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Important: The Display Manager is deprecated in Mac OS X version 10.4 and later. The replacement is Quartz Display Services, a modern Mac OS X API that provides similar functionality. For more information, see Quartz Display Services Reference.

Deprecated Display Manager Reference (Not Recommended) Functions

A function identified as deprecated has been superseded and may become unsupported in the future.

Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

void DisposeDMComponentListIteratorUPP (
   DMComponentListIteratorUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

void DisposeDMDisplayListIteratorUPP (
   DMDisplayListIteratorUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

void DisposeDMDisplayModeListIteratorUPP (
   DMDisplayModeListIteratorUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

void DisposeDMExtendedNotificationUPP (
   DMExtendedNotificationUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

void DisposeDMNotificationUPP (
   DMNotificationUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

void DisposeDMProfileListIteratorUPP (
   DMProfileListIteratorUPP userUPP

Declared In


Adds the GDevice structure for a video device to the device list. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMAddDisplay (
   GDHandle newDevice,
   short driver,
   UInt32 mode,
   UInt32 reserved,
   UInt32 displayID,
   Component displayComponent,
   Handle displayState


A handle to the GDevice structure for the video device you want to add to the device list. The function DMNewDisplay usually initializes this structure.


The reference number of the graphics device which you are adding to the device list. For most video devices, this information is set at system startup. The function DMAddDisplay passes the number supplied in this parameter to the InitGDevice function in its gdRefNum parameter.


The depth mode. Used by the video device driver, this value sets the pixel depth and specifies color. The function DMAddDisplay passes the value supplied here to the function InitGDevice in its mode parameter.


Reserved for future expansion. Pass NULL in this parameter.


A unique identification for the display. For new displays, supply this parameter with the value 0, which causes the Display Manager to generate a unique display ID for this device. If this display was removed, then pass the display ID number of the current display in this parameter.


Reserved for future expansion. Pass NULL in this parameter.


If your application called DMNewDisplay, you must pass the displayState handle obtained. Otherwise pass NULL in this parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”


The DMAddDisplay function adds the display specified by the newDevice parameter as inactive. However, if the specified display is the only display, the Display Manager automatically makes it active. Otherwise, you must call the function DMEnableDisplay to make the specified display active.

The function DMNewDisplay automatically calls DMAddDisplay and DMEnableDisplay. The only time you ned to call DMAddDisplay directly is after the device has been removed by DMRemoveDisplay but not yet disposed of by DMDisposeDisplay.

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Generally, your application should not use this function, but should instead allow system software to maintain the device list. This function is described here for completeness only.

Declared In


Allows your application to configure displays. You should generally never need to use this function. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMBeginConfigureDisplays (
   Handle *displayState


On return, a pointer to a handle to internal Display Manager information about the current display state. The DMEndConfigureDisplays function and many other functions require this parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”


The DMBeginConfigureDisplays function tells the Display Manager to postpone Display Manager configuration checking, the rebuilding of desktop regions, and Apple event notification of Display Manager changes until your application uses the DMEndConfigureDisplays function.

You should call the function DMBeginConfigureDisplays before calling other Display Manager functions that configure the user’s display. When calling functions that configure displays, you should pass the handle obtained by the DMBeginConfigureDisplays function. DMBeginConfigureDisplays causes system software to wait for your application to complete display changes before managing additional Display Manager events. When your application completes configuring the display environment, call the function DMEndConfigureDisplays.

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Applications generally never need to use this function. In case you find a compelling need to change the user’s display configuration, this function is described here for completeness. Note that if your application uses Display Manager functions to change the display configuration of the user’s video devices, your application should make these changes only with the consent of the user. If your application must have a specific pixel depth, for example, it should display a dialog box that offers the user a choice between changing to that depth or canceling display of the image.

Declared In


Disables video mirroring. You should generally never need to use this function. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMBlockMirroring (

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”


The function DMBlockMirroring disables video mirroring until the user restarts the computer or until an application calls the function DMUnblockMirroring.

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Applications generally never need to use this function. In case you find a compelling need to change the user’s display configuration, this function is described here for completeness. Note that if your application uses Display Manager functions to change the display configuration of the user’s video devices, your application should make these changes only with the consent of the user. If your application must have a specific pixel depth, for example, it should display a dialog box that offers the user a choice between changing to that depth or canceling display of the image.

Declared In


Determines whether video mirroring can be activated on the user’s computer system. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMCanMirrorNow (
   Boolean *canMirrorNow


A pointer to a Boolean value; true indicates that mirroring can be activated; false indicates it cannot.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”


In the value pointed to by the canMirrorNow parameter, the DMCanMirrorNow function reports whether video mirroring can be activated. When the canMirrorNow parameter points to a value of true, then the computer uses a version of QuickDraw that supports video mirroring, has exactly two displays attached, and does not have mirror blocking in effect.

You can use the DMQDIsMirroringCapable function to determine whether the computer uses a version of QuickDraw that supports video mirroring. You can use the DMBlockMirroring function and the DMUnblockMirroring function to block and unblock video mirroring. To determine whether the user’s computer system currently uses video mirroring, use the DMIsMirroringOn function.

Special Considerations

The DMCanMirrorNow function may move or purge memory blocks in the application heap. Your application should not call this function at interrupt time.

Version Notes

As of System Software version 7.5, only PowerBook computers support video mirroring.

Declared In


Determines if a video device supports a particular display mode and pixel depth. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMCheckDisplayMode (
   GDHandle theDevice,
   UInt32 mode,
   UInt32 depthMode,
   UInt32 *switchFlags,
   UInt32 reserved,
   Boolean *modeOk


A handle to the GDevice structure for the video device whose display mode and pixel depth you wish to check.


The display mode you wish to check. You get a list of display modes by calling DMGetDisplayMode.


The pixel depth you wish to check. See “Video Depth Mode Values” for list of possible values.


On return, a pointer to a long integer that indicates if a video device will support the mode specified by the mode parameter and the pixel depth specified by the depthMode parameter. See “Switch Flags” for a description.


Reserved for future expansion. Pass NULL in this parameter.


On return, a pointer to a Boolean. If modeOk points to a value of true, the user or your application can switch the display mode for the video device to the one specified by mode.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”


Usually, your application only needs to know if a video device supports a specific pixel depth. Thus your application can use the Color QuickDraw function HasDepth. The function DMCheckDisplayMode is essentially obsolete, and is here for completeness.

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMConfirmConfiguration (
   DMModalFilterUPP filterProc,
   UInt32 confirmFlags,
   UInt32 reserved,
   Handle displayState

Declared In


Makes a video device inactive by removing its display area from the desktop. You should generally never need to use this function. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMDisableDisplay (
   GDHandle disableDevice,
   Handle displayState


A handle to the GDevice structure for the video device whose display you wish to disable.


If your application called DMBeginConfigureDisplays, you must pass the displayState handle obtained. Otherwise pass NULL in this parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”


You are not allowed to disable the last remaining display. Doing so will simply re-enable it. If you want to remove the last remaining display, thereby enabling the GDevice structure not associated with any video device, call the function DMRemoveDisplay.

If you specify the device for the main screen in the disableDevice parameter, then DMDisableDisplay picks another device and makes it the new main screen.

If DMDisableDisplay results in setting a new main screen, the handle you pass in the disableDevice parameter does not point to the same GDevice structure after DMDisableDisplay completes; instead, it points to the GDevice structure for the new main screen. If you need to recover the GDevice structure for the device you disabled, determine its display ID by using the function DMGetDisplayIDByGDevice before calling DMDisableDisplay. Then use the function DMGetGDeviceByDisplayID to obtain its structure.

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Applications generally never need to use this function. In case you find a compelling need to change the user’s display configuration, this function is described here for completeness. Note that if your application uses Display Manager functions to change the display configuration of the user’s video devices, your application should make these changes only with the consent of the user. If your application must have a specific pixel depth, for example, it should display a dialog box that offers the user a choice between changing to that depth or canceling display of the image.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMDisposeAVComponent (
   Component theAVComponent

Declared In


Disposes of the GDevice structure for a video device. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMDisposeDisplay (
   GDHandle disposeDevice,
   Handle displayState


A handle to the GDevice structure for a video device you want to delete.


If your application called DMBeginConfigureDisplays, you must pass the displayState handle obtained. Otherwise pass NULL in this parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”


The DMDisposeDisplay function disposes of a GDevice structure, releases the space allocated for it, and disposes of all the data structures allocated for it. The Display Manager calls this function when appropriate.

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Generally, your application should not use this function, but should instead allow system software to maintain the device list. This function is described here for completeness only.

Declared In


Disposes of a display mode list built by DMNewDisplayModeList. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMDisposeList (
   DMListType panelList


A value that specifies the display mode list you want to delete.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”


You should call the DMDisposeList function after you have iterated the mode list.

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Generally, your application should not use this function, but should instead allow system software to maintain the device list. This function is described here for completeness only.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

void DMDrawDesktopRect (
   Rect *globalRect

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

void DMDrawDesktopRegion (
   RgnHandle globalRgn

Declared In


Reactivates a display made inactive with the function DMDisableDisplay. You should generally never need to use this function. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMEnableDisplay (
   GDHandle enableDevice,
   Handle displayState


A handle to the GDevice structure for the video device whose display you wish to make active.


If your application called DMBeginConfigureDisplays, you must pass the displayState handle obtained. Otherwise pass NULL in this parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”


The function DMEnableDisplay reactivates the specified video device by adding its display area to the desktop.

If you add a display with the function DMAddDisplay and there are no active displays, the Display Manager will enable the added display.

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Applications generally never need to use this function. In case you find a compelling need to change the user’s display configuration, this function is described here for completeness. Note that if your application uses Display Manager functions to change the display configuration of the user’s video devices, your application should make these changes only with the consent of the user. If your application must have a specific pixel depth, for example, it should display a dialog box that offers the user a choice between changing to that depth or canceling display of the image.

Declared In


Ends configuration begun by DMBeginConfigureDisplays. You should generally never need to use this function. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMEndConfigureDisplays (
   Handle displayState


Supply this parameter with the handle obtained by the DMBeginConfigureDisplays function.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”


The function DMEndConfigureDisplays resumes Display Manager configuration checking, the rebuilding of desktop regions, and Apple event notification of Display Manager changes, all of which are postponed when you use the function DMBeginConfigureDisplays. Your application will then receive a single Display Notice event notifying your application of Display Manager changes, and your application can manage its windows accordingly.

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Applications generally never need to use this function. In case you find a compelling need to change the user’s display configuration, this function is described here for completeness. Note that if your application uses Display Manager functions to change the display configuration of the user’s video devices, your application should make these changes only with the consent of the user. If your application must have a specific pixel depth, for example, it should display a dialog box that offers the user a choice between changing to that depth or canceling display of the image.

Declared In


Obtains the current power state of a display. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMGetAVPowerState (
   AVIDType theID,
   AVPowerStatePtr getPowerState,
   UInt32 reserved1


The ID number of the display device whose power state you want to obtain.


A pointer to a structure of type AVPowerStateRec. On return, this parameter points to a value specifying the current power state of display device.


Reserved for future expansion. Pass NULL in this parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMGetDeskRegion (
   RgnHandle *desktopRegion

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

   AVIDType portAVID,
   AVIDType *deviceAVID

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMGetDeviceComponentByAVID (
   AVIDType theDeviceID,
   Component *theDeviceComponent,
   ComponentDescription *theDesciption,
   ResType *theDeviceKind

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMGetDisplayComponent (
   GDHandle theDevice,
   Component *displayComponent

Declared In


Obtains the display ID number for a video device. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMGetDisplayIDByGDevice (
   GDHandle displayDevice,
   DisplayIDType *displayID,
   Boolean failToMain


A handle to the GDevice structure for the video device whose display ID you wish to obtain.


On return, a pointer to the display ID for the video device specified by the displayDevice parameter.


If true and the specified video device does not have a display ID, on return the function sets the displayID parameter to a pointer to the display ID of the video device for the main screen. If false and the specified video device does not have a display ID, the function returns the kDMDisplayNotFoundErr result code.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Declared In


Obtains the current display mode of a specified video display. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMGetDisplayMode (
   GDHandle theDevice,
   VDSwitchInfoPtr switchInfo


A handle to the GDevice structure for the video device whose display mode you wish to obtain.


On return, a pointer to an internal Display Manager structure containing display mode information.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMGetEnableByAVID (
   AVIDType theAVID,
   Boolean *isAVIDEnabledNow,
   Boolean *canChangeEnableNow

Declared In


Returns a handle for the first video device in the device list. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

GDHandle DMGetFirstScreenDevice (
   Boolean activeOnly


If true, the DMGetFirstScreenDevice function returns a handle to the first of all active video devices. If false, the function returns a handle to the first of all video devices, active or not. You may use the Active Device Constants in this parameter. See “Active Device Only Values.”

Return Value

If activeOnly is true, a handle to the GDevice structure for the first active video device. If activeOnly is false, a handle to the GDevice structure for the first video device. See the QuickDraw Manager documentation for a description of the GDHandle data type.


The DMGetFirstScreenDevice function is useful if you want to find out more about the current mode.

You can use the function DMGetNextScreenDevice to loop through all of the video devices in the device list.

The DMGetFirstScreenDevice function is similar to the QuickDraw function GetDeviceList, except that when returning GDevice structures, GetDeviceList does not distinguish between inactive and active video devices or between the GDevice structures for video devices and the GDevice structures associated with no video devices.

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Declared In


Obtains a handle for the video device with a specified display ID. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMGetGDeviceByDisplayID (
   DisplayIDType displayID,
   GDHandle *displayDevice,
   Boolean failToMain


The display ID for the video device whose handle you wish to obtain.


On return, a pointer to the handle to the GDevice structure for the video device specified by the displayID parameter.


If true and there is no video device associated with the displayID parameter, on return the function sets displayDevice to a pointer to the handle for the video device for the main screen. If false and there is no video device associated with the displayID parameter, the function returns the kDMDisplayNotFoundErr result code.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Obtains information about the graphic display of a display device. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMGetGraphicInfoByAVID (
   AVIDType theID,
   PicHandle *theAVPcit,
   Handle *theAVIconSuite,
   AVLocationRec *theAVLocation


The ID number of the display device whose information you want to obtain.


On return, a pointer to the handle for the picture structure you want to get.


On return, a pointer to a handle whose structure reports the icon suite for a display device.


On return, a pointer to the location structure for the device you want information about.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMGetIndexedComponentFromList (
   DMListType panelList,
   DMListIndexType itemIndex,
   UInt32 reserved,
   DMComponentListIteratorUPP listIterator,
   void *userData

Declared In


Obtains a display mode from the display mode list built by DMNewDisplayModeList. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMGetIndexedDisplayModeFromList (
   DMListType panelList,
   DMListIndexType itemIndex,
   UInt32 reserved,
   DMDisplayModeListIteratorUPP listIterator,
   void *userData


A value that specifies the list from which to obtain information about the display modes created by the function DMNewDisplayModeList.


A value that specifies the index of the display mode you wish to obtain.


Reserved for future expansion. Pass NULL in this parameter.


A universal procedure pointer. The iterator this pointer specifies supplies the function to be called with the information about the display mode specified by theListCount.


A pointer you pass for listIterator usually used to obtain information about the display mode from the UPP and return it to the caller of DMGetIndexedDisplayModeFromList.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Generally, your application should not use this function, but should instead allow system software to maintain the device list. This function is described here for completeness only.

Declared In


Obtains the name of a display device. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

   AVIDType theID,
   UInt32 nameFlags,
   Str255 name


The ID number of the display device whose name you want to obtain.


Reserved for future expansion. Pass NULL in this parameter.


On return, a string containing the name of the display device specified by the parameter theID.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”


An AVID is really a display ID as an AVID references a video display just like a display ID. Developers planned to use AVIDs for an extended set of devices, however, they never did this.

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Declared In


Obtains a handle for a video device that mirrors another specified video device. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMGetNextMirroredDevice (
   GDHandle gDevice,
   GDHandle *mirroredDevice


A handle to the GDevice structure for the video device that another video device mirrors.


On return, a pointer to the handle for the video device that displays a mirror image of the device specified in the gDevice parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Declared In


Returns a handle for the next video device in the device list. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

GDHandle DMGetNextScreenDevice (
   GDHandle theDevice,
   Boolean activeOnly


A handle to the GDevice structure at which you want the function to begin. You can supply the handle returned by the function DMGetFirstScreenDevice or DMGetNextScreenDevice.


If true, the DMGetNextScreenDevice function returns a handle for the next active video device. If false, DMGetNextScreenDevice returns a handle for the next video device, active or not. You may use the Active Device Constants in this parameter. See “Active Device Only Values.”

Return Value

If activeOnly is true, a handle to the next GDevice structure for an active video device. If activeOnly is false, a handle to the next GDevice structure for a video device. If there are no more GDevice structures in the list, DMGetNextScreenDevice returns NULL. See the QuickDraw Manager documentation for a description of the GDHandle data type.


The DMGetNextScreenDevice function is similar to the QuickDraw function GetNextDevice, except that when returning GDevice structures, GetNextDevice does not distinguish between inactive and active video devices or between the GDevice structures for video devices and the GDevice structures associated with no video devices.

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMGetPortComponentByAVID (
   DisplayIDType thePortID,
   Component *thePortComponent,
   ComponentDescription *theDesciption,
   ResType *thePortKind

Declared In


Determines if video mirroring is active. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMIsMirroringOn (
   Boolean *isMirroringOn


On return, a pointer to a Boolean value; true indicates that mirroring is on; false indicates it is not.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Declared In


Turns on video mirroring. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMMirrorDevices (
   GDHandle gD1,
   GDHandle gD2,
   Handle displayState


A handle to the GDevice structure for the video device whose pixel image you want duplicated on another device.


A handle to the GDevice structure for the video device on which you want to duplicate the pixel image specified in the gD1 parameter.


If your application called DMBeginConfigureDisplays, you must pass the displayState handle obtained. Otherwise pass NULL in this parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”


Your application should leave control of video mirroring to the user. However, if video mirroring is useful for your application (for example, if your application displays on-screen presentations), you might provide a control so that the user can switch to video mirroring directly from your application. In this case, DMMirrorDevices is useful to your application. Your control should also allow the user to turn video mirroring off; the function DMUnmirrorDevice supports this.

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Declared In


Moves the boundary rectangle for a video device. You should generally never need to use this function. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMMoveDisplay (
   GDHandle moveDevice,
   short x,
   short y,
   Handle displayState


A handle to the GDevice structure for the video device whose boundary rectangle you wish to move.


The horizontal coordinate on the QuickDraw global coordinate plane for the point to which you want to move the upper-left corner of the boundary rectangle.


The vertical coordinate on the QuickDraw global coordinate plane for the point to which you want to move the upper-left corner of the boundary rectangle.


If your application called DMBeginConfigureDisplays, you must pass the displayState handle obtained. Otherwise pass NULL in this parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”


The DMMoveDisplay function moves the boundary rectangle for the specified video device to the point ( x,y) in the QuickDraw global coordinate plane. If the video device controls the main screen, which always has the global coordinates ( 0,0), then all other video devices are offset by horizontal distance x and vertical distance y.

A boundary rectangle is the rectangle that links the local coordinate system of a graphics port to QuickDraw’s global coordinate system and defines the area of the pixel image or bit image into which QuickDraw can draw. The boundary rectangle is stored in either the pixel map or the bitmap contained in a GDevice structure.

The Display Manager will reposition overlapped or discontiguous boundary rects to create a non-overlapping contiguous desktop space.

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Applications generally never need to use this function. In case you find a compelling need to change the user’s display configuration, this function is described here for completeness. Note that if your application uses Display Manager functions to change the display configuration of the user’s video devices, your application should make these changes only with the consent of the user. If your application must have a specific pixel depth, for example, it should display a dialog box that offers the user a choice between changing to that depth or canceling display of the image.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMNewAVDeviceList (
   ResType deviceType,
   UInt32 deviceListFlags,
   UInt32 reserved,
   DMListIndexType *deviceCount,
   DMListType *deviceList

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMNewAVEngineList (
   DisplayIDType displayID,
   ResType engineType,
   DMFidelityType minimumFidelity,
   UInt32 engineListFlags,
   UInt32 reserved,
   DMListIndexType *engineCount,
   DMListType *engineList

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMNewAVIDByDeviceComponent (
   Component theDeviceComponent,
   ResType portKind,
   UInt32 reserved,
   DisplayIDType *newID

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMNewAVIDByPortComponent (
   Component thePortComponent,
   ResType portKind,
   UInt32 reserved,
   AVIDType *newID

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMNewAVPanelList (
   DisplayIDType displayID,
   ResType panelType,
   DMFidelityType minimumFidelity,
   UInt32 panelListFlags,
   UInt32 reserved,
   DMListIndexType *thePanelCount,
   DMListType *thePanelList

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMNewAVPortListByDeviceAVID (
   AVIDType theID,
   DMFidelityType minimumFidelity,
   UInt32 portListFlags,
   UInt32 reserved,
   DMListIndexType *devicePortCount,
   DMListType *theDevicePortList

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMNewAVPortListByPortType (
   ResType subType,
   UInt32 portListFlags,
   UInt32 reserved,
   DMListIndexType *devicePortCount,
   DMListType *theDevicePortList

Declared In


Adds a video device to the device list and makes the device active. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMNewDisplay (
   GDHandle *newDevice,
   short driverRefNum,
   UInt32 mode,
   UInt32 reserved,
   DisplayIDType displayID,
   Component displayComponent,
   Handle displayState


A pointer to a handle to a GDevice structure for the video device that you want to add to the device list.


The reference number of the video device which you are adding to the device list. This information is usually set at system startup. The function DMAddDisplay passes the value supplied here to the InitGDevice function in its gdRefNum parameter.


The depth mode. Used by the video device driver, this value sets the pixel depth and specifies color. The function DMAddDisplay passes the value supplied here to the function InitGDevice in its mode parameter.


Reserved for future expansion. Pass NULL in this parameter.


A unique identification for the display. For new displays, supply this parameter with the value 0, which causes the Display Manager to generate a unique display ID for this device. If this display was removed, then pass the display ID of the current display in this parameter.


Reserved for future expansion. Pass NULL in this parameter.


If your application called DMAddDisplay, you must pass the displayState handle obtained. Otherwise pass NULL in this parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Generally, your application should not use this function, but should instead allow system software to maintain the device list. This function is described here for completeness only.

Declared In


Builds a new display mode list for a specified video device. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMNewDisplayModeList (
   DisplayIDType displayID,
   UInt32 modeListFlags,
   UInt32 reserved,
   DMListIndexType *thePanelCount,
   DMListType *thePanelList


The display ID for the video device that will have a new display mode list.


Reserved for future expansion. Pass NULL in this parameter.


Reserved for future expansion. Pass NULL in this parameter.


The number of entries in the display mode list specified by the theList parameter.


The display mode list for the specified video device.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Generally, your application should not use this function, but should instead allow system software to maintain the device list. This function is described here for completeness only.

Declared In


Determines if QuickDraw supports video mirroring on the user’s system. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMQDIsMirroringCapable (
   Boolean *qdIsMirroringCapable


On return, a pointer to the value true if QuickDraw supports video mirroring; otherwise, a pointer to the value false.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Declared In


Registers a function that responds to a Display Notice event outside of an event loop. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMRegisterExtendedNotifyProc (
   DMExtendedNotificationUPP notifyProc,
   void *notifyUserData,
   unsigned short nofifyOnFlags,
   DMProcessInfoPtr whichPSN


A pointer to your function that handles a Display Notice event.


A pointer to caller-specific information which the Display Manager will return to your application when you request it.


Reserved for future expansion. You should pass kNilOptions in this parameter.


A pointer to the Process Serial Number associated with your Display Notice event-handling function. If this process terminates, the Display Notice event-handling function is automatically removed. For example, the Monitors control panel supplies the Finder’s process number when registering its Display Notice event-handling function.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”


When the Display Manager sends your function the Display Notice event, your application or utility should respond by moving or resizing its windows and updating any internally-maintained video device information as appropriate.

When you are finished with your notification function, remove it by calling DMRemoveExtendedNotifyProc.

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMRegisterNotifyProc (
   DMNotificationUPP notificationProc,
   DMProcessInfoPtr whichPSN

Declared In


Removes a video device from the device list. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMRemoveDisplay (
   GDHandle removeDevice,
   Handle displayState


A handle to the GDevice structure for the video device you want to remove from the device list. The function DMRemoveDisplay does not actually dispose of this structure, but instead removes it from the device list.


If your application called DMBeginConfigureDisplays, you must pass the displayState handle obtained. Otherwise pass NULL in this parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”


The function DMRemoveDisplay may call the function DMSetMainDisplay, which causes the removeDevice parameter to contain a handle to the GDevice structure for the new main screen, not the video device whose handle was passed to DMRemoveDisplay. To recover the GDevice structure for the disabled device, determine its display ID by using the function DMGetDisplayIDByGDevice before calling DMRemoveDisplay. Then use the function DMGetGDeviceByDisplayID to obtain the GDevice structure for the specified device.

You are not allowed to disable the last remaining display using the DMDisableDisplay function. Doing so will simply re-enable it. If you want to remove the last remaining display, thereby enabling the GDevice structure not associated with any video device, you must call DMRemoveDisplay.

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Generally, your application should not use this function, but should instead allow system software to maintain the device list. This function is described here for completeness only.

Declared In


Removes your Display Notice event-handling function registered by the DMRegisterExtendedNotifyProc function. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMRemoveExtendedNotifyProc (
   DMExtendedNotificationUPP notifyProc,
   void *notifyUserData,
   DMProcessInfoPtr whichPSN,
   unsigned short removeFlags


A pointer to your function you want to remove that handles a Display Notice event.


A pointer to caller-specific information which the Display Manager will return to your application when you request it.


A pointer to the Process Serial Number associated with your Display Notice event-handling function. If this process terminates, the Display Notice event-handling function is automatically removed. For example, the Monitors control panel supplies the Finder’s process number when registering its Display Notice event-handling function.


Reserved for future expansion. You should pass kNilOptions in this parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMRemoveNotifyProc (
   DMNotificationUPP notificationProc,
   DMProcessInfoPtr whichPSN

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMResolveDisplayComponents (

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Saves the user’s screen configuration preferences. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMSaveScreenPrefs (
   UInt32 reserved1,
   UInt32 saveFlags,
   UInt32 reserved2


Reserved for future expansion. Pass NULL in this parameter.


Reserved for future expansion. Pass NULL in this parameter.


Reserved for future expansion. Pass NULL in this parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”


Usually when you change screen properties such as pixel depth, the changes will only be temporary and will usually reset after restarting. However, the function DMSaveScreenPrefs makes the current screen properties permanent.

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Declared In


Notifies dependent displays of changes in depth mode or configuration. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMSendDependentNotification (
   ResType notifyType,
   ResType notifyClass,
   AVIDType displayID,
   ComponentInstance notifyComponent


The resource type that identifies the engine that made the change. Examples might be component engines that control brightness, contrast, or screen size. You may pass zero in this parameter. See DependentNotifyRec for more information.


The resource type that identifies the class of change the user or engine has made, such as color depth, pixel size, or screen size. See DependentNotifyRec for more information.


The ID number of the dependent display which you want to notify of Display Manager events. On return, the Display Manager sets the notifyPortID constant of the DependentNotifyRec structure. See DependentNotifyRec for more information.


A value that notifies the display component what engine, if any, caused a change in a dependent display. You may pass 0 in this parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”


The Display Manager uses the DMSendDependentNotification function to send notifications to registered Display Notice event-handling functions. This function uses all its parameters to supply values for the DependentNotifyRec structure which is sent out to registrants. Generally, your application does not need to use this function.

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Declared In


Sets the power state of a display device. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMSetAVPowerState (
   AVIDType theID,
   AVPowerStatePtr setPowerState,
   UInt32 powerFlags,
   Handle displayState


The ID number of the display device whose power state you want to change.


On return, this parameter points to a value that your application can use to set the power state of a display device.


A value that specifies the power state to which a display device can be set.


A handle to internal Display Manager information about the current display state.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMSetDisplayComponent (
   GDHandle theDevice,
   Component displayComponent

Declared In


Sets the display mode and pixel depth for a video device. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMSetDisplayMode (
   GDHandle theDevice,
   UInt32 mode,
   UInt32 *depthMode,
   long reserved,
   Handle displayState


A handle to the GDevice structure for the video device whose display mode and pixel depth you wish to set.


The number used by a video device to identify its display mode. If you supply the value 0 in this parameter, DMSetDisplayMode uses the current display mode. To specify another display mode, use the function DMNewDisplayModeList.


A pointer to the desired pixel depth for the video device specified by theDevice. If you pass a pointer to 0, DMSetDisplayMode attempts to keep the current depth. If you pass a pointer to 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32, DMSetDisplayMode attempts to set the device to use your specified pixel depth. If you supply a pointer to a value of 128 or greater, then DMSetDisplayMode sets the depth to the depth mode represented by the Video Depth Mode values. See “Video Depth Mode Values” for more information.

On return, this parameter contains a pointer to the new pixel depth. This value represents the depth mode closest to the one you requested when calling DMSetDisplayMode.


Reserved for future expansion. Pass NULL in this parameter.


If your application called DMBeginConfigureDisplays, you must pass the displayState handle obtained. Otherwise pass NULL in this parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMSetEnableByAVID (
   AVIDType theAVID,
   Boolean doEnable,
   Handle displayState

Declared In


Sets a display to be the main screen. You should generally never need to use this function. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMSetMainDisplay (
   GDHandle newMainDevice,
   Handle displayState


A handle to the GDevice structure for the video device whose display you wish to make the main screen.


If your application called DMBeginConfigureDisplays, you must pass the displayState handle obtained. Otherwise pass NULL in this parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”


After a call to the function DMSetMainDisplay, the handle specified by the parameter newMainDevice will point to the GDevice structure for the video device whose display, before calling DMSetMainDisplay, was the main screen. To obtain a handle to the main screen, you can use the Color QuickDraw function GetMainDevice.

DMSetMainDisplay moves the menu bar to the display for the video device specified by newMainDevice. QuickDraw maps the (0,0) origin point of the global coordinate system to the main screen’s upper-left corner, and other screens are positioned adjacent to it.

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Applications generally never need to use this function. In case you find a compelling need to change the user’s display configuration, this function is described here for completeness. Note that if your application uses Display Manager functions to change the display configuration of the user’s video devices, your application should make these changes only with the consent of the user. If your application must have a specific pixel depth, for example, it should display a dialog box that offers the user a choice between changing to that depth or canceling display of the image.

Declared In


Reenables video mirroring disabled by the function DMUnblockMirroring. You should generally never need to use this function. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMUnblockMirroring (

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Applications generally never need to use this function. In case you find a compelling need to change the user’s display configuration, this function is described here for completeness. Note that if your application uses Display Manager functions to change the display configuration of the user’s video devices, your application should make these changes only with the consent of the user. If your application must have a specific pixel depth, for example, it should display a dialog box that offers the user a choice between changing to that depth or canceling display of the image.

Declared In


Turns off video mirroring. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

OSErr DMUnmirrorDevice (
   GDHandle gDevice,
   Handle displayState


A handle to the GDevice structure for the video device on which you no longer wish to mirror the pixel image of another device.


If your application called DMBeginConfigureDisplays, you must pass the displayState handle obtained. Otherwise pass NULL in this parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Display Manager Result Codes.”


When the function DMUnmirrorDevice completes, the display controlled by the video device specified in the gDevice parameter no longer contains the mirror image of another display.

Your application should leave control of video mirroring to the user. However, if video mirroring is useful for your application (for example, if your application displays on-screen presentations), you might provide a control so that the user can switch to video mirroring directly from your application. In this case, the function DMMirrorDevices is useful for switching video mirroring on, and DMUnmirrorDevice function is useful for switching it off again.

Special Considerations

Because this function may move or purge memory blocks or access handles, you cannot call it at interrupt time.

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

void InvokeDMComponentListIteratorUPP (
   void *userData,
   DMListIndexType itemIndex,
   DMComponentListEntryPtr componentInfo,
   DMComponentListIteratorUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

void InvokeDMDisplayListIteratorUPP (
   void *userData,
   DMListIndexType itemIndex,
   DisplayListEntryPtr displaymodeInfo,
   DMDisplayListIteratorUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

void InvokeDMDisplayModeListIteratorUPP (
   void *userData,
   DMListIndexType itemIndex,
   DMDisplayModeListEntryPtr displaymodeInfo,
   DMDisplayModeListIteratorUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

void InvokeDMExtendedNotificationUPP (
   void *userData,
   short theMessage,
   void *notifyData,
   DMExtendedNotificationUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

void InvokeDMNotificationUPP (
   AppleEvent *theEvent,
   DMNotificationUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

void InvokeDMProfileListIteratorUPP (
   void *userData,
   DMListIndexType itemIndex,
   DMProfileListEntryPtr profileInfo,
   DMProfileListIteratorUPP userUPP

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

DMComponentListIteratorUPP NewDMComponentListIteratorUPP (
   DMComponentListIteratorProcPtr userRoutine

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

DMDisplayListIteratorUPP NewDMDisplayListIteratorUPP (
   DMDisplayListIteratorProcPtr userRoutine

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

DMDisplayModeListIteratorUPP NewDMDisplayModeListIteratorUPP (
   DMDisplayModeListIteratorProcPtr userRoutine

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

DMExtendedNotificationUPP NewDMExtendedNotificationUPP (
   DMExtendedNotificationProcPtr userRoutine

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

DMNotificationUPP NewDMNotificationUPP (
   DMNotificationProcPtr userRoutine

Declared In


(Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4. Use Quartz Display Services instead; see Quartz Display Services Reference.)

DMProfileListIteratorUPP NewDMProfileListIteratorUPP (
   DMProfileListIteratorProcPtr userRoutine

Declared In

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