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A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

A   C   D   E   F   G   I   L   M   N   P   R   S   U   V   W   

alloc method 1
  character set objects 1
ASCII character encoding
  converting string object contents 1
availableStringEncodings method 1
C strings
  Cocoa string objects and 1
  creating and converting 1
character encodings
  string manipulation and 1 2
character sets
  custom 1 2
  example code 1
  guidelines for use 1
  mutable and immutable 1
  saving to a file 1
  standard 1 2
characterAtIndex: method 1
characterSetWithContentsOfFile: method 1
compare: method 1
compare:options: method 1 2
compare:options:range: method 1
comparing strings 1+
comparison methods for strings 1
componentsSeparatedByString: method 1
cString method 1
cStringLength method 1
current directories
  resolving references to 1
dataUsingEncoding: method 1 2
defaultCStringEncoding method 1
description method 1
descriptionWithLocale: method 1
  manipulating strings as paths 1 2
encodings, character
  string manipulation and 1 2
EUC character encoding 1
file-system paths and strings 1
format strings 1
getCharacters:length: method 1
getCString: method 1
getCString:maxLength: method 1
getCString:maxLength:range:remainingRange: method 1
init method
  for mutable character sets 1
initWithData:encoding: method 1 2 3
initWithFormat: method 1
initWithFormat:locale: method 1
ISO Latin 1 character encoding 1
length method
  for string objects 1
letterCharacterSet method 1 2
  scanning strings and 1
  value formatting and 1
localizedScannerWithString: method 1 2
localizedStringWithFormat: method 1 2
lossyCString method 1
lowercaseLetterCharacterSet method 1
myString: method 1
NSCharacterSet class 1 2
NSLayoutManager class 1
NSMutableCharacterSet class 1 2
NSMutableString class 1 2
NSScanner class 1 2+
NSString class
  creating string objects from 1
  described 1
  methods for representing file-system paths 1
  scanners and 1
NSView class 1
parent directories
  resolving references to 1
paths and strings 1
primitive methods
  of NSString 1
printf function
  NSString and 1
rangeOfCharacterFromSet: method 1 2
rangeOfCharacterFromSet:options: method 1
rangeOfCharacterFromSet:options:range: method 1
rangeOfComposedCharacterSequenceAtIndex: method 1
rangeOfString: method 1
rangeOfString:options: method 1
rangeOfString:options:range: method 1
scan... methods 1
scanners 1 2
  instantiating 1
  operation of 1
  sample code 1
scannerWithString: method 1
scanUpToString:intoString: method 1
search methods
  for strings 1
setCaseSensitive: method 1
setCharactersToBeSkipped: method 1
setLocale: method 1
setScanLocation: method 1
Shift-JIS character encoding 1
standard character sets 1 2
string objects
  combining and extracting 1
  comparison methods 1
  creating and converting 1+
  described 1
  drawing 1
  searching and comparing 1+
stringByAppendingFormat: method 1 2 3
stringByAppendingString: method 1 2 3
stringWithCharacters:length: method 1
stringWithContentsOfFile: method 1 2
stringWithCString: method 1
stringWithFormat: method 1
stringWithUTF8String: method 1
substringFromIndex: method 1
substringToIndex: method 1
substringWithRange: method 1
  characters in string objects 1
  code points used to define character sets 1
  in string objects 1
  NSCharacterSet and 1
  standard character sets 1
  string comparison standard 1
UTF8 character encoding 1
UTF8String method 1 2
value formatting
  string conversion and 1
writeToFile:atomically: method 1

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