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A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   K   L   M   N   O   P   R   S   T   W   

acceptsFirstResponder instance method 1
action instance method 1
alignment instance method 1
allowsEditingTextAttributes instance method 1
allowsMixedState instance method 1
allowsUndo instance method 1
attributedStringValue instance method 1
Background Styles 1
backgroundStyle instance method 1
baseWritingDirection instance method 1
calcDrawInfo: instance method 1
Cell Attributes 1
Cell States 1
Cell Types 1
cellAttribute: instance method 1
cellSize instance method 1
cellSizeForBounds: instance method 1
compare: instance method 1
continueTracking:at:inView: instance method 1
Control Sizes 1
Control Tints 1
controlSize instance method 1
controlTint instance method 1
controlView instance method 1
Data Entry Types 1
defaultFocusRingType class method 1
defaultMenu class method 1
Deprecated Constants 1
doubleValue instance method 1
drawingRectForBounds: instance method 1
drawInteriorWithFrame:inView: instance method 1
drawWithExpansionFrame:inView: instance method 1
drawWithFrame:inView: instance method 1
editWithFrame:inView:editor:delegate:event: instance method 1
endEditing: instance method 1
entryType instance method 1
expansionFrameWithFrame:inView: instance method 1
floatValue instance method 1
focusRingType instance method 1
font instance method 1
formatter instance method 1
getPeriodicDelay:interval: instance method 1
hasValidObjectValue instance method 1
highlight:withFrame:inView: instance method 1
highlightColorWithFrame:inView: instance method 1
Hit Testing 1
hitTestForEvent:inRect:ofView: instance method 1
image instance method 1
Image Position 1
Image Scaling 1
imageRectForBounds: instance method 1
importsGraphics instance method 1
initImageCell: instance method 1
initTextCell: instance method 1
integerValue instance method 1
interiorBackgroundStyle instance method 1
intValue instance method 1
isBezeled instance method 1
isBordered instance method 1
isContinuous instance method 1
isEditable instance method 1
isEnabled instance method 1
isEntryAcceptable: instance method 1
isHighlighted instance method 1
isOpaque instance method 1
isScrollable instance method 1
isSelectable instance method 1
keyEquivalent instance method 1
lineBreakMode instance method 1
menu instance method 1
menuForEvent:inRect:ofView: instance method 1
mnemonic instance method 1
mnemonicLocation instance method 1
mouseDownFlags instance method 1
nextState instance method 1
NSAnyType constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4 and later) 1
NSBackgroundStyle data type 1
NSBackgroundStyleDark constant 1
NSBackgroundStyleLight constant 1
NSBackgroundStyleLowered constant 1
NSBackgroundStyleRaised constant 1
NSBlueControlTint constant 1
NSCellAllowsMixedState constant 1
NSCellAttribute data type 1
NSCellChangesContents constant 1
NSCellDisabled constant 1
NSCellEditable constant 1
NSCellHasImageHorizontal constant 1
NSCellHasImageOnLeftOrBottom constant 1
NSCellHasOverlappingImage constant 1
NSCellHighlighted constant 1
NSCellHitContentArea constant 1
NSCellHitEditableTextArea constant 1
NSCellHitNone constant 1
NSCellHitTrackableArea constant 1
NSCellImagePosition data type 1
NSCellIsBordered constant 1
NSCellIsInsetButton constant 1
NSCellLightsByBackground constant 1
NSCellLightsByContents constant 1
NSCellLightsByGray constant 1
NSCellState constant 1
NSCellStateValue data type 1
NSCellType data type 1
NSChangeBackgroundCell constant 1
NSChangeBackgroundCellMask constant 1
NSChangeGrayCell constant 1
NSChangeGrayCellMask constant 1
NSClearControlTint constant 1
NSContentsCellMask constant 1
NSControlSize data type 1
NSControlTint data type 1
NSControlTintDidChangeNotification notification 1
NSDefaultControlTint constant 1
NSDoubleType constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4 and later) 1
NSFloatType constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4 and later) 1
NSGraphiteControlTint constant 1
NSImageAbove constant 1
NSImageBelow constant 1
NSImageCellType constant 1
NSImageLeft constant 1
NSImageOnly constant 1
NSImageOverlaps constant 1
NSImageRight constant 1
NSImageScaleAxesIndependently constant 1
NSImageScaleNone constant 1
NSImageScaleProportionallyDown constant 1
NSImageScaleProportionallyUpOrDown constant 1
NSImageScaling data type 1
NSIntType constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4 and later) 1
NSMiniControlSize constant 1
NSMixedState constant 1
NSNoCellMask constant 1
NSNoImage constant 1
NSNullCellType constant 1
NSOffState constant 1
NSOnState constant 1
NSPositiveDoubleType constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4 and later) 1
NSPositiveFloatType constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4 and later) 1
NSPositiveIntType constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4 and later) 1
NSPushInCell constant 1
NSPushInCellMask constant 1
NSRegularControlSize constant 1
NSScaleNone constant 1
NSScaleProportionally constant 1
NSScaleToFit constant 1
NSSmallControlSize constant 1
NSTextCellType constant 1
objectValue instance method 1
performClick: instance method 1
prefersTrackingUntilMouseUp class method 1
preparedImage instance method 1
refusesFirstResponder instance method 1
representedObject instance method 1
resetCursorRect:inView: instance method 1
selectWithFrame:inView:editor:delegate:start: length: instance method 1
sendActionOn: instance method 1
sendsActionOnEndEditing instance method 1
setAction: instance method 1
setAlignment: instance method 1
setAllowsEditingTextAttributes: instance method 1
setAllowsMixedState: instance method 1
setAllowsUndo: instance method 1
setAttributedStringValue: instance method 1
setBackgroundStyle: instance method 1
setBaseWritingDirection: instance method 1
setBezeled: instance method 1
setBordered: instance method 1
setCellAttribute:to: instance method 1
setContinuous: instance method 1
setControlSize: instance method 1
setControlTint: instance method 1
setControlView: instance method 1
setDoubleValue: instance method 1
setEditable: instance method 1
setEnabled: instance method 1
setEntryType: instance method 1
setFloatingPointFormat:left:right: instance method 1
setFloatValue: instance method 1
setFocusRingType: instance method 1
setFont: instance method 1
setFormatter: instance method 1
setHighlighted: instance method 1
setImage: instance method 1
setImportsGraphics: instance method 1
setIntegerValue: instance method 1
setIntValue: instance method 1
setLineBreakMode: instance method 1
setMenu: instance method 1
setMnemonicLocation: instance method 1
setNextState instance method 1
setObjectValue: instance method 1
setRefusesFirstResponder: instance method 1
setRepresentedObject: instance method 1
setScrollable: instance method 1
setSelectable: instance method 1
setSendsActionOnEndEditing: instance method 1
setShowsFirstResponder: instance method 1
setState: instance method 1
setStringValue: instance method 1
setTag: instance method 1
setTarget: instance method 1
setTitle: instance method 1
setTitleWithMnemonic: instance method 1
setTruncatesLastVisibleLine: instance method 1
setType: instance method 1
setUpFieldEditorAttributes: instance method 1
setWraps: instance method 1
showsFirstResponder instance method 1
startTrackingAt:inView: instance method 1
state instance method 1
State Masks 1
stopTracking:at:inView:mouseIsUp: instance method 1
stringValue instance method 1
tag instance method 1
takeDoubleValueFrom: instance method 1
takeFloatValueFrom: instance method 1
takeIntegerValueFrom: instance method 1
takeIntValueFrom: instance method 1
takeObjectValueFrom: instance method 1
takeStringValueFrom: instance method 1
target instance method 1
title instance method 1
titleRectForBounds: instance method 1
trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp: instance method 1
truncatesLastVisibleLine instance method 1
type instance method 1
wantsNotificationForMarkedText instance method 1
wraps instance method 1

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© 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2009-02-04)

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