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Note: NSMenuItemCell and NSMenuView are deprecated and are no longer used to draw menus. Calling their methods will not affect the appearance of your menus.

The NSMenuView class handles the display of menus on the user’s screen. A menu view displays its menu either horizontally or vertically and allows the user to interact with the items of that menu, either to navigate through hierarchical menus or to select a particular item.



Getting and Setting Menu View Attributes

Notification Methods

Working with Submenus

Calculating Menu Geometry

Event Handling



This class is deprecated and is no longer used to draw menus.

public NSMenuView()


Do not use this constructor.

This class is deprecated and is no longer used to draw menus.

public NSMenuView(boolean flag)


Do not use this constructor.

Static Methods


Returns the height of the menu bar.

public static float menuBarHeight()


This method is superseded in Mac OS X v10.4 by the NSMenu menuBarHeight instance method.

Instance Methods


Returns the NSMenu object associated with this object’s attached menu view.

public NSMenu attachedMenu()


The attached menu view is the one associated with the currently visible submenu, if any.

See Also


Returns the NSMenuView of this object’s attached menu view.

public NSMenuView attachedMenuView()


The attached menu view is the one associated with the currently visible submenu, if any.

See Also


Attaches the submenu associated with the menu item at index.

public void attachSubmenuForItemAtIndex(int index)


This method prepares the submenu for display by positioning its window and ordering it to the front.

See Also


Detaches the window associated with the currently visible submenu and removes any menu item highlights.

public void detachSubmenu()


If the submenu itself displays further submenus, this method detaches the windows associated with those submenus as well.

See Also


Returns the default font used to draw the menu text.

public NSFont font()


New items use this font by default, although the item’s menu item cell can use a different font.

See Also


Returns the index of the currently highlighted menu item, or –1 if no menu item in the menu is highlighted.

public int highlightedItemIndex()

See Also


Returns the amount of horizontal space used for padding menu item components.

public float horizontalEdgePadding()


The edge padding is added to the sides of each menu item component. This space is used to provide a visual separation between components of the menu item.

See Also


Returns the offset to the starting point of a menu item’s image and title section.

public float imageAndTitleOffset()


The image and title section of a menu item displays an image, a title, or possibly both as a way to identify the purpose of the menu item. The value returned by this method is used for all menu items of the menu.

If any changes have been made to the menu’s contents, this method invokes sizeToFit to update the menu view information.

See Also


Returns the maximum width of a menu item’s image and title section.

public float imageAndTitleWidth()


The image and title section of a menu item displays an image, a title, or possibly both as a way to identify the purpose of the menu item. The value returned by this method is used for all menu items of the menu.

If any changes have been made to the menu’s contents, this method invokes sizeToFit to update the menu view information.

See Also


Returns the index of the menu item underneath point or –1 if no menu item is underneath point.

public int indexOfItemAtPoint(NSPoint point)


This method considers the menu borders as part of the item when calculating whether point is in the menu item rectangle. This method invokes the rectOfItemAtIndex method to obtain the basic rectangle for each menu item but may adjust that rectangle before testing.

See Also


Returns the drawing rectangle for the menu contents.

public NSRect innerRect()


This rectangle is different (typically smaller) from the view bounds in that it does not include the space used to draw the menu borders.

See Also


Returns true if this menu is currently attached to its parent menu.

public boolean isAttached()

See Also


Returns true if the menu is displayed horizontally; such as for a menu bar, otherwise returns false.

public boolean isHorizontal()

See Also


Deprecated. Tear-off menus are not supported in Mac OS X.

public boolean isTornOff()


Returns true if this menu view’s window is disassociated from its parent menu.


Creates a new menu item cell for the newly created item and marks the menu view as needing to be resized.

public void itemAdded(NSNotification notification)


This method is registered with the menu view’s associated NSMenu object for notifications of the type MenuDidAddItemNotification. The notification parameter contains the notification data.

See Also


Marks the menu view as needing to be resized so changes in size resulting from a change in the menu will be tracked.

public void itemChanged(NSNotification notification)


This method is registered with the menu view’s associated NSMenu object for notifications of the type MenuDidChangeItemNotification. The notification parameter contains the notification data.

See Also


Removes the removed item’s menu item cell and marks the menu view as needing to be resized.

public void itemRemoved(NSNotification notification)


This method is registered with the menu view’s associated NSMenu object for notifications of the type MenuDidRemoveItemNotification. The notification parameter contains the notification data.

See Also


Returns the beginning position of the menu’s key equivalent text.

public float keyEquivalentOffset()


If any changes have been made to the menu’s contents, this method invokes sizeToFit to update the menu view information.

See Also


Returns the width of the menu’s key equivalent text.

public float keyEquivalentWidth()


If any changes have been made to the menu’s contents, this method invokes sizeToFit to update the menu view information.

See Also


Returns the origin of the submenu view’s window.

public NSPoint locationForSubmenu(NSMenu aSubMenu)


The aSubmenu parameter specifies the submenu being positioned and must belong to a menu item of this menu view. This method positions the submenu adjacent to its menu item as well as possible given the type of menu and the space constraints of the user’s screen.

If any changes have been made to the menu’s contents, this method invokes sizeToFit to update the menu view information.

See Also


Returns the NSMenu associated with this menu view.

public NSMenu menu()

See Also


Returns the menu item cell at the specified index.

public NSMenuItemCell menuItemCellForItemAtIndex(int index)

See Also


Returns true if the menu view needs to be resized due to changes in the NSMenu.

public boolean needsSizing()

See Also


Uses the associated NSMenu object to perform the action associated with the item at index when a key equivalent is pressed.

public void performActionWithHighlightingForItemAtIndex(int index)


Because the menu item at index might not currently be visible, this method provides visual feedback by highlighting the nearest visible parent menu item before performing the action. After the action has been sent, this method removes the highlighting for the menu item.

See Also


Returns the drawing rectangle of the menu item at index.

public NSRect rectOfItemAtIndex(int index)


The drawing rectangle may not be the same width or height as the actual menu and in fact is typically smaller to account for borders drawn by the menu view.

If any changes have been made to the menu’s contents, this method invokes sizeToFit to update the menu view information.

See Also


Sets the default font to use when drawing the menu text.

public void setFont(NSFont font)

See Also


Highlights the menu item at index.

public void setHighlightedItemIndex(int index)


Specify –1 for index to remove all highlighting from the menu.

The rectangle of the menu item is marked as invalid and is redrawn the next time the event loop comes around. If another menu item was previously highlighted, that menu item is redrawn without highlights when the event loop comes around again.

See Also


Sets the orientation of the menu.

public void setHorizontal(boolean flag)


If flag is true, the menu’s items are displayed horizontally; otherwise the menu’s items are displayed vertically.

See Also


Sets the horizontal padding for menu item components to pad.

public void setHorizontalEdgePadding(float pad)

See Also


Sets the menu to be displayed in this view to menu.

public void setMenu(NSMenu menu)


This method invokes the setNeedsSizing method to force the menu view’s layout to be recalculated before drawing.

This method adds the menu view to the new NSMenu object’s list of observers. The notifications this method establishes notify this menu view when menu items in the NSMenu object are added, removed, or changed. This method removes the menu view from its previous NSMenu object’s list of observers.

See Also


Replaces the menu item cell at index with cell.

public void setMenuItemCellForItemAtIndex(NSMenuItemCell cell, int index)


This method does not change the contents of the menu itself; it changes only the cell used to display the menu item at index. The old cell is released, and both the new cell and the menu view are marked as needing resizing.

See Also


Adds the region occupied by the menu item at index to the menu view’s invalid region.

public void setNeedsDisplayForItemAtIndex(int index)


The region to be redrawn includes the space occupied by the menu borders. This invalid region is redrawn the next time the event loop comes around.

See Also


Sets a flag that indicates whether the layout is invalid and needs resizing. If flag is true, the menu contents have changed or the menu appearance has changed.

public void setNeedsSizing(boolean flag)


This method is used internally; you should not need to invoke it directly unless you are implementing a subclass that can cause the layout to become invalid.

See Also


Causes the menu view to resize its window so its frame is the appropriate size to attach to screenRect within screen.

public void setWindowFrameForAttachingToRect(NSRect screenRect, NSScreen screen, int edge, int selectedItemIndex)


If selectedItemIndex contains a value other than –1, this method attempts to position the menu such that the item at selectedItemIndex appears on top of screenRect.

The selectedItemIndex parameter specifies the amount by which the selected item’s rectangle overlaps screenRect.

If the preferred edge, edge, cannot be honored, because there is not enough room, the opposite edge is used. If the rectangle does not completely fit either edge, this method uses the edge where there is more room.

If any changes have been made to the menu’s contents, this method invokes sizeToFit to update the menu view information.

See Also


Used internally by the menu view to cache information about the menu item geometry.

public void sizeToFit()


This cache is updated as necessary when menu items are added, removed, or changed.

The geometry of each menu item is determined by asking its corresponding menu item cell. The menu item cell is obtained from the menuItemCellForItemAtIndex method.

See Also


Returns the offset to the space reserved for state images of this menu.

public float stateImageOffset()


The offset is used for all menu items of the menu.

If any changes have been made to the menu’s contents, this method invokes sizeToFit to update the menu view information.

See Also


Returns the maximum width of the state images used by this menu.

public float stateImageWidth()


The width is used for all menu items of the menu.

If any changes have been made to the menu’s contents, this method invokes sizeToFit to update the menu view information.

See Also


Handles events sent to this menu view.

public boolean trackWithEvent(NSEvent event)


If event is a mouse event, this method tracks the cursor position in the menu and displays the menus as appropriate. This method also handles mouse clicks that result in the selection of a menu item, in which case the menu item’s action is performed.

You should not need to use this method directly.


Asks the associated NSMenu to update itself.

public void update()


If any changes have been made to the menu’s contents, this method invokes sizeToFit to update the menu view’s layout.

See Also

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