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Document Revision History

This table describes the changes to AppleScript Studio Terminology Reference.

2007-10-31Added information on the new version number for Mac OS X version 10.5.

In “Introduction to AppleScript Studio Terminology Reference,” noted that no new terminology was added in AppleScript Studio version 1.5.


Updated version information in Table 1-1 and provided a link to Interface Builder User Guide for information on new nib formats in Interface Builder 3.0.


For the outline view class, noted that through Mac OS X version 10.5, an outline view object does not respond to events from the Data View suite (such as column resized or selection changed) , even if you connect handlers for these events in Interface Builder.


For the menu item class, now correctly shows access for the separator item property to be read only.


In a sample script shown for the menu class, noted that prior to AppleScript Studio version 1.5, the set script statement resulted in a memory leak.

2006-09-05Noted that the change cell value handler is not called before Mac OS X version 10.4 and removed reference to the unsupported updated handler.
2006-04-04 Corrected sample scripts and added information and links for some terms.

In Examples section for will finish launching event handler, added considering numeric strings block to script sample that checks AppleScript Studio version.


In discussion for tab view class, added note that user interface items can only be accessed from the current tab view item. Also added information on dealing with tab view items when they are switched in and out.


In the Examples section for the display dialog command, modified the text of the on clicked handler so that it doesn’t contain extraneous line breaks, which will cause the handler to fail to compile if pasted into a sample application.


In the Examples section for the popup button class, listed sample applications that show how to work with popup buttons in your Studio scripts.


In the Examples section for the choose menu item event handler, noted that the Task List sample application shows how to use this handler.

2005-04-29 Made minor corrections.

Added information about displaying AppleScript Studio dictionaries, and about changes in dictionary formats between AppleScript Studio version 1.3 and 1.4, to the section “Terminology Supplied by AppleScript Studio .”

 Added descriptions and examples for new and revised terminology in Mac OS X v10.4.

The “Application Suite” now includes the toolbar and toolbar item classes and the clicked toolbar item and update toolbar item event handlers.


The following enumerations have been added: Coordinate System, Toolbar Display Mode and Toolbar Size Mode.


The application class now has a coordinate system property, described with that property and in the main discussion for the class.


The window class now includes a toolbar property and responds to the clicked toolbar item and update toolbar item event handlers.


The “Container View Suite” now includes the event handlers parameters updated and update parameters (used with Automator actions).


In the “Control View Suite,” the cell class and the control class now contain action method and target properties.


The “Data View Suite” now includes the event handlers accept outline drop, accept table drop, cell value changed, item value changed, items changed, prepare outline drag, prepare outline drop, prepare table drag, prepare table drop, and rows changed.


The outline view and table view classes respond to the corresponding versions of these handlers.


In the “Data View Suite,” the data row class now contains content and contents properties.


In the “Data View Suite,” the data source class now contains allows reordering, content, contents, returns records, and sorted data rows properties.


In the “Data View Suite,” the table view class now contains allows reordering, content, contents, dragged items, and user sort indicators properties.


In the “Menu Suite,” the menu item class now contains “action method” and “target” properties.


Added AppleScript Studio version 1.4 information to “Version Information.”


Made minor updates to the descriptions in “Scripting Error Messages.”


Notes of this date are consolidated with revision notes from August 21, 2003 to reflect the final shipping version of AppleScript Studio version 1.3.


Changed illustrations and text to reflect current user interface for Xcode and Interface Builder, as well as Mac OS X version 10.3.


The HTML version of this document now includes a terminology index.


For the append command: Noted that the command now accepts a simple list of items, and provided an example in the Examples section.


For the color-panel class: Added an example for setting the color property of the class.


For the document class: Added descriptions of two new properties, file kind (added for backward compatibility, and not to be used in your scripts) and path. In the Version Notes section, added a description of why file kind was added (as part of fixing an implementation error with the file type property).


For the item class: Noted the addition of the script property, which allows you to assign scripts to objects based on the many classes that inherit from item. Added an example that uses the script property to add a script to a menu item to the Examples section for the menu class.


For the menu and menu item classes: Noted that starting in AppleScript Studio version 1.3, you can create menus and menu items using make new, and you can assign a script to the items you create. Provided an example in Examples section for menu class.


For the outline view class: Added descriptions for the four new properties in the class: clicked data item, edited data item, selected data item, and selected data items.


For the pasteboard class: Added notes about preferred type and pasteboard usage to the Version Notes section.


For the “Plugin Suite”: Added documentation for this new suite, which allows you to build plug-ins for the Xcode application.


For the text view and text classes:Modified the descriptions to reflect the change that the text class has now been collapsed into the text view class. Properties you could previously access through the text class can now be accessed through the text view class.


Verified the long test script in the Examples section of the text view class.


For the user-defaults class: Modified the sample statement in step 2 in the Examples section.


For the window class: Noted that starting in AppleScript Studio version 1.3, you can access many of the properties that are defined for the window class in Cocoa’s Standard suite, such as titled. Noted that the first responder property of the class now returns a useful object, typically the current field editor.


For all classes with content and contents properties, added text to the property descriptions to refer the reader to the Version Notes section (which describes changes to those properties).


Updated for AppleScript Studio terminology added in version 1.2.1. This includes:


the path property of the bundle class;


the auto display, maximum size, minimum size, and needs display properties of the window class;


Noted in the default entry class that as of AppleScript Studio version 1.2.1, it is safe to delete entries from the user defaults system.


Updated for AppleScript Studio version 1.2 terminology.


Completed descriptions for all AppleScript Studio 1.2 terminology and added many examples.


Updated Version Information to flag differences between AppleScript Studio versions.


Added the Document suite.


Added the Drag and Drop suite.


Moved suites into separate chapters.


Divided front matter into “Introduction to AppleScript Studio Terminology Reference” and “Terminology Fundamentals” chapters.


Added following sections to “Terminology Fundamentals” chapter: “Building AppleScript Studio Applications ” “Naming Conventions for Methods and Handlers ” “Accessing Properties and Elements” “Event Handler Parameters” “Connecting Key and Mouse Event Handlers ” “Scripting Error Messages” “Using the Sample Scripts” “Panels Versus Dialogs and Windows” “A Word on Unicode Text”


Added Index (PDF only).


Preliminary version to ship with Mac OS X version 10.2. Documents only AppleScript Studio version 1.1 terminology.


Many descriptions added.


Added following sections to front matter: “See Also” “Version Information”


First release of preliminary draft.

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© 2007 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2007-10-31)

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