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Inside Macintosh: Files /
Chapter 3 - Standard File Package / Using the Standard File Package

Selecting a Volume

You can present the recommended user interface for selecting a volume by calling the CustomGetFile procedure and passing it the addresses of a custom file filter function and a dialog hook function. See "Selecting Volumes and Directories" on page 3-10 for a description of the appearance and behavior of the volume selection dialog box.

The file filter function used to select volumes is quite simple; it ensures that only volumes, not files or directories, are listed in the dialog box displayed by CustomGetFile. Listing 3-16 defines a file filter function you can use to do this.

Listing 3-20 A file filter function that lists only volumes

FUNCTION MyCustomFileFilter (pb: CInfoPBPtr; myDataPtr: Ptr): Boolean;
   kFolderBit = 4;                  {bit set in ioFlAttrib for a directory}
BEGIN                               {list volumes only}
   MyCustomFileFilter := TRUE;      {assume you don't list the item}
   IF BTst(pb^.ioFlAttrib, kFolderBit) AND (pb^.ioDrParID = fsRtParID) THEN
      MyCustomFileFilter := FALSE;
The function MyCustomFileFilter inspects the appropriate bit in the file attributes (ioFlAttrib) field of the catalog information parameter block passed to it. If the directory bit is set, MyCustomFileFilter checks whether the parent directory ID of the directory is equal to fsRtParID, which is always the parent directory ID of a volume's root directory. If it is, the file filter function returns FALSE, indicating that the item should appear in the list of volumes; otherwise, the file filter function returns TRUE to exclude the item from the list.

A dialog hook function for handling the items in the volume selection dialog box is defined in Listing 3-21.

Listing 3-21 Handling user selections in the volume selection dialog box

FUNCTION MyDlgHook (item: Integer; theDialog: DialogPtr; myDataPtr: Ptr):
   myType:        Integer;       {menu item selected}
   myHandle:      Handle;        {needed for GetDItem}
   myRect:        Rect;          {needed for GetDItem}
   myName:        Str255;        {new title for Open button}
   MyDlgHook := item;      {default, except in special cases below}
   IF GetWRefCon(WindowPtr(theDialog)) <> LongInt(sfMainDialogRefCon) THEN
      Exit(MyDlgHook);     {this function is only for main dialog box}

   CASE item OF
            {Set button title and go to desktop.}
            myName := 'Select';
            GetDItem(theDialog, sfItemOpenButton, myType, myHandle, myRect);
            SetCTitle(ControlHandle(myHandle), myName);
            MyDlgHook := sfHookGoToDesktop;
      sfHookGoToDesktop:         {map Cmd-D to a null event}
         MyDlgHook := sfHookNullEvent;
         MyDlgHook := sfHookGoToDesktop;
      sfHookGoToNextDrive:       {map Cmd-Left Arrow to a null event}
         MyDlgHook := sfHookNullEvent;
      sfHookGoToPrevDrive:       {map Cmd-Right Arrow to a null event}
         MyDlgHook := sfHookNullEvent;
      sfItemOpenButton, sfHookOpenFolder:
         MyDlgHook := sfItemOpenButton;
You can prompt the user to select a volume by calling the function DoGetVolume defined in Listing 3-22.

Listing 3-22 Presenting the volume selection dialog box

FUNCTION DoGetVolume: StandardFileReply;
   myReply:          StandardFileReply;
   myTypes:          SFTypeList;          {types of files to display}
   myPoint:          Point;               {upper-left corner of box}
   myNumTypes:       Integer;
   myModalFilter:    ModalFilterYDProcPtr;
   myActiveList:     Ptr;
   myActivateProc:   ActivateYDProcPtr;
   rGetVolumeDLOG    = 129;               {resource ID of custom dialog box}
   myNumTypes := -1;                      {pass all types of files}
   myPoint.h := -1;                       {center dialog box on screen}
   myPoint.v := -1;
   myModalFilter := NIL;
   myActiveList := NIL;
   myActivateProc := NIL;

   CustomGetFile(@MyCustomFileFilter, myNumTypes, myTypes, myReply,
                  rGetVolumeDLOG, myPoint, @MyDlgHook, myModalFilter, 
                  myActiveList, myActivateProc, @myReply);

   DoGetVolume := myReply;

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2 JUL 1996