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CGL Reference

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The CGL (Core OpenGL) API is lowest-level programming interface for the Apple implementation of OpenGL. CGL supports full screen OpenGL drawing and drawing to pixel buffers, which are a hardware-accelerated offscreen drawing location. Any Cocoa or Carbon application can use CGL to get the most direct access to system functionality. The Cocoa classes that support OpenGL and the AGL API are each built on top of CGL.

Functions by Task

Managing Pixel Format Objects

Managing Contexts

Getting and Setting Context Options

Locking and Unlocking Contexts

Managing Drawable Objects

Managing Pixel Buffers

Getting Error Information

Getting and Setting Global Information

Getting Renderer Information

Managing Virtual Screens



Creates a pixel format object that satisfies the constraints of the specified buffer and renderer attributes.

CGLError CGLChoosePixelFormat (
   const CGLPixelFormatAttribute *attribs,
   CGLPixelFormatObj *pix,
   GLint *npix


A NULL terminated array that contains a list of buffer and renderer attributes. Attributes can be Boolean or integer. If an attribute is integer, you must supply the desired value immediately following the attribute. If the attribute is Boolean, do not supply a value because its presence in the attributes array implies a true value. For information on the attributes that you can supply, see “Buffer and Renderer Attributes” and the Discussion below.


The memory address of a pixel format object. On return, points to a new pixel format object that contains pixel format information and a list of virtual screens. If there are no pixel formats or virtual screens that satisfy the constraints of the buffer and renderer attributes, the value of pix is set to NULL.


On return, points to the number of virtual screens referenced by pix. If pix is NULL, the value of npix is set to 0.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”


After a pixel format object is created successfully, the integer attributes are set to values that are as close to the desired value as can be provided by the system. Attributes can have different values for each virtual screen. You can use the kCGLPFAMinimumPolicy and kCGLPFAMaximumPolicy attributes to control how the system chooses the setting. For more information on choosing attributes, see OpenGL Programming Guide for Mac OS X.

The Boolean attribute constants include the following:

The integer attribute constants must be followed by a value:

See Also
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Disassociates a rendering context from any drawable objects attached to it.

CGLError CGLClearDrawable (
   CGLContextObj ctx


A rendering context.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”

See Also
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Copies the specified state variables from one rendering context to another.

CGLError CGLCopyContext (
   CGLContextObj src,
   CGLContextObj dst,
   GLbitfield mask


The source rendering context.


The destination rendering context .


A mask that specifies the state variables to copy. Pass a bit field that contains the bitwise OR of the state variable names that you want to copy. Use the symbolic mask constants that are passed to the OpenGL function glPushAttrib. To copy as many state variables as possible, supply the constant GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS. For a description of the symbolic mask constants, see OpenGL Reference Manual.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”


Not all OpenGL state values can be copied. For example, pixel pack and unpack state, render mode state, and select and feedback state are not copied. The state that can be copied is exactly the state that is manipulated by the OpenGL call glPushAttrib.

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Creates a CGL rendering context.

CGLError CGLCreateContext (
   CGLPixelFormatObj pix,
   CGLContextObj share,
   CGLContextObj *ctx


A pixel format object created by calling the function CGLChoosePixelFormat.


The rendering context with which to share the OpenGL object state—including texture objects, programs and shader display lists, vertex array objects, vertex buffer objects, pixel buffer objects, and frame buffer objects—and the object state associated which each of these object types. Pass NULL to indicate that no sharing is to take place.


The memory address of a context object. On return, points to a new context object with the buffers and attributes specified by the pix parameter. If the context can not be created as specified, the value of ctx is set to NULL.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”


If the pixel format object you supply is able to support multiple graphics devices, then the rendering context can render transparently across the supported devices. With a multiple device rendering context, sharing is possible only when the relationship between the renderers and the graphics devices they support is the same for all rendering contexts that are shared. Normally you achieve the best display by using the same pixel format object for all shared rendering contexts. For more information, see OpenGL Programming Guide for Mac OS X.

See Also
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Creates a pixel buffer of the specified size, compatible with the specified texture target.

CGLError CGLCreatePBuffer (
   GLsizei width,
   GLsizei height,
   GLenum target,
   GLenum internalFormat,
   GLint max_level,
   CGLPBufferObj *pbuffer


The width, in pixels, of the pixel buffer.


The height, in pixels, of the pixel buffer.


A constant that specifies the type of the pixel buffer target texture. You can supply any of the following texture targets:

  • GL_TEXTURE_2D, a texture whose dimensions are a power of two.

  • GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT, a texture whose dimensions are not a power of two.

  • GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, a mapped cube texture.


A constant that specifies the internal color format of the pixel buffer, which can be either GL_RGB or GL_RGBA. The format controls whether the alpha channel of the pixel buffer will be used for texturing operations.


The maximum level of mipmap detail allowable. Pass 0 for a pixel buffer that is not using mipmaps. The value passed should never exceed the actual maximum number of mipmap levels that can be represented with the given width and height.


On return, points to a new pixel buffer object.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.” This function returns kCGLBadAlloc if it cannot allocate storage for the pixel buffer data structure. It returns kCGLBadValue for any of these conditions:


This function does not have any knowledge of OpenGL contexts or pixel format objects and does not specifically allocate the storage needed for the actual pixel buffer. These operations occur when you call the function CGLSetPBuffer.

You can determine the dimensional limits of a pixel buffer by calling the OpenGL function glGetInteger. You can find the maximum size supported by querying GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS and the minimum size by querying GL_MIN_PBUFFER_VIEWPORT_DIMS_APPLE, which returns two integer values (similar to GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS). All pixel buffer dimensions that you request with the function aglCreatePBuffer should fall within these limits (inclusively) and should comply with any limitations imposed by the texture target you select.

The maximum viewport size supported in Mac OS X is quite large. You should take into consideration the amount of video or system memory required to support the requested pixel buffer size, including additional memory needed for multiple buffers and options such as multisampling.

See Also
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Retrieves information that describes the specified pixel buffer object.

CGLError CGLDescribePBuffer (
   CGLPBufferObj obj,
   GLsizei *width,
   GLsizei *height,
   GLenum *target,
   GLenum *internalFormat,
   GLint *mipmap


A pointer to pixel buffer object.


On return, points to the width, in pixels, of the pixel buffer.


On return, points to the height, in pixels, of the pixel buffer.


On return, points to a constant that specifies the pixel buffer texture target:

  • GL_TEXTURE_2D, a texture whose dimensions are a power of two.

  • GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT, a texture whose dimensions are not a power of two.

  • GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, a mapped cube texture.


On return, points to a constant that specifies the internal color format of the pixel buffer—either GL_RGB or GL_RGBA.


On return, points to the mipmap level of the pixel buffer or 0 if it doesn't use mipmaps.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”


The width, height, texture target, and internal texture color format of a pixel buffer object are set at its creation and cannot be changed without destroying and recreating the object. The level is set when the pixel buffer object is attached to a rendering context by calling the function CGLSetPBuffer.

See Also
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Retrieves the values of an attribute associated with a pixel format object.

CGLError CGLDescribePixelFormat (
   CGLPixelFormatObj pix,
   GLint pix_num,
   CGLPixelFormatAttribute attrib,
   GLint *value


The pixel format object to query.


The virtual screen number whose attribute value you want to retrieve. This value must be between 0 and the number of virtual screens minus one.


The attribute whose value you want to obtain. For a list of possible attributes, see “Buffer and Renderer Attributes.”


On return, points to the value of the attribute.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”


A pixel format object can contain different values for each virtual screen, which is why you must supply a virtual screen number in the pix_num parameter.

You can obtain the number of virtual screens associated with the pixel format object by calling the function CGLDescribePixelFormat, passing the pixel format object, 0 for the virtual screen number, and the attribute constant kCGLPFAVirtualScreenCount. For more information about virtual screens, OpenGL Programming Guide for Mac OS X.

See Also
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Obtains the value associated with a renderer property.

CGLError CGLDescribeRenderer (
   CGLRendererInfoObj rend,
   GLint rend_num,
   CGLRendererProperty prop,
   GLint *value


An opaque renderer information object that contains a description of the renderer capabilities you want to inspect. You can obtain a renderer information object by calling the function CGLQueryRendererInfo. You must call CGLDestroyRendererInfo when you no longer need this object.


The index of the renderer inside the renderer information object—a value between 0 and the number of renderers minus one. The number of renderers can be obtained by calling CGLDescribeRenderer, passing in rend, renderer number 0, and the renderer property kCGLRPRendererCount.


The renderer property whose value you want to obtain. See “Renderer Properties” for a list of the constants you can supply for this parameter.


On return, points to the value of the requested property.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”

See Also
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Frees the resources associated with a rendering context.

CGLError CGLDestroyContext (
   CGLContextObj ctx


The rendering context to destroy.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”


This function frees all the resources used by the rendering context passed to it. If the rendering context that you pass is the current rendering context, the current context is set to NULL and there is no current rendering context after the function executes.

After you call this function, you must make sure that you do not use the destroyed rendering context. This includes using CGL macros in which the rendering context is explicitly passed to OpenGL.

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Releases the resources associated with a pixel buffer object.

CGLError CGLDestroyPBuffer (
   CGLPBufferObj pbuffer


The pixel buffer object whose resources you want to release.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”


Call this function only after you no longer need to use the pixel buffer object. Before calling this function, you should delete any texture objects associated with the pixel buffer object. You do not need to make sure that all texturing commands have completed prior to calling this function, because the OpenGL framework manages texturing synchronization.

The results of issuing commands to a destroyed pixel buffer object are undefined.

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Frees the memory associated with a pixel format object.

CGLError CGLDestroyPixelFormat (
   CGLPixelFormatObj pix


The pixel format object to destroy.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”


The system makes a copy of the pixel format object when you call the function CGLCreateContext, so you can free a pixel format object immediately after passing it to the context creation function.

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Frees resources associated with a renderer information object.

CGLError CGLDestroyRendererInfo (
   CGLRendererInfoObj rend


The renderer information object to destroy.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”

See Also
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Disables an option for a rendering context.

CGLError CGLDisable (
   CGLContextObj ctx,
   CGLContextEnable pname


A rendering context.


The option to disable. For a list of possible options, see “Context Options.”

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”

See Also
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Enables an option for a rendering context.

CGLError CGLEnable (
   CGLContextObj ctx,
   CGLContextEnable pname


A rendering context.


The option to enable. For a list of possible options, see “Context Options.”

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”


Some context options have values associated with them. Use CGLSetParameter and CGLGetParameter to set and get context parameter values.

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Returns a string that describes the specified result code.

const char * CGLErrorString (
   CGLError error


The CGL result code constant returned from a CGL function. For a description of these constants, see “CGL Result Codes.”

Return Value

An error string that describes the result code constant passed in the error parameter. If the result code is invalid, returns the string “No such error code.”

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Copies the back buffer of a double-buffered context to the front buffer.

CGLError CGLFlushDrawable (
   CGLContextObj ctx


The context object.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”


To create a double-buffered context, specify the kCGLPFADoubleBuffer attribute (see “Buffer and Renderer Attributes”) when you create the pixel format object for the rendering context. If the backing store attribute is set to false the buffers may be exchanged rather than copied. This is often the case in full-screen mode. If the receiver is not a double-buffered context, this call does nothing.

If you set the swap interval attribute (kCGLCPSwapInterval) appropriately, the copy takes place during the vertical retrace of the monitor, rather than immediately after CGLFlushDrawable is called. An implicit glFlush is performed by CGLFlushDrawable before it returns. For optimal performance, an application should not call glFlush immediately before calling CGLFlushDrawable. Subsequent OpenGL commands can be issued immediately after calling CGLFlushDrawable, but are not executed until the buffer copy is completed. For more information about kCGLCPSwapInterval, see “Context Parameters.”

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Returns the current rendering context.

CGLContextObj CGLGetCurrentContext (

Return Value

The current rendering context. If there is none, returns NULL.

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Retrieves an offscreen buffer and its parameters for a specified rendering context.

CGLError CGLGetOffScreen (
   CGLContextObj ctx,
   GLsizei *width,
   GLsizei *height,
   GLint *rowbytes,
   void **baseaddr


A rendering context.


On return, points to the width, in pixels, of the offscreen buffer. If the rendering context is not attached to an offscreen drawable object, the value of width is set to 0.


On return, points to the height, in pixels, of the offscreen buffer. If the rendering context is not attached to an offscreen drawable object, the value of height is set to 0.


On return, points to the number of bytes per row of the offscreen buffer. If the context is not attached to an offscreen drawable object, the value of rowbytes is set to 0.


On return, points to the base address of the offscreen buffer. If the context is not attached to an offscreen drawable object, the value of baseaddr is set to NULL.

See Also
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Obtains the value of a global option.

CGLError CGLGetOption (
   CGLGlobalOption pname,
   GLint *param


The name of the option whose value you want to get. See “Global Options” for a list of constants you can pass.


On return, a pointer to the value of the option.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”

See Also
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Retrieves the value of a rendering context parameter.

CGLError CGLGetParameter (
   CGLContextObj ctx,
   CGLContextParameter pname,
   GLint *params


A rendering context.


The parameter whose value you want to retrieve. For a list of possible parameters, see “Context Parameters.”


On return, points to the value of the parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”


Some parameters may need to have a corresponding context option enabled for their value to take effect. You can enable, disable, and test whether an option is enabled with CGLEnable, CGLDisable, and CGLIsEnabled.

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Retrieves a pixel buffer and its parameters for a specified rendering context.

CGLError CGLGetPBuffer (
   CGLContextObj ctx,
   CGLPBufferObj *pbuffer,
   GLenum *face,
   GLint *level,
   GLint *screen


A rendering context.


On return, points to the pixel buffer object attached to the rendering context.


On return, points to the cube map face that is set if the pixel buffer texture target type is GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP; otherwise 0 for all other texture target types.


On return, points to the current mipmap level for drawing.


On return, points to the current virtual screen number, as set by the last valid call to CGLSetPBuffer.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”

See Also
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Gets the major and minor version numbers of the CGL library.

void CGLGetVersion (
   GLint *majorvers,
   GLint *minorvers


On return, points to he major version number of the CGL library.


On return, points to the minor version number of the CGL library.


CGL implementations with the same major version number are upwardly compatible, meaning that the implementation with the highest minor number is a superset of the version with the lowest minor number.

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Gets the current virtual screen number associated with rendering context.

CGLError CGLGetVirtualScreen (
   CGLContextObj ctx,
   GLint *screen


A rendering context.


On return, points to the virtual screen associated with the context. The value is always 0 on a single-monitor system and –1 if the function fails for any reason.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”


The current virtual screen can change when a drawable object is moved or resized across graphics device boundaries. A change in the current virtual screen can affect the return values of some OpenGL functions and in most cases also means that the renderer has changed.

For detailed information on virtual screens, see OpenGL Programming Guide for Mac OS X.

See Also
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Reports whether an option is enabled for a rendering context.

CGLError CGLIsEnabled (
   CGLContextObj ctx,
   CGLContextEnable pname,
   GLint *enable


A rendering context.


The option to query. For a list of possible options, see “Context Options.”


On return, enable is set to true if the option is enabled.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”


To set or get parameter values associated with a context option, use CGLSetParameter or CGLGetParameter.

See Also
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Locks a CGL rendering context.

CGLError CGLLockContext (
   CGLContextObj ctx


The CGL context to lock.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”


The function CGLLockContext blocks the thread it is on until all other threads have unlocked the same context using the function CGLUnlockContext. You can use CGLLockContext recursively. Context-specific CGL calls by themselves do not require locking, but you can guarantee serial processing for a group of calls by surrounding them with CGLLockContext and CGLUnlockContext. Keep in mind that calls from the OpenGL API (the API provided by the Architecture Review Board) require locking.

Applications that use NSOpenGL classes with multithreading can lock contexts using the functions CGLLockContext and CGLUnlockContext. To perform rendering in a thread other than the main one, you can lock the context that you want to access and safely execute OpenGL commands. The locking calls must be placed around all OpenGL calls in all threads.

For more information on multithreading OpenGL applications, see OpenGL Programming Guide for Mac OS X.

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Creates a renderer information object that contains properties and values for all renderers driving the specified displays.

CGLError CGLQueryRendererInfo (
   GLuint display_mask,
   CGLRendererInfoObj *rend,
   GLint *nrend


A bit field that contains the bitwise OR of OpenGL display masks returned by the CGDisplayIDToOpenGLDisplayMask function. If you want to obtain information for all renderers in the system, set every bit in display_mask to true.


The memory address of a renderer information object. On return, points to a renderer information object that describes all renderers that are able to drive the displays specified by the display_mask parameter. If display_mask does not specify any displays, the value of rend is set to NULL. You must call CGLDestroyRendererInfo when you no longer need this object.


On return, points to the number of renderers described in the renderer information object. If display_mask does not specify any displays, the value of nrend is set to 0.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”

See Also
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Sets the specified rendering context as the current rendering context.

CGLError CGLSetCurrentContext (
   CGLContextObj ctx


The rendering context to set as the current rendering context. Pass NULL to release the current rendering context without assigning a new one.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.” If the function fails, the current context remains unchanged.


There can be only one current rendering context. Subsequent OpenGL rendering calls operate on the current rendering context to modify the drawable object associated with it.

You can use AGL macros to bypass the current rendering context mechanism and maintain your own current rendering context.

A context is current on a per-thread basis. Multiple threads must serialize calls into the same context.

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Attaches a rendering context to its full-screen drawable object.

CGLError CGLSetFullScreen (
   CGLContextObj ctx


A rendering context.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”


Before calling this function, you must set up the rendering context using a pixel format object created with the kCGLPFAFullScreen attribute (see “Buffer and Renderer Attributes”). Some OpenGL renderers, such as the software renderer, do not support full-screen mode. After you call the function CGLChoosePixelFormat with the full-screen attribute, you need to check whether the pixel format object is created successfully.

You must capture the display prior to entering full-screen mode and release it after exiting. After calling this function subsequent OpenGL drawing is rendered into the entire screen. For more information, see OpenGL Programming Guide for Mac OS X.

To exit full-screen mode, call CGLClearDrawable.

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Attaches a rendering context to an offscreen buffer.

CGLError CGLSetOffScreen (
   CGLContextObj ctx,
   GLsizei width,
   GLsizei height,
   GLint rowbytes,
   void *baseaddr


A rendering context.


The width, in pixels, of the offscreen buffer.


The height, in pixels, of the offscreen buffer.


The number of bytes per row of the offscreen buffer, which must be greater than or equal to width times bytes per pixel.


A pointer to a block of memory to use as the offscreen buffer. The size of the memory must be at least rowbytes*height bytes.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”


Before calling this function, you must set up the rendering context using a pixel format object created with the kCGLPFAOffScreen attribute. For more information about kCGLPFAOffScreen, see “Buffer and Renderer Attributes.”

After calling this function subsequent OpenGL drawing is rendered into the offscreen buffer and the viewport of the rendering context is set to the full size of the offscreen area.

To exit offscreen mode call CGLClearDrawable.

To obtain functionality similar to offscreen mode on renderers that do not support it, attach the context to a hidden window and use the OpenGL function glReadPixels.

See Also
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Sets the value of a global option.

CGLError CGLSetOption (
   CGLGlobalOption pname,
   GLint param


The name of the option whose value you want to set. See “Global Options” for a list of constants you can pass.


The value to set the option to.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”


This function changes the values of options that affect the operation of OpenGL in all rendering contexts in the application, not just the current rendering context.

See Also
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Sets the value of a rendering context parameter.

CGLError CGLSetParameter (
   CGLContextObj ctx,
   CGLContextParameter pname,
   const GLint *params


A rendering context.


The parameter whose value you want to set. For a list of possible parameters, see “Context Parameters.”


A pointer to the value to the parameter to.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”


Some parameters may need to have a corresponding context option enabled for their value to take effect. You can enable, disable, and test whether an option is enabled with CGLEnable, CGLDisable, and CGLIsEnabled.

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Attaches a pixel buffer object to a rendering context.

CGLError CGLSetPBuffer (
   CGLContextObj ctx,
   CGLPBufferObj pbuffer,
   GLenum face,
   GLint level,
   GLint screen


A rendering context.


A pixel buffer object.


The cube map face to draw if the pixel buffer texture target type is GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP; otherwise pass 0.


The mipmap level to draw. This must not exceed the maximum mipmap level set when the pixel buffer object was created. Pass 0 for a texture target that does not support mipmaps.


A virtual screen value. The virtual screen determines the renderer OpenGL uses to draw to the pixel buffer object. For best performance, for a pixel buffer used as a texture source, you should supply the a virtual screen value that results in using the same renderer used by the context that's the texturing target.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”


The first time you call this function for a specific pixel buffer object, the system creates the necessary buffers. The buffers are created to support the attributes dictated by the pixel format object used to create the rendering context and by the parameters used to create the pixel buffer object. The storage requirements for pixel buffer objects, which can be quite large, are very similar to the requirements for windows or views with OpenGL contexts attached. All drawable objects compete for the same scarce resources. This function can fail is there is not enough contiguous VRAM for each buffer. It's best to code defensively with a scheme that reduces resource consumption without causing the application to resort to failure. Unless, of course, failure is the only viable alternative.

The ability to attach a pbuffer to a context is supported only on renderers that export GL_APPLE_pixel_buffer in the GL_EXTENSIONS string. Before calling this function, you should programmatically determine if it’s possible to attach a pbuffer to a context by querying GL_EXTENSIONS in the context and looking for GL_APPLE_pixel_buffer. If that extension is not present, the renderer won’t allow setting the pbuffer.

In order of performance, these are the renderers you should consider using when setting up a rendering context to attach to a pbuffer:

See Also
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Forces subsequent OpenGL commands to the specified virtual screen.

CGLError CGLSetVirtualScreen (
   CGLContextObj ctx,
   GLint screen


A rendering context.


A virtual screen number, which must be a value between 0 and the number of virtual screens minus one. The number of virtual screens available in a context can be obtained by calling the function CGLDescribePixelFormat, passing in the pixel format object used to create the rendering context, 0 for the virtual screen number (pix_num parameter), and the attribute constant kCGLPFAVirtualScreenCount.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”


Setting the virtual screen forces the renderer associated with the virtual screen to process OpenGL commands issued to the specified context. Changing the virtual screen changes the current renderer. You should use this function only when it is necessary to override the default behavior. The current virtual screen is normally set automatically. Because the current virtual screen determines which OpenGL renderer is processing commands, the return values of all glGetXXX functions can be affected by the current virtual screen.

For detailed information on virtual screens, see OpenGL Programming Guide for Mac OS X.

See Also
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Binds the contents of a pixel buffer to a data source for a texture object.

CGLError CGLTexImagePBuffer (
   CGLContextObj ctx,
   CGLPBufferObj pbuffer,
   GLenum source


A rendering context, which is the target context for the texture operation. This is the context that you plan to render content to. This is not the context attached to the pixel buffer.


A pixel buffer object.


The source buffer to texture from, which should be a valid OpenGL buffer such as GL_FRONT or GL_BACK and should be compatible with the buffer and renderer attributes that you used to create the rendering context attached to the pixel buffer. This means that the pixel buffer must possess the buffer in question for the texturing operation to succeed.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”


You must generate and bind a texture name (using standard OpenGL texturing calls) that is compatible with the pixel buffer texture target. Don't supply a texture object that was used previously for nonpixel buffer texturing operations unless you first call glDeleteTextures to regenerate the texture name.

If you modify the content of a pixel buffer that uses mipmap levels, you must call this function again before drawing with the pixel buffer, to ensure that the content is synchronized with OpenGL. For pixel buffers without mipmaps, simply rebind to the texture object to synchronize content.

No OpenGL texturing calls that modify a pixel buffer texture content are permitted (such as glTexSubImage2D or glCopyTexImage2D) with the pixel buffer texture as the destination. It is permitted to use texturing commands to read data from a pixel buffer texture, such as glCopyTexImage2D, with the pixel buffer texture as the source. It is also legal to use OpenGL functions such as glReadPixels to read the contents of a pixel buffer directly through the pixel buffer context.

Note that texturing with the CGLTexImagePBuffer function can fail to produce the intended results without error in the same way other OpenGL texturing commands can normally fail. The function fails if you set an incompatible filter mode, do not enable the proper texture target, or other conditions described in the OpenGL specification.

You don't need to share a context to use a pixel buffer object as a texture source. You can use independent pixel format objects and OpenGL contexts for both the pixel buffer and the target drawable object without sharing resources, and still texture using a pixel buffer in the target context.

For details on how to use a pixel buffer object as a texture source, see OpenGL Programming Guide for Mac OS X.

See Also
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Unlocks a CGL rendering context.

CGLError CGLUnlockContext (
   CGLContextObj ctx


The CGL context to unlock.

Return Value

A result code. See “CGL Result Codes.”

See Also
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Data Types


Represents a pointer to an opaque CGL context object.

typedef struct _CGLContextObject *CGLContextObj;


This data type points to a structure that CGL uses to maintain state and other information associated with an OpenGL rendering context. Use the functions described in “Managing Contexts” and “Getting and Setting Context Options” to create, manage, access, and free a CGL context object.

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Represents a pointer to an opaque pixel format object.

typedef struct _CGLPixelFormatObject *CGLPixelFormatObj;


This data type points to a structure that CGL uses to maintain pixel format and virtual screen information for a given set of renderer and buffer options. Use the functions described in “Managing Pixel Format Objects” to create, manage, access, and free a pixel format object.

Declared In


Represents a pointer to an opaque renderer information object.

typedef struct _CGLRendererInfoObject *CGLRendererInfoObj;


This data type points to a structure that CGL uses to maintain information about the renderers associated with a display. Use the functions described in “Getting Renderer Information” to create, access, and free a renderer information object.

Declared In


Represents a pointer to an opaque pixel buffer object.

typedef struct _CGLPBufferObject *CGLPBufferObj;


This data type points to a structure that CGL uses for hardware accelerated offscreen drawing. Use the functions described in “Managing Pixel Format Objects” to create, manage, access, and free a pixel buffer object.

Declared In


Buffer Mode Flags

Define constants used to set buffer modes.

#define kCGLMonoscopicBit   0x00000001
#define kCGLStereoscopicBit x00000002
#define kCGLSingleBufferBit x00000004
#define kCGLDoubleBufferBit x00000008


Specifies to use a left buffer.


Specifies to a left and right buffer.


Specifies to use a front buffer.


Specifies to use a front and back buffer.

Declared In

Buffer and Renderer Attributes

Specify attributes used to choose pixel formats and virtual screens.

typedef enum _CGLPixelFormatAttribute {
   kCGLPFAAllRenderers       =   1,
   kCGLPFADoubleBuffer       =   5,
   kCGLPFAStereo             =   6,
   kCGLPFAAuxBuffers         =   7,
   kCGLPFAColorSize          =   8,
   kCGLPFAAlphaSize          =  11,
   kCGLPFADepthSize          =  12,
   kCGLPFAStencilSize        =  13,
   kCGLPFAAccumSize          =  14,
   kCGLPFAMinimumPolicy      =  51,
   kCGLPFAMaximumPolicy      =  52,
   kCGLPFAOffScreen          =  53,
   kCGLPFAFullScreen         =  54,
   kCGLPFASampleBuffers      =  55,
   kCGLPFASamples            =  56,
   kCGLPFAAuxDepthStencil    =  57,
   kCGLPFAColorFloat         =  58,
   kCGLPFAMultisample        =  59,
   kCGLPFASupersample        =  60,
   kCGLPFASampleAlpha        =  61,
   kCGLPFARendererID         =  70,
   kCGLPFASingleRenderer     =  71,
   kCGLPFANoRecovery         =  72,
   kCGLPFAAccelerated        =  73,
   kCGLPFAClosestPolicy      =  74,
   kCGLPFARobust             =  75,
   kCGLPFABackingStore       =  76,
   kCGLPFAMPSafe             =  78,
   kCGLPFAWindow             =  80,
   kCGLPFAMultiScreen        =  81,
   kCGLPFACompliant          =  83,
   kCGLPFADisplayMask        =  84,
   kCGLPFAPBuffer            =  90,
   kCGLPFARemotePBuffer      =  91,
   kCGLPFAVirtualScreenCount = 128,
} CGLPixelFormatAttribute;


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, pixel format selection is open to all available renderers, including debug and special-purpose renderers that are not OpenGL compliant. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, only double-buffered pixel formats are considered. Otherwise, only single-buffered pixel formats are considered. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, only stereo pixel formats are considered. Otherwise, only monoscopic pixel formats are considered. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The associated value is a nonnegative integer that indicates the desired number of auxiliary buffers. Pixel formats with the smallest number of auxiliary buffers that meet or exceeds the specified number are preferred.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The associated value is a nonnegative buffer size specification. A color buffer that most closely matches the specified size is preferred. If unspecified, OpenGL chooses a color size that matches the screen.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The associated value is a nonnegative buffer size specification. An alpha buffer that most closely matches the specified size is preferred.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The associated value is a nonnegative depth buffer size specification. A depth buffer that most closely matches the specified size is preferred.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The associated value is a nonnegative integer that indicates the desired number of stencil bitplanes. The smallest stencil buffer of at least the specified size is preferred.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The associated value is a nonnegative buffer size specification. An accumulation buffer that most closely matches the specified size is preferred.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, the pixel format choosing policy is altered for the color, depth, and accumulation buffers such that only buffers of size greater than or equal to the desired size are considered. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, the pixel format choosing policy is altered for the color, depth, and accumulation buffers such that, if a nonzero buffer size is requested, the largest available buffer is preferred. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, only renderers that are capable of rendering to an off-screen memory area and have buffer depth exactly equal to the desired buffer depth are considered. The kCGLPFAClosestPolicy attribute is implied. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, only renderers that are capable of rendering to a full-screen drawable object are considered. The kCGLPFASingleRenderer attribute is implied. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, each auxiliary buffer has its own depth-stencil buffer. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, color buffers store floating-point pixels. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, specifies a hint to the driver to prefer multisampling. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, specifies a hint to the driver to prefer supersampling. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, request alpha filtering when multisampling. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The number of multisample buffers. The associated value is a nonnegative integer that indicates the number of existing independent sample buffers. Typically, the value is 0 if no multi-sample buffer exists or 1. This attribute is not useful in the attribute array.

Available in Mac OS X v10.1 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The number of samples per multisample buffer. The associated value is a nonnegative integer that indicates the desired number of samples that can be taken within a single pixel. The smallest sample buffer with at least the specified number of samples is preferred.

Available in Mac OS X v10.1 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The associated value is a nonnegative renderer ID number and can be any of the constants defined in “Renderer IDs.” OpenGL renderers that match the specified ID are preferred. Of note is kCGLRendererGenericID which selects the Apple software renderer. The other constants select renderers for specific hardware vendors.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, a single rendering engine is chosen. On systems with multiple screens, this disables ability of OpenGL to drive different monitors through different graphics accelerator cards with a single context. This attribute is not generally useful. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, the OpenGL failure recovery mechanisms are disabled. Normally, if an accelerated renderer fails due to lack of resources, OpenGL automatically switches to another renderer. This attribute disables these features so that rendering is always performed by the chosen renderer. This attribute is not generally useful. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, only hardware accelerated renderers are considered. If false, accelerated renderers are still preferred. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, the pixel format choosing policy is altered for the color buffer such that the buffer closest to the requested size is preferred, regardless of the actual color buffer depth of the supported graphics device. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, only renderers that do not have any failure modes associated with a lack of video card resources are considered. This attribute is not generally useful. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, OpenGL only considers renderers that have a back color buffer the full size of the drawable object and that guarantee the back buffer contents to be valid after a call to CGLFlushDrawable. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, OpenGL only considers renderers that are thread-safe. Because all renderers are thread-safe, this attribute is not useful. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, only renderers that are capable of rendering to a window are considered. This attribute is implied if neither kCGLPFAFullScreen nor kCGLPFAOffScreen is specified. Because CGL only supports full-screen of off-screen drawable objects, this attribute is not useful. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, only renderers capable of driving multiple screens are considered. This attribute is not generally useful. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, pixel format selection is only open to OpenGL compliant renderers. This attribute is implied unless kCGLPFAAllRenderers is specified. This attribute is not useful in the attribute array. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The associated value is a bit mask of supported physical screens. All screens specified in the bit mask are guaranteed to be supported by the pixel format. Screens not specified in the bit mask may still be supported. The bit mask is managed by the Quartz Display Services, available in the CGDirectDisplay.h header of the Application Services umbrella framework. A CGDirectDisplayID must be converted to an OpenGL display mask using the function CGDisplayIDToOpenGLDisplayMask. This attribute is not generally useful.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, format can be used to render to a pixel buffer. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This constant is a Boolean attribute. If it is present in the attributes array, format can be used to render offline to a pixel buffer. Do not supply a value with this constant because its presence in the array implies true.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


This attribute may be used to obtain the number of virtual screens specified by an existing pixel format object. To retrieve the value, call the function CGLDescribePixelFormat, passing the pixel format object, the virtual screen number 0, and this attribute. This attribute is not useful in the attribute array that's used to create a pixel format object.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


These constants are used by CGLChoosePixelFormat and CGLDescribePixelFormat. The existence of a Boolean attribute in the attribute array of CGLChoosePixelFormat implies a true value. Other attribute constants must be followed by a value.

Declared In

Color and Accumulation Buffer Format Flags

Specify formats for the color and accumulation buffers.

#define kCGLRGB444Bit       0x00000040
#define kCGLARGB4444Bit     0x00000080
#define kCGLRGB444A8Bit     0x00000100
#define kCGLRGB555Bit       0x00000200
#define kCGLARGB1555Bit     0x00000400
#define kCGLRGB555A8Bit     0x00000800
#define kCGLRGB565Bit       0x00001000
#define kCGLRGB565A8Bit     0x00002000
#define kCGLRGB888Bit       0x00004000
#define kCGLARGB8888Bit     0x00008000
#define kCGLRGB888A8Bit     0x00010000
#define kCGLRGB101010Bit    0x00020000
#define kCGLARGB2101010Bit  0x00040000
#define kCGLRGB101010_A8Bit x00080000
#define kCGLRGB121212Bit    0x00100000
#define kCGLARGB12121212Bit x00200000
#define kCGLRGB161616Bit    0x00400000
#define kCGLRGBA16161616Bit x00800000
#define kCGLRGBFloat64Bit   0x01000000
#define kCGLRGBAFloat64Bit  0x02000000
#define kCGLRGBFloat128Bit  0x04000000
#define kCGLRGBAFloat128Bit x08000000
#define kCGLRGBFloat256Bit  0x10000000
#define kCGLRGBAFloat256Bit x20000000


Specifies a format that has 16 bits per pixel with an RGB channel layout, and the channels located in the following bits: R=11:8, G=7:4, B=3:0.


Specifies a format that has 16 bits per pixel with an ARGB channel layout, and the channels located in the following bits: A=15:12, R=11:8, G=7:4, B=3:0.


Specifies a format that has 8-16 bits per pixel with an RGB channel layout, and the channels located in the following bits: A=7:0, R=11:8, G=7:4, B=3:0.


Specifies a format that has 16 bits per pixel with an RGB channel layout, and the channels located in the following bits: R=14:10, G=9:5, B=4:0.


Specifies a format that has 16 bits per pixel with an ARGB channel layout, and the channels located in the following bits: A=15, R=14:10, G=9:5, B=4:0.


Specifies a format that has 8-16 bits per pixel with an ARGB channel layout, and the channels located in the following bits: A=7:0, R=14:10, G=9:5, B=4:0.


Specifies a format that has 16 bits per pixel with an RGB channel layout, and the channels located in the following bits: R=15:11, G=10:5, B=4:0.


Specifies a format that has 6-16 bits per pixel with an ARGB channel layout, and the channels located in the following bits: A=7:0, R=15:11, G=10:5, B=4:0.


Specifies a format that has 32 bits per pixel with an RGB channel layout, and the channels located in the following bits: R=23:16, G=15:8, B=7:0.


Specifies a format that has 32 bits per pixel with an ARGB channel layout, and the channels located in the following bits: A=31:24, R=23:16, G=15:8, B=7:0.


Specifies a format that has 8-32 bits per pixel with an ARGB channel layout, and the channels located in the following bits: A=7:0, R=23:16, G=15:8, B=7:0.


Specifies a format that has 32 bits per pixel with an RGB channel layout, and the channels located in the following bits: R=29:20, G=19:10, B=9:0.


Specifies a format that has 32 bits per pixel with an ARGB channel layout, and the channels located in the following bits: A=31:30 R=29:20, G=19:10, B=9:0.


Specifies a format that has 8-32 bits per pixel with an ARGB channel layout, and the channels located in the following bits: A=7:0 R=29:20, G=19:10, B=9:0.


Specifies a format that has 48 bits per pixel with an RGB channel layout, and the channels located in the following bits: R=35:24, G=23:12, B=11:0.


Specifies a format that has 48 bits per pixel with an ARGB channel layout, and the channels located in the following bits: A=47:36, R=35:24, G=23:12, B=11:0.


Specifies a format that has 64 bits per pixel with an RGB channel layout, and the channels located in the following bits: R=63:48, G=47:32, B=31:16.


Specifies a format that has 64 bits per pixel with an ARGB channel layout, and the channels located in the following bits: R=63:48, G=47:32, B=31:16, A=15:0.


Specifies a format that has 64 bits per pixel with an RGB half floating-point channel layout.


Specifies a format that has 64 bits per pixel with an ARGB half floating-point channel layout.


Specifies a format that has 128 bits per pixel with an RGB IEEE floating-point channel layout.


Specifies a format that has 128 bits per pixel with an ARGB IEEE floating-point channel layout.


Specifies a format that has 256 bits per pixel with an RGB IEEE double channel layout.


Specifies a format that has 256 bits per pixel with an ARGB IEEE double channel layout.

Declared In

Context Options

Specify options that affect a rendering context.

typedef enum _CGLContextEnable {
   kCGLCESwapRectangle    = 201,
   kCGLCERasterization    = 221,
   kCGLCEStateValidation  = 301,
   kCGLCESurfaceBackingSize = 305,
   kCGLCEDisplayListOptimization = 307
} CGLContextEnable;


If enabled, the area of the drawable object that is affected by CGLFlushDrawable is restricted to a rectangle specified by the values of kCGLCPSwapRectangle. However, the portion of the drawable object that lies outside of the swap rectangle may still be flushed to the screen by a visibility change or other user interface action. To set or get the values of kCGLCPSwapRectangle, use the functions CGLSetParameter or CGLGetParameter, respectively. For more information about kCGLCPSwapRectangle, see “Context Parameters.”

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


If disabled, all rasterization of 2D and 3D primitives is disabled. This state is useful for debugging and to characterize the performance of an OpenGL driver without actually rendering.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


If enabled, OpenGL inspects the context state each time that CGLSetVirtualScreen is called to ensure that it is in an appropriate state for switching between renderers. Normally, the state is inspected only when it is actually necessary to switch renderers. In CGL, a renderer is switched only if you call CGLSetVirtualScreen with a virtual screen number different than the current one.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


If enabled, overrides the surface backing size.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


If disabled, turns off optimization for the display list.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


These are used by the functions CGLEnable, CGLDisable, and CGLIsEnabled.

Declared In

Context Parameters

Specify parameters that apply to a specific rendering context.

typedef enum _CGLContextParameter {
   kCGLCPSwapRectangle    = 200,
   kCGLCPSwapInterval     = 222,
   kCGLCPDispatchTableSize = 224,
   kCGLCPClientStorage    = 226,
   kCGLCPSurfaceTexture    = 228,
   kCGLCPSurfaceOrder      = 235,
   kCGLCPSurfaceOpacity    = 236,
   kCGLCPSurfaceBackingSize = 304,
   kCGLCPSurfaceSurfaceVolatile = 306,
   kCGLCPReclaimResources  = 308,
   kCGLCPCurrentRendererID  = 309,
   kCGLCPGPUVertexProcessing  = 310,
   kCGLCPGPUFragmentProcessing  = 311
} CGLContextParameter;


Set or get the swap rectangle. The swap rectangle is represented as an array of four long values: {x, y, width, height}. For this rectangle to affect the outcome of calling the function CGLFlushDrawable, the context option kCGLCESwapRectangle must be enabled. For more information about kCGLCESwapRectangle, see “Context Options.”

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


Set or get the swap interval. The swap interval is represented as one long value. If the swap interval is set to 0 (the default), CGLFlushDrawable executes as soon as possible, without regard to the vertical refresh rate of the monitor. If the swap interval is set to 1, the buffers are swapped only during the vertical retrace of the monitor.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


Set or get the dispatch table size.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


Set or get an arbitrary 32-bit value. A typical usage would be to store a pointer to application-specific data associated with the context.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


Set the surface texture. Supply a surface ID, target, and internal format.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


Set or get the position of the OpenGL surface relative to the window. A value of 1 means that the position is above the window; a value of –1 specifies a position that is below the window.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


Set or get the surface opacity. A value of 1 means the surface is opaque (the default); 0 means completely transparent.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


Set or get the height and width of the back buffer. You can use this to let the system scale an image automatically on swap to a variable size buffer. The back buffer size remains fixed at the size that you set up regardless of whether the image is resized to display larger onscreen.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


Set or get the volatile state of a surface.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


Enable or disable reclaiming resources.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The current renderer ID. You can get this setting.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The GPU is currently processing vertices with the GPU. You can get this state.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The CPU is currently processing fragments with the GPU. You can get this state.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


These constants are used by the functions CGLSetParameter and CGLGetParameter.

Declared In

Global Options

Specify options that apply globally.

typedef enum _CGLGlobalOption {
   kCGLGOFormatCacheSize  = 501,
   kCGLGOClearFormatCache = 502,
   kCGLGORetainRenderers  = 503,
   kCGLGOResetLibrary     = 504,
   kCGLGOUseErrorHandler  = 505,
} CGLGlobalOption;


Set or get the pixel format cache size, a positive integer. After an application calls CGLChoosePixelFormat for the last time, it may set the cache size to 1 to minimize the memory used by CGL. If an application intends to use n different attribute lists to choose n different pixel formats repeatedly, then the application should set the cache size to n to maximize performance. The cache size is initially set to 5.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


If set to a true value, the pixel format object cache contents are freed. This does not affect the size of the cache for future storage of pixel format objects. To minimize the memory consumed by the cache, the application should also set the cache size to 1 via the kCGLGOFormatCacheSize global option. CGLGetOption always reports a false value for this constant.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


If true, CGL does not unload any plug-in renderers even if they are no longer in use. This is useful to improve the performance of applications that repeatedly destroy and recreate their only (or last) rendering context. Normally, when the last context created by a particular plug-in renderer is destroyed, that renderer is unloaded from memory. If false, CGL returns to its normal mode of operation and all renderers that are not in use are unloaded.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


If set to a true value, CGL is reset to its initial state. All contexts created with CGLCreateContext are destroyed, all plug-in renderers are unloaded from memory, and global options are reset to their initial values. Renderer information objects and pixel format objects are not destroyed. CGLGetOption always reports a false value for this constant.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


If true, CGL errors are propagated to Core Graphics.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


These constants are used by the functions CGLSetOption and CGLGetOption.

Declared In

Renderer IDs

Define constants that specify hardware and software renderers.

kCGLRendererGenericID         0x00020200
kCGLRendererGenericFloatID    0x00020400
kCGLRendererAppleSWID         0x00020600
kCGLRendererATIRage128ID      0x00021000
kCGLRendererATIRadeonID       0x00021200
kCGLRendererATIRageProID      0x00021400
kCGLRendererATIRadeon8500ID   0x00021600
kCGLRendererATIRadeon9700ID   0x00021800
kCGLRendererATIRadeonX1000ID  0x00021900
kCGLRendererGeForce2MXID      0x00022000
kCGLRendererGeForce3ID        0x00022200
kCGLRendererGeForceFXID       0x00022400
kCGLRendererVTBladeXP2ID      0x00023000
kCGLRendererIntel900ID        0x00024000
kCGLRendererMesa3DFXID        0x00040000


Specifies the software renderer. Deprecated on Intel-based Macintosh computers.


Specifies the floating-point software renderer.


Specifies the Apple software renderer ID.


Specifies the ATI Rage128 renderer.


Specifies the ATI Radeon renderer.


Specifies the ATI RagePro renderer.


Specifies the ATI Radeon 8500 renderer.


Specifies the ATI Radeon 9700 renderer.


Specifies the ATI Radio X1000 renderer.


Specifies the NVIDIA GeForce2MX renderer.


Specifies the NVIDIA GeForce3 renderer.


Specifies the NVIDIA GeForceFX renderer.


Specifies the VTBook renderer.


Specifies the Intel GMA 900 renderer.


Specifies the Mesa 3DFX renderer.

Declared In

Renderer Properties

Specify renderer properties.

typedef enum _CGLRendererProperty {
   kCGLRPOffScreen           =  53,
   kCGLRPFullScreen          =  54,
   kCGLRPRendererID          =  70,
   kCGLRPAccelerated         =  73,
   kCGLRPRobust              =  75,
   kCGLRPBackingStore        =  76,
   kCGLRPMPSafe              =  78,
   kCGLRPWindow              =  80,
   kCGLRPMultiScreen         =  81,
   kCGLRPCompliant           =  83,
   kCGLRPDisplayMask         =  84,
   kCGLRPBufferModes         = 100,
   kCGLRPColorModes          = 103,
   kCGLRPAccumModes          = 104,
   kCGLRPDepthModes          = 105,
   kCGLRPStencilModes        = 106,
   kCGLRPMaxAuxBuffers       = 107,
   kCGLRPMaxSampleBuffers    = 108,
   kCGLRPMaxSamples          = 109,
   kCGLRPSampleModes         = 110,
   kCGLRPSampleAlpha         = 111,
   kCGLRPVideoMemory         = 120,
   kCGLRPTextureMemory       = 121,
   kCGLRPRendererCount       = 128,
} CGLRendererProperty;


If true, the renderer supports offscreen drawable objects.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


If true, the renderer supports full screen drawable objects.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The associated value is the renderer ID. Renderer ID constants are associated with specific hardware vendors. See “Renderer IDs.”

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


If true, the renderer is hardware accelerated.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


If true, the renderer does not have any failure modes caused by a lack of video card resources.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


If true, the renderer can provide a back color buffer the full size of the drawable object and can guarantee the back buffer contents to be valid after a call to CGLFlushDrawable.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


If true, the renderer is thread-safe. All renderers are thread-safe in Mac OS X.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


If true, the renderer supports window drawable objects.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


If true, the renderer is presently attached to multiple displays.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


If true, the renderer is OpenGL compliant. All renderers are OpenGL compliant in Mac OS X.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The associated value is a bit mask of physical displays that the renderer can drive. The bit mask is managed by Quartz Display Services. A CGDirectDisplayID data type must be converted to an OpenGL display mask using the function CGDisplayIDToOpenGLDisplayMask. For more information on this function, see Quartz Display Services Reference.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The associated value is the bitwise OR of buffer mode flags supported by the renderer. The value can be any of the constants defined in “Buffer Mode Flags.”

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The associated value is the bitwise OR of color format flags supported by the renderer. The value can be any of the constants defined in “Color and Accumulation Buffer Format Flags.”

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The associated value is the bitwise OR of color/accumulation buffer format flags supported by the renderer. The value can be any of the constants defined in “Color and Accumulation Buffer Format Flags.”

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The associated value is the bitwise OR of depth/stencil buffer depth flags supported by the renderer. The value can be any of the constants defined in “Stencil and Depth Modes.”

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The associated value is the bitwise OR of depth/stencil buffer depth flags supported by the renderer. The value can be any of the constants defined in “Stencil and Depth Modes.”

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The associated value is the maximum number of auxiliary buffers supported by the renderer.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The associated value is the maximum number of independent sample buffers supported by the renderer. Typically, the value is 0 if no multisample buffer exists, or 1 if one exists.

Available in Mac OS X v10.1 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The associated value is the maximum number of samples per pixel that the renderer supports.

Available in Mac OS X v10.1 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


A bit field of supported sample modes.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


If true, there is support for alpha sampling.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The associated value is the number of bytes of video memory available to the renderer.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The associated value is the number of bytes of texture memory available to the renderer.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


The associated value is the number of renderers in a specific renderer information object. To determine the number of renderers in a renderer information object, call the function CGLDescribeRenderer, passing in the object, renderer number 0, and this renderer property.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in CGLTypes.h.


These constants are used by the function CGLDescribeRenderer.

Declared In

Sampling Modes

Define modes used for full scene anti-aliasing.

#define kCGLSupersampleBit x00000001
#define kCGLMultisampleBit x00000002


Specifies supersampling.


Specifies multisampling.

Declared In

Stencil and Depth Modes

Define resolutions for the depth and stencil buffers.

#define kCGL0Bit            0x00000001
#define kCGL1Bit            0x00000002
#define kCGL2Bit            0x00000004
#define kCGL3Bit            0x00000008
#define kCGL4Bit            0x00000010
#define kCGL5Bit            0x00000020
#define kCGL6Bit            0x00000040
#define kCGL8Bit            0x00000080
#define kCGL10Bit           0x00000100
#define kCGL12Bit           0x00000200
#define kCGL16Bit           0x00000400
#define kCGL24Bit           0x00000800
#define kCGL32Bit           0x00001000
#define kCGL48Bit           0x00002000
#define kCGL64Bit           0x00004000
#define kCGL96Bit           0x00008000
#define kCGL128Bit          0x00010000


Specifies a 0-bit resolution.


Specifies a 1-bit resolution.


Specifies a 2-bit resolution.


Specifies a 3-bit resolution.


Specifies a 4-bit resolution.


Specifies a 5-bit resolution.


Specifies a 6-bit resolution.


Specifies a 8-bit resolution.


Specifies a 10-bit resolution.


Specifies a 12-bit resolution.


Specifies a 16-bit resolution.


Specifies a 24-bit resolution.


Specifies a 32-bit resolution.


Specifies a 48-bit resolution.


Specifies a 64-bit resolution.


Specifies a 96-bit resolution.


Specifies a 128-bit resolution.

Declared In

Result Codes

The following result code constants, declared in the CGLTypes.h header file, can be used as parameters to the function CGLErrorString.

Result CodeValueDescription

No error.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

kCGLBadAttribute 10000

Invalid pixel format attribute. Valid attributes can be found in “Buffer and Renderer Attributes.”

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

kCGLBadProperty 10001

Invalid renderer property. Valid renderer properties can be found in “Renderer Properties.”

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

kCGLBadPixelFormat 10002

Invalid pixel format object. A valid pixel format object can be obtained by calling the function CGLChoosePixelFormat.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

kCGLBadRendererInfo 10003

Invalid renderer information object. A valid renderer information object can be obtained by calling the function CGLQueryRendererInfo.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

kCGLBadContext 10004

Invalid context object. A valid context object can be obtained by calling the function CGLCreateContext.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

kCGLBadDrawable 10005

Invalid drawable object. This error occurs when you attempt to attach a second, incompatible, rendering context to a drawable object. For more information about incompatible contexts, see the discussion section of the function CGLCreateContext. This error also occurs when you attempt to attach a context to a full-screen drawable object, and the color depth of the drawable object is different than that specified by the pixel format object used to create the context. The kCGLPFAColorSize attribute, described in “Buffer and Renderer Attributes,” specifies the color depth of a pixel format.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

kCGLBadDisplay 10006

Invalid display.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

kCGLBadState 10007

Invalid context state. This error occurs when a context state is inspected for readiness to switch renderers. To be in a valid state, a context be in render mode and have an attribute stack depth of 0, and a modelview, projection, and texture stack depth of 1. For more information about state verification, see the context enable constant kCGLCEStateValidation, described in “Context Options.”

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

kCGLBadValue 10008

Invalid numerical value.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

kCGLBadMatch 10009

Invalid share context. Two contexts are a bad match if their pixel format objects use different renderers.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

kCGLBadEnumeration 10010

Invalid constant.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

kCGLBadOffScreen 10011

Invalid offscreen drawable object.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

kCGLBadFullScreen 10012

Invalid full-screen drawable object.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

kCGLBadWindow 10013

Invalid window.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

kCGLBadAddress 10014

Invalid memory address. This error occurs when you pass an invalid pointer into a function that requires a memory address other than NULL.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

kCGLBadCodeModule 10015

Invalid code module.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

kCGLBadAlloc 10016

Invalid memory allocation. This error occurs when CGL is unable to allocate memory.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

kCGLBadConnection 10017

Invalid connection to Core Graphics.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

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