ADC Home > Reference Library > Reference > Networking > Mac OS X Server > Directory Service Framework Reference






typedef enum { 
    eDSNoErr = 0,  
    eDSOpenFailed = -14000, 
    eDSCloseFailed = -14001, 
    eDSOpenNodeFailed = -14002, 
    eDSBadDirRefences = -14003, 
    eDSNullRecordReference = -14004, 
    eDSMaxSessionsOpen = -14005, 
    eDSCannotAccessSession = -14006, 
    eDSDirSrvcNotOpened = -14007, 
    eDSNodeNotFound = -14008, 
    eDSUnknownNodeName = -14009,  
    eDSRegisterCustomFailed = -14010, 
    eDSGetCustomFailed = -14011, 
    eDSUnRegisterFailed = -14012,  
    eDSLocalDSDaemonInUse = -14015, 
    eDSNormalDSDaemonInUse = -14016,  
    eDSAllocationFailed = -14050, 
    eDSDeAllocateFailed = -14051, 
    eDSCustomBlockFailed = -14052, 
    eDSCustomUnblockFailed = -14053, 
    eDSCustomYieldFailed = -14054,  
    eDSCorruptBuffer = -14060, 
    eDSInvalidIndex = -14061, 
    eDSIndexOutOfRange = -14062, 
    eDSIndexNotFound = -14063, 
    eDSCorruptRecEntryData = -14065,  
    eDSRefSpaceFull = -14069, 
    eDSRefTableAllocError = -14070, 
    eDSInvalidReference = -14071, 
    eDSInvalidRefType = -14072, 
    eDSInvalidDirRef = -14073, 
    eDSInvalidNodeRef = -14074, 
    eDSInvalidRecordRef = -14075, 
    eDSInvalidAttrListRef = -14076, 
    eDSInvalidAttrValueRef = -14077, 
    eDSInvalidContinueData = -14078, 
    eDSInvalidBuffFormat = -14079, 
    eDSInvalidPatternMatchType = -14080, 
    eDSRefTableError = -14081, 
    eDSRefTableNilError = -14082, 
    eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError = -14083, 
    eDSRefTableEntryNilError = -14084, 
    eDSRefTableCSBPAllocError = -14085, 
    eDSRefTableFWAllocError = -14086,  
    eDSAuthFailed = -14090, 
    eDSAuthMethodNotSupported = -14091, 
    eDSAuthResponseBufTooSmall = -14092, 
    eDSAuthParameterError = -14093, 
    eDSAuthInBuffFormatError = -14094, 
    eDSAuthNoSuchEntity = -14095, 
    eDSAuthBadPassword = -14096, 
    eDSAuthContinueDataBad = -14097, 
    eDSAuthUnknownUser = -14098, 
    eDSAuthInvalidUserName = -14099, 
    eDSAuthCannotRecoverPasswd = -14100, 
    eDSAuthFailedClearTextOnly = -14101, 
    eDSAuthNoAuthServerFound = -14102, 
    eDSAuthServerError = -14103, 
    eDSInvalidContext = -14104, 
    eDSBadContextData = -14105,  
    eDSPermissionError = -14120, 
    eDSReadOnly = -14121, 
    eDSInvalidDomain = -14122, 
    eNetInfoError = -14123,  
    eDSInvalidRecordType = -14130, 
    eDSInvalidAttributeType = -14131, 
    eDSInvalidRecordName = -14133, 
    eDSAttributeNotFound = -14134, 
    eDSRecordAlreadyExists = -14135, 
    eDSRecordNotFound = -14136, 
    eDSAttributeDoesNotExist = -14137, 
    eDSRecordTypeDisabled = -14138,  
    eDSNoStdMappingAvailable = -14140, 
    eDSInvalidNativeMapping = -14141, 
    eDSSchemaError = -14142, 
    eDSAttributeValueNotFound = -14143,  
    eDSVersionMismatch = -14149, 
    eDSPlugInConfigFileError = -14150, 
    eDSInvalidPlugInConfigData = -14151,  
    eDSAuthNewPasswordRequired = -14161, 
    eDSAuthPasswordExpired = -14162, 
    eDSAuthPasswordQualityCheckFailed = -14165, 
    eDSAuthAccountDisabled = -14167, 
    eDSAuthAccountExpired = -14168, 
    eDSAuthAccountInactive = -14169, 
    eDSAuthPasswordTooShort = -14170, 
    eDSAuthPasswordTooLong = -14171, 
    eDSAuthPasswordNeedsLetter = -14172, 
    eDSAuthPasswordNeedsDigit = -14173, 
    eDSAuthPasswordChangeTooSoon= -14174, 
    eDSAuthInvalidLogonHours = -14175, 
    eDSAuthInvalidComputer = -14176, 
    eDSAuthMasterUnreachable = -14177,  
    eDSNullParameter = -14200, 
    eDSNullDataBuff = -14201, 
    eDSNullNodeName = -14202, 
    eDSNullRecEntryPtr = -14203, 
    eDSNullRecName = -14204, 
    eDSNullRecNameList = -14205, 
    eDSNullRecType = -14206, 
    eDSNullRecTypeList = -14207, 
    eDSNullAttribute = -14208, 
    eDSNullAttributeAccess = -14209, 
    eDSNullAttributeValue = -14210, 
    eDSNullAttributeType = -14211, 
    eDSNullAttributeTypeList = -14212, 
    eDSNullAttributeControlPtr = -14213, 
    eDSNullAttributeRequestList = -14214, 
    eDSNullDataList = -14215, 
    eDSNullDirNodeTypeList = -14216, 
    eDSNullAutMethod = -14217, 
    eDSNullAuthStepData = -14218, 
    eDSNullAuthStepDataResp = -14219, 
    eDSNullNodeInfoTypeList = -14220, 
    eDSNullPatternMatch = -14221, 
    eDSNullNodeNamePattern = -14222, 
    eDSNullTargetArgument = -14223,  
    eDSEmptyParameter = -14230, 
    eDSEmptyBuffer = -14231, 
    eDSEmptyNodeName = -14232, 
    eDSEmptyRecordName = -14233, 
    eDSEmptyRecordNameList = -14234, 
    eDSEmptyRecordType = -14235, 
    eDSEmptyRecordTypeList = -14236, 
    eDSEmptyRecordEntry = -14237, 
    eDSEmptyPatternMatch = -14238, 
    eDSEmptyNodeNamePattern = -14239, 
    eDSEmptyAttribute = -14240, 
    eDSEmptyAttributeType = -14241, 
    eDSEmptyAttributeTypeList = -14242, 
    eDSEmptyAttributeValue = -14243, 
    eDSEmptyAttributeRequestList= -14244, 
    eDSEmptyDataList = -14245, 
    eDSEmptyNodeInfoTypeList = -14246, 
    eDSEmptyAuthMethod = -14247, 
    eDSEmptyAuthStepData = -14248, 
    eDSEmptyAuthStepDataResp = -14249, 
    eDSEmptyPattern2Match = -14250,  
    eDSBadDataNodeLength = -14255, 
    eDSBadDataNodeFormat = -14256, 
    eDSBadSourceDataNode = -14257, 
    eDSBadTargetDataNode = -14258,  
    eDSBufferTooSmall = -14260, 
    eDSUnknownMatchType = -14261, 
    eDSUnSupportedMatchType = -14262, 
    eDSInvalDataList = -14263, 
    eDSAttrListError = -14264,  
    eServerNotRunning = -14270, 
    eUnknownAPICall = -14271, 
    eUnknownServerError = -14272, 
    eUnknownPlugIn = -14273, 
    ePlugInDataError = -14274, 
    ePlugInNotFound = -14275, 
    ePlugInError = -14276, 
    ePlugInInitError = -14277, 
    ePlugInNotActive = -14278, 
    ePlugInFailedToInitialize = -14279, 
    ePlugInCallTimedOut = -14280,  
    eNoSearchNodesFound = -14290, 
    eSearchPathNotDefined = -14291, 
    eNotHandledByThisNode = -14292,  
    eIPCSendError = -14330, 
    eIPCReceiveError = -14331, 
    eServerReplyError = -14332,  
    eDSTCPSendError = -14350, 
    eDSTCPReceiveError = -14351, 
    eDSTCPVersionMismatch = -14352, 
    eDSIPUnreachable = -14353, 
    eDSUnknownHost = -14354,  
    ePluginHandlerNotLoaded = -14400, 
    eNoPluginsLoaded = -14402, 
    ePluginAlreadyLoaded = -14404, 
    ePluginVersionNotFound = -14406, 
    ePluginNameNotFound = -14408, 
    eNoPluginFactoriesFound = -14410, 
    ePluginConfigAvailNotFound = -14412, 
    ePluginConfigFileNotFound = -14414,  
    eCFMGetFileSysRepErr = -14450, 
    eCFPlugInGetBundleErr = -14452, 
    eCFBndleGetInfoDictErr = -14454, 
    eCFDictGetValueErr = -14456,  
    // Authentication Errors 
    eDSServerTimeout = -14470, 
    eDSContinue = -14471, 
    eDSInvalidHandle = -14472, 
    eDSSendFailed = -14473, 
    eDSReceiveFailed = -14474, 
    eDSBadPacket = -14475, 
    eDSInvalidTag = -14476, 
    eDSInvalidSession = -14477, 
    eDSInvalidName = -14478, 
    eDSUserUnknown = -14479, 
    eDSUnrecoverablePassword = -14480, 
    eDSAuthenticationFailed = -14481, 
    eDSBogusServer = -14482, 
    eDSOperationFailed = -14483, 
    eDSNotAuthorized = -14484, 
    eDSNetInfoError = -14485, 
    eDSContactMaster = -14486, 
    eDSServiceUnavailable = -14487, 
    eDSInvalidFilePath = -14488,  
    eFWGetDirNodeNameErr1 = -14501, 
    eFWGetDirNodeNameErr2 = -14502, 
    eFWGetDirNodeNameErr3 = -14503, 
    eFWGetDirNodeNameErr4 = -14504,  
    // Errors received in the range -14700 : -14780 denote specific server errors. 
    // Contact Directory Services Server support when these errors are encountered 
    eParameterSendError = -14700, 
    eParameterReceiveError = -14720,  
    eServerSendError = -14740, 
    eServerReceiveError = -14760,  
    eMemoryError = -14900, 
    eMemoryAllocError = -14901, 
    eServerError = -14910, 
    eParameterError = -14915,  
    // Server response errors 
    // These errors indicate that the plug-in or server did not return the 
    // required data 
    eDataReceiveErr_NoDirRef = -14950, // No tDirReference returned 
    eDataReceiveErr_NoRecRef = -14951, // No tRecordReference returned 
    eDataReceiveErr_NoAttrListRef = -14952, // No tAttributeListRef returned 
    eDataReceiveErr_NoAttrValueListRef = -14953, // No tAttributeValueListRef returned 
    eDataReceiveErr_NoAttrEntry = -14954, // No tAttributeEntry returned 
    eDataReceiveErr_NoAttrValueEntry = -14955, // No tAttributeValueEntry returned 
    eDataReceiveErr_NoNodeCount = -14956, // No node Count returned 
    eDataReceiveErr_NoAttrCount = -14957, // No attribute count returned 
    eDataReceiveErr_NoRecEntry = -14958, // No tRecordEntry returned 
    eDataReceiveErr_NoRecEntryCount = -14959, // No record entry count returned 
    eDataReceiveErr_NoRecMatchCount = -14960, // No record match count returned 
    eDataReceiveErr_NoDataBuff = -14961, // No tDataBuffer returned 
    eDataReceiveErr_NoContinueData = -14962, // No continue data returned 
    eDataReceiveErr_NoNodeChangeToken = -14963, // No node Change Token returned  
    eNoLongerSupported = -14986, 
    eUndefinedError = -14987, 
    eNotYetImplemented = -14988,  
    eDSLastValue = -14999  
} tDirStatus;  
The write operation failed because the result would conflict with the server's schema. For example, trying to remove a required attribute would return this error.
When using dsSetAttributeValue, dsRemoveAttributeValue, or dsGetAttributeValueByID the value with the specified ID was not found.
A configuration file version is not compatible with this version of Directory Services or the plug-in that loaded it.
The administrator set a flag to force a password reset on the next login.
The password expiration date has passed so it must be reset.
New password rejected because it did not meet the password server\xD5s quality requirements (for example, it was too short). This error only comes back when changing or setting the password, not when authenticating.
New password rejected because it did not meet the password server\xD5s minimum length requirements. This error only comes back when changing or setting the password, not when authenticating.
New password rejected because it exceeded the password server\xD5s maximum length limit. This error only comes back when changing or setting the password, not when authenticating.
New password rejected because it did not meet the password server\xD5s quality requirements (did not contain a letter). This error only comes back when changing or setting the password, not when authenticating.
New password rejected because it did not meet the password server\xD5s quality requirements (did not contain a digit). This error only comes back when changing or setting the password, not when authenticating.
The administrator set a flag to disable the account.
The expiration date/time of the account passed so it is automatically disabled.
The account was unused for a preset amount of time so it was automatically disabled.
Unable to authenticate to make changes because the master server is unreachable.

Error codes returned from the Directory Services API.

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Last Updated: 2008-03-11