information structure describing the folder. See the Finder Interface documentation for further information on the DInfo structure.


If isFolder is true, an extended directory information structure describing the folder. See the Finder Interface documentation for further information on the DXInfo structure.


If isFolder is true, the package type (for structure version 1 or greater).


If isFolder is true, the creator code for the package (for structure version 1 or greater).


The NavFileOrFolderInfo structure contains file or folder information for use by your application-defined filter function. Your filter function can determine whether the currently selected object is a file by checking the isFolder field of the NavFileOrFolderInfo structure for the value false. After making this determination, you can obtain more information about the object from the structure specified in the fileAndFolder field.

Special Considerations

The information in this structure is valid only for HFS file objects.

Declared In


Contains information about user interaction with a dialog.

struct NavReplyRecord {
   UInt16 version;
   Boolean validRecord;
   Boolean replacing;
   Boolean isStationery;
   Boolean translationNeeded;
   AEDescList selection;
   ScriptCode keyScript;
   FileTranslationSpecArrayHandle fileTranslation;
   UInt32 reserved1;
   CFStringRef saveFileName;
   Boolean saveFileExtensionHidden;
   UInt8 reserved2;
   char reserved[225];
typedef struct NavReplyRecord NavReplyRecord;


Identifies the version of this structure. The structure version is represented by the constant kNavReplyRecordVersion.


A Boolean value of true if the user closes a dialog by pressing Return or Enter, or by clicking the default button in an Open or Save dialog. If this field is false, all other fields are unused and do not contain valid data.


A Boolean value of true if the user chooses to save a file by replacing an existing file (thereby necessitating the removal or renaming of the existing file).


A Boolean value informing your application whether the file about to be saved should be saved as a stationery document.


A Boolean value indicating whether translation was or will be needed for files selected in Open and Save dialogs.


For a file-opening or file-choosing dialog, this is an Apple event descriptor list (AEDescList) containing references to items selected by the user. Navigation Services creates this list, which is automatically disposed of when your application calls the NavDisposeReply function. Some dialogs may return one or more items; you can determine the number of items in the list by calling the Apple Event Manager function AECountItems. Each selected HFS file object is described in an AEDesc structure of type 'typeFSS' or 'typeFSRef'. You can coerce this descriptor into a file reference to perform operations such as opening the file. If you use one of the Carbon-compliant dialog creation functions described in“Choosing Files, Folders and Volumes” and “Saving Files,” the descriptor is of type 'typeFSS' on Mac OS 8 or 9; on Mac OS X systems, this descriptor is of type 'typeFSRef'.File-saving dialogs always return a single descriptor in the list. If you use the NavCreatePutFileDialog function, this descriptor specifies the directory where the file is to be saved. You can obtain the name for the save file from the saveFileName field.


The keyboard script system used for the filename.


A handle to a Translation Manager structure of type FileTranslationSpec. This structure contains a corresponding translation array for each file reference returned in the selection field. When opening files, Navigation Services performs the translation automatically unless you set the kNavDontAutoTranslate flag in the dialogOptionFlags field of the NavDialogCreationOptions structure. When Navigation Services performs an automatic translation, the FileTranslationSpec structure is strictly for the Translation Manager’s use. If you turn off automatic translation, your application may use the FileTranslationSpec structure for your own translation scheme. If the user chooses a translation for a saved file, the FileTranslationSpec structure contains a single translation reference for the saved file and the translationNeeded field of the NavReplyRecord structure is set to true. The handle to the FileTranslationSpec structure is locked, so you can safely use dereferenced pointers.




If the reply record is filled out by a dialog created with the NavCreatePutFileDialog function, this field contains a string specifying the name of a file to be saved. This field contains the entire name of the file, regardless of whether or not any file extension is visible to the user. You can identify the directory in which the file is to be saved by checking the selection field.

This field was added in structure version 1.


A Boolean value indicating whether the extension on the name of the saved file should be hidden. Once the file has been saved, the client call the NavCompleteSave function. NavCompleteSave hides the extension on the file. However, the client needs to know that the extension is hidden so that it can display the document name correctly in the user interface, such as in window titles and menus. This field is only used if the client has requested extension preservation using the kNavPreserveSaveFileExtension dialog option flag. This field was added in structure version 2.






Navigation Services uses the NavReplyRecord structure to provide your application with information about the user’s interactions with a Navigation Services dialog. If the dialog is created with the Carbon-compliant NavCreate...Dialog functions, you obtain the NavReplyRecord by calling the NavDialogGetReply function after your event-handling function receives the kNavCBUserAction event. If you create the dialog using one of the older functions, you pass the address of a NavReplyRecord directly to the function that invokes the dialog. When your application is through using the structure, remember to dispose of it by calling the function NavDisposeReply.

Declared In


Defines a list of file types that your application is capable of opening.

struct NavTypeList {
   OSType componentSignature;
   short reserved;
   short osTypeCount;
   OSType osType[1];
typedef struct NavTypeList NavTypeList;
typedef NavTypeList * NavTypeListPtr;


A four character code specifying your application signature. If you want your application to be able to open all files of the types you specify in the osType field (regardless of which application created them), specify the kNavGenericSignature constant in this field.




A number indicating how many file types are defined in the osType field.


A list of file types your application can open.


Your application uses the NavTypeList structure to define a list of file types that your application is capable of opening. Your application passes a pointer to this list to Navigation Services functions that display Open or Save dialogs. You may create this list dynamically or reference a Translation Manager 'open' resource.

For more information on the 'open' resource and the Translation Manager, see the “Translation Manager” chapter in Inside Macintosh: More Macintosh Toolbox.

Declared In


Defines a universal procedure pointer (UPP) to an application-defined event–handling function.

typedef NavEventProcPtr NavEventUPP;


For more information, see the description of the NavEventProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Defines a universal procedure pointer (UPP) to an application-defined filter function.

typedef NavObjectFilterProcPtr NavObjectFilterUPP;


For more information, see the description of the NavObjectFilterProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Defines a universal procedure pointer (UPP) to an application-defined preview function.

typedef NavPreviewProcPtr NavPreviewUPP;


For more information, see the description of the NavPreviewProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Defines additional items in an Open dialog’s Show pop-up menu or a Save dialog’s Format pop-up menu.

struct NavMenuItemSpec {
   UInt16 version;
   OSType menuCreator;
   OSType menuType;
   Str255 menuItemName;
   char reserved[245];
typedef struct NavMenuItemSpec          NavMenuItemSpec;
typedef NavMenuItemSpec *               NavMenuItemSpecArrayPtr;
typedef NavMenuItemSpecArrayPtr *       NavMenuItemSpecArrayHandle;
typedef NavMenuItemSpecArrayPtr         NavMenuItemSpecPtr;
typedef NavMenuItemSpecArrayHandle      NavMenuItemSpecHandle;


Identifies the version of this structure. Be sure to specify the kNavMenuItemSpecVersion constant in this field.


A unique value set by your application. Navigation Services passes this value back to your application to identify the application type of the selected menu item.


A unique value set by your application. Navigation Services passes this value back to your application to identify the type of the selected menu item. Values from -1 to 10 are reserved for Navigation Services.


The item name that appears in the pop-up menu.


Reserved for future use.


For information about file creators and file types, see Inside Macintosh: Macintosh Toolbox Essentials.

Declared In


An old name for NavDialogRef.

Not recommended

typedef NavDialogRef NavContext;

Declared In


Contains dialog box configuration settings.

Not recommended

struct NavDialogOptions {
   UInt16 version;
   NavDialogOptionFlags dialogOptionFlags;
   Point location;
   Str255 clientName;
   Str255 windowTitle;
   Str255 actionButtonLabel;
   Str255 cancelButtonLabel;
   Str255 savedFileName;
   Str255 message;
   UInt32 preferenceKey;
   NavMenuItemSpecArrayHandle popupExtension;
   char reserved[494];
typedef struct NavDialogOptions NavDialogOptions;


Identifies the version of this structure. Be sure to specify the kNavDialogOptionsVersion constant in this field.


One of several constants defined by the NavDialogOptionFlags data type as described in “Dialog Configuration Options.”


The upper-left location of the dialog box (in global coordinates). If you set the dialogOptionFlags field to NULL or set this field to (-1,-1), then the dialog box appears in the same location as when last closed. The size and location of the dialog box is persistent, but defaults to opening in the middle of the main screen if any portion is not visible when opened at the persistent location and size.


A string that identifies your application in the dialog box window title.


A string that you can provide to override the default window title.


An alternative button title for the dialog box’s action button. If you do not specify a title, the button will use the default label (Open or Save, for example.


An alternative button title for the Cancel button in dialog boxes.


The default filename for a saved file.


The string for the banner, or prompt, below the browser list. This message can provide more descriptive instructions for the user. If you don’t provide a message string, the browser list expands to fill that area.


An application-defined value that identifies which set of dialog box preferences Navigation Services should use. If your application maintains multiple sets of preferences for a particular type of dialog box, you can determine which set is active by specifying the appropriate value in the preferenceKey field. For example, an application may allow one set of preferences when it calls the function NavGetFile to open text files and a different set of preferences when opening movie files. If you do not wish to provide a preference key, specify NULL for the preferenceKey value.


A handle to one or more structures of type NavMenuItemSpec used to add extra menu items to the Show pop-up menu in an Open dialog box or the Format pop-up menu in Save dialog boxes. Using NavMenuItemSpec structures allows your application to add additional document types to be opened or saved, or different ways of saving a file (with or without line breaks, for example).


Reserved for future use.

Carbon Porting Notes

The NavDialogCreationOptions structure is the recommended replacement for the NavDialogOptions structure. NavDialogCreationOptions uses CFString objects instead of Pascal strings, thereby adding support for Unicode. In addition, NavDialogCreationOptions adds fields for controlling window modality and setting the parent window (necessary for sheets on OS X).

Declared In


Action State Constants

Let you block certain actions in dialogs.

typedef UInt32 NavActionState;
enum {
   kNavNormalState = 0x00000000,
   kNavDontOpenState = 0x00000001,
   kNavDontSaveState = 0x00000002,
   kNavDontChooseState = 0x00000004,
   kNavDontNewFolderState = 0x00000010


Allows all user actions. This is the default state.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Prevents Navigation Services from opening files.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Prevents Navigation Services from saving files.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Prevents Navigation Services from choosing files.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Prevents Navigation Services from creating new folders.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


The NavActionState enumeration defines constants you can specify in the parms parameter of the function NavCustomControl in order to block certain actions in Navigation Services dialogs. When you specify these constants, you must also specify the kNavSetActionState constant in the selector parameter of the NavCustomControl function.

Version Notes

These constants are only available in Navigation Services 2.0 or later.

Custom Control Settings

Provide constants that allow you to control various aspects of the active dialog.

typedef SInt32 NavCustomControlMessage;
enum {
   kNavCtlShowDesktop = 0,
   kNavCtlSortBy = 1,
   kNavCtlSortOrder = 2,
   kNavCtlScrollHome = 3,
   kNavCtlScrollEnd = 4,
   kNavCtlPageUp = 5,
   kNavCtlPageDown = 6,
   kNavCtlGetLocation = 7,
   kNavCtlSetLocation = 8,
   kNavCtlGetSelection = 9,
   kNavCtlSetSelection = 10,
   kNavCtlShowSelection = 11,
   kNavCtlOpenSelection = 12,
   kNavCtlEjectVolume = 13,
   kNavCtlNewFolder = 14,
   kNavCtlCancel = 15,
   kNavCtlAccept = 16,
   kNavCtlIsPreviewShowing = 17,
   kNavCtlAddControl = 18,
   kNavCtlAddControlList = 19,
   kNavCtlGetFirstControlID = 20,
   kNavCtlSelectCustomType = 21,
   kNavCtlSelectAllType = 22,
   kNavCtlGetEditFileName = 23,
   kNavCtlSetEditFileName = 24,
   kNavCtlSelectEditFileName = 25,
   kNavCtlBrowserSelectAll = 26,
   kNavCtlGotoParent = 27,
   kNavCtlSetActionState = 28,
   kNavCtlBrowserRedraw = 29,
   kNavCtlTerminate = 30


Tells Navigation Services to change the browser list location to the desktop.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Alerts Navigation Services that your application is setting a sort key in the browser list. In addition to the kNavCtlSortBy constant, your application passes one of the NavSortKeyField constants in the parms parameter of the function NavCustomControl. For a description of the NavSortKeyField constants, see “File Sorting Constants.”

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Alerts Navigation Services that your application is setting sort order, either ascending or descending, in the browser list. In addition to passing the kNavCtlSortOrder constant, your application must pass one of the NavSortOrder constants in the parms parameter of the NavCustomControl function. For a description of the NavSortOrder constants, see “Sort Order Constants.”

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to scroll the browser to the top of the file list.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to scroll the browser to the bottom of the file list.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to scroll the browser up one page length as a result of the user clicking the scroll bar above the scroll box.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to scroll the browser down one page length as a result of the user clicking the scroll bar below the scroll box.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to return the current location. Navigation Services reports the current location by setting a pointer to an AEDesc structure in the param field of the structure of type NavCBRec that you specified in your event-handling function.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services that your application wishes to set the location being viewed in the browser list. In addition to specifying the kNavCtlSetLocation constant, your application passes a pointer to an AEDesc structure describing the new location in the parms parameter of the NavCustomControl function.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to return the selected item or items in the browser. When you specify this constant, Navigation Services returns a pointer to an AEDesc structure describing the selected item(s) in the param field of the structure of type NavCBRec that you specified in your event-handling function. If the user deselects the current selection, the AEDescList returned by Navigation Services contains an empty reference. You can account for this case by using the function AECountItems and checking for a zero count.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to change the browser list selection. In addition to specifying the kNavCtlSetSelection constant, your application must pass a pointer to an AEDescList structure describing the selection in the parms parameter of the NavCustomControl function. If you want to deselect the current selection without making a new selection, pass NULL for the pointer. Note: If you specify this constant, Navigation Services notifies your event-handling function by setting the kNavCBSelectEntry constant twice; once when the previous selection is deselected, and once when the new selection is made.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to make the current selection visible in the browser list if the selection has been scrolled out of sight by the user.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to open the current selection.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to eject a volume. In addition to specifying this constant, you pass a pointer to the volume reference number (vRefNum) of the volume to be ejected in the parms parameter of the NavCustomControl function.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to create a new folder in the current browser location. In addition to specifying the kNavCtlNewFolder constant, your application passes a string representing the name of the new folder in the parms parameter of the NavCustomControl function.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to dismiss the Open or Save dialog as if the user had pressed the Cancel button.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to close the Open or Save dialog as if the user had pressed the Open or Save button. Navigation Services does not act on this constant if there is no current selection.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Asks Navigation Services if the preview area is currently available. If you specify this constant, Navigation Services sets a pointer to a Boolean value in the param field of the NavCBRec structure that you specified in your event-handling function. This value is true if the preview area is available, false otherwise.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to add one application-defined control to Open or Save dialogs. In addition to sending this message, your application passes a control handle in the parms parameter of the NavCustomControl function. Design the control in local coordinates.

Note: To avoid any unnecessary flickering or redrawing, ensure the control is initially invisible before specifying this constant. You may set the control to visible after Navigation Services supplies the kNavCBStart constant, described in “Event Messages,” in the param field of the NavCBRec structure. If the user resizes the dialog, your application must move the control because it is not maintained by Navigation Services. If you use the kNavCtlAddControlList constant (described next) and you supply a 'DITL' resource, you avoid the need to move the control yourself.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to add a list of application-defined dialog items to Open or Save dialogs. In addition to specifying this constant, your application passes a handle to a dialog item list or 'DITL' resource in the parms parameter of the NavCustomControl function. Design the 'DITL' resource in local coordinates. Navigation Services adds the custom items relative to the upper left corner of the customization area. If the user resizes the dialog, your custom items are moved automatically.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Asks Navigation Services to help you identify the first custom control in the dialog, in order to determine which custom control item was selected by the user. Navigation Services returns a pointer to a 16-bit integer that indicates the item number of the first custom control in the param field of the structure of type NavCBRec that you specified in your event-handling function. In your event-handling function, use the Dialog Manager function FindDialogItem to find out which item was selected. The FindDialogItem function returns 0 for the first item, 1 for the second and so on. To get the proper item number, add 1 to the FindDialogItem function result. The Open or Save dialog’s standard controls precede yours, so use the formula (itemHit - yourFirstItem + 1) to determine which of your items was selected. Your application should not depend on any hardcoded value for the number of items, since this value is likely to change in the future.

Be sure to test the result from FindDialogItem to ensure that it describes a control that you defined. Your application must not respond to any controls that do not belong to it.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to set one of your custom menu items in the Show pop-up menu or the Format pop-up menu as the default selection. This is useful if you want to override the default pop-up menu selection. In addition to specifying this constant, pass a pointer to a NavMenuItem structure in the parms parameter of the NavCustomControl function. This structure describes the item you wish to have selected.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to override the default menu item in the Type pop-up menu. By specifying one of the NavPopupMenuItem constants, described in“Menu Item Selection Constants,” in the parms parameter of the NavCustomControl function, you can set the default item to All [AppName] Documents, All Readable Documents or All Documents.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to return the name of the file to be saved by a file-saving function. This would be useful if you wanted to automatically add an extension to the filename, for example. When you send this message, the parms parameter of the NavCustomControl function returns a StringPtr to a Pascal string containing the filename. Note that in Carbon, you can use the NavDialogGetSaveFileName function to obtain a Unicode string containing the filename.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services that your application wishes to set the name of the file to be saved by a file-saving function. Your application normally specifies the KNavCtlSetEditFileName constant after modifying the filename obtained by specifying the kNavCtlGetEditFileName constant. In addition to specifying the kNavCtlSetEditFileName constant, your application passes a StringPtr to a Pascal string containing the filename in the parms parameter of the NavCustomControl function. Note that you can set the filename with a Unicode string by calling the NavDialogSetSaveFileName function.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


(Navigation Services 1.1 or later) Tells Navigation Services to display the name of the file to be saved by the function with some or all of the filename string highlighted for selection. In addition to specifying the kNavCtlSelectEditFileName constant, your application passes a Control Manager structure of type ControlEditTextSelectionRec in the parms parameter of the NavCustomControl function in order to specify which part of the filename string to highlight. For more information on the ControlEditTextSelectionRec structure, see Inside Mac OS X: Control Manager Reference.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


(Navigation Services 2.0 or later.) Tells Navigation Services to select all files in the browser list.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


(Navigation Services 2.0 or later.) Tells Navigation Services to navigate to the parent folder or volume of the current selection.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


(Navigation Services 2.0 or later.) Prevents Navigation Services from handling certain user actions, such as opening or saving files. This is useful if you want to prevent the dismissal of a dialog until certain conditions are met, for example. Specify which actions to prevent by passing one or more of the constants defined by the NavActionState enumeration, described in “Action State Constants.”

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


(Navigation Services 2.0 or later.) Tells Navigation Services to refresh the browser list.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


(Navigation Services 2.0 or later.) Tells Navigation Services to dismiss the current dialog. This constant is similar to kNavCtlCancel, except that using kNavCtlTerminate does not return an error code.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


The NavCustomControlMessage data type defines constants that your application can pass in the selector parameter of the function NavCustomControl to control various aspects of the active dialog.

Dialog Configuration Options

Specify dialog configuration options.

typedef UInt32 NavDialogOptionFlags;
enum {
   kNavDefaultNavDlogOptions = 0x000000E4,
   kNavNoTypePopup = 0x00000001,
   kNavDontAutoTranslate = 0x00000002,
   kNavDontAddTranslateItems = 0x00000004,
   kNavAllFilesInPopup = 0x00000010,
   kNavAllowStationery = 0x00000020,
   kNavAllowPreviews = 0x00000040,
   kNavAllowMultipleFiles = 0x00000080,
   kNavAllowInvisibleFiles = 0x00000100,
   kNavDontResolveAliases = 0x00000200,
   kNavSelectDefaultLocation = 0x00000400,
   kNavSelectAllReadableItem = 0x00000800,
   kNavSupportPackages = 0x00001000,
   kNavAllowOpenPackages = 0x00002000,
   kNavDontAddRecents = 0x00004000,
   kNavDontUseCustomFrame = 0x00008000,
   kNavDontConfirmReplacement = 0x00010000,
   kNavPreserveSaveFileExtension = 0x00020000


Tells Navigation Services to use default configuration options. These default options include:

  • no custom control titles

  • no banner or prompt message

  • automatic resolution of aliases

  • support for file previews

  • no display of invisible file objects

  • support for multiple file selection

  • support for stationery

  • no package support

  • all chosen items added to Recent list

  • customization area is framed

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services not to display the Show pop-up menu in the Open dialog or the Format pop-up menu in the Save dialog.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services not to do automatic file translation. Normally a file chosen in an Open dialog that requires translation is automatically translated. Navigation Services informs your application that a file needs translating by setting the translationNeeded field of the NavReplyRecord structure to true. A translation specification array specified in the fileTranslation field of the NavReplyRecord structure contains the associated translation specification records. When you set the kNavDontAutoTranslate flag, your application is responsible for translation, either by calling the function NavTranslate or by performing the translation itself.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services not to display file translation options in the Show pop-up menu.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to add a pop-up menu item called All Documents, so the user can see a display of all files in the current directory.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to display a Stationery Option command in the Format pop-up menu of Save dialogs, so users can choose to save a file as a document or as stationery. This is a default option.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to provide previews, when available, of selected files. This is a default option.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to allow users to select and open multiple files in the browser list by shift-clicking or using the Select All command. If you don’t specify this constant, users can select multiple files for drag-and-drop operations, but the default button (normally titled Open) is disabled when multiple items are selected. Note that the user cannot add folders or volumes to a multiple selection.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to show invisible file objects in the browser list.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services not to resolve any alias selected by the user. If the user selects an alias with this option set, the file system specification returned by Navigation Services designates the alias file instead of its referenced original.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to select the default location in the browser list. By default, Navigation Services will open the browser list with the default location displayed, not selected. For example, if you define the System Folder as the default location and specify the kNavSelectDefaultLocation constant, the System Folder appears as the current selection in the browser list. Without this constant, the browser list displays the contents of the System Folder.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to show All Readable Documents as the default selection in the Show pop-up menu when the Open dialog is first displayed. If you do not specify this constant, Navigation Services shows the All [AppName] Documents menu item as the default selection in the Show pop-up menu when the Open dialog is first displayed.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


(Available in Navigation Services 2.0 and later.) Tells Navigation Services to allow packages to be displayed in the browser list.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


(Available in Navigation Services 2.0 and later.) Tells Navigation Services to allow packages to be opened and navigated in the browser list.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


(Available in Navigation Services 2.0 and later.) Tells Navigation Services not to add file objects to the Recent list after a dialog is closed. This is useful if you want to allow users to choose long lists of items without cluttering up the Recent list.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


(Available in Navigation Services 2.0 and later.) Tells Navigation Services not to draw a bevelled border around the customization area. The border is drawn by default, so you must specify this constant if you want to turn it off.

Note: Keep in mind that turning off the border may affect the placement of any controls you create in the customization area. This means your controls may appear differently in different versions of Navigation Services.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


(Mac OS X only.) Tells Navigation Services not to display an alert when the user attempts to save a file over another file with the same name.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


(Available in Navigation Services 3.1 and later.) Tells Navigation Services that the extension in the default filename should be preserved between dialog invocations and is initially hidden.

Available in Mac OS X v10.1 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.

Discard Changes Actions

Describe the user response to a Discard Changes dialog.

typedef UInt32 NavAskDiscardChangesResult;
enum {
   kNavAskDiscardChanges = 1,
   kNavAskDiscardChangesCancel = 2


User clicked the Okay button.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


User clicked the Cancel button.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


After you display a dialog created using the NavCreateAskDiscardChangesDialog function, your application determines the result of the function call by checking the eventData field of a structure of type NavCBRec for one of the constants defined by the NavAskDiscardChangesResult data type.

Event Messages

Define messages sent to your event-handling function.

typedef SInt32 NavEventCallbackMessage;
enum {
   kNavCBEvent = 0,
   kNavCBCustomize = 1,
   kNavCBStart = 2,
   kNavCBTerminate = 3,
   kNavCBAdjustRect = 4,
   kNavCBNewLocation = 5,
   kNavCBShowDesktop = 6,
   kNavCBSelectEntry = 7,
   kNavCBPopupMenuSelect = 8,
   kNavCBAccept = 9,
   kNavCBCancel = 10,
   kNavCBAdjustPreview = 11,
   kNavCBUserAction = 12,
   kNavCBOpenSelection = (long)x80000000


Tells your application that an event has occurred (including an idle event), which provides an opportunity for your application to track controls, update other windows, and so forth. Your application can obtain the event record describing this event from the event field of the NavCBRec structure. The kNavCBEvent constant is the only message that needs to be processed by most applications that do not customize Open and Save dialogs.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells your application to supply a dialog customization request. The customRect field of the NavCBRec structure defines a rectangle in the local coordinates of the dialog; the top-left coordinates define the anchor point for a customization rectangle. If you want to customize the dialog, your application responds to the kNavCBCustomize message by setting a value in the customRect field that completes the dimensions of the customization rectangle. After your application responds, Navigation Services inspects the customRect field to determine if the requested dimensions result in a dialog that can fit on the screen. If the dimensions are too large, then Navigation Services responds by setting the rectangle to the largest size that the screen can accommodate. Your application can continue to "negotiate" by examining the customRect field and requesting a different size until Navigation Services provides an acceptable rectangle value, at which time you should create your custom control or item list. The minimum size for the customization area is 400 pixels wide by 40 pixels high.

Note: Don’t add new dialog items until your application receives the kNavCBStart event message constant.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells your application that a dialog is ready to be displayed. After receiving the kNavCBCustomize event message constant, your event-handling function should wait for the kNavCBStart event message constant to ensure that your application can safely add dialog items. No additional data is provided to your application with this constant.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells your application that the dialog is about to be closed, which means you must remove any user-interface items that were created in response to the kNavCBStart message. You can determine which user action closed the dialog by checking the userAction field of the NavCBRec structure.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells your application that the dialog has been resized and the customization rectangle has been accordingly resized. Use the customRect field from the NavCBRec structure to determine the new customization rectangle size. Your application does not need to offset the controls; Navigation Services moves them automatically. Your application is responsible for any redrawing of the controls or handling events beyond moving the controls, however.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells your application that a new location is being viewed in the dialog. The param field of the NavCBRec structure contains a pointer to an AEDesc structure of type 'typeFSS' describing the new location. This pointer is valid only during the execution of your event-handling function.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells your application that the Open or Save dialog is showing the desktop view, consisting of the composite of all desktop folders from all mounted volumes. The param field of the NavCBRec structure contains a pointer to an AEDescList structure identifying the desktop location. This pointer is valid only during the execution of your event-handling function.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells your application that an entry in the browser list has been selected or deselected by the user. The param field of the NavEventDataInfo structure contains a pointer to an AEDescList record of type 'typeFSS' identifying the current selection. If the user deselects the current selection, the AEDescList record contains an empty reference. This pointer is valid only during the execution of your event-handling function.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells your application that a selection was made from the Open dialog’s Show pop-up menu or Save dialog’s Format pop-up menu. TheNavCBRec.eventData.eventDataParms.param field contains a pointer to a NavMenuItemSpec structure describing the pop-up menu item selected. If the dialog was created using the Carbon-only NavCreateXXXDialog APIs, then the menuType field of the NavMenuItemSpec structure is set to the index into the client's CFArray of popupExtension strings in the NavDialogCreationOptions structure. This data is valid only during the execution of your event-handling function.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells your application that the user has pressed the Accept button.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells your application that the user has pressed the Cancel button.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells your application that the user has toggled the preview area on or off. The param field of the NavCBRec structure contains a pointer to a Boolean value of true if the preview area is toggled on and false if toggled off. This information is useful if your application creates custom controls in the preview area.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


(Available only in CarbonLib 1.1 and later and in Mac OS X version 10.0 and later.) Tells your application that the user has taken an action. To determine which action the user took, call the NavDialogGetUserAction function.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


(Navigation Services 2.0 or later.) Tells your application that the user has opened a file or chosen a file object. After detecting this constant, you can call the NavCustomControl function and specify one of the NavActionState constants, described in “Action State Constants,” in order to block the opening or choosing action.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.

File Sorting Constants

Let you specify a sort key for how files display in browser.

typedef UInt16 NavSortKeyField;
enum {
   kNavSortNameField = 0,
   kNavSortDateField = 1


Sort by filename.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Sort by modification date.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Your application can determine the sort key for displayed files by passing the kNavCtlSortBy constant, described in “Custom Control Settings,” in the selector parameter of the function NavCustomControl, and passing one of the constants defined in the NavSortKeyField data type in the parms parameter of the NavCustomControl function.

Generic File Signature Constant

Defines a generic creator code.

enum {
   kNavGenericSignature = '****'


Tells Navigation Services to display all files of a specified type, regardless of the file’s creator code.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


To specify that your application can open all files of a given type (such as 'TEXT', for example), specify the kNavGenericSignature constant in the componentSignature field of the structure of type NavTypeList that you pass to a function that creates a file-opening dialog, such as NavCreateGetFileDialog. You can also pass this constant in the inFileCreator parameter of the function NavCreatePutFileDialog in order to override the types of files appearing in the Format pop-up menu.

Version Notes

Added in Navigation Services 2.0

Menu Item Selection Constants

Let you specify the default selection in the Show pop-up menu.

typedef UInt16 NavPopupMenuItem;
enum {
   kNavAllKnownFiles = 0,
   kNavAllReadableFiles = 1,
   kNavAllFiles = 2


Tells Navigation Services to display all files identified as readable by your application.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to display all files identified as readable or translatable by your application.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to display all files.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


To set the default selection for the Show pop-up menu of an Open dialog box, your application passes the kNavCtlSelectAllType constant, described in “Custom Control Settings,” in the selector parameter of the function NavCustomControl and passes one of the constants defined in the NavPopupMenuItem data type in the parms parameter of the NavCustomControl function.

Object Filtering Constants

Inform you which part of a dialog contains object being filtered.

typedef SInt16 NavFilterModes;
enum {
   kNavFilteringBrowserList = 0,
   kNavFilteringFavorites = 1,
   kNavFilteringRecents = 2,
   kNavFilteringShortCutVolumes = 3,
   kNavFilteringLocationPopup = 4


The browser list contains the object being filtered.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


The Favorites pop-up menu contains the object being filtered.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


The Recent pop-up menu contains the object being filtered.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


The Shortcuts pop-up menu contains the object being filtered.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


The object being filtered is the path described by the Location menu.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Navigation Services passes one of the constants defined by the NavFilterModes data type to the filterMode parameter of your application-defined filter function to tell your application whether the browser list or one of the navigation option pop-up menus contains the object currently being filtered.

Save Changes Actions

Describe the user response to a Save Changes dialog.

typedef UInt32 NavAskSaveChangesResult;
enum {
   kNavAskSaveChangesSave = 1,
   kNavAskSaveChangesCancel = 2,
   kNavAskSaveChangesDontSave = 3


User clicked the Save button.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


User clicked the Cancel button.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


User clicked the Don’t Save button.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


When you create a Save dialog using the function NavCreatePutFileDialog, you obtain the user’s response by calling NavDialogGetReply, specifying a NavReplyRecord structure in the outReply parameter. On completion, this structure contains a value represented by one of the constants defined by the NavAskSaveChangesResult data type.

Save Changes Requests

Describe the condition that prompts a Save Changes dialog.

typedef UInt32 NavAskSaveChangesAction;
enum {
   kNavSaveChangesClosingDocument = 1,
   kNavSaveChangesQuittingApplication = 2,
   kNavSaveChangesOther = 0


Requests a Save Changes alert that asks the user whether to save changes when closing a document.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Requests a Save Changes alert that asks the user whether to save changes when quitting your application.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Requests a Save Changes alert that asks the user whether to save changes at some time other than closing or quitting. This is useful when your application prompts the user to save documents at timed intervals, for example.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Your application requests a Save Changes alert by specifying one of the following constants, defined by the NavAskSaveChangesAction data type, in the inAction parameter of the function NavCreatePutFileDialog.

Sort Order Constants

Let you specify ascending or descending sort order in the browser.

typedef UInt16 NavSortOrder;
enum {
   kNavSortAscending = 0,
   kNavSortDescending = 1


Sort in ascending order.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Sort in descending order.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Your application can specify the sort order for displayed files by passing the kNavCtlSortOrder constant in the selector parameter of the function NavCustomControl and passing one of the constants defined in the NavSortOrder data type in the parms parameter of the NavCustomControl function.

Translation Options

Let you specify how files are translated.

typedef UInt32 NavTranslationOptions;
enum {
   kNavTranslateInPlace = 0,
   kNavTranslateCopy = 1


Tells Navigation Services to replace the source file with the translation. This setting is the default for Save dialogs.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Tells Navigation Services to create a translated copy of the source file. This setting is the default for Open dialogs. The NavCompleteSave function always uses this setting under automatic translation.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Your application passes one of the NavTranslationOptions constants to the howToTranslate parameter to specify how files are to be translated by the function NavTranslateFile.

User Actions

typedef UInt32 NavUserAction;
enum {
   kNavUserActionNone = 0,
   kNavUserActionCancel = 1,
   kNavUserActionOpen = 2,
   kNavUserActionSaveAs = 3,
   kNavUserActionChoose = 4,
   kNavUserActionNewFolder = 5,
   kNavUserActionSaveChanges = 6,
   kNavUserActionDontSaveChanges = 7,
   kNavUserActionDiscardChanges = 8,
   kNavUserActionReviewDocuments = 9,
   kNavUserActionDiscardDocuments = 10


The dialog is still running or was terminated programmatically.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


The user pressed the Cancel button.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


The user pressed the Open button in a file-opening dialog.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


The user pressed the Save button in a file-saving dialog.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


The user pressed the Choose button in a Choose dialog.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


The user pressed the New Folder button in a New Folder dialog and Navigation Services created a folder.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


The user pressed the Save button in a Save Changes dialog.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


The user pressed the Don’t Save button in a Save Changes dialog.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


The user pressed the Discard button in a Discard Changes dialog.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


The user clicked the Review Unsaved button in the Review Documents dialog (used only on Mac OS X).

Available in Mac OS X v10.1 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


The user clicked the Discard Changes button in the Review Documents dialog (used only on Mac OS X).

Available in Mac OS X v10.1 and later.

Declared in Navigation.h.


Navigation Services passes one of the constants defined by the NavUserAction enumeration to your application in the userAction field of a NavCBRec structure in order to indicate which action was taken by the user during a Navigation Services dialog.

NavDialogCreationOptions Version Constant

Represents the current version of the NavDialogCreationOptions structure.

enum {
   kNavDialogCreationOptionsVersion = 0

NavCBRec Version Constant

Represents the current version of the NavCBRec structure.

enum {
   kNavCBRecVersion = 1

NavFileOrFolder Version Constant

Represents the current version of the NavFileOrFolder structure.

enum {
   kNavFileOrFolderVersion = 1

NavMenuItemSpec Version Constant

Represents the current version of the NavMenuItemSpec structure.

enum {
   kNavMenuItemSpecVersion = 0

NavReplyRecord Version Constant

Represents the current version of the NavReplyRecord structure.

enum {
   kNavReplyRecordVersion = 2

Result Codes

The table below shows the most common result codes returned by Navigation Services.

Result CodeValueDescription
kNavWrongDialogStateErr -5694

Dialog is not in correct state for requested operation (it must be running but is not, or vice versa.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

kNavWrongDialogClassErr -5695

Requested operation is not valid for this type of dialog.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

kNavInvalidSystemConfigErr -5696

One or more Navigation Services–required system components is missing or out of date.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

kNavCustomControlMessageFailedErr -5697

Navigation Services did not accept a control message sent by your application.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

kNavInvalidCustomControlMessageErr -5698

Your application sent an invalid custom control message.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

kNavMissingKindStringErr -5699

No kind strings were provided to describe your application's native file types.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

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