
Creating a Compiled Application

This chapter shows you how to use Project Builder and WebObjects Builder to include compiled code in a WebObjects application. The application you'll create in this chapter is called Registration. The first page of the Registration application looks like this:

Registration is similar to the GuestBook application that you created when you worked through the first tutorial in this book, but it's a little more complex. Registration has these additional features:

You'll write Registration in the Java programming language. You can also write WebObjects applications in the Objective-C language. Writing an application in Objective-C requires slightly different steps than writing an application in Java. Those differences are noted at the end of the tutorial.

Table of Contents

Deciding to use compiled code

Set up Project Builder and WebObjects Builder

Create a project
The main method

Create custom classes
Implement RegistrationManager
Implement Person


Create the Main component
Create the Main component's interface
Create a dictionary class
Create and bind variables
Create multiple submit buttons
Implement the methods
Bind the submit buttons

Create a second component
Create the component's interface
Create variables
Bind elements to the script
Implement Registrants
Add Registrants.wo to the project

Build the application

Run the application

Deploy the application

Notes for Objective-C Developers
Creating an Objective-C project
Objective-C main function
Subclassing WebObjects classes
Accessing compiled code from a script
Accessing script methods from compiled code
Using C and C++ in WebObjects applications

First Section