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Drawing and Views

Class at a Glance

An NSScrollView allows the user to scroll a document view that’s too large to display in its entirety. In addition to the document view, it displays horizontal and vertical scrollers and rulers (depending on which it’s configured to have).

Principal Attributes


Interface Builder

Drag a scroll view to a window.

Commonly Used Methods


Sets the scroll view’s document view.


Sets the amount by which the document view moves during scrolling.


Displays or hides rulers.


The NSScrollView class is the central coordinator for the Application Kit’s scrolling machinery, composed of this class, NSClipView, and NSScroller. An NSScrollView displays a portion of a document view that’s too large to be displayed whole and provides NSScroller scroll bars that allow the user to move the document view within the NSScrollView. Note that, when using an NSClipView within an NSScrollView (the usual configuration), you should issue messages that control background drawing state to the NSScrollView, rather than messaging the NSClipView directly.



Calculating Layout

Determining Component Sizes

Managing Graphics Attributes

Managing the Scrolled Views

Managing Scrollers

Managing Rulers

Setting Scrolling Behavior

Updating Display After Scrolling

Arranging Components



Creates an NSScrollView with a zero-sized frame rectangle.

public NSScrollView()

Creates an NSScrollView with frameRect as its frame rectangle.

public NSScrollView(NSRect frameRect)

Static Methods


Returns the size of a content view for an NSScrollView whose frame size is frameSize.

public static NSSize contentSizeForFrameSize(NSSize frameSize, boolean hFlag, boolean vFlag, int borderType)


hFlag and vFlag indicate whether a horizontal or vertical scroller, respectively, is present. If either flag is true then the content size is reduced in the appropriate dimension by the width of an NSScroller. The borderType argument indicates the appearance of the NSScrollView’s edge, which also affects the content size; see the description of setBorderType for a list of possible values.

For an existing NSScrollView, you can simply use the contentSize method.

See Also


Returns the frame size of an NSScrollView that contains a content view whose size is contentSize.

public static NSSize frameSizeForContentSize(NSSize contentSize, boolean hFlag, boolean vFlag, int borderType)


The hFlag and vFlag arguments indicate whether a horizontal or vertical scroller, respectively, is present. If either flag is true then the frame size is increased in the appropriate dimension by the width of an NSScroller. borderType indicates the appearance of the NSScrollView’s edge, which also affects the frame size; see the description of setBorderType for a list of possible values.

For an existing NSScrollView, you can simply use the frame method and extract its size.

See Also


Returns the default class to be used for ruler objects in NSScrollViews.

public static Class rulerViewClass()


This class is normally NSRulerView.

See Also


Sets the default class to be used for ruler objects in NSScrollViews to aClass.

public static void setRulerViewClass(Class aClass)


This class is normally NSRulerView, but you can use this method to set it to a custom subclass of NSRulerView.

This method simply sets a global variable private to NSScrollView. Subclasses of NSScrollView should override both this method and rulerViewClass to store their ruler view classes in private variables.

See Also

Instance Methods


Returns true when autohiding is set for scroll bars in the receiver.

public boolean autohidesScrollers()

See Also


Returns the content view’s background color.

public NSColor backgroundColor()

See Also


Returns a value that represents the type of border surrounding the receiver; see the description of setBorderType for a list of possible values.

public int borderType()


Returns the size of the receiver’s content view.

public NSSize contentSize()

See Also


Returns the receiver’s content view, the view that clips the document view.

public NSClipView contentView()

See Also


Returns the content view’s document cursor.

public NSCursor documentCursor()

See Also


Returns the view the receiver scrolls within its content view.

public NSView documentView()

See Also


Returns the portion of the document view, in its own coordinate system, visible through the receiver’s content view.

public NSRect documentVisibleRect()

See Also


Returns true if the receiver cell fills the background with its background color; otherwise, false.

public boolean drawsBackground()


Returns true if the receiver maintains a horizontal ruler view, false if it doesn’t.

public boolean hasHorizontalRuler()


Display of rulers is controlled using the setRulersVisible method.

See Also


Returns true if the receiver displays a horizontal scroller, false if it doesn’t.

public boolean hasHorizontalScroller()

See Also


Returns true if the receiver maintains a vertical ruler view, false if it doesn’t.

public boolean hasVerticalRuler()


Display of rulers is controlled using the setRulersVisible method.

See Also


Returns true if the receiver displays a vertical scroller, false if it doesn’t.

public boolean hasVerticalScroller()

See Also


Returns the amount by which the receiver scrolls itself horizontally when scrolling line by line, expressed in the content view’s coordinate system.

public float horizontalLineScroll()


This amount is used when the user clicks the scroll arrows on the horizontal scroll bar without holding down a modifier key.

See Also


Returns the amount of the document view kept visible when scrolling horizontally page by page, expressed in the content view’s coordinate system.

public float horizontalPageScroll()


This amount is used when the user clicks the scroll arrows on the horizontal scroll bar while holding down the Option key.

This amount expresses the context that remains when the receiver scrolls by one page, allowing the user to orient to the new display. It differs from the line scroll amount, which indicates how far the document view moves. The page scroll amount is the amount common to the content view before and after the document view is scrolled by one page.

See Also


Returns the receiver’s horizontal ruler view, regardless of whether the receiver is currently displaying it, or null if the receiver has none.

public NSRulerView horizontalRulerView()


If the receiver is set to display a horizontal ruler view and doesn’t yet have one, this method creates an instance of the ruler view class set using the class method setRulerViewClass. Display of rulers is controlled using the setRulersVisible method.

See Also


Returns the receiver’s horizontal scroller, regardless of whether the receiver is currently displaying it, or null if the receiver has none.

public NSScroller horizontalScroller()


Returns the vertical line scroll amount: the amount by which the receiver scrolls itself vertically when scrolling line by line, expressed in the content view’s coordinate system.

public float lineScroll()


This amount is used when the user clicks the scroll arrows on the vertical scroll bar without holding down a modifier key. As part of its implementation, this method calls verticalLineScroll.

Note that a scroll view can have two different line scroll amounts: verticalLineScroll and horizontalLineScroll. Use this method only if you can be sure they’re both the same; for example, you always use setLineScroll, which sets both amounts to the same value.

See Also


Returns the vertical page scroll amount: the amount of the document view kept visible when scrolling vertically page by page, expressed in the content view’s coordinate system.

public float pageScroll()


This amount is used when the user clicks the scroll arrows on the vertical scroll bar while holding down the Option key. As part of its implementation, this method calls verticalPageScroll.

This amount expresses the context that remains when the receiver scrolls by one page, allowing the user to orient to the new display. It differs from the line scroll amount, which indicates how far the document view moves. The page scroll amount is the amount common to the content view before and after the document view is scrolled by one page.

Note that a scroll view can have two different page scroll amounts: verticalPageScroll and horizontalPageScroll. Use this method only if you can be sure they’re both the same; for example, you always use setPageScroll, which sets both amounts to the same value.

See Also


public void reflectScrolledClipView(NSClipView aClipView)


If aClipView is the receiver’s content view, adjusts the receiver’s scrollers to reflect the size and positioning of its document view. Does nothing if aClipView is any other view object (in particular, if it’s an NSClipView that isn’t the content view).

This method is invoked automatically during scrolling and when an NSClipView’s relationship to its document view changes; you should rarely need to invoke it yourself, but may wish to override it for custom updating or other behavior. If you override this method, be sure to call the superclass implementation. If you do not, other controls (such as the current scrollers) may not be updated properly.

See Also


Returns true if the receiver was set to show rulers using setRulersVisible (whether or not it has rulers at all), false if it was set to hide them.

public boolean rulersVisible()

See Also


Returns true if the receiver redraws its document view while tracking the knob, false if it redraws only when the scroller knob is released.

public boolean scrollsDynamically()


NSScrollView scrolls dynamically by default.

See Also


Scrolls the receiver up or down, in response to the user moving the mouse’s scroll wheel specified by theEvent.

public void scrollWheel(NSEvent theEvent)


Determines whether the receiver automatically hides its scroll bars when they are not needed.

public void setAutohidesScrollers(boolean flag)


The horizontal and vertical scroll bars are hidden independently of each other. When autohiding is on and the content of the receiver doesn't extend beyond the size of the clip view on a given axis, the scroller on that axis is removed to leave more room for the content.

See Also


Sets the color of the content view’s background to aColor.

public void setBackgroundColor(NSColor aColor)


This color is used to paint areas inside the content view that aren’t covered by the document view.

See Also


Sets the border type of the receiver to borderType.

public void setBorderType(int borderType)


borderType may be one of:

See Also


Sets the receiver’s content view, the view that clips the document view, to aView.

public void setContentView(NSClipView aView)


If aView has a document view, this method also sets the receiver’s document view to be the document view of aView. The original content view retains its document view.

See Also


Sets the cursor used when the cursor is over the content view to aCursor, by sending setDocumentCursor to the content view.

public void setDocumentCursor(NSCursor aCursor)

See Also


Sets the receiver’s document view to aView.

public void setDocumentView(NSView aView)

See Also


Sets whether the receiver draws its background.

public void setDrawsBackground(boolean flag)


If flag is false, copy-on-scroll is automatically disabled.

If your NSScrollView encloses an NSClipView sending a setDrawsBackground: message with a parameter of false to the NSScrollView has the added effect of sending the NSClipView a setCopiesOnScroll: message with a parameter of false. The side effect of sending the setDrawsBackground: message directly to the NSClipView instead would be the appearance of “trails” (vestiges of previous drawing) in the document view as it is scrolled.

See Also


Determines whether the receiver keeps a horizontal ruler object.

public void setHasHorizontalRuler(boolean flag)


If flag is true, the receiver allocates a horizontal ruler the first time it’s needed. Display of rulers is handled independently with the setRulersVisible method.

See Also


Determines whether the receiver keeps a horizontal scroller.

public void setHasHorizontalScroller(boolean flag)


If flag is true, the receiver allocates and displays a horizontal scroller as needed. An NSScrollView by default has neither a horizontal nor a vertical scroller.

See Also


Determines whether the receiver keeps a vertical ruler object.

public void setHasVerticalRuler(boolean flag)


If flag is true, the receiver allocates a vertical ruler the first time it’s needed. Display of rulers is handled independently with the setRulersVisible method.

See Also


Determines whether the receiver keeps a vertical scroller.

public void setHasVerticalScroller(boolean flag)


If flag is true, the receiver allocates and displays a vertical scroller as needed. An NSScrollView by default has neither a vertical nor a horizontal scroller.

See Also


Sets the amount by which the receiver scrolls itself horizontally when scrolling line by line to aFloat, expressed in the content view’s coordinate system.

public void setHorizontalLineScroll(float aFloat)


This amount is the amount used when the user clicks the scroll arrows on the horizontal scroll bar without holding down a modifier key. When displaying text in an NSScrollView, for example, you might set this amount to the height of a single line of text in the default font.

See Also


Sets the amount of the document view kept visible when scrolling horizontally page by page to aFloat, expressed in the content view’s coordinate system.

public void setHorizontalPageScroll(float aFloat)


This amount is used when the user clicks the scroll arrows on the horizontal scroll bar while holding down the Option key.

This amount expresses the context that remains when the receiver scrolls by one page, allowing the user to orient to the new display. It differs from the line scroll amount, which indicates how far the document view moves. The page scroll amount is the amount common to the content view before and after the document view is scrolled by one page. Thus, setting the page scroll amount to 0.0 implies that the entire visible portion of the document view is replaced when a page scroll occurs.

See Also


Sets the receiver’s horizontal ruler view to aRulerView.

public void setHorizontalRulerView(NSRulerView aRulerView)


You can use this method to override the default ruler class set using the class method setRulerViewClass. Display of rulers is controlled using the setRulersVisible method.

See Also


Sets the receiver’s horizontal scroller to aScroller, establishing the appropriate target-action relationships between them.

public void setHorizontalScroller(NSScroller aScroller)


To make sure the scroller is visible, invoke the setHasHorizontalScroller method with an argument of true.

See Also


Sets the horizontal and vertical line scroll amounts to aFloat.

public void setLineScroll(float aFloat)


The line scroll is the amount by which the receiver scrolls itself when scrolling line by line, expressed in the content view’s coordinate system. It’s used when the user clicks the scroll arrows without holding down a modifier key. When displaying text in an NSScrollView, for example, you might set this value to the height of a single line of text in the default font.

As part of its implementation, this method calls setVerticalLineScroll and setHorizontalLineScroll.

See Also


Sets the horizontal and vertical page scroll amounts to aFloat.

public void setPageScroll(float aFloat)


The page scroll is the amount of the document view kept visible when scrolling page by page to aFloat, expressed in the content view’s coordinate system. It’s used when the user clicks the scroll arrows while holding down the Option key.

This amount expresses the context that remains when the receiver scrolls by one page, allowing the user to orient to the new display. It differs from the line scroll amount, which indicates how far the document view moves. The page scroll amount is the amount common to the content view before and after the document view is scrolled by one page. Thus, setting the page scroll amount to 0.0 implies that the entire visible portion of the document view is replaced when a page scroll occurs.

As part of its implementation, this method calls setVerticalPageScroll and setHorizontalPageScroll.

See Also


Determines whether the receiver displays its rulers.

public void setRulersVisible(boolean flag)


If flag is true, the receiver displays its rulers (creating them if needed). If flag is false, the receiver doesn’t display its rulers.

See Also


Determines whether the receiver redraws its document view while scrolling continuously.

public void setScrollsDynamically(boolean flag)


If flag is true it does; if flag is false it redraws only when the scroller knob is released. NSScrollView scrolls dynamically by default.

See Also


Sets the amount by which the receiver scrolls itself vertically when scrolling line by line to aFloat, expressed in the content view’s coordinate system.

public void setVerticalLineScroll(float aFloat)


This value is the amount used when the user clicks the scroll arrows on the vertical scroll bar without holding down a modifier key. When displaying text in an NSScrollView, for example, you might set this value to the height of a single line of text in the default font.

See Also


Sets the amount of the document view kept visible when scrolling vertically page by page to aFloat, expressed in the content view’s coordinate system.

public void setVerticalPageScroll(float aFloat)


This amount is used when the user clicks the scroll arrows on the vertical scroll bar while holding down the Option key.

This amount expresses the context that remains when the receiver scrolls by one page, allowing the user to orient to the new display. It differs from the line scroll amount, which indicates how far the document view moves. The page scroll amount is the amount common to the content view before and after the document view is scrolled by one page. Thus, setting the page scroll amount to 0.0 implies that the entire visible portion of the document view is replaced when a page scroll occurs.

See Also


Sets the receiver’s vertical ruler view to aRulerView.

public void setVerticalRulerView(NSRulerView aRulerView)


You can use this method to override the default ruler class set using the class method setRulerViewClass. Display of rulers is controlled using the setRulersVisible method.

See Also


Sets the receiver’s vertical scroller to aScroller, establishing the appropriate target-action relationships between them.

public void setVerticalScroller(NSScroller aScroller)


To make sure the scroller is visible, invoke the setHasVerticalScroller method with an argument of true.

See Also


Lays out the components of the receiver: the content view, the scrollers, and the ruler views.

public void tile()


You rarely need to invoke this method, but subclasses may override it to manage additional components.


Returns the amount by which the receiver scrolls itself vertically when scrolling line by line, expressed in the content view’s coordinate system.

public float verticalLineScroll()


This amount is used when the user clicks the scroll arrows on the vertical scroll bar without holding down a modifier key.

See Also


Returns the amount of the document view kept visible when scrolling vertically page by page, expressed in the content view’s coordinate system.

public float verticalPageScroll()


This amount is used when the user clicks the scroll arrows on the vertical scroll bar while holding down the Option key.

This amount expresses the context that remains when the receiver scrolls by one page, allowing the user to orient to the new display. It differs from the line scroll amount, which indicates how far the document view moves. The page scroll amount is the amount common to the content view before and after the document view is scrolled by one page.

See Also


Returns the receiver’s vertical ruler view, regardless of whether the receiver is currently displaying it, or null if the receiver has none.

public NSRulerView verticalRulerView()


If the receiver is set to display a vertical ruler view and doesn’t yet have one, this method creates an instance of the ruler view class set using the class method setRulerViewClass. Display of rulers is controlled using the setRulersVisible method.

See Also


Returns the receiver’s vertical scroller, regardless of whether the receiver is currently displaying it, or null if the receiver has none.

public NSScroller verticalScroller()

See Also

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