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Important: The information in this document is obsolete and should not be used for new development.


Inherits from
Companion guide
Scriptable Applications Programming Guide for Cocoa


Important: The information in this document is obsolete and should not be used for new development.

A descriptor is the basic building block for Apple events—every Apple event is a descriptor, where descriptor is a type of data structure. Descriptors can be used to build arbitrarily complex containers, so that one Apple event can represent a script statement such as tell application "TextEdit" to get word 3 of paragraph 6 of document 3.

In working with Apple event descriptors, it can be useful to understand some of the underlying data types. You’ll find terms such as descriptor, descriptor list, Apple event record, and Apple event defined in “Building an Apple Event” in Apple Events Programming Guide. You’ll also find information on the four-character codes used to identify information within a descriptor.

Cocoa supplies built-in scripting support that converts received Apple events into script commands that operate on application objects. As a result, most Cocoa applications don’t need to work directly with Apple event descriptors. However, those applications that do need to construct Apple events or extract information from them can use NSAppleEventDescriptor. The most common reason to construct an Apple event is to supply information in a return event. In addition, if you execute an AppleScript script using the NSAppleScript class, you get an NSAppleEventDescriptor as the return value, from which you extract the necessary information.

Cocoa doesn’t currently provide a mechanism for applications to directly send raw Apple events (though compiling and executing an AppleScript script with NSAppleScript may result in Apple events being sent). However, Cocoa applications have full access to the Apple Event Manager C APIs for working with Apple events. If you need to send Apple events, or if you need more information on some of the Apple event concepts described here, see Apple Events Programming Guide and Apple Event Manager Reference.



Creating an Event Descriptor

Getting Information About an Event Descriptor

Working with List Descriptors

Working with Record Descriptors

Working with Apple Event Descriptors



Creates an empty NSAppleEventDescriptor.


Creates an NSAppleEventDescriptor object with descriptor type specified by descType and data specified by data.

NSAppleEventDescriptor(int descType, NSData data)

Creates a new NSAppleEventDescriptor object for an Apple event.

NSAppleEventDescriptor(int eventClass, int eventID, NSAppleEventDescriptor addressDescriptor, int returnID, int transactionID)


Returns null if an error occurs. The event class and event ID for the returned descriptor are set to the values in the eventClass and eventID parameters. The addressDescriptor parameter supplies an Apple event descriptor that identifies the target application for the Apple event.

The returnID parameter specifies the return ID for the created Apple event. If you pass a value of kAutoGenerateReturnID (–1), the Apple Event Manager assigns the created Apple event a return ID that is unique to the current session. If you pass any other value, the Apple Event Manager assigns that value for the ID.

The transactionID parameter specifies the transaction ID for the created Apple event. A transaction is a sequence of Apple events that are sent back and forth between client and server applications, beginning with the client’s initial request for a service. All Apple events that are part of a transaction must have the same transaction ID. You can specify kAnyTransactionID (0) if the Apple event is not one of a series of interdependent Apple events.

The constants kAutoGenerateReturnID and kAnyTransactionID are defined in the header AEDataModel.h in AE.framework, a subframework of ApplicationServices.framework.

Static Methods


Creates and returns a newly allocated NSAppleEventDescriptor with Apple event type typeBoolean and value specified by boolean.

public static NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptorWithBoolean(boolean boolean)



Creates and returns a newly allocated NSAppleEventDescriptor with Apple event type typeEnumerated and value specified by enumerator.

public static NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptorWithEnumCode(int enumerator)



Creates and returns a newly allocated NSAppleEventDescriptor with Apple event type typeSInt32 and value specified by signedInt.

public static NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptorWithInt32(int signedInt)



Creates and returns a newly allocated NSAppleEventDescriptor with Apple event type typeUnicodeText and value specified by string.

public static NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptorWithString(String string)



Creates and returns a newly allocated NSAppleEventDescriptor with Apple event type typeType and value specified by typeCode.

public static NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptorWithTypeCode(int typeCode)



Creates and returns an instance of NSAppleEventDescriptor initialized as an empty list descriptor.

public static NSAppleEventDescriptor listDescriptor()


A list descriptor is a descriptor whose data consists of one or more descriptors. You can add items to the list by calling insertDescriptor or remove them with removeDescriptorAtIndex.


Creates and returns an instance of NSAppleEventDescriptor with no parameter or attribute values set.

public static NSAppleEventDescriptor nullDescriptor()


This method isn’t typically called, as most NSAppleEventDescriptor instance methods can’t be safely called on the returned descriptor.


Creates and returns a descriptor for an Apple event record whose data has yet to be set.

public static NSAppleEventDescriptor recordDescriptor()


A record descriptor is a descriptor whose data is a set of descriptors keyed by four-character codes. You can add information to the descriptor with methods such as setAttributeDescriptor, setDescriptor, and setParamDescriptor.

Instance Methods


Returns an instance of NSAppleEventDescriptor for the attribute specified by keyword.

public NSAppleEventDescriptor attributeDescriptorForKeyword(int keyword)


Returns null if any error occurs.


Return the contents of the descriptor, after first coercing it to typeBoolean.

public boolean booleanValue()



Returns an instance of NSAppleEventDescriptor coerced to the type specified by descType.

public NSAppleEventDescriptor coerceToDescriptorType(int descType)


Returns null if the coercion fails.


Returns the receiving descriptor’s data as an NSData object.

public NSData data()


Returns null if an error occurs.


Returns an instance of NSAppleEventDescriptor from the position specified by anIndex.

public NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptorAtIndex(int anIndex)


NSAppleEventDescriptor indices are one-based. Returns null if an error occurs.

See Also


Returns an instance of NSAppleEventDescriptor for the receiver’s descriptor specified by keyword.

public NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptorForKeyword(int keyword)


Returns null if an error occurs.


Returns the descriptor type for the receiving descriptor.

public int descriptorType()


Return the contents of the descriptor, after first coercing it to typeEnumerated.

public int enumCodeValue()



Returns the event class for the receiving descriptor.

public int eventClass()


An Apple event is identified by its event class and event ID, a pair of four-character codes stored as 32-bit integers. For example, most events in the Standard suite have the four-character code core (defined as the constant kAECoreSuite in the header AERegistry.h in AE.framework, a subframework of ApplicationServices.framework).


Returns the event ID for the receiving descriptor.

public int eventID()


An Apple event is identified by its event class and event ID, a pair of four-character codes stored as 32-bit integers. For example, the Open Apple event from the Standard suite has the four-character code odoc (defined as the constant kAEOpen in the header AERegistry.h in AE.framework, a subframework of ApplicationServices.framework).


Inserts the NSAppleEventDescriptor specified by descriptor at the position specified by anIndex.

public void insertDescriptor(NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptor, int anIndex)


NSAppleEventDescriptor indices are one-based. The receiver must be a list descriptor. Currently provides no indication if an error occurs.

See Also


Return the contents of the descriptor, after first coercing it to typeSInt32.

public int int32Value()



Returns the keyword for the descriptor at the position specified by anIndex.

public int keywordForDescriptorAtIndex(int anIndex)


NSAppleEventDescriptor indices are one-based. Returns the value 0 if an error occurs.


Returns the number of descriptors in the receiving descriptor list.

public int numberOfItems()


Returns the value 0 if an error occurs.


Returns a descriptor for the receiver’s Apple event parameter specified by keyword.

public NSAppleEventDescriptor paramDescriptorForKeyword(int keyword)


The receiver must be an Apple event. Returns null if an error occurs.


Removes the receiver’s descriptor at the position specified by anIndex.

public void removeDescriptorAtIndex(int anIndex)


NSAppleEventDescriptor indices are one-based. The receiver must be a list descriptor. Currently provides no indication if an error occurs.

See Also


Removes the descriptor in the receiver identified by keyword.

public void removeDescriptorWithKeyword(int keyword)


The receiver must be an Apple event or Apple event record.


Removes the receiver’s parameter descriptor identified by keyword.

public void removeParamDescriptorWithKeyword(int keyword)


The receiver must be an Apple event or Apple event record.


Returns the receiver’s return ID (the ID for a reply Apple event).

public int returnID()


The receiver must be an Apple event. Returns the value 0 if an error occurs.


Adds descriptor to the receiver as an attribute identified by keyword.

public void setAttributeDescriptor(NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptor, int keyword)


The receiver must be an Apple event.


Adds descriptor to the receiver identified by keyword.

public void setDescriptor(NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptor, int keyword)


The receiver must be an Apple event or Apple event record.


Adds descriptor to the receiver as an Apple event parameter identified by keyword.

public void setParamDescriptor(NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptor, int keyword)


The receiver must be an Apple event or Apple event record.


Return the contents of the descriptor, after first coercing it to typeUnicodeText.

public String stringValue()



Returns the receiver’s transaction ID, if any.

public int transactionID()


For more information on transactions, see the description for NSAppleEventDescriptor.


Return the contents of the descriptor, after first coercing it to typeType.

public int typeCodeValue()


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