This technical note describes how to modify the standard string comparison by
constructing an itl2 resource. Developers may want to modify the
standard string comparison if Apple's comparison doesn't meet their needs or if
Apple has not written a string comparison routine for the language that
concerns them.
[Mar 01 1988]
General Structure
The itl2 resource contains a number of procedures that are used for
accurate comparison of text by the International Utilities Package. Refer to
Inside Macintosh, volume V for an explanation of the algorithm used. The
default itl2 for standard English text, which does no special
processing, has the following form:
; normal Include/Load statements
Include 'hd:mpw:aincludes:ScriptEqu.a'
Print On,NoMDir
String AsIs
; dispatch table at the front of the code.
Intl1 Proc
With IUSortFrame,IUStrData
dc.w ReturnEQ-HookDispatch ; InitProc = 0
dc.w ReturnEQ-HookDispatch ; FetchHook = 2
dc.w ReturnEQ-HookDispatch ; VernierHook = 4
dc.w ReturnEQ-HookDispatch ; ProjectHook = 6
dc.w ReturnEQ-HookDispatch ; ReservedHook1 = 8
dc.w ReturnEQ-HookDispatch ; ReservedHook2 = 10
; Some common exit points
tst.w MinusOne ; set cc NE
cmp.w d0,d0 ; set cc EQ
If modifications need to be made to the comparison process, then one or more of
the dispatches will be modified to point to different routines:
dc.w InitProc-HookDispatch ; InitProc = 0
dc.w FetchProc-HookDispatch ; FetchHook = 2
dc.w VernierProc-HookDispatch ; VernierHook = 4
There are a number of different changes that can be made to the comparison
routines. Some of the common modifications include:
- Comparing two bytes as one character
Yugoslavian "l" < "lj" < "m"; Japanese... [InitProc, FetchProc]
- Comparing characters in different order
Norwegian "z" < "å" [ProjectProc]
- Comparing one character as twoh
German "ä" ~ "ae" [ProjectProc]
- Ignoring characters unless strings are otherwise equal:
"blackbird" < "black-bird" < "blackbirds" [ProjectProc]
- Changing the secondary orderingh
Bibliographic "a" < "A" [VernierProc]
The comparison hook procedures are all assembly language based, with arguments
described below. Since the routines may be called once per character in both
strings, the routines should be as fast as possible.
The condition codes are used to return information about the status of the hook
routine. Typically the normal processing of characters will be skipped if the
CCR is set to NE , so the default return should always have
EQ set. Each of these routines has access to the stack frame
(A6) used in the comparison routine, which has the following form:
IUSortFrame Record {oldA6},Decrement
result ds.w 1
argTop equ *
aStrText ds.l 1
bStrText ds.l 1
aStrLen ds.w 1
bStrLen ds.w 1
argSize equ argTop-*
return ds.l 1
oldA6 ds.l 1
aInfo ds IUStrData
bInfo ds IUStrData
wantMag ds.b 1 ; 1-MagStrig 0-MagIdString.
weakEq ds.b 1 ; Signals at most weak equality
msLock ds.b 1 ; high byte of master ptr.
weakMag ds.b 1 ; -1 weak, 1 strong compare
supStorage ds.b 18 ; extra storage.
localSize equ * ; frame size.
There are three fields in this frame that are of interest for altering text
comparison. The supStorage field is an area reserved for use by the
comparison hook procedures as they see fit. The aInfo and
bInfo records contain information about the current byte positions in
the two compared strings A and B, and information about the status of current
characters in those string. The IUStrData record has the following
IUStrData Record 0
curChar ds.w 1 ; current character.
mapChar ds.w 1 ; projected character.
decChar ds.w 1 ; decision char for weak equality
bufChar ds.b 1 ; buffer for expansion.
justAfter ds.b 1 ; boolean for AE vs ligature-AE.
ignChar ds.b 1 ; flag: ignore char.
noFetch ds.b 1 ; flag: no fetch of next.
strCnt ds.w 1 ; length word.
strPtr ds.l 1 ; current ptr to string.
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The Init Procedure
The Init Procedure is used to initialize the comparison process. The main use
for this procedure is for double-byte scripts. As an optimization, the
International Utilities will perform an initial check on the two strings,
comparing for simple byte-to-byte equality. Thus any common initial substrings
are checked before the Init procedure is called. The string pointers and
lengths in the IUStrData records have been updated to point just past
the common substrings.
Languages such as Japanese or Yugoslavian, which may consider two bytes to be
one character, may have to back up one byte, as shown below.
; Routine InitProc
; Input A6 Local Frame
; Output CCR NE to skip entire sort (usually set EQ)
; Trashes Standard regs: A0/A1/D0-D2
; Function Initialize any special international hooks.
; Double-byte scripts must synchronize AInfo.StrPtr &
; BInfo.StrPtr here!
; Note: this should also check for single-byte nigori or maru, as below
move.w AStrLen(a6), d0 ; A length
sub.w AInfo.StrCnt(a6),d0 ; see if its changed
beq.s @FixB ; A is done if not
sub.l #2,sp ; return param
move.l AStrText(a6),-(sp) ; textBuf
move.w d0,-(sp) ; textOffset
tst.w (sp)+ ; on character boundary?
ble.s @FixB ; yes, continue
sub.l #1,AInfo.StrPtr(A6) ; adjust pointer
add.w #1,AInfo.StrCnt(A6) ; adjust count
move.w BStrLen(a6), d0 ; B length
sub.w BInfo.StrCnt(a6),d0 ; see if its changed
beq.s Quit Init ; B is done if not
sub.l #2,sp ; return param
move.l BStrText(a6), -(sp) ; textBuf
move.w d0, -(sp) ; textOffset
tst.w (sp)+ ; on character boundary?
ble.w @QuitInit ; yes, continue
sub.l #1,BInfo.StrPtr(A6) ; adjust pointer
add.w #1,BInfo.StrCnt(A6) ; adjust count
bra.s ReturnEQ ; return to the caller.
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The Fetch Procedure
The Fetch Procedure is used to fetch a character from a string, updating the
pointer and length to reflect the remainder of the string. For example, the
following code changes the text comparison for Yugoslavian:
; Routine FetchProc
; Input A2 String Data Structure
; A3 String pointer (one past fetched char)
; A6 Local Frame
; D4.W Character: top byte is fetched character, bottom
; is zero
; D5.B 1 if string is empty, otherwise 0
; Output D4.W Character: top byte set to character, bottom to
; extension
; D5.B 1 if string is empty, otherwise 0
; Trashes Standard regs: A0/A1/D0-D2
; Function This routine returns the characters that are fetched from
; the string, if they are not just a sequence of single bytes.
tst.b d5 ; more characters in string?
bne.s ReturnEq ; no -> bail out.
move.w d4,d0 ; load high byte.
move.b (a3),d0 ; load low byte.
lea pairTable,a1 ; load table address
move.w (a1)+,d1 ; pair = 0?
beq.s ReturnEq ; yes -> end of table.
cmp.w d0,d1 ; legal character pair?
bne.s @compareChar ; no -> try the next one.
add.w #1,a3 ; increment pointer.
sub.w #1,StrCnt(a2) ; decrement length.
addx.w d5,d5 ; empty -> set the flag.
move.w d0,d4 ; copy character pair.
rts ; return to caller with CCR=NE
dc.b 'Lj' ; Lj
dc.b 'LJ' ; LJ
dc.b 'lJ' ; lJ
dc.b 'lj' ; lj
dc.b 'Nj' ; Nj
dc.b 'NJ' ; NJ
dc.b 'nJ' ; nJ
dc.b 'nj' ; nj
dc.b 'D', $be ; Dz-hat
dc.b 'D', $ae ; DZ-hat
dc.b 'd', $ae ; dZ-hat
dc.b 'd', $be ; dz-hat
DC.B $00, $00 ; table end
with IUStrData
tst.b d5 ; empty string?
bne.s ReturnEq ; exit if length = 0
; if we have a double-byte char, add the second byte
lea CurChar(a2),a0 ; pass pointer
move.w d4,(a0) ; set value at ptr
clr.w d0 ; pass length
sub.l #2,SP ; allocate return
move.l a0,-(sp) ; pointer
move.w d0,-(sp) ; offset
tst.w (sp)+ ; test return
bmi.s @DoubleByte ; skip if high byte (first two)
; we don't have a double byte, but two special cases combine second bytes
move.b (a3),d0 ; get next byte
cmp.b #$DE,d0 ; nigori?
beq.s @DoubleByte ; add in
cmp.b #$DF,d0 ; maru?
bne.s ReturnEq ; exit: single byte
move.b (a3)+,d4 ; get next byte
subq.w #1,StrCnt(A2) ; dec string length
addx.w d5,d5 ; set x=1 if string len = 0
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The Project Procedure
The Project Procedure is used to find the primary ordering for a character.
This routine will map characters that differ only in the secondary ordering
onto a single character, typically the unmodified, uppercase character. For
example, the following changes the comparison order for some Norwegian
characters, so that they occur after 'Z.'
; Routine ProjectProc
; Input A2 String Data Structure
; D4.W Character (top byte is char, bottom is extension
; (the extension is zero unless set by FetchProc))
; Output D4.W Projected Character
; CCR NE to skip normal Project
; Trashes Standard regs: A0/A1/D0-D2
; Function This routine projects the secondary characters onto primary
; characters.
; Example: a,Ä,Ä -> A
lea ProjTable,A1 ; load table address.
move.l (a1)+,D0 ; get entry
cmp.w d0,d4 ; original >= entry?
bhi.s @findChar ; no, try the next entry.
bne.s ReturnEq ; not equal, process normally
swap d0 ; get replacement
move.w d0,d4 ; set new character word.
rts ; CCR is NE to skip project.
; Table contains entries of the form r1, r2, o1, o2,
; where r1,r2 are the replacement word, and
; o1, o2 are the original character.
; The entries are sorted by o1,o2 for use in the above algorithm
DC.B 'Z', 3, 'Å', 0 ; Å after Ø
DC.B 'Z', 3, 'Å', 0 ; Å after Ø
DC.B 'Z', 1, 'Æ', 0 ; Æ after Z
DC.B 'Z', 2, 'Ø', 0 ; Ø after Æ
DC.B 'Z', 1, 'Æ', 0 ; Æ after Z
DC.B 'Z', 2, 'Ø', 0 ; Ø after Æ
The Project procedure can also be used to undo the effects of the normal
projection. For example, suppose that "oe" is not to be expanded into "oe": in
that case, a simple test can be made against 'oe',0, returning NE if
there is a match, so that the normal processing is not done. To expand one
character into two, the routine should return the first replacement character
in D4.W , and modify two fields in the IUStrData field. For
example, given that A1 points to a table entry of the form
(primaryCharacter: Word; secondaryCharacters: Word) , the following code could
be used:
move.w (a1)+,d4 ; return first, primary character
move.w (a1)+,CurChar(A2) ; original => first, modified char.
addq.b #1,JustAfter(A2) ; set to one (otherwise zero)
move.b (a1),BufChar(A2) ; store second character (BYTE!)
CurChar is where the original character returned by FetchChar is
stored. If characters are different even after being projected onto their
respective primary characters, then the CurChar values for each string
will be compared. JustAfter indicates that the expanded character
should sort after the corresponding unexpanded form. This field must be set
whenever CurChar is modified in order for the comparison to be fully
ordered. BufChar stores the next byte to be retrieved from the string
by FetchChar .
To handle the case where characters are ignored unless the two compared strings
are otherwise equal, the IgnChar flag can be set. This can be used to
handle characters such as the hyphen in English, or vowels in Arabic.
cmp.w #hyphen,d0 ; is it a ignorable?
seq IgnChar(a2) ; set whether or not
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The Vernier Procedure
The Vernier Procedure is used to make a final comparison among characters that
have the same primary ordering. It is only needed if the CurChar
values are not ordered properly. For example, according to the binary encoding,
å < Ã. To change this ordering so that uppercase letters are
before lowercase letters, Ã is mapped to $7F in normal comparison. Notice
that only the characters in the secondary ordering are affected: Ã can be
mapped onto Z, but not onto Ä, since that would cause a collision.
; Routine VernierProc
; Input D4.B High byte of character
; D5.B Low byte of character
; Output D4.B High byte of character
; D5.B Low byte of character
; CCR NE if to skip standard Vernier
; Trashes Standard regs: A0/A1/D0-D2
; Function The Vernier routine compares characters within the secondary
; ordering if two strings are otherwise equal.
; Example: (a,A,Ä,Ä)
not.b d4 ; invert secondary ordering
not.b d5 ; ditto for lower byte
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Installing an itl2 resource
To write an itl2 resource, follow the guidelines in
M.PT.StandAloneCode for writing standalone code in MPW. The code should be
written in assembly language, and it must follow the specifications given in
this technical note or serious system errors could occur whenever string
comparisons are made.
The default comparison routine is in the itl2 resource of the System
file. In order to use a comparison routine other than the standard one, you
should include an itl2 resource in your application with the same name
and resource ID as the one in the System file that you wish to change. The
Resource Manager will look for the resource in the application resource file
before it looks in the System resource file, so your string comparison routine
will be used instead of the default one.
It is generally a dangerous practice to change a system resource since other
applications may depend on it, but if you have good reasons to permanently
change the system itl2 resource so that all applications use a
different comparison routine, then you should write an installer script to
change the itl2 resource in the System resource file. Writing an
installer script is documented in M.PT.Installer. You are required to write an
installer script if you are planning to ship your application on a licensed
system software disk and your application makes a permanent change to any
resources in the System file. We strongly discourage changing the System
itl2 as that would change the behavior of string comparison and
sorting for all applications. If that is your intent, then you should write an
installer script. However, if you are changing the itl2 resource in
the System file for academic or internal use, then you can use a resource
editor such as ResEdit to copy your itl2 resource into the System
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The International Utilities
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