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NSBundle Class Reference

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Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.
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An NSBundle object represents a location in the file system that groups code and resources that can be used in a program. NSBundle objects locate program resources, dynamically load and unload executable code, and assist in localization. You build a bundle in Xcode using one of these project types: Application, Framework, Loadable Bundle, Palette.

See also NSBundle Additions in the Application Kit framework, which defines methods for loading nib files and locating image resources.

Unlike some other Foundation classes with corresponding Core Foundation names (such as NSString and CFString), NSBundle objects cannot be cast (“toll-free bridged”) to CFBundle references. If you need functionality provided in CFBundle, you can still create a CFBundle and use the CFBundle API. See Interchangeable Data Types for more information on toll-free bridging.


Initializing an NSBundle

Getting an NSBundle

Getting a Bundled Class

Finding a Resource

Getting the Bundle Directory

Getting Bundle Information

Managing Localized Resources

Loading a Bundle’s Code

Managing Localizations

Class Methods


Returns an array of all the application’s non-framework bundles.

+ (NSArray *)allBundles

Return Value

An array of all the application’s non-framework bundles.


The returned array includes the main bundle and all bundles that have been dynamically created but doesn’t contain any bundles that represent frameworks.

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Returns an array of all of the application’s bundles that represent frameworks.

+ (NSArray *)allFrameworks

Return Value

An array of all of the application’s bundles that represent frameworks. Only frameworks with one or more Objective-C classes in them are included.


The returned array includes frameworks that are linked into an application when the application is built and bundles for frameworks that have been dynamically created.

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Returns the NSBundle object with which a given class is associated.

+ (NSBundle *)bundleForClass:(Class)aClass


A class.

Return Value

The NSBundle object that dynamically loaded aClass (a loadable bundle), the NSBundle object for the framework in which aClass is defined, or the main bundle object if aClass was not dynamically loaded or is not defined in a framework.

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Returns the previously created NSBundle instance that has a given bundle identifier.

+ (NSBundle *)bundleWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier


The identifier for an existing NSBundle instance.

Return Value

The previously created NSBundle instance that has the bundle identifier identifier. Returns nil if the requested bundle is not found.


This method is typically used by frameworks and plug-ins to locate their own bundle at runtime. This method may be somewhat more efficient than trying to locate the bundle using the bundleForClass: method.

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Returns an NSBundle object that corresponds to the specified directory.

+ (NSBundle *)bundleWithPath:(NSString *)fullPath


The path to a directory. This must be a full pathname for a directory; if it contains any symbolic links, they must be resolvable.

Return Value

The NSBundle object that corresponds to fullPath, or nil if fullPath does not identify an accessible bundle directory.


This method allocates and initializes the returned object if there is no existing NSBundle associated with fullPath, in which case it returns the existing object.

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Returns the NSBundle object that corresponds to the directory where the current application executable is located.

+ (NSBundle *)mainBundle

Return Value

The NSBundle object that corresponds to the directory where the application executable is located, or nil if a bundle object could not be created.


This method allocates and initializes a bundle object if one doesn’t already exist. The new object corresponds to the directory where the application executable is located. Be sure to check the return value to make sure you have a valid bundle. This method may return a valid bundle object even for unbundled applications.

In general, the main bundle corresponds to an application file package or application wrapper: a directory that bears the name of the application and is marked by a “.app” extension.

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Returns the full pathname for the resource file identified by a given name and extension and residing in a given bundle directory.

+ (NSString *)pathForResource:(NSString *)name ofType:(NSString *)extension inDirectory:(NSString *)bundlePath


The name of a resource file contained in the bundle specified by bundlePath.


If extension is an empty string or nil, the returned pathname is the first one encountered that exactly matches name.


The path of a top-level bundle directory. This must be a valid path. For example, to specify the bundle directory for an application, you might specify the path /Applications/

Return Value

The full pathname for the resource file or nil if the file could not be located. This method also returns nil if the bundle specified by the bundlePath parameter does not exist or is not a readable directory.


The method first looks for a matching resource file in the nonlocalized resource directory (typically Resources) of the specified bundle. If a matching resource file is not found, it then looks in the top level of any available language-specific “.lproj” directories. (The search order for the language-specific directories corresponds to the user’s preferences.) It does not recurse through other subdirectories at any of these locations. For more details see Bundles and Localization.

Note: This method is best suited only for the occasional retrieval of resource files. In most cases where you need to retrieve bundle resources, it is preferable to use the NSBundle instance methods instead.

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Returns an array containing the pathnames for all bundle resources having a given extension and residing in the bundle directory specified by a given path.

+ (NSArray *)pathsForResourcesOfType:(NSString *)extension inDirectory:(NSString *)bundlePath


If extension is an empty string or nil, all bundle resources in the top-level resource directories are returned.


The top-level directory of a bundle. This must represent a valid path.

Return Value

An array containing the full pathnames for all bundle resources with the specified extension. This method returns an empty array of no matching resource files are found. It also returns an empty array if the bundle specified by the bundlePath parameter does not exist or is not a readable directory.


This method provides a means for dynamically discovering multiple bundle resources of the same type.

The method first looks for matching resource files in the nonlocalized resource directory (typically Resources) of the specified bundle. It then looks in the top level of any available language-specific “.lproj” directories. It does not recurse through other subdirectories at any of these locations. For more details see Bundles and Localization.

Note: This method is best suited only for the occasional retrieval of resource files. In most cases where you need to retrieve bundle resources, it is preferable to use the NSBundle instance methods instead.

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Returns one or more localizations from the specified list that a bundle object would use to locate resources for the current user.

+ (NSArray *)preferredLocalizationsFromArray:(NSArray *)localizationsArray


An array of NSString objects, each of which specifies the name of a localization that the bundle supports.

Return Value

An array of NSString objects containing the preferred localizations. These strings are ordered in the array according to the current user's language preferences and are taken from the strings in the localizationsArray parameter.

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Returns the localizations that a bundle object would prefer, given the specified bundle and user preference localizations.

+ (NSArray *)preferredLocalizationsFromArray:(NSArray *)localizationsArray forPreferences:(NSArray *)preferencesArray


An array of NSString objects, each of which specifies the name of a localization that the bundle supports.


An array of NSString objects containing the user's preferred localizations. If this parameter is nil, the method uses the current user's localization preferences.

Return Value

An array of NSString objects containing the preferred localizations. These strings are ordered in the array according to the specified preferences and are taken from the strings in the localizationsArray parameter.


Use the argument localizationsArray to specify the supported localizations of the bundle and use preferencesArray to specify the user’s localization preferences.

If none of the user-preferred localizations are available in the bundle, this method chooses one of the bundle localizations and returns it.

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Instance Methods


Returns the full pathname of the receiver's subdirectory containing plug-ins.

- (NSString *)builtInPlugInsPath

Return Value

The full pathname of the receiving bundle’s subdirectory containing plug-ins.


This method returns the appropriate path for modern application and framework bundles. This method may not return a path for non-standard bundle formats or for some older bundle formats.

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Returns the receiver’s bundle identifier.

- (NSString *)bundleIdentifier

Return Value

The receiver’s bundle identifier, which is defined by the CFBundleIdentifier key in the bundle’s information property list.

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Returns the full pathname of the receiver’s bundle directory.

- (NSString *)bundlePath

Return Value

The full pathname of the receiver’s bundle directory.

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Returns the Class object for the specified name.

- (Class)classNamed:(NSString *)className


The name of a class.

Return Value

The Class object for className. Returns NIL if className is not one of the classes associated with the receiver or if there is an error loading the executable code containing the class implementation.


If the bundle’s executable code is not yet loaded, this method dynamically loads it into memory. Classes (and categories) are loaded from just one file within the bundle directory; this code file has the same name as the directory, but without the extension (“.bundle”, “.app”, “.framework”). As a side effect of code loading, the receiver posts NSBundleDidLoadNotification after all classes and categories have been loaded; see “Notifications” for details.

The following example loads a bundle’s executable code containing the class “FaxWatcher”:

- (void)loadBundle:(id)sender
    Class exampleClass;
    id newInstance;
    NSString *str = @"~/BundleExamples/BundleExample.bundle";
    NSBundle *bundleToLoad = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:str];
    if (exampleClass = [bundleToLoad classNamed:@"FaxWatcher"])  {
        newInstance = [[exampleClass alloc] init];
    // [newInstance doSomething];
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Returns the localization used to create the bundle.

- (NSString *)developmentLocalization

Return Value

The localization used to create the bundle.


The returned localization corresponds to the value in the CFBundleDevelopmentRegion key of the bundle’s property list (Info.plist).

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Returns an array of numbers indicating the architecture types supported by the bundle’s executable.

- (NSArray *)executableArchitectures

Return Value

An array of NSNumber objects, each of which contains an integer value corresponding to a supported processor architecture. For a list of common architecture types, see the constants in “Mach-O Architecture.” If the bundle does not contain a Mach-O executable, this method returns nil.


This method scans the bundle’s Mach-O executable and returns all of the architecture types it finds. Because they are taken directly from the executable, the returned values may not always correspond to one of the well-known CPU types defined in “Mach-O Architecture.”

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Returns the full pathname of the receiver's executable file.

- (NSString *)executablePath

Return Value

The full pathname of the receiving bundle’s executable file.

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Returns a dictionary that contains information about the receiver.

- (NSDictionary *)infoDictionary

Return Value

A dictionary, constructed from the bundle's Info.plist file, that contains information about the receiver. If the bundle does not contain an Info.plist file, a valid dictionary is returned but this dictionary contains only private keys that are used internally by the NSBundle class.


Common keys for accessing the values of the dictionary are CFBundleIdentifier, NSMainNibFile, and NSPrincipalClass.

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Returns an NSBundle object initialized to correspond to a given directory.

- (id)initWithPath:(NSString *)fullPath


The path to a directory. This must be a full pathname for a directory; if it contains any symbolic links, they must be resolvable.

Return Value

An NSBundle object initialized to correspond to fullPath. This method initializes and returns a new instance only if there is no existing bundle associated with fullPath, otherwise it deallocates self and returns the existing object. If fullPath doesn’t exist or the user doesn’t have access to it, returns nil.


It’s not necessary to allocate and initialize an instance for the main bundle; use the mainBundle class method to get this instance. You can also use the bundleWithPath: class method to obtain a bundle identified by its directory path.

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Obtains information about the load status of a bundle.

- (BOOL)isLoaded

Return Value

YES if the bundle’s code is currently loaded, otherwise NO.

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Dynamically loads the bundle’s executable code into a running program, if the code has not already been loaded.

- (BOOL)load

Return Value

YES if the method successfully loads the bundle’s code or if the code has already been loaded, otherwise NO.


You can use this method to load the code associated with a dynamically loaded bundle, such as a plug-in or framework. Prior to Mac OS X version 10.5, a bundle would attempt to load its code—if it had any—only once. Once loaded, you could not unload that code. In Mac OS X version 10.5 and later, you can unload a bundle’s executable code using the unload method.

You don’t need to load a bundle’s executable code to search the bundle’s resources.

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Loads the bundle’s executable code and returns any errors.

- (BOOL)loadAndReturnError:(NSError **)error


On input, a pointer to an error object variable. On output, this variable may contain an error object indicating why the bundle’s executable could not be loaded. If no error occurred, this parameter is left unmodified. You may specify nil for this parameter if you are not interested in the error information.

Return Value

YES if the bundle’s executable code was loaded successfully or was already loaded; otherwise, NO if the code could not be loaded.


If this method returns NO and you pass a value for the error parameter, a suitable error object is returned in that parameter. Potential errors returned are in the Cocoa error domain and include the types that follow. For a full list of error types, see FoundationErrors.h.

The error object may contain additional debugging information in its description that you can use to identify the cause of the error. (This debugging information should not be displayed to the user.) You can obtain the debugging information by invoking the error object’s description method in your code or by using the print-object command on the error object in gdb.

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Returns a list of all the localizations contained within the receiver’s bundle.

- (NSArray *)localizations

Return Value

An array, containing NSString objects, that specifies all the localizations contained within the receiver’s bundle.

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Returns a dictionary with the keys from the bundle’s localized property list.

- (NSDictionary *)localizedInfoDictionary

Return Value

A dictionary with the keys from the bundle’s localized property list (InfoPlist.strings).


This method uses the preferred localization for the current user when determining which resources to return. If the preferred localization is not available, this method chooses the most appropriate localization found in the bundle.

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Returns a localized version of the string designated by a given key in a given table.

- (NSString *)localizedStringForKey:(NSString *)key value:(NSString *)value table:(NSString *)tableName


The key for a string in the table identified by tableName.


The value to return if key is nil or if a localized string for key can’t be found in the table.


The receiver’s string table to search. If tableName is nil or is an empty string, the method attempts to use the table in Localizable.strings.

Return Value

A localized version of the string designated by key in table tableName. If value is nil or an empty string, and a localized string is not found in the table, returns key. If key and value are both nil, returns the empty string.


For more details about string localization and the specification of a .strings file, see “Working With Localized Strings.”

Using the user default NSShowNonLocalizedStrings, you can alter the behavior of localizedStringForKey:value:table: to log a message when the method can’t find a localized string. If you set this default to YES (in the global domain or in the application’s domain), then when the method can’t find a localized string in the table, it logs a message to the console and capitalizes key before returning it.

The following example cycles through a static array of keys when a button is clicked, gets the value for each key from a strings table named Buttons.strings, and sets the button title with the returned value:

- (void)changeTitle:(id)sender
    static int keyIndex = 0;
    NSBundle *thisBundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]];
    NSString *locString = [thisBundle
        value:@"No translation" table:@"Buttons"];
    [sender setTitle:locString];
    if (keyIndex == MAXSTRINGS) keyIndex=0;
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Returns the value associated with a given key in the receiver's property list.

- (id)objectForInfoDictionaryKey:(NSString *)key


A key in the receiver's property list.

Return Value

The value associated with key in the receiver's property list (Info.plist). The localized value of a key is returned when one is available.


Use of this method is preferred over other access methods because it returns the localized value of a key when one is available.

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Returns the full pathname of the executable with a given name in the receiver’s bundle.

- (NSString *)pathForAuxiliaryExecutable:(NSString *)executableName


The name of an executable file.

Return Value

The full pathname of the executable executableName in the receiver’s bundle.


This method returns the appropriate path for modern application and framework bundles. This method may not return a path for non-standard bundle formats or for some older bundle formats.

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Returns the full pathname for the resource identified by a given name and specified file extension.

- (NSString *)pathForResource:(NSString *)name ofType:(NSString *)extension


The name of the resource file.


The file extension of a resource with the name name.

Return Value

The full pathname for the resource file or nil if the file could not be located.


If extension is an empty string or nil, the returned pathname is the first one encountered where the file name exactly matches name.

The method first looks for a matching resource file in the nonlocalized resource directory (typically Resources) of the specified bundle. If a matching resource file is not found, it then looks in the top level of any available language-specific “.lproj” directories. (The search order for the language-specific directories corresponds to the user’s preferences.) It does not recurse through other subdirectories at any of these locations. For more details see Bundles and Localization.

The following code fragment gets the path to a localized sound, creates an NSSound instance from it, and plays the sound.

NSString *soundPath;
NSSound *thisSound;
NSBundle *thisBundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]];
if (soundPath = [thisBundle pathForResource:@"Hello" ofType:@"snd"])  {
    thisSound = [[[NSSound alloc] initFromSoundfile:soundPath] autorelease];
    [thisSound play];
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Returns the full pathname for the resource identified by the given name and file extension and located in the specified bundle subdirectory.

- (NSString *)pathForResource:(NSString *)name ofType:(NSString *)extension inDirectory:(NSString *)subpath


The name of the resource file.


The file extension of the specified resource file.


The name of the bundle subdirectory.

Return Value

The full pathname for the resource file or nil if the file could not be located.


If extension is an empty string or nil, the returned pathname is the first one encountered where the file name exactly matches name.

If subpath is nil, this method searches the top-level nonlocalized resource directory (typically Resources) and the top-level of any language-specific directories. For example, suppose you have a modern bundle and specify @"Documentation" for the subpath parameter. This method would first look in the Contents/Resources/Documentation directory of the bundle, followed by the Documentation subdirectories of each language-specific .lproj directory. (The search order for the language-specific directories corresponds to the user’s preferences.) This method does not recurse through any other subdirectories at any of these locations. For more details see Bundles and Localization.

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Returns the full pathname for the resource identified by the given name and file extension, located in the specified bundle subdirectory, and limited to global resources and those associated with the specified localization.

- (NSString *)pathForResource:(NSString *)name ofType:(NSString *)extension inDirectory:(NSString *)subpath forLocalization:(NSString *)localizationName


The name of the resource file.


The file extension of the specified resource file.


The name of the bundle subdirectory to search.


The name of the localization. This parameter should correspond to the name of one of the bundle's language-specific resource directories without the .lproj extension.

Return Value

The full pathname for the resource file or nil if the file could not be located.


This method is equivalent to pathForResource:ofType:inDirectory:, except that only nonlocalized resources and those in the language-specific .lproj directory specified by localizationName are searched.

There should typically be little reason to use this method—see Getting the Current Language and Locale. See also preferredLocalizationsFromArray:forPreferences: for how to determine what localizations are available.

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Returns an array containing the pathnames for all bundle resources having the specified filename extension and residing in the resource subdirectory.

- (NSArray *)pathsForResourcesOfType:(NSString *)extension inDirectory:(NSString *)subpath


The file extension of the files to retrieve.


The name of the bundle subdirectory to search.

Return Value

An array containing the full pathnames for all bundle resources matching the specified criteria. This method returns an empty array of no matching resource files are found.


This method provides a means for dynamically discovering multiple bundle resources of the same type. If extension is an empty string or nil, all bundle resources in the specified resource directory are returned.

The argument subpath specifies the name of a specific subdirectory to search within the current bundle’s resource directory hierarchy. If subpath is nil, this method searches the top-level nonlocalized resource directory (typically Resources) and the top-level of any language-specific directories. For example, suppose you have a modern bundle and specify @"Documentation" for the subpath parameter. This method would first look in the Contents/Resources/Documentation directory of the bundle, followed by the Documentation subdirectories of each language-specific .lproj directory. (The search order for the language-specific directories corresponds to the user’s preferences.) This method does not recurse through any other subdirectories at any of these locations. For more details see Bundles and Localization.

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Returns an array containing the pathnames for all bundle resources having the specified filename extension, residing in the specified resource subdirectory, and limited to global resources and those associated with the specified localization.

- (NSArray *)pathsForResourcesOfType:(NSString *)extension inDirectory:(NSString *)subpath forLocalization:(NSString *)localizationName


The file extension of the files to retrieve.


The name of the bundle subdirectory to search.


The name of the localization. This parameter should correspond to the name of one of the bundle's language-specific resource directories without the .lproj extension.

Return Value

An array containing the full pathnames for all bundle resources matching the specified criteria. This method returns an empty array of no matching resource files are found.


This method is equivalent to pathsForResourcesOfType:inDirectory:, except that only nonlocalized resources and those in the language-specific .lproj directory specified by localizationName are searched.

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Returns one or more localizations contained in the receiver’s bundle that the receiver uses to locate resources based on the user’s preferences.

- (NSArray *)preferredLocalizations

Return Value

One or more localizations contained in the receiver’s bundle that the receiver uses to locate resources based on the user’s preferences.

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Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the bundle’s executable code could be loaded successfully.

- (BOOL)preflightAndReturnError:(NSError **)error


On input, a pointer to an error object variable. On output, this variable may contain an error object indicating why the bundle’s executable could not be loaded. If no error would occur, this parameter is left unmodified. You may specify nil for this parameter if you are not interested in the error information.

Return Value

YES if the bundle’s executable code could be loaded successfully or is already loaded; otherwise, NO if the code could not be loaded.


This method does not actually load the bundle’s executable code. Instead, it performs several checks to see if the code could be loaded and with one exception returns the same errors that would occur during an actual load operation. The one exception is the NSExecutableLinkError error, which requires the actual loading of the code to verify link errors.

For a list of possible load errors, see the discussion for the loadAndReturnError: method.

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Returns the receiver’s principal class.

- (Class)principalClass

Return Value

The receiver’s principal class—after ensuring that the code containing the definition of that class is dynamically loaded. If the receiver encounters errors in loading or if it can’t find the executable code file in the bundle directory, returns NIL.


The principal class typically controls all the other classes in the bundle; it should mediate between those classes and classes external to the bundle. Classes (and categories) are loaded from just one file within the bundle directory. NSBundle obtains the name of the code file to load from the dictionary returned from infoDictionary, using “NSExecutable” as the key. The bundle determines its principal class in one of two ways:

ld -o myBundle -r Reporter.o NotePad.o QueryList.o

The order of classes in Xcode’s project browser is the order in which they will be linked. To designate the principal class, control-drag the file containing its implementation to the top of the list.

As a side effect of code loading, the receiver posts NSBundleDidLoadNotification after all classes and categories have been loaded; see “Notifications” for details.

The following method obtains a bundle by specifying its path (bundleWithPath:), then loads the bundle with principalClass and uses the returned class object to allocate and initialize an instance of that class:

- (void)loadBundle:(id)sender
    Class exampleClass;
    id newInstance;
    NSString *path = @"/tmp/Projects/BundleExample/BundleExample.bundle";
    NSBundle *bundleToLoad = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:path];
    if (exampleClass = [bundleToLoad principalClass]) {
        newInstance = [[exampleClass alloc] init];
        [newInstance doSomething];
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Returns the full pathname of the receiver's subdirectory containing private frameworks.

- (NSString *)privateFrameworksPath

Return Value

The full pathname of the receiver's subdirectory containing private frameworks.


This method returns the appropriate path for modern application and framework bundles. This method may not return a path for non-standard bundle formats or for some older bundle formats.

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Returns the full pathname of the receiving bundle’s subdirectory containing resources.

- (NSString *)resourcePath

Return Value

The full pathname of the receiving bundle’s subdirectory containing resources.

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Returns the full pathname of the receiver's subdirectory containing shared frameworks.

- (NSString *)sharedFrameworksPath

Return Value

The full pathname of the receiver's subdirectory containing shared frameworks.


This method returns the appropriate path for modern application and framework bundles. This method may not return a path for non-standard bundle formats or for some older bundle formats.

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Returns the full pathname of the receiver's subdirectory containing shared support files.

- (NSString *)sharedSupportPath

Return Value

The full pathname of the receiver's subdirectory containing shared support files.


This method returns the appropriate path for modern application and framework bundles. This method may not return a path for non-standard bundle formats or for some older bundle formats.

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Unloads the code associated with the receiver.

- (BOOL)unload

Return Value

YES if the bundle was successfully unloaded or was not already loaded; otherwise, NO if the bundle could not be unloaded.


This method attempts to unload a bundle’s executable code using the underlying dynamic loader (typically dyld). You may use this method to unload plug-in and framework bundles when you no longer need the code they contain. You should use this method to unload bundles that were loaded using the methods of the NSBundle class only. Do not use this method to unload bundles that were originally loaded using the bundle-manipulation functions in Core Foundation.

It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that no in-memory objects or data structures refer to the code being unloaded. For example, if you have an object whose class is defined in a bundle, you must release that object prior to unloading the bundle. Similarly, your code should not attempt to access any symbols defined in an unloaded bundle.

Special Considerations

Prior to Mac OS X version 10.5, code could not be unloaded once loaded, and this method would always return NO. In Mac OS X version 10.5 and later, you can unload a bundle’s executable code using this method.

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Mach-O Architecture

These constants describe the CPU types that a bundle’s executable code may support.

enum {
   NSBundleExecutableArchitectureI386      = 0x00000007,
   NSBundleExecutableArchitecturePPC       = 0x00000012,
   NSBundleExecutableArchitectureX86_64    = 0x01000007,
   NSBundleExecutableArchitecturePPC64     = 0x01000012


Specifies the 32-bit Intel architecture.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in NSBundle.h.


Specifies the 32-bit PowerPC architecture.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in NSBundle.h.


Specifies the 64-bit Intel architecture.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in NSBundle.h.


Specifies the 64-bit PowerPC architecture.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in NSBundle.h.

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NSBundle posts NSBundleDidLoadNotification to notify observers which classes and categories have been dynamically loaded. When a request is made to an NSBundle object for a class (classNamed: or principalClass), the bundle dynamically loads the executable code file that contains the class implementation and all other class definitions contained in the file. After the module is loaded, the bundle posts the NSBundleDidLoadNotification.

The notification object is the NSBundle instance that dynamically loads classes. The userInfo dictionary contains the following information:




An NSArray object containing the names (as NSString objects) of each class that was loaded

In a typical use of this notification, an object might want to enumerate the userInfo array to check if each loaded class conformed to a certain protocol (say, an protocol for a plug-and-play tool set); if a class does conform, the object would create an instance of that class and add the instance to another NSArray object.

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