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Document Revision History

This table describes the changes to Attributed Strings Programming Guide.

2007-06-04Added links to methods defined in AppKit Extension.
2006-11-07Moved table of standard attributes into separate article. Added statement that custom attributes are not written out with RTF data.
2006-07-24Augmented "Creating Attributed Strings in Cocoa" with code samples.
2006-01-10Clarified use of NSLinkAttributeName in sample code.
2005-08-11Added references to CFAttributedString; clarified the distinction between "effective" and "longest effective" ranges.
2005-04-29Updated for Mac OS X v10.4 and added references to CFAttributedString. Included description of restrictions on modifying attribute values. Added example of setting attributes. Changed title from "Attributed Strings."

Added section describing Apple’s RTF extensions to the article “RTF Files and Attributed Strings.”


Rewrote introduction and added an index.


Revision history was added to existing topic.

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© 1997, 2007 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2007-06-04)

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