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Leopard Reference Library: Java
Java is closely integrated with key Apple technologies and supported by key Apple tools. Java is the preferred language for the WebObjects web server developement suite and the Jboss web application deployment tool. Developers can create Java applications using Xcode, and they can turn Java applications into double-clickable Mac OS X applications using Jar Bundler.

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Building a JNI Universal Application with Xcode (HTML)
Learn to add Mac OS X features into your Java application using JNI and Xcode.
Articles 2006-03-20
Developing Java Applications on Mac OS X with Eclipse (HTML)
Learn from this hands-on article how to work with Eclipse on Mac OS X.
Articles 2005-02-28
Using Sun Java Studio Creator 2 on Mac OS X (HTML)
Learn to use the tool that provides visual access to databases and web services.
Articles 2004-11-15
Eclipse and Mac OS X: a Natural Combination (HTML)
Learn about the Eclipse IDE on Mac OS X and how to get started using it.
Articles 2004-06-07
Customer-focused Software Design: Marratech Turns a Java App into a Mac App (HTML)
Learn how Marratech used the Apple Developer Connection to help port its Java-based application.
Articles 2003-11-10
Server-Side Java with the Struts Framework on Mac OS X (HTML)
Learn how to combine such things as Servlets, JSP, and custom Struts tag libraries using Struts.
Articles 2003-07-17
Java Development Guide for Mac OS X (HTML) (PDF)
Describes what you need to take into account when developing and deploying a Java application on Mac OS X.
Guides 2008-10-15
Java Application Server Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains J2EE and JBoss development on Mac OS X Server.
Guides 2005-08-11
JavaEOGenerator (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Java-based template generation engine similar to EOGenerator
Sample Code 2007-11-14
JavaFrameEmbedding example (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Small Cocoa application that demonstrates how to use JavaFrameEmbedding.framework
Sample Code 2007-06-12
Getting a Packet Trace (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1176: Lists tools available for looking at the network packets on the wire.
Technical Q&As 2008-06-03
Where are the LiveConnect classes on Mac OS X? (HTML)
QA1364: Locating classes necessary to build Java-Javascript communication into Java Applets on Mac OS X.
Technical Q&As 2006-10-02
Hang launching signed Applets from JavaScript (HTML)
QA1395: Making a LiveConnect call to a signed Applet before that Applet has finished loading can cause a hang.
Technical Q&As 2004-12-02
Sharing Browser Cookies With Java Applets (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1265: Creating a persistent browser session (cookie) inside Java 1.3 Applets
Technical Q&As 2004-10-13
Developer Tools JBoss and Tomcat Do Not Start After Installing Java 1.4.2 Update (HTML)
QA1025: Describes how to re-enable JBoss and Tomcat after installing the Java 1.4.2 update.
Technical Q&As 2004-03-04