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Process Manager Reference

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The Process Manager provides the cooperative multitasking environment for versions of Mac OS that preceded Mac OS X. The Process Manager controls access to shared resources and manages the scheduling and execution of applications.

You can use the Process Manager to control the execution of processes and to get information about processes, including your own. You can use the Process Manager routines to

Some Process Manager functions access a ProcessInfoRec data structure, which contains fields that are no longer applicable in a preemptively scheduled environment (for example, the processLocation, processFreeMem, and processActiveTime fields). Your application should avoid accessing such fields. Changes to the memory model may also affect certain fields.

Carbon does not support Process Manager functions that deal with control panels or desk accessories.

Functions by Task

Getting Process Information

Starting and Terminating Processes

Modifying Processes



Gets a copy of the name of a process.

OSStatus CopyProcessName (
   const ProcessSerialNumber *psn,
   CFStringRef *name


A pointer to a valid process serial number. See ProcessSerialNumber for more information.


A Core Foundation string that contains the name of the specified process.

Return Value

A result code. See “Process Manager Result Codes.”


Because the string returned is a Core Foundation string, it can represent a multilingual name, unlike the processName field value you obtain using GetProcessInformation.

Declared In


Terminates an application.

void ExitToShell (


In general, you need to call ExitToShell only if you want your application to terminate without reaching the end of its main function.

The ExitToShell function terminates the calling process. The Process Manager removes your application from the list of open processes and performs any other necessary cleanup operations. In particular, all memory in your application partition and any temporary memory still allocated to your application is released. If necessary, the Application Died Apple event is sent to the process that launched your application.

Related Sample Code
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Gets information about the current process, if any.

OSErr GetCurrentProcess (
   ProcessSerialNumber * PSN


On output, a pointer to the process serial number of the current process, that is, the one currently accessing the CPU. This application can be running in either the foreground or the background.

Return Value

A result code. See “Process Manager Result Codes.”


Applications can use this function to find their own process serial number. Drivers can use this function to find the process serial number of the current process. You can use the returned process serial number in other Process Manager functions.

This function is named MacGetCurrentProcess on non Macintosh platforms and GetCurrentProcess on Macintosh computers. However, even Macintosh code can use the MacGetCurrentProcess name because a macro exists that automatically maps that call to GetCurrentProcess.

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Gets the process serial number of the front process.

OSErr GetFrontProcess (
   ProcessSerialNumber *PSN


On return, a pointer to the process serial number of the process running in the foreground.

Return Value

A result code. See “Process Manager Result Codes.” If no process is running in the foreground, returns procNotFound.


You can use this function to determine if your process or some other process is in the foreground. You can use the process serial number returned in the PSN parameter in other Process Manager functions.

Declared In


Gets information about the next process, if any, in the Process Manager’s internal list of open processes.

OSErr GetNextProcess (
   ProcessSerialNumber *PSN


On input, a pointer to the process serial number of a process. This number should be a valid process serial number returned from LaunchApplication, GetFrontProcess, or GetCurrentProcess, or a process serial number structure containing kNoProcess. For details about this structure, see ProcessSerialNumber. On return, a pointer to the process serial number of the next process, or else kNoProcess.

Return Value

A result code. See “Process Manager Result Codes.”


The Process Manager maintains a list of all open processes. You can derive this list by using repetitive calls to GetNextProcess. Begin generating the list by calling GetNextProcess and specifying the constant kNoProcess in the PSN parameter. You can then use the returned process serial number to get the process serial number of the next process. Note that the order of the list of processes is internal to the Process Manager. When the end of the list is reached, GetNextProcess returns the constant kNoProcess in the PSN parameter and the result code procNotFound.

You can use the returned process serial number in other Process Manager functions. You can also use this process serial number to specify a target application when your application sends a high-level event.

Declared In


Retrieves the file system location of the application bundle (or executable file) associated with a process.

OSStatus GetProcessBundleLocation (
   const ProcessSerialNumber *psn,
   FSRef *location


A pointer to a valid process serial number. See ProcessSerialNumber for more information.

Return Value

A result code. See “Process Manager Result Codes.”

Related Sample Code
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Obtains the process serial number from a Unix PID.

OSStatus GetProcessForPID (
   pid_t pid,
   ProcessSerialNumber *psn


The Unix process ID (PID).


On return, psn points to the process serial number.

Return Value

A result code. See “Process Manager Result Codes.”


Note that this call does not make sense for Classic applications, since they all share a single UNIX process ID.

Declared In


Get information about a specific process.

OSErr GetProcessInformation (
   const ProcessSerialNumber *PSN,
   ProcessInfoRec *info


A pointer to a valid process serial number. You can pass a process serial number structure containing the constant kCurrentProcess to get information about the current process. See ProcessSerialNumber for more information.


On return, a pointer to a structure containing information about the specified process.

Return Value

A result code. See “Process Manager Result Codes.”


The information returned in the info parameter includes the application’s name as it appears in the Application menu, the type and signature of the application, the address of the application partition, the number of bytes in the application partition, the number of free bytes in the application heap, the application that launched the application, the time at which the application was launched, and the location of the application file.

The GetProcessInformation function also returns information about the application’s 'SIZE' resource and indicates whether the process is an application or a desk accessory.

You need to specify values for the processInfoLength, processName, and processAppSpec fields of the process information structure. Specify the length of the process information structure in the processInfoLength field. If you do not want information returned in the processName and processAppSpec fields, specify NULL for these fields. Otherwise, allocate at least 32 bytes of storage for the string pointed to by the processName field and, in the processAppSpec field, specify a pointer to an FSSpec structure.

The processName field may not be what you expect, especially if an application has a localized name. The processName field, if not NULL, on return will contain the filename part of the executable file of the application. If you want the localized, user-displayable name for an application, call CopyProcessName.

In Mac OS X, the processActiveTime field of the returned structure is always 0, and the modeCanBackground, mode32BitCompatible, and modeHighLevelEventAware fields are always set.

Special Considerations

In most cases, Mac OS X applications should use ProcessInformationCopyDictionary instead of this function.

Declared In


Obtains the Unix PID from a process serial number.

OSStatus GetProcessPID (
   const ProcessSerialNumber *psn,
   pid_t *pid


A pointer to a valid process serial number. See ProcessSerialNumber for more information.


On return, pid points to a Unix PID.

Return Value

A result code. See “Process Manager Result Codes.”


Note that this call does not make sense for Classic applications, since they all share a single UNIX process ID.

Declared In


Determines the visiblility of the user interface for a process.

Boolean IsProcessVisible (
   const ProcessSerialNumber *psn


A pointer to a valid process serial number. See ProcessSerialNumber for more information.

Return Value

Returns true if the user interface is currently visible. Otherwise, returns false.

Declared In


Terminates a process with the specified ID.

OSErr KillProcess (
   const ProcessSerialNumber *inProcess


The serial number of the process you want to terminate. You can also pass a process serial number structure containing the constant kCurrentProcess to refer to the current process. See ProcessSerialNumber for more information.

Return Value

A result code. See “Process Manager Result Codes.”


KillProcess terminates an process without sending a “quit” Apple event or allowing it any time to save user data or perform cleanup. You should use this function only as a last resort when all other attempts have failed. Even then, there is no guarantee that this call will succeed in killing the application, even if it returns with noErr.

Declared In


Launches an application.

OSErr LaunchApplication (
   LaunchPBPtr LaunchParams


A pointer to a LaunchParamBlockRec specifying information about the application to launch.

Return Value

A result code. See “Process Manager Result Codes.”


The LaunchApplication function launches the application from the specified file and returns the process serial number, preferred partition size, and minimum partition size if the application is successfully launched.

Note that if you launch another application without terminating your application, the launched application is not actually executed until you make a subsequent call to WaitNextEvent or EventAvail.

Set the launchContinue flag in the launchControlFlags field of the launch parameter block if you want your application to continue after the specified application is launched. If you do not set this flag, LaunchApplication terminates your application after launching the specified application, even if the launch fails.

Declared In


Obtains a superset of GetProcessInformation in modern data types.

CFDictionaryRef ProcessInformationCopyDictionary (
   const ProcessSerialNumber *PSN,
   UInt32 infoToReturn


A pointer to a valid process serial number. See ProcessSerialNumber for more information.


A bitmask indicating the information to obtain. Pass kProcessDictionaryIncludeAllInformationMask for this parameter.

Return Value

An immutable Core Foundation dictionary containing the system information in key-value pairs.


You should use this function instead of GetProcessInformation. Table 1 and Table 2 show keys you can use to get process attributes in the returned Core Foundation dictionary. All keys in the dictionary are Core Foundation strings. (Note that additional keys exist, but these are for internal use only.) Keys marked with an asterisk (*) may not appear in the dictionary, depending on the application.

Table 1  Process information keys






The process serial number. See ProcessSerialNumber.



A hint as to the type of the application. You shouldn’t need to use this key.



Attributes for the process. Useful attributes generally have their own keys.

ParentPSN *


The process serial number of the application that launched this process.

FileType *


The file type (if any) of the executable.

FileCreator *


The creator type (if any) of the executable.

pid *


The UNIX PID for this process.



kCFBooleanTrue if the application is a background-only application.



kCFBooleanTrue if the application is an accessibility UIElement.



kCFBooleanTrue if the application is currently hidden.



kCFBooleanTrue if the application’s Info.plist file indicates that it is a Carbon application.



The initial user-interface mode for the application. See Runtime Configuration Guidelines for a list of possible values.

BundlePath *


The path to the application bundle (if the application is bundled).

Table 2 lists additional keys that you should reference by their predefined constants, rather than the actual string names.

Table 2  Process information key constants




kCFBundleExecutableKey *


The path to the actual executable file.

kCFBundleNameKey *


The application’s display name.

kCFBundleIdentifierKey *


The application’s bundle identifier (if the application is bundled). For example, “”.

Declared In


Determines whether two process serial numbers specify the same process.

OSErr SameProcess (
   const ProcessSerialNumber *PSN1,
   const ProcessSerialNumber *PSN2,
   Boolean *result


A process serial number.


A process serial number.


On return, a pointer to a Boolean value which is TRUE if the process serial numbers passed in PSN1 and PSN2 refer to the same process; otherwise FALSE.

Return Value

A result code. See “Process Manager Result Codes.”


Do not attempt to compare two process serial numbers by any means other than the SameProcess function, because the interpretation of the bits in a process serial number is internal to the Process Manager.

The values of PSN1 and PSN2 must be valid process serial numbers returned from LaunchApplication , GetNextProcess , GetFrontProcess , GetCurrentProcess , or a high-level event. You can also pass a process serial number structure containing the constant kCurrentProcess to refer to the current process.

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Moves a process to the foreground.

OSErr SetFrontProcess (
   const ProcessSerialNumber *PSN


A pointer to a valid process serial number. You can also pass a process serial number structure containing the constant kCurrentProcess to refer to the current process. See ProcessSerialNumber for more information.

Return Value

A result code. See “Process Manager Result Codes.”


The SetFrontProcess function moves the specified process to the foreground immediately.

If the specified process serial number is invalid or if the specified process is a background-only application, SetFrontProcess returns a nonzero result code and does not change the current foreground process.

Special Considerations

Do not call SetFrontProcess at interrupt time.

Declared In


Brings a process to the front of the process list, and activates it.

OSStatus SetFrontProcessWithOptions (
   const ProcessSerialNumber *inProcess,
   OptionBits inOptions


A pointer to a valid process serial number. You can also pass a process serial number structure containing the constant kCurrentProcess to refer to the current process. See ProcessSerialNumber for more information.


A flag that indicates how process windows should be brought forward—see the discussion below.

Return Value

A result code. See “Process Manager Result Codes.”


If you pass 0 in the inOptions parameter, the process is activated and all process windows are brought forward. This is equivalent to calling SetFrontProcess. If you pass kSetFrontProcessFrontWindowOnly, the process is activated and the frontmost nonfloating window is brought forward.

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Shows or hides a given process.

OSErr ShowHideProcess (
   const ProcessSerialNumber *psn,
   Boolean visible


A pointer to a valid process serial number. See ProcessSerialNumber for more information.


A Boolean value that specifies whether you want to show (true) or hide (false) the process.

Return Value

A result code. See “Process Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Changes the type of the specified process.

OSStatus TransformProcessType (
   const ProcessSerialNumber *psn,
   ProcessApplicationTransformState transformState


The serial number of the process you want to transform. You can also use the constant kCurrentProcess to refer to the current process. See ProcessSerialNumber for more information.


A constant indicating the type of transformation you want. See “Process Transformation Constant.” Currently you can pass only kProcessTransformToForegroundApplication.

Return Value

A result code. See “Process Manager Result Codes.”


You can use this call to transform a background-only application into a foreground application. A foreground application appears in the Dock (and in the Force Quit dialog) and contains a menu bar. This function does not cause the application to be brought to the front; you must call SetFrontProcess to do so.

Declared In


Makes a suspended process eligible for CPU time.

OSErr WakeUpProcess (
   const ProcessSerialNumber *PSN


The serial number of the process you want to wake up. You can also pass a process serial number structure containing the constant kCurrentProcess to refer to the current process. See ProcessSerialNumber for more information.

Return Value

A result code. See “Process Manager Result Codes.”


The WakeUpProcess function makes a process suspended by WaitNextEvent eligible to receive CPU time. A process is suspended when the value of the sleep parameter in the WaitNextEvent function is not 0 and no events for that process are pending in the event queue. This process remains suspended until the time specified in the sleep parameter expires or an event becomes available for that process. You can use WakeUpProcess to make the process eligible for execution before the time specified in the sleep parameter expires. This function does not change the order of the processes scheduled for execution; it only makes the specified process eligible for execution.

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Data Types


Defines the first high-level event sent to a newly-launched application.

struct AppParameters {
   struct {
      UInt16 what;
      UInt32 message;
      UInt32 when;
      Point where;
      UInt16 modifiers;
   } theMsgEvent;
   unsigned long eventRefCon
   unsigned long messageLength
typedef struct AppParameters AppParameters;
typedef AppParameters * AppParametersPtr;


The application parameters structure is used in the launchAppParameters field of the launch parameter block, LaunchParamBlockRec , whose address is passed to the LaunchApplication function.

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Defines the required parameters when launching an application.

struct LaunchParamBlockRec {
   unsigned long reserved1;
   unsigned short reserved2;
   unsigned short launchBlockID;
   unsigned long launchEPBLength;
   unsigned short launchFileFlags;
   LaunchFlags launchControlFlags;
   FSSpecPtr launchAppSpec;
   ProcessSerialNumber launchProcessSN;
   unsigned long launchPreferredSize;
   unsigned long launchMinimumSize;
   unsigned long launchAvailableSize;
   AppParametersPtr launchAppParameters;
typedef struct LaunchParamBlockRec LaunchParamBlockRec;
typedef LaunchParamBlockRec * LaunchPBPtr;






A value that indicates whether you are using the fields following it in the launch parameter block. Specify the constant extendedBlock if you use the fields that follow it.


The length of the fields following this field in the launch parameter block. Use the constant extendedBlockLen to specify this value.


The Finder flags for the application file. Set the launchNoFileFlags constant in the launchControlFlags field if you want the LaunchApplication function to extract the Finder flags from the application file and to set the launchFileFlags field for you.


See “Launch Options” for a complete description of these flags.


A pointer to a file specification structure that gives the location of the application file to launch.


The process serial number returned to your application if the launch is successful. You can use this process serial number in other Process Manager functions to refer to the launched application.


The preferred partition size for the launched application as specified in the launched application’s 'SIZE' resource. LaunchApplication sets this field to 0 if an error occurred or if the application is already open.


The minimum partition size for the launched application as specified in the launched application’s 'SIZE' resource. LaunchApplication sets this field to 0 if an error occurred or if the application is already open.


The maximum partition size that is available for allocation. This value is returned to your application only if the memFullErr result code is returned. If the application launch fails because of insufficient memory, you can use this value to determine if there is enough memory available to launch in the minimum size.


The first high-level event to send to the launched application. If you set this field to NULL, LaunchApplication creates and sends the Open Application Apple event to the launched application.


You specify a launch parameter block as a parameter to the LaunchApplication function.

Declared In


Defines the structure of a process information record.

struct ProcessInfoRec {
   unsigned long processInfoLength;
   StringPtr processName;
   ProcessSerialNumber processNumber;
   unsigned long processType;
   OSType processSignature;
   unsigned long processMode;
   Ptr processLocation;
   unsigned long processSize;
   unsigned long processFreeMem;
   ProcessSerialNumber processLauncher;
   unsigned long processLaunchDate;
   unsigned long processActiveTime;
   FSSpecPtr processAppSpec;
typedef struct ProcessInfoRec ProcessInfoRec;
typedef ProcessInfoRec * ProcessInfoRecPtr;


The number of bytes in the process information structure. For compatibility, you should specify the length of the structure in this field.


The name of the application. This field contains the name of the application as designated by the user at the time the application was opened. For example, for foreground applications, the processName field contains the name as it appears in the Application menu. You must specify NULL in the processName field if you do not want the application name returned. Otherwise, you should allocate at least 32 bytes of storage for the string pointed to by the processName field. Note that the processName field specifies the name of the application, whereas the processAppSpec field specifies the location of the file.


The process serial number.


The file type of the application, generally 'APPL' for applications and 'appe' for background-only applications launched at startup.


The signature (or creator) of the file containing the application.


Process mode flags. These flags indicate whether the process is an application or desk accessory. For applications, this field also returns information specified in the application’s 'SIZE' resource. This information is returned as flags.

On Mac OS X, some flags in processMode will not be set as they were on Mac OS 9, even for Classic applications. Mac OS X doesn't support applications which can't be sent into the background, so modeCanBackground will always be set. Similarly, Mac OS X applications will always have mode32BitCompatible and modeHighLevelEventAware set


The beginning address of the application partition.


The number of bytes in the application partition (including the heap, stack, and A5 world).


The number of free bytes in the application heap.


The process serial number of the process that launched the application or desk accessory. If the original launcher of the process is no longer open, the lowLongOfPSN field of the process serial number structure contains the constant kNoProcess.


The value of the Ticks global variable at the time that the process was launched.


The accumulated time, in ticks, during which the process has used the CPU, including both foreground and background processing time.


The address of a file specification structure that stores the location of the file containing the application or 'DRVR' resource. You should specify NULL in the processAppSpec field if you do not want the FSSpec structure of the file returned.


A process information record is returned by the GetProcessInformation function.

Declared In


Defines an extended version of the process information record.

struct ProcessInfoExtendedRec {
   unsigned long processInfoLength;
   StringPtr processName;
   ProcessSerialNumber processNumber;
   unsigned long processType;
   OSType processSignature;
   unsigned long processMode;
   Ptr processLocation;
   unsigned long processSize;
   unsigned long processFreeMem;
   ProcessSerialNumber processLauncher;
   unsigned long processLaunchDate;
   unsigned long processActiveTime;
   FSSpecPtr processAppSpec;
   unsigned long processTempMemTotal;
   unsigned long processPurgeableTempMemTotal;
typedef struct ProcessInfoExtendedRec ProcessInfoExtendedRec;
typedef ProcessInfoExtendedRec * ProcessInfoExtendedRecPtr;


See ProcessInfoRec for more information.

Declared In


Defines the unique identifier for an open process.

struct ProcessSerialNumber {
   unsigned long highLongOfPSN;
   unsigned long lowLongOfPSN;
typedef struct ProcessSerialNumber ProcessSerialNumber;
typedef ProcessSerialNumber * ProcessSerialNumberPtr;


The high-order long integer of the process serial number.


The low-order long integer of the process serial number.


All applications (defined as things which can appear in the Dock that are not documents and are launched by the Finder or Dock) on Mac OS X have a unique process serial number. This number is created when the application launches, and remains until the application quits. Other system services, like Apple events, use the ProcessSerialNumber structure to specify an application.

During launch, every application “checks in” with the Process Manager. Before this checkin, the application can not receive events or draw to the screen. Prior to Mac OS 10.2, this check in occurred before the applications's main function was entered. In Mac OS 10.2 and later, this check in does not occur until the first time the application calls a Process Manager function, or until it enters CFRunLoopRun for the main event loop. This allows tools and other executables which do not need to receive events to link against more of the higher level toolbox frameworks, but may cause a problem if the application expects to be able to retrieve events or use CoreGraphics services before this checkin has occurred. An application can force the connection to the Process Manager to be set up by calling any Process Manager routine, but the recommended way to do this is to call GetCurrentProcess to ask for the current application's PSN. Doing so initializes the connection to the Process Manager if it has not already been set up and ”check in“ the application with the system.

You should not make any assumptions about the meaning of the bits in a process serial number. To compare two process serial numbers, you should use the function SameProcess.

You can obtain a process serial number in one of the following ways:

If you want to specify a process using the “Process Identification Constants,” you must populate a process serial number structure, passing 0 in highLongOfPSN and the appropriate constant (such as kCurrentProcess) in lowLongOfPSN. For example, to bring the current process forward, you can use the following code:

 ProcessSerialNumber psn = { 0, kCurrentProcess };
 SetFrontProcess( &psn );
Declared In


Defines a representation of the SIZE resource.

struct SizeResourceRec {
   unsigned short flags;
   unsigned long preferredHeapSize;
   unsigned long minimumHeapSize;
typedef struct SizeResourceRec SizeResourceRec;
typedef SizeResourceRec * SizeResourceRecPtr;

Declared In


Control Panel Result Codes

Specifies the values that a control panel can return.


enum {
   cdevGenErr = -1,
   cdevMemErr = 0,
   cdevResErr = 1,
   cdevUnset = 3

Extension Launch Codes

Specifies the values used when launching extensions.

enum {
   extendedBlock = 0x4C43,
   extendedBlockLen = sizeof(LaunchParamBlockRec) - 12

Control Panel Message Codes

Specifies the values for messages to a control panel.

enum {
   initDev = 0,
   hitDev = 1,
   closeDev = 2,
   nulDev = 3,
   updateDev = 4,
   activDev = 5,
   deactivDev = 6,
   keyEvtDev = 7,
   macDev = 8,
   undoDev = 9,
   cutDev = 10,
   copyDev = 11,
   pasteDev = 12,
   clearDev = 13,
   cursorDev = 14

Termination Options

Specifies masks to control the timing of application termination during system shutdown or restart.

enum {
   kQuitBeforeNormalTimeMask = 1,
   kQuitAtNormalTimeMask = 2,
   kQuitBeforeFBAsQuitMask = 4,
   kQuitBeforeShellQuitsMask = 8,
   kQuitBeforeTerminatorAppQuitsMask = 16,
   kQuitNeverMask = 32,
   kQuitOptionsMask = 0x7F,
   kQuitNotQuitDuringInstallMask = 0x0100,
   kQuitNotQuitDuringLogoutMask = 0x0200


Applications and background applications can control when they are asked to quit by the system at restart and shutdown by setting these bits in a 'quit'(0) resource located in the resource fork.

Applications without this resource are terminated at kQuitAtNormalTime.


Front Process Options

Specifies options for bringing windows forward when a process is activated.

enum {
   kSetFrontProcessFrontWindowOnly = (1 << 0)


Activate the process, but bring only the frontmost non-floating window forward.

Available in Mac OS X version 10.2 and later.

Declared in Processes.h.

Launch Options

Specifies the valid launch options in the launchControlFlags field of the launch parameter block.

typedef unsigned short LaunchFlags;
enum {
   launchContinue                = 0x4000,
   launchNoFileFlags             = 0x0800,
   launchUseMinimum              = 0x0400,
   launchDontSwitch              = 0x0200,
   launchAllow24Bit              = 0x0100,
   launchInhibitDaemon           = 0x0080


Set this flag if you want your application to continue after the specified application is launched. If you do not set this flag, LaunchApplication terminates your application after launching the specified application, even if the launch fails.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Processes.h.


Set this flag if you want the LaunchApplication function to ignore any value specified in the launchFileFlags field. If you set the launchNoFileFlags flag, the LaunchApplication function extracts the Finder flags from the application file for you. If you want to supply the file flags, clear the launchNoFileFlags flag and specify the Finder flags in the launchFileFlags field of the launch parameter block.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Processes.h.


Clear this flag if you want the LaunchApplication function to attempt to launch the application in the preferred size (as specified in the application’s 'SIZE' resource). If you set the launchUseMinimum flag, the LaunchApplication function attempts to launch the application using the largest available size greater than or equal to the minimum size but less than the preferred size. If the LaunchApplication function returns the result code memFullErr or memFragErr, the application cannot be launched under the current memory conditions.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Processes.h.


Set this flag if you do not want the launched application brought to the front. If you set this flag, the launched application runs in the background until the user brings the application to the front—for example, by clicking in one of the application’s windows. Note that most applications expect to be launched in the foreground. If you clear the launchDontSwitch flag, the launched application is brought to the front, and your application is sent to the background.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Processes.h.


Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Processes.h.


Set this flag if you do not want LaunchApplication to launch a background-only application. (A background-only application has the onlyBackground flag set in its 'SIZE' resource.)

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Processes.h.


For more information, see LaunchApplication and LaunchParamBlockRec.

Process Mode Flags

Specifies the type of information returned in a process information record.

enum {
   modeReserved = 0x01000000,
   modeControlPanel = 0x00080000,
   modeLaunchDontSwitch = 0x00040000,
   modeDeskAccessory = 0x00020000,
   modeMultiLaunch = 0x00010000,
   modeNeedSuspendResume = 0x00004000,
   modeCanBackground = 0x00001000,
   modeDoesActivateOnFGSwitch = 0x00000800,
   modeOnlyBackground = 0x00000400,
   modeGetFrontClicks = 0x00000200,
   modeGetAppDiedMsg = 0x00000100,
   mode32BitCompatible = 0x00000080,
   modeHighLevelEventAware = 0x00000040,
   modeLocalAndRemoteHLEvents = 0x00000020,
   modeStationeryAware = 0x00000010,
   modeUseTextEditServices = 0x00000008,
   modeDisplayManagerAware = 0x00000004


These constants indicate, in the processMode field of the ProcessInfoRec structure, whether the process is an application or a desk accessory. If the process is an application, these flags return information about the application’s ‘SIZE’ resource.

Process Identification Constants

Specifies constants used instead of a process serial number to identify a process.

enum {
   kNoProcess = 0,
   kSystemProcess = 1,
   kCurrentProcess = 2


Identifies a process that doesn’t exist.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Processes.h.


Identifies a process that belongs to the Operating System.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Processes.h.


Identifies the current process.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Processes.h.


If you want to use these constants to specify a process, you must populate a process serial number structure (ProcessSerialNumber), passing 0 in the highLongOfPSN field and the appropriate constant (such as kCurrentProcess) in the lowLongOfPSN. For example, to bring the current process forward, you can use the following code:

 ProcessSerialNumber psn = { 0, kCurrentProcess };
 SetFrontProcess( &psn );

Process Transformation Constant

Specify tranformation types to be applied when calling TransformProcessType.

enum {
   kProcessTransformToForegroundApplication = 1L
typedef UInt32 ProcessApplicationTransformState;


Use to convert a background-only application to a foreground application.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in Processes.h.

Result Codes

The table below lists the most common result codes returned by the Process Manager.

Result CodeValueDescription
procNotFound -600

No eligible process with specified process serial number.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

memFragErr -601

Not enough room to launch application with special requirements.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

appModeErr -602

Addressing mode is 32-bit, but application is not 32-bit clean.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

protocolErr -603

app made module calls in improper order

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

hardwareConfigErr -604

Hardware configuration not supported.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

appMemFullErr -605

Partition size specified in SIZE resource is not big enough for launch.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

appIsDaemon -606

Application runs in background only.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

wrongApplicationPlatform -875

The application could not launch because the required platform is not available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

appVersionTooOld -876

The application's creator and version are incompatible with the current version of Mac OS.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

notAppropriateForClassic -877

This application will not (or should not) run in Classic.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

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