This Technote describes the TV Tuner APIs.
The TV Tuner component is included in the Video Startup extension which is part of the Apple Video Player software. The component provides a standard API for accessing the TV tuner hardware available for the various Macintosh systems that have the TV tuner circuit or card available.
Most developers do not need to call the TV Tuner component directly. Any application that uses the SGSettingsDialog function will automatically get TV support without changes to their application.
[Oct 1 1995]
About TV Tuner Components
Before delving into the specific component calls, there are a few TV-related concepts that are important to discuss. If you are writing software for a specific country, some of these issues may not apply. However, to write global-ready software that uses the TV tuner, each of these issues need to be taken into consideration.
Channel Numbering
The number of channels and the frequencies assigned to those channels varies from country to country. Also, in some countries, users are accustomed to configuring the channels in whatever way they please. For example, in the UK, one user may have his or her TV configured so that BBC is on channel 2, while another may have the TV configured so that BBC is on channel 7. A list of the channel frequencies used by Apple Video Player is provided in the appendix.
Off-Air vs. Cable Channels
Most countries use a different set of channel frequencies, depending on whether a station is being broadcast over the air or via a cable system. In addition, in the US, some cable systems use an alternate set of frequencies (called HRC cable) that differ slightly from standard cable frequencies. Most TVs have an antenna/cable switch that allows the user to select the correct set of frequencies.
Channel Frequencies Are Not Absolute
TV stations do not always broadcast at the defined frequencies. For example, a TV station may broadcast slightly off frequency to avoid interference from another station broadcasting at the same frequency in another part of the country. To accomodate this, TVs generally provide either an automatic or manual fine tuning feature.
Video Standards
Different countries use different video standards. Color encoding, picture size, and frame rate vary from standard to standard. North America and Japan use NTSC, France and parts of eastern Europe use SECAM, while most of the rest of the world uses PAL. Most countries have standardized on a single format for TV broadcasts, but some users may live in areas where they receive TV broadcasts from different countries that use different standards.
TV Standards
Different countries also broadcast using different TV standards, also called systems. Each TV system uses a slightly different range of TV frequencies. Also, the distance between the picture carrier frequency and sound carrier frequency varies from system to system. North America and Japan use system M/N, the UK uses system I, France uses system L, China and eastern Europe use system D/K, while most of the rest of the world uses system B/G. In some parts of the world, multi-standard TVs are common. For example, if a person lives near the French/German border, they might receive some French stations that broadcast using system L and some German stations that broadcast using system B/G.
Stereo Sound
Stereo sound is supported in most countries of the world. Dual language or Second Audio Program (SAP) support is also quite common. In Europe, two different types of stereo broadcast are common: analog FM stereo, and the more recent digital NICAM stereo.
TV Tuner Hardware Description
Many of Apple's multimedia computers have the option of installing a TV tuner card. The TV tuner card becomes an additional input (along with the composite and s-video inputs) to the video digitizer.
There are currently five different TV tuner cards: US (System M/N), Japanese (System M/N), UK (System I), International (System B/G), and French (System L and B/G). The two primary differences between the cards are the tuner modules and the stereo decoding circuitry. From the software point of view, the tuner modules all behave very similarly. The stereo decoders, however, differ in several ways:
- The US and Japanese cards can be set to one of three sound modes: stereo, SAP (second audio program), or mono. The other three cards can be set to stereo, language B, or mono/language A.
- The UK, International, and French cards can detect what type of sound is being broadcast (i.e. stereo, dual language, or mono) and return the information to the application. The US and Japanese tuner cards do not support this.
- The International tuner card can also return which type of stereo broadcast is being received (i.e. NICAM or FM stereo).
Other differences between the tuner cards:
- The US and Japanese tuners support closed captioning, while the UK and International cards support Teletext. The French card does not support Teletext or closed captioning.
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Using the TV Tuner Component
All access to the TV tuner is handled by the TV Tuner component. The following code demonstrates how to find and open the TV Tuner component.
ComponentDescription theDesc;
Component id;
ComponentInstance tunerInst;
theDesc.componentType = 'tunr';
theDesc.componentSubType = 0;
theDesc.componentManufacturer = 'appl';
theDesc.componentFlags = 0L;
theDesc.componentFlagsMask = 0L;
id = FindNextComponent(nil, &theDesc);
if (id != nil) {
tunerInst = OpenComponent(id);
if (tunerInst != nil) {
if (GetComponentVersion(tunerInst) < 0x00020000) {
tunerInst = nil;
FindNextComponent will return nil if the TV Tuner component does not exist or if the component has determined that the tuner hardware does not exist. OpenComponent will return nil if the TV Tuner component has already been opened by another application. The code also checks to make sure the the component version is 2.0 or later. Versions of the compont prior to 2.0 will not function properly and should not be used.
When the application is finished using the component, it should close the component using the CloseComponent call.
In addition to opening the TV Tuner component, the application must also set the input of the video digitizer using the VDSetInput function. To determine which input to use, query each of the digitizer's inputs using the VDGetInputFormat call until you find an input of type tvTunerIn .
short FindTunerInput(ComponentInstance digitizer)
short count;
short format;
short i;
short tvInput;
tvInput = -1;
if (VDGetNumberOfInputs(digitizer, &count) == noErr) {
for (i = count; i >= 0; --i) {
if (VDGetInputFormat(digitizer, i, &format) == noErr) {
if (format == tvTunerIn) {
tvInput = i;
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TV Tuner Component API Listing
pascal ComponentResult TVSetFrequency(ComponentInstance ci, long frequency);
ci component instance
frequency frequency in hertz
This call sets the TV tuner to the selected frequency. The frequency is given in hertz. For example, to a receive a channel that broadcasts at 189.25 Mhz, you would use a frequency value of 189250000.
pascal ComponentResult TVGetFrequency(ComponentInstance ci, long *frequency);
ci component instance
frequency pointer to frequency
This call returns the last frequency set using TVSetFrequency.
pascal ComponentResult TVGetCurrentFlags(ComponentInstance ci,
long *standardFlags, long *currentFlags);
ci component instance
standardFlags pointer to standard flags
currentFlags pointer to current flags
This function returns a set of flags for which features the TV tuner supports. Currently, the only flags defined are for the different systems that are supported. Because of this, standardFlags and currentFlags will always be the same.
pascal ComponentResult TVSetSoundMode(ComponentInstance ci, short soundMode);
ci component instance
soundMode sound mode to use
Returns tvParamErr if sound mode is out of range. Returns tvNoStereoErr if tuner does not support stereo sound.
This function sets the sound mode to be used by the TV tuner. In a way, this is really a preference more than a setting. The tuner will use the specified sound mode if available, but will revert to the next best thing if necessary. The three sound modes that can be specified are:
- tvMonoMode - This sets the sound mode to mono or, in the case of a dual language broadcast, to language A.
- tvSAPMode - This sets the sound mode to SAP (second audio program) or language B.
- tvStereoMode - This sets the sound mode to stereo. When applicable, it automatically selects the appropriate type of stereo (NICAM or FM).
pascal ComponentResult TVGetSoundMode(ComponentInstance ci, short *soundMode);
ci component instance
soundMode pointer to a sound mode
Returns tvNoStereoErr if tuner does not support stereo sound.
This function returns the sound mode last requested using the TVSetSoundMode function. This does not necessarily correspond to the sound mode currently being received. For that information, use the TVGetAvailableSoundMode routine.
pascal ComponentResult TVGetAvailableSoundMode(ComponentInstance ci,short *soundMode);
ci component instance
soundMode pointer to a sound mode
Returns tvNoStereoErr if tuner does not support stereo sound.
If supported by the stereo decoding hardware, this function will return the sound mode that is actually being received. The four sound modes that can be returned are:
tvUnknownMode - This is returned if the hardware does not support sound mode detection or if the sound mode could not be determined (e.g. no signal is being received).
tvMonoMode - This is returned if a mono signal is being received.
tvSAPMode - This is returned if an SAP or dual language signal is being received.
tvStereoMode - This is returned if a stereo signal is being received.
pascal ComponentResult TVGetAvailableSoundType(ComponentInstance ci,short *soundType);
ci component instance
soundType pointer to a sound type
Returns tvNoStereoErr if tuner does not support stereo sound.
If supported by the stereo decoding hardware, this function will return the type of sound that is actually being received. The three sound types that can be returned are:
tvUnknownSoundType - This is returned if the hardware does not support sound type detection or if the sound type could not be determined (e.g. no signal is being received).
tvAnalogSoundType - This is the most common type of sound broadcast.
tvDigitalSoundType - This is a fairly recent type of digital sound broadcast, commonly called NICAM. It is common in some European countries.
pascal ComponentResult TVSetSoundSearchSpeed(ComponentInstance ci, short speed);
ci component instance
speed search speed
Returns tvNotSupportedErr if function not supported by tuner. Returns tvParamErr if invalid search speed specified.
If supported by the stereo decoding hardware, this function will set the speed at which the hardware determines the available sound mode and type. Using tvSoundSlowSpeed is more accurate than tvSoundFastSpeed , but may take several seconds to determine the sound mode and type.
pascal ComponentResult TVGetSoundSearchSpeed(ComponentInstance ci, short *speed);
ci component instance
speed pointer to speed
Returns tvNotSupportedErr if function not supported by tuner.
This function returns the sound search speed set using the TVSetSoundSearchSpeed function.
pascal ComponentResult TVSetStandard(ComponentInstance ci,unsigned long standard);
ci component instance
standard TV standard
This function sets the TV standard to use (i.e. system I, system M/N, etc.). When using a dual standard, specify only one of the two standards, not both. For example, to set system B/G use tunrStandardB or tunrStandardG , but not tunrStandardB+tunrStandardG .
pascal ComponentResult TVGetStandard(ComponentInstance ci, unsigned long *standard);
ci component instance
standard pointer to TV standard.
This function returns the TV standard set using the TVSetStandard function.
pascal ComponentResult TVGetDefaultStandard(ComponentInstance ci, unsigned long *standard);
ci component instance
standard pointer to TV standard
This function returns the default TV standard.
TV Tuner Component Constants:
#define tunrStandardA (1L<<0)
#define tunrStandardB (1L<<1)
#define tunrStandardC (1L<<2)
#define tunrStandardD (1L<<3)
#define tunrStandardE (1L<<4)
#define tunrStandardF (1L<<5)
#define tunrStandardG (1L<<6)
#define tunrStandardH (1L<<7)
#define tunrStandardI (1L<<8)
#define tunrStandardK (1L<<9)
#define tunrStandardL (1L<<10)
#define tunrStandardLPrime (1L<<11)
#define tunrStandardM (1L<<12)
#define tunrStandardN (1L<<13)
#define tvUnimpErr -2201 /* feature unimplemented */
#define tvParamErr -2202 /* bad input parameter */
#define tvTooManyInstErr -2204 /* too many instances of tuner */
#define tvNoStereoErr -2205 /* no stereo decoder */
#define tvNotSupportedErr -2206 /* function not supported by HW*/
#define kSelectTVGetFrequency 0
#define kSelectTVSetFrequency 1
#define kSelectTVGetCurrentFlags 2
#define kSelectTVGetSoundMode 3
#define kSelectTVSetSoundMode 4
#define kSelectTVGetAvailSoundMode 11
#define kSelectTVGetAvailSoundType 12
#define kSelectTVGetStandard 13
#define kSelectTVSetStandard 14
#define kSelectTVGetDefaultStandard 15
#define kSelectTVGetSoundSearchSpeed 16
#define kSelectTVSetSoundSearchSpeed 17
#define tvUnknownMode (-1)
#define tvMonoMode 1
#define tvSAPMode 2
#define tvStereoMode 3
#define tvUnknownSoundType (-1)
#define tvAnalogSoundType 0
#define tvDigitalSoundType 1
#define tvSoundSlowSpeed 0
#define tvSoundFastSpeed 1
typedef ComponentInstance TVTunerComponent;
pascal ComponentResult TVGetFrequency(TVTunerComponent ci, long *frequency)
FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x04, kSelectTVGetFrequency, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
pascal ComponentResult TVSetFrequency(TVTunerComponent ci, long frequency)
FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x04, kSelectTVSetFrequency, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
pascal ComponentResult TVGetCurrentFlags(TVTunerComponent ci, long
*standardsFlags,long *currentFlags)
FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x08, kSelectTVGetCurrentFlags, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
pascal ComponentResult TVSetSoundMode(TVTunerComponent ci, short soundMode)
FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x02, kSelectTVSetSoundMode, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
pascal ComponentResult TVGetSoundMode(TVTunerComponent ci, short *soundMode)
FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x04, kSelectTVGetSoundMode, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
pascal ComponentResult TVGetAvailableSoundMode(TVTunerComponent ci short *soundMode)
FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x04, kSelectTVGetAvailSoundMode, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
pascal ComponentResult TVGetAvailableSoundType(TVTunerComponent ci, short *type)
FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x04, kSelectTVGetAvailSoundType, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
pascal ComponentResult TVSetSoundSearchSpeed(TVTunerComponent ci, short speed)
FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x02, kSelectTVSetSoundSearchSpeed, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
pascal ComponentResult TVGetSoundSearchSpeed(TVTunerComponent ci, short *speed)
FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x04, kSelectTVGetSoundSearchSpeed, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
pascal ComponentResult TVSetStandard(TVTunerComponent ci, unsigned long standard)
FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x04, kSelectTVSetStandard, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
pascal ComponentResult TVGetStandard(TVTunerComponent ci, unsigned long *standard)
FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x04, kSelectTVGetStandard, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
pascal ComponentResult TVGetDefaultStandard(TVTunerComponent ci, unsigned long *standard)
FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x04, kSelectTVGetDefaultStandard, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
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Appendix - TV Channel Frequencies (Mhz)
Tuner Version: US
TV System: M/N
US Off Air Channels
Channel Frequency Display
2 55.25 2
3 61.25 3
4 67.25 4
5 77.25 5
6 83.25 6
7 175.25 7
8 181.25 8
9 187.25 9
10 193.25 10
11 199.25 11
12 205.25 12
13 211.25 13
14 471.25 14
15 477.25 15
16 483.25 16
17 489.25 17
18 495.25 18
19 501.25 19
20 507.25 20
21 513.25 21
22 519.25 22
23 525.25 23
24 531.25 24
25 537.25 25
26 543.25 26
27 549.25 27
28 555.25 28
29 561.25 29
30 567.25 30
31 573.25 31
32 579.25 32
33 585.25 33
34 591.25 34
35 597.25 35
36 603.25 36
37 609.25 37
38 615.25 38
39 621.25 39
40 627.25 40
41 633.25 41
42 639.25 42
43 645.25 43
44 651.25 44
45 657.25 45
46 663.25 46
47 669.25 47
48 675.25 48
49 681.25 49
50 687.25 50
51 693.25 51
52 699.25 52
53 705.25 53
54 711.25 54
55 717.25 55
56 723.25 56
57 729.25 57
58 735.25 58
59 741.25 59
60 747.25 60
61 753.25 61
62 759.25 62
63 765.25 63
64 771.25 64
65 777.25 65
66 783.25 66
67 789.25 67
68 795.25 68
69 801.25 69
US Cable Channels
Channel Frequency Display
4A 73.25 1
2 55.25 2
3 61.25 3
4 67.25 4
5 77.25 5
6 83.25 6
7 175.25 7
8 181.25 8
9 187.25 9
10 193.25 10
11 199.25 11
12 205.25 12
13 211.25 13
A 121.25 14
B 127.25 15
C 133.25 16
D 139.25 17
E 145.25 18
F 151.25 19
G 157.25 20
H 163.25 21
I 169.25 22
J 217.25 23
K 223.25 24
L 229.25 25
M 235.25 26
N 241.25 27
O 247.25 28
P 253.25 29
Q 259.25 30
R 265.25 31
S 271.25 32
T 277.25 33
U 293.25 34
V 289.25 35
W 295.25 36
W+1 301.25 37
W+2 307.25 38
W+3 313.25 39
W+4 319.25 40
W+5 325.25 41
W+6 331.25 42
W+7 337.25 43
W+8 343.25 44
W+9 349.25 45
W+10 355.25 46
W+11 361.25 47
W+12 367.25 48
W+13 373.25 49
W+14 379.25 50
W+15 385.25 51
W+16 391.25 52
W+17 397.25 53
W+18 403.25 54
W+19 409.25 55
W+20 415.25 56
W+21 421.25 57
W+22 427.25 58
W+23 433.25 59
W+24 439.25 60
W+25 445.25 61
W+26 451.25 62
W+27 457.25 63
W+28 463.25 64
65 469.25 65
66 475.25 66
67 481.25 67
68 487.25 68
69 493.25 69
70 499.25 70
71 505.25 71
72 511.25 72
73 517.25 73
74 523.25 74
75 529.25 75
76 535.25 76
77 541.25 77
78 547.25 78
79 553.25 79
80 559.25 80
81 565.25 81
82 571.25 82
83 577.25 83
84 583.25 84
85 589.25 85
86 595.25 86
87 601.25 87
88 607.25 88
89 613.25 89
90 619.25 90
91 625.25 91
92 631.25 92
93 637.25 93
94 643.25 94
A-5 91.25 95
A-4 97.25 96
A-3 103.25 97
A-2 109.25 98
A-1 115.25 99
100 649.25 100
101 655.25 101
102 661.25 102
103 667.25 103
104 673.25 104
105 679.25 105
106 685.25 106
107 691.25 107
108 697.25 108
109 703.25 109
110 709.25 110
111 715.25 111
112 721.25 112
113 727.25 113
114 733.25 114
115 739.25 115
116 745.25 116
117 751.25 117
118 757.25 118
119 763.25 119
120 769.25 120
121 775.25 121
122 781.25 122
123 787.25 123
124 793.25 124
125 799.25 125
Tuner Version: Japan
TV System: M/N
Japan Off Air Channels
Channel Frequency Display
1 91.25 1
2 97.25 2
3 103.25 3
4 171.25 4
5 177.25 5
6 183.25 6
7 189.25 7
8 193.25 8
9 199.25 9
10 205.25 10
11 211.25 11
12 217.25 12
13 471.25 13
14 477.25 14
15 483.25 15
16 489.25 16
17 495.25 17
18 501.25 18
19 507.25 19
20 513.25 20
21 519.25 21
22 525.25 22
23 531.25 23
24 537.25 24
25 543.25 25
26 549.25 26
27 555.25 27
28 561.25 28
29 567.25 29
30 573.25 30
31 579.25 31
32 585.25 32
33 591.25 33
34 597.25 34
35 603.25 35
36 609.25 36
37 615.25 37
38 621.25 38
39 627.25 39
40 633.25 40
41 639.25 41
42 645.25 42
43 651.25 43
44 657.25 44
45 663.25 45
46 669.25 46
47 675.25 47
48 681.25 48
49 687.25 49
50 693.25 50
51 699.25 51
52 705.25 52
53 711.25 53
54 717.25 54
55 723.25 55
56 729.25 56
57 735.25 57
58 741.25 58
59 747.25 59
60 753.25 60
61 759.25 61
62 765.25 62
Japan Cable Channels
Channel Freq Display
1 91.25 1
2 97.25 2
3 103.25 3
4 171.25 4
5 177.25 5
6 183.25 6
7 189.25 7
8 193.25 8
9 199.25 9
10 205.25 10
11 211.25 11
12 217.25 12
C13 109.25 13
C14 115.25 14
C15 121.25 15
C16 127.25 16
C17 133.25 17
C18 139.25 18
C19 145.25 19
C20 151.25 20
C21 157.25 21
C22 165.25 22
C23 223.25 23
C24 229.25 24
C25 235.25 25
C26 241.25 26
C27 247.25 27
C28 253.25 28
C29 259.25 29
C30 265.25 30
C31 271.25 31
C32 277.25 32
C33 293.25 33
C34 289.25 34
C35 295.25 35
C36 301.25 36
C37 307.25 37
C38 313.25 38
C39 319.25 39
C40 325.25 40
C41 331.25 41
C42 337.25 42
C43 343.25 43
C44 349.25 44
C45 355.25 45
C46 361.25 46
C47 367.25 47
C48 373.25 48
C49 379.25 49
C50 385.25 50
C51 391.25 51
C52 397.25 52
C53 403.25 53
C54 409.25 54
C55 415.25 55
C56 421.25 56
C57 427.25 57
C58 433.25 58
C59 439.25 59
C60 445.25 60
C61 451.25 61
C62 457.25 62
C63 463.25 63
Tuner Version: International
TV System: B/G
- Germany
- Austria
- Australia
- Netherlands
- Italy
- Switzerland
- Malaysia
- Norway
- Denmark
- Belgium
- Spain
- New Zealand
- Singapore
- Middle East
- Sweden
- Finland
- Indonesia
B/G Off Air Channels
Channel Freq Display
E2 48.25 C02
E3 55.25 C03
E4 62.25 C04
E5 175.25 C05
E6 182.25 C06
E7 189.25 C07
E8 196.25 C08
E9 203.25 C09
E10 210.25 C10
E11 217.25 C11
E12 224.25 C12
IA 53.75 C13
IB 62.25 C14
IC 82.25 C15
ID 175.25 C16
IE 183.25 C17
IF 192.75 C18
IG 201.25 C19
IH 210.25 C20
21 471.25 C21
22 479.25 C22
23 487.25 C23
24 495.25 C24
25 503.25 C25
26 511.25 C26
27 519.25 C27
28 527.25 C28
29 535.25 C29
30 543.25 C30
31 551.25 C31
32 559.25 C32
33 567.25 C33
34 575.25 C34
35 583.25 C35
36 591.25 C36
37 599.25 C37
38 607.25 C38
39 615.25 C39
40 623.25 C40
41 631.25 C41
42 639.25 C42
43 647.25 C43
44 655.25 C44
45 663.25 C45
46 671.25 C46
47 679.25 C47
48 687.25 C48
49 695.25 C49
50 703.25 C50
51 711.25 C51
52 719.25 C52
53 727.25 C53
54 735.25 C54
55 743.25 C55
56 751.25 C56
57 759.25 C57
58 767.25 C58
59 775.25 C59
60 783.25 C60
61 791.25 C61
62 799.25 C62
63 807.25 C63
64 815.25 C64
65 823.25 C65
66 831.25 C66
67 839.25 C67
68 847.25 C68
69 855.25 C69
E2A 49.75 C70
AS1 57.25 C71
AS2 64.25 C72
AS3 86.25 C73
AS4 95.25 C74
AS5 102.25 C75
AS5A 138.25 C76
AS10 209.25 C77
AS11 216.25 C78
IH1 217.25 C79
IND2 55.25 C80
IND3 62.25 C81
IND4 175.25 C82
IND5 182.25 C83
IND6 189.25 C84
IND7 196.25 C85
IND8 203.25 C86
IND9 210.25 C87
IND10 217.25 C88
IND11 224.25 C89
B/G Cable Channels
Channel Freq Display
E2 48.25 E2
E3 55.25 E3
E4 62.25 E4
S01 69.25 S01
S02 76.25 S02
S03 83.25 S03
S1 105.25 S1
S2 112.25 S2
S3 119.25 S3
S4 126.25 S4
S5 133.25 S5
S6 140.25 S6
S7 147.25 S7
S8 154.25 S8
S9 161.25 S9
S10 168.25 S10
E5 175.25 E5
E6 182.25 E6
E7 189.25 E7
E8 196.25 E8
E9 203.25 E9
E10 210.25 E10
E11 217.25 E11
E12 224.25 E12
S11 231.25 S11
S12 238.25 S12
S13 245.25 S13
S14 252.25 S14
S15 259.25 S15
S16 266.25 S16
S17 273.25 S17
S18 280.25 S18
S19 287.25 S19
S20 294.25 S20
S21 303.25 S21
S22 311.25 S22
S23 319.25 S23
S24 327.25 S24
S25 335.25 S25
S26 343.25 S26
S27 351.25 S27
S28 359.25 S28
S29 367.25 S29
S30 375.25 S30
S31 383.25 S31
S32 391.25 S32
S33 399.25 S33
S34 407.25 S34
S35 415.25 S35
S36 423.25 S36
S37 431.25 S37
S38 439.25 S38
S39 447.25 S39
S40 455.25 S40
S41 463.25 S41
Tuner Version: UK
TV System: I
- United Kingdom
- Ireland
- Hong Kong
I Off Air Channels
Channel Freq Display
A 45.75 C01
B 53.75 C02
C 61.75 C03
D 175.25 C04
E 183.25 C05
F 191.25 C06
G 199.25 C07
H 207.25 C08
J 215.25 C09
C10 223.25 C10
C11 231.25 C11
C13 247.25 C13
B21 471.25 C21
B22 479.25 C22
B23 487.25 C23
B24 495.25 C24
B25 503.25 C25
B26 511.25 C26
B27 519.25 C27
B28 527.25 C28
B29 535.25 C29
B30 543.25 C30
B31 551.25 C31
B32 559.25 C32
B33 567.25 C33
B34 575.25 C34
B35 583.25 C35
B36 591.25 C36
B37 599.25 C37
B38 607.25 C38
B39 615.25 C39
B40 623.25 C40
B41 631.25 C41
B42 639.25 C42
B43 647.25 C43
B44 655.25 C44
B45 663.25 C45
B46 671.25 C46
B47 679.25 C47
B48 687.25 C48
B49 695.25 C49
B50 703.25 C50
B51 711.25 C51
B52 719.25 C52
B53 727.25 C53
B54 735.25 C54
B55 743.25 C55
B56 751.25 C56
B57 759.25 C57
B58 767.25 C58
B59 775.25 C59
B60 783.25 C60
B61 791.25 C61
B62 799.25 C62
B63 807.25 C63
B64 815.25 C64
B65 823.25 C65
B66 831.25 C66
B67 839.25 C67
B68 847.25 C68
B69 855.25 C69
B1 45.00 C70
B2 51.75 C71
B3 56.75 C72
B4 61.75 C73
B5 66.75 C74
B6 179.75 C75
B7 184.75 C76
B8 189.75 C77
B9 194.75 C78
B10 199.75 C79
B11 204.75 C80
B12 209.75 C81
B13 214.75 C82
B14 219.75 C83
I Cable Channels
Channel Freq Display
A1 47.25 A1
A2 55.25 A2
A3 63.25 A3
A4 71.25 A4
A5 79.25 A5
A6 87.25 A6
A7 95.25 A7
A8 103.25 A8
A9 111.25 A9
A10 119.25 A10
A11 127.25 A11
A12 135.25 A12
A13 143.25 A13
A14 151.25 A14
A15 159.25 A15
A16 167.25 A16
A17 175.25 A17
A18 183.25 A18
A19 191.25 A19
A20 199.25 A20
A21 207.25 A21
A22 215.25 A22
A23 223.25 A23
A24 231.25 A24
A25 239.25 A25
A26 247.25 A26
A27 255.25 A27
A28 263.25 A28
A29 271.25 A29
A30 279.25 A30
A31 287.25 A31
A32 295.25 A32
E2 48.25 E2
E3 55.25 E3
E4 62.25 E4
S01 69.25 S01
S02 76.25 S02
S03 83.25 S03
S1 105.25 S1
S2 112.25 S2
S3 119.25 S3
S4 126.25 S4
S5 133.25 S5
S6 140.25 S6
S7 147.25 S7
S8 154.25 S8
S9 161.25 S9
S10 168.25 S10
E5 175.25 E5
E6 182.25 E6
E7 189.25 E7
E8 196.25 E8
E9 203.25 E9
E10 210.25 E10
E11 217.25 E11
E12 224.25 E12
S11 231.25 S11
S12 238.25 S12
S13 245.25 S13
S14 252.25 S14
S15 259.25 S15
S16 266.25 S16
S17 273.25 S17
S18 280.25 S18
S19 287.25 S19
S20 294.25 S20
S21 303.25 S21
S22 311.25 S22
S23 319.25 S23
S24 327.25 S24
S25 335.25 S25
S26 343.25 S26
S27 351.25 S27
S28 359.25 S28
S29 367.25 S29
S30 375.25 S30
S31 383.25 S31
S32 391.25 S32
S33 399.25 S33
S34 407.25 S34
S35 415.25 S35
S36 423.25 S36
S37 431.25 S37
S38 439.25 S38
S39 447.25 S39
S40 455.25 S40
S41 463.25 S41
Tuner Version: French
TV System: B/G, L
L Off Air Channels
Channel Freq Display
FA 47.75 C1
L2 49.25 C2
L3 54.00 C3
FB 55.75 C4
L4 57.25 C5
FC1 60.50 C6
FC 63.75 C7
F1 176.00 C8
F2 184.00 C9
F3 192.00 C10
F4 200.00 C11
F5 208.00 C12
F6 216.00 C13
B21 471.25 C21
B22 479.25 C22
B23 487.25 C23
B24 495.25 C24
B25 503.25 C25
B26 511.25 C26
B27 519.25 C27
B28 527.25 C28
B29 535.25 C29
B30 543.25 C30
B31 551.25 C31
B32 559.25 C32
B33 567.25 C33
B34 575.25 C34
B35 583.25 C35
B36 591.25 C36
B37 599.25 C37
B38 607.25 C38
B39 615.25 C39
B40 623.25 C40
B41 631.25 C41
B42 639.25 C42
B43 647.25 C43
B44 655.25 C44
B45 663.25 C45
B46 671.25 C46
B47 679.25 C47
B48 687.25 C48
B49 695.25 C49
B50 703.25 C50
B51 711.25 C51
B52 719.25 C52
B53 727.25 C53
B54 735.25 C54
B55 743.25 C55
B56 751.25 C56
B57 759.25 C57
B58 767.25 C58
B59 775.25 C59
B60 783.25 C60
B61 791.25 C61
B62 799.25 C62
B63 807.25 C63
B64 815.25 C64
B65 823.25 C65
B66 831.25 C66
B67 839.25 C67
B68 847.25 C68
B69 855.25 C69
L Cable Channels (same as B/G Cable)
Channel Freq Display
E2 48.25 E2
E3 55.25 E3
E4 62.25 E4
S01 69.25 S01
S02 76.25 S02
S03 83.25 S03
S1 105.25 S1
S2 112.25 S2
S3 119.25 S3
S4 126.25 S4
S5 133.25 S5
S6 140.25 S6
S7 147.25 S7
S8 154.25 S8
S9 161.25 S9
S10 168.25 S10
E5 175.25 E5
E6 182.25 E6
E7 189.25 E7
E8 196.25 E8
E9 203.25 E9
E10 210.25 E10
E11 217.25 E11
E12 224.25 E12
S11 231.25 S11
S12 238.25 S12
S13 245.25 S13
S14 252.25 S14
S15 259.25 S15
S16 266.25 S16
S17 273.25 S17
S18 280.25 S18
S19 287.25 S19
S20 294.25 S20
S21 303.25 S21
S22 311.25 S22
S23 319.25 S23
S24 327.25 S24
S25 335.25 S25
S26 343.25 S26
S27 351.25 S27
S28 359.25 S28
S29 367.25 S29
S30 375.25 S30
S31 383.25 S31
S32 391.25 S32
S33 399.25 S33
S34 407.25 S34
S35 415.25 S35
S36 423.25 S36
S37 431.25 S37
S38 439.25 S38
S39 447.25 S39
S40 455.25 S40
S41 463.25 S41
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