Important: The information in this document is obsolete and should not be used for new development.
Using the Standard File Package
You use the Standard File Package to handle the user interface when the user must specify a file to be saved or opened. You typically call the Standard File Package after
the user chooses Save, Save As, or Open from the File menu.When saving a document, you call one of the
procedures; when opening a document, you call one of theGetFile
procedures. The Standard File Package in version 7.0 introduces two pairs of enhanced procedures:
Before calling the enhanced Standard File Package procedures, verify that they are available by calling the
, for presenting the standard interfaceCustomPutFile
, for presenting a customized interface
function with thegestaltStandardFileAttr
selector. IfGestalt
sets thegestaltStandardFile58
bit in the reply, the four enhanced procedures are available.If the enhanced procedures are not available, you need to use the original Standard File Package procedures that are available in all system software versions:
This section focuses on the enhanced procedures introduced in system software
, for presenting the standard interfaceSFPPutFile
, for presenting a customized interface
version 7.0. If you need to use the original procedures, see "Using the Original Procedures" on page 3-40. You can adapt most of the techniques shown in this section
for use with the original procedures. In general, however, the original procedures are slightly harder to use and somewhat less powerful than their enhanced counterparts.All the enhanced procedures return the results of the dialog boxes in a new reply record,
TYPE StandardFileReply = RECORD sfGood: Boolean; {TRUE if user did not cancel} sfReplacing: Boolean; {TRUE if replacing file with same name} sfType: OSType; {file type} sfFile: FSSpec; {selected file, folder, or volume} sfScript: ScriptCode; {script of file, folder, or volume name} sfFlags: Integer; {Finder flags of selected item} sfIsFolder: Boolean; {selected item is a folder} sfIsVolume: Boolean; {selected item is a volume} sfReserved1: LongInt; {reserved} sfReserved2: Integer; {reserved} END;The reply record identifies selected files with a file system specification (FSSpec
) record. You can pass theFSSpec
record directly to the File Manager functions that recognizeFSSpec
records, such asFSpOpenDF
. The reply record also contains additional fields that support the Finder features introduced in system software
version 7.0.The
field reports whether the reply record is valid--that is, whether your application can use the information in the other fields. The field is set toTRUE
after the user clicks Save or Open, and toFALSE
after the user clicks Cancel.Your application needs to look primarily at the
fields when thesfGood
field containsTRUE
. ThesfFile
field contains a file system specification record that describes the selected file or folder. If the selected file is a stationery pad, the reply record describes the file itself, not a copy of the file.The
field reports whether a file to be saved replaces an existing file
of the same name. This field is valid only after a call to theStandardPutFile
procedure. Your application can rely on the value of this field instead of checking for and handling name conflicts itself.
The Standard File Package fills in the reply record and returns when the user completes one of its dialog boxes--either by selecting a file and clicking Save or Open, or by clicking Cancel. Your application checks the values in the reply record to see what action to take, if any. If the selected item is an alias for another item, the Standard File Package resolves the alias and places a file system specification record for the target in the
- Note
- See "Enhanced Standard File Reply Record" on page 3-42 for a complete description of the fields of the
field when the user completes the dialog box. (See the chapter "Finder Interface" of Inside Macintosh: Macintosh Toolbox Essentials for a description of aliases.)
- Presenting the Standard User Interface
- Customizing the User Interface
- Setting the Current Directory
- Selecting a Directory
- Selecting a Volume
- Using the Original Procedures