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Implement Person

  1. Choose File New in Project to add another class.

  2. Type as the name of the class.

  3. Deselect the Create header option.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Declare Person. Give it a single instance variable, personRecord, which contains information about the person. Write a constructor to initialize the variable.
    	import next.util.*;
    	import next.wo.*;
    	public class Person extends Object {
    		ImmutableHashtable personRecord;
    		public Person(ImmutableHashtable personDict) {
    			personRecord = personDict;

    Person initializes the personRecord instance variable using a dictionary returned by the Main component of the Registration application.

  6. Write a method that validates the information in personRecord:
    	public ImmutableHashtable validate() {
    		MutableHashtable valid = new MutableHashtable();
    		if ((((String)(personRecord.get("address"))).length() == 0) && 
    			(((String)(personRecord.get("name"))).length() == 0)) {
    				"You must supply a name and address");
    			valid.put("valid", "No");
    		} else if (((String)(personRecord.get("name"))).length() 
    			== 0) {
    			valid.put("failureReason", "You must supply a name.");
    			valid.put("valid", "No");
    		} else if (((String)(personRecord.get("address"))).length() 
    			== 0) {
    				"You must supply an address");
    			valid.put("valid", "No");
    		} else {
    			valid.put("valid", "Yes");
    		return valid;

    Person's validate method checks whether the data entered by the user includes values for a name and address. The validate method returns a dictionary. This dictionary contains a status message and a validation flag that indicates whether the registration should be allowed to proceed. If the user failed to enter a name or address, the validation flag value is "No," which disallows the registration. The status message then prompts the user to supply the missing information.

  7. Implement two more methods as shown below:
    	public String name() {
    		return (String)(personRecord.get("name"));
    	public ImmutableHashtable personAsDictionary() {
    		 return personRecord;

    The name method is simply used to return the Person's name, while the method personAsDictionary returns a dictionary representation of the Person. The dictionary representation is used when the Person's data is written out to a file in a property list format (in RegistrationManager's writeRegistrantsToFile method).

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