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2. Lexical and syntactic conventions

As m4 reads its input, it separates it into tokens. A token is either a name, a quoted string, or any single character, that is not a part of either a name or a string. Input to m4 can also contain comments. GNU m4 does not yet understand locales; all operations are byte-oriented rather than character-oriented. However, m4 is eight-bit clean, so you can use non-ASCII characters in quoted strings (see section Changing the quote characters), comments (see section Changing comment delimiters), and macro names (see section Indirect call of macros), with the exception of the NUL character (the zero byte `'\0'').

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2.1 Names

A name is any sequence of letters, digits, and the character _ (underscore), where the first character is not a digit. m4 will use the longest such sequence found in the input. If a name has a macro definition, it will be subject to macro expansion (see section How to invoke macros). Names are case-sensitive.

Examples of legal names are: `foo', `_tmp', and `name01'.

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2.2 Quoted strings

A quoted string is a sequence of characters surrounded by quote strings, defaulting to ` and ', where the nested begin and end quotes within the string are balanced. The value of a string token is the text, with one level of quotes stripped off. Thus


is the empty string, and double-quoting turns into single-quoting.


The quote characters can be changed at any time, using the builtin macro changequote. See section Changing the quote characters, for more information.

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Comments in m4 are normally delimited by the characters `#' and newline. All characters between the comment delimiters are ignored, but the entire comment (including the delimiters) is passed through to the output--comments are not discarded by m4.

Comments cannot be nested, so the first newline after a `#' ends the comment. The commenting effect of the begin-comment string can be inhibited by quoting it.

`quoted text' # `commented text'
⇒quoted text # `commented text'
`quoting inhibits' `#' `comments'
⇒quoting inhibits # comments

The comment delimiters can be changed to any string at any time, using the builtin macro changecom. See section Changing comment delimiters, for more information.

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2.4 Other tokens

Any character, that is neither a part of a name, nor of a quoted string, nor a comment, is a token by itself. When not in the context of macro expansion, all of these tokens are just copied to output. However, during macro expansion, whitespace characters (space, tab, newline, formfeed, carriage return, vertical tab), parentheses (`(' and `)'), comma (`,'), and dollar (`$') have additional roles, explained later.

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2.5 Input Processing

As m4 reads the input token by token, it will copy each token directly to the output immediately.

The exception is when it finds a word with a macro definition. In that case m4 will calculate the macro's expansion, possibly reading more input to get the arguments. It then inserts the expansion in front of the remaining input. In other words, the resulting text from a macro call will be read and parsed into tokens again.

m4 expands a macro as soon as possible. If it finds a macro call when collecting the arguments to another, it will expand the second call first. For a running example, examine how m4 handles this input:

format(`Result is %d', eval(`2**15'))

First, m4 sees that the token `format' is a macro name, so it collects the tokens `(', ``Result is %d'', `,', and ` ', before encountering another potential macro. Sure enough, `eval' is a macro name, so the nested argument collection picks up `(', ``2**15'', and `)', invoking the eval macro with the lone argument of `2**15'. The expansion of `eval(2**15)' is `32768', which is then rescanned as the five tokens `3', `2', `7', `6', and `8'; and combined with the next `)', the format macro now has all its arguments, as if the user had typed:

format(`Result is %d', 32768)

The format macro expands to `Result is 32768', and we have another round of scanning for the tokens `Result', ` ', `is', ` ', `3', `2', `7', `6', and `8'. None of these are macros, so the final output is

⇒Result is 32768

The order in which m4 expands the macros can be explored using the Tracing macro calls facilities of GNU m4.

This process continues until there are no more macro calls to expand and all the input has been consumed.

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