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addFontTrait method 1 2
advancement of glyphs 1 2
advancementForGlyph: method 1
Aqua standard fonts 1 2
ascender method 1
ascent of fonts 1
availableFontNamesWithTraits: method 1
availableFonts method 1
base glyphs 1
boldSystemFontOfSize method (Java) 1
boldSystemFontOfSize: method 1 2 3
bounding rectangle of glyphs 1 2
boundingRectForFont method 1
boundingRectForGlyph: method 1 2 3 4
cap height of fonts 1
capHeight method 1
changeFont method 1
character encodings
  defined 1
  defined 1
control glyphs 1
convertFont method 1 2
convertFont:toFace: method 1
convertFont:toFamily: method 1
convertFont:toHaveTrait: method 1
convertFont:toNotHaveTrait: method 1
convertFont:toSize: method 1
convertFontToFace method 1
convertFontToFamily method 1 2
convertFontToHaveTrait method 1
convertFontToNotHaveTrait method 1 2
convertFontToSize method 1
convertWeight method 1
convertWeight:ofFont: method 1
defaultLineHeightForFont method 1 2
descender method 1
descent of fonts 1
diacritical marks 1
first responder
  font manager and 1
font manager
  creating 1
  font changes and 1 2
  recording fonts 1
  subclassing 1
Font menu 1 2 3
font metrics 1 2
font objects 1
Font panel
  changing fonts and 1
  relation to Font menu 1
  updating 1
fontNamed:HasTraits: method 1
  changing 1 2
  converting traits 1 2
  defined 1
  examining 1
  metrics of 1
  recording 1 2
  standard system 1 2
fontWithFamily:traits:weight:size: method 1
fontWithName:matrix: method 1
fontWithName:size: method 1
glyph layout
  overstruck 1
  sequential 1
  stacked 1
  control 1
  defined 1
  drawing of 1
  null 1
Interface Builder
  to set up font manager 1
italic angle of fonts 1
italicAngle method 1
labelFontOfSize method (Java) 1
labelFontOfSize: method 1
labelFontSize method 1
ligatures 1
line height of fonts 1
maximumAdvancement method 1
messageFontOfSize: method 1
  font 1 2
modifyFont method 1
modifyFontViaPanel method 1
nonspacing marks 1
NSFont class 1 2
NSFontManager class 1 2 3
NSLayoutManager class 1
NSTextStorage class 1
null glyphs 1
overstruck glyph layout 1
panelConvertFont method 1
pointSize method 1
positionOfGlyph:forCharacter:struckOverRect: method 1 2
positionOfGlyph:precededByGlyph:isNominal: method 1 2
positionOfGlyph:struckOverGlyph:metricsExist: method 1
positionOfGlyph:struckOverRect:metricsExist: method 1
positionOfGlyph:withRelation:toBaseGlyph: totalAdvancement:metricsExist: method 1
positionsForCompositeSequence:numberOfGlyphs: pointArray: method 1
PostScript operators
  drawing text using 1
removeFontTrait method 1
sequential glyph layout 1
setAccessoryView: method 1
setFontManagerFactory: method 1
setFontMenu method 1
setFontPanelFactory: method 1
setSelectedFont method 1
smallSystemFontSize method 1
smallSystemFontSize method (Java) 1
stacked glyph layout 1
system fonts 1 2
systemFontOfSize method (Java) 1
systemFontOfSize: method 1 2 3
systemFontSize method 1
systemFontSizeForControlSize method (Java) 1
systemFontSizeForControlSize: method 1 2
traitsOfFont: method 1
  as used in the Cocoa text system 1
useFont method 1
userFixedPitchFontOfSize method (Java) 1
userFixedPitchFontOfSize: method 1
userFontOfSize method (Java) 1
userFontOfSize: method 1 2
weightOfFont: method 1
x-height 1
xHeight method 1

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