Who Should Read This Document
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See Also
Rulers and Paragraph Styles describes paragraph styles and the ruler views and markers that enable users to view and change the paragraph style attributes used in text.
You should read this document if you need to work directly with paragraph style objects and their associated ruler views.
This document contains the following articles:
“About Paragraph Styles” describes paragraph styles and the attributes in them you can change.
“Breaking Lines by Truncation” describes the line break mode attribute of paragraph styles and illustrates how the truncation settings work in the context of table cells.
“About Ruler Views” describes what’s in a ruler view and how it works.
“About Ruler Markers” describes what a ruler marker is and how it works.
“Setting Up a Ruler View” describes how to add and set up a ruler view for a particular view.
“Changing a Ruler’s Measurement Units” describes how to set a ruler’s measurement units and how to define your own measurement units.
“Using a Ruler View’s Client” describes how to set a ruler view’s client and adjust the ruler view’s markers and layout to match the client.
“Letting Users Manipulate Markers” describes how to react when the user adds, removes, and moves markers, or when the user clicks in the ruler view.
“Updating the Ruler View” describes how to change the ruler view to reflect the current selection or changes the user makes in the view.
For more information, refer to the following documents:
Text Attributes describes the text-related attributes maintained by the Cocoa text system, including paragraph style attributes.
Attributed Strings Programming Guide provides more details about how the text system stores attributes with strings.
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