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CFStream Socket Additions

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This document describes the CFStream functions for working with sockets. It is part of the CFSocketStream API.

Functions by Task

Creating Socket Pairs

Setting the Security Protocol

Obtaining Errors



This function sets the security protocol for the specified pair of socket streams. (Deprecated. Use CFReadStreamSetProperty and CFWriteStreamSetProperty in conjunction with the security constants defined in CFSocketStream.)

Boolean CFSocketStreamPairSetSecurityProtocol (
   CFReadStreamRef socketReadStream,
   CFWriteStreamRef socketWriteStream,
   CFStreamSocketSecurityProtocol securityProtocol


The read stream.


The write stream.


The security protocol to be set. See CFStream Socket Security Protocol Constants for possible values.

function result

TRUE if specified security protocol was set; otherwise, FALSE.


Call this function before you call CFReadStreamOpen to open the read stream or CFWriteStreamOpen to open the write stream.

Special Considerations

This function is thread safe.

Declared In


This function gets error codes in the kCFStreamErrorDomainSOCKS domain from the CFStreamError returned by a stream operation.

SInt32 CFSocketStreamSOCKSGetError(CFStreamError* error);


The error value to decode.


Error codes in the kCFStreamErrorDomainSOCKS domain can come from multiple parts of the protocol stack, many of which define their own error values as part of outside specifications such as the HTTP specification.

To avoid confusion from conflicting error numbers, error codes in the kCFStreamErrorDomainSOCKS domain contain two parts: a subdomain, which tells which part of the protocol stack generated the error, and the error code itself.

Calling CFSocketStreamSOCKSGetError returns the error code itself, which must be interpreted in the context of the result of a call to CFSocketStreamSOCKSGetErrorSubdomain. Possible return values (beyond subdomain-specific values such as client versions and HTTP error codes) are listed in “CFStream Errors.”

Declared In


Gets the error subdomain associated with errors in the kCFStreamErrorDomainSOCKS domain from the CFStreamError returned by a stream operation.

SInt32 CFSocketStreamSOCKSGetErrorSubdomain(CFStreamError* error);


The error value to decode.


Error codes in the kCFStreamErrorDomainSOCKS domain can come from multiple parts of the protocol stack, many of which define their own error values as part of outside specifications such as the HTTP specification.

To avoid confusion from conflicting error numbers, error codes in the kCFStreamErrorDomainSOCKS domain contain two parts: a subdomain, which tells which part of the protocol stack generated the error, and the error code itself.

Calling CFSocketStreamSOCKSGetErrorSubdomain returns an identifier that tells which layer of the protocol stack produced the error. The possible values are listed in “Error Subdomains.” With this information, you can interpret the error codes returned by CFSocketStreamSOCKSGetError.

Declared In


Creates readable and writable streams connected to a given CFHost object.

void CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToCFHost (
   CFAllocatorRef alloc,
   CFHostRef host,
   SInt32 port,
   CFReadStreamRef *readStream,
   CFWriteStreamRef *writeStream


The allocator to use to allocate memory for the CFReadStream and CFWriteStream objects. Pass NULL or kCFAllocatorDefault to use the current default allocator.


A CFHost object to which the streams are connected. If unresolved, the host will be resolved prior to connecting.


The TCP port number to which the socket streams should connect.


Upon return, contains a CFReadStream object connected to the host host on port port, or NULL if there is a failure during creation. If you pass NULL, the function will not create a readable stream. Ownership follows the Create Rule.


Upon return, contains a CFWriteStream object connected to the host host on port port, or NULL if there is a failure during creation. If you pass NULL, the function will not create a writable stream. Ownership follows the Create Rule.


The streams do not open a connection to the specified host until one of the streams is opened.

Most properties are shared by both streams. Setting the property for one stream automatically sets the property for the other.

Declared In


Creates a pair of streams for a CFNetService.

void CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToNetService (
   CFAllocatorRef alloc,
   CFNetServiceRef service,
   CFReadStreamRef *readStream,
   CFWriteStreamRef *writeStream


The allocator to use to allocate memory for the CFReadStream and CFWriteStream objects. Pass NULL or kCFAllocatorDefault to use the current default allocator.


Reference to the CFNetService to which the streams are to be connected. If the service is not resolved, the service will be resolved before the streams are connected.


Upon return, contains a CFReadStream object connected to the service specified by service, or NULL if there is a failure during creation. If you pass NULL, the function will not create a readable stream. Ownership follows the Create Rule.


Upon return, contains a CFWriteStream object connected to the service specified by service, or NULL if there is a failure during creation. If you pass NULL, the function will not create a writable stream. Ownership follows the Create Rule.


Read and write operations on sockets can block. To prevent blocking, you can call CFReadStreamSetClient and CFWriteStreamSetClient to register to receive stream-related event notifications. Then call CFReadStreamScheduleWithRunLoop and CFWriteStreamScheduleWithRunLoop to schedule the stream on a run loop for receiving stream-related event notifications. Then call CFReadStreamOpen and CFWriteStreamOpen to open each stream.

Special Considerations

This function is thread safe.

Declared In


CFStream Property Keys

Constants for CFStream property keys

const CFStringRef kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket;
const CFStringRef kCFStreamPropertySocketSecurityLevel;
const CFStringRef kCFStreamPropertySOCKSProxy;
const CFStringRef kCFStreamPropertySSLPeerCertificates;
const CFStringRef kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings;
const CFStringRef kCFStreamPropertyProxyLocalByPass;
extern const CFStringRef kCFStreamPropertySocketRemoteHost;
extern const CFStringRef kCFStreamPropertySocketRemoteNetService;


Should Close Native Socket property key.

If set to kCFBooleanTrue, the stream will close and release the underlying native socket when the stream is released. If set to kCFBooleanFalse, the stream will not close and release the underlying native socket when the stream is released. If a stream is created with a native socket, the default value of this property is kCFBooleanFalse. This property is only available for socket streams. It can be set by calling CFReadStreamSetProperty and CFWriteStreamSetProperty, and it can be copied by CFReadStreamCopyProperty and CFWriteStreamCopyProperty.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Socket Native Handle property key.

Causes CFReadStreamCopyProperty or CFWriteStreamCopyProperty to return CFData object that contains the native handle for a socket stream. This property is only available for socket streams.

Available in Mac OS X v10.1 and later.

Declared in CFStream.h.


Socket Security Level property key.

See CFStream Socket Security Level Constants for specific security level constants to use.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


SSL Peer Certificates property key for copy operations, which return a CFArray object containing SecCertificateRef objects.

For more information, see SSLGetPeerCertificates in Security/SecureTransport.h.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


SOCKS proxy property key.

To set a CFStream object to use a SOCKS proxy, call CFReadStreamSetProperty or CFWriteStreamSetProperty with the property name set to kCFStreamPropertySOCKSProxy and its value set to a CFDictionary object having at minimum a kCFStreamPropertySOCKSProxyHost key and a kCFStreamPropertySOCKSProxyPort key. For information on these keys, see CFStream SOCKS Proxy Key Constants. SystemConfiguration returns a CFDictionary for SOCKS proxies that is usable without modification.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


SSL Settings property key for set operations.

The key’s value is a CFDictionary object containing security settings. For information on the dictionary’s keys and values, see CFStream Property SSL Settings Constants. By default, there are no security settings.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Proxy Local Bypass property key.

The key’s value is CFBoolean object whose value indicates whether local hostnames should be subject to proxy handling.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


The key’s value is a CFHostRef for the remote host if it is known. If not, its value is NULL.

Available in Mac OS X version 10.3 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


The key’s value is a CFNetServiceRef for the remote network service if it is known. If not, its value is NULL.

Available in Mac OS X version 10.3 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.

Declared In

CFStream Property SSL Settings Constants

Constants for use in a CFDictionary object that is the value of the kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings stream property key.

const CFStringRef kCFStreamSSLLevel;
const CFStringRef kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredCertificates;
const CFStringRef kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredRoots;
const CFStringRef kCFStreamSSLAllowsAnyRoot;
const CFStringRef kCFStreamSSLValidatesCertificateChain;
const CFStringRef kCFStreamSSLPeerName;
const CFStringRef kCFStreamSSLCertificates;
const CFStringRef kCFStreamSSLIsServer;


Security property key whose value specifies the stream’s security level.

By default, a stream’s security level is kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNegotiatedSSL. For other possible values, see CFStream Socket Security Level Constants.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Security property key whose value indicates whether expired certificates are allowed.

By default, the value of this key is kCFBooleanFalse (expired certificates are not allowed).

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Security property whose value indicates whether expired root certificates are allowed.

By default, the value of this key is kCFBooleanFalse (expired root certificates are not allowed).

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Security property key whose value indicates whether root certificates should be allowed.

By default, the value of this key is kCFBooleanFalse (root certificates are not allowed).

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Security property key whose value indicates whether the certificate chain should be validated.

By default, the value of this key is kCFBooleanTrue (the certificate chain should be validated).

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Security property key whose value overrides the name used for certificate verification.

By default, the host name that was used when the stream was created is used; if no host name was used, no peer name will be used. Set the value of this key to kCFNull to prevent name verification.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Security property key whose value is a CFArray of SecCertificateRefs except for the first element in the array, which is a SecIdentityRef.

For more information, see SSLSetCertificate() in Security/SecureTransport.h.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Security property key whose value indicates whether the connection is to act as a server in the SSL process.

By default, the value of this key is kCFBooleanFalse (the connection is not to act as a server). If the value of this key is kCFBooleanTrue, the kCFStreamSSLCertificates key must contain a valid value.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


This enumeration defines the constants for keys in a CFDictionary object that is the value of the kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings key.

Declared In

CFStream Socket Security Protocol Constants

Specifies constants for setting the security protocol for a socket stream.

typedef enum {
   kCFStreamSocketSecurityNone = 0,
} CFStreamSocketSecurityProtocol;


Specifies that no security protocol be set for a socket stream. (Deprecated. Use kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone.)

Available in Mac OS X v10.1 and later.

Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.2.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Specifies that SSL version 2 be set as the security protocol for a socket stream. (Deprecated. Use kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelSSLv2.)

Available in Mac OS X v10.1 and later.

Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.2.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Specifies that SSL version 3 be set as the security protocol for a socket stream. (Deprecated. Use kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelSSLv3.)

Available in Mac OS X v10.1 and later.

Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.2.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Specifies that SSL version 3 be set as the security protocol for a socket stream pair. If that version is not available, specifies that SSL version 2 be set as the security protocol for a socket stream. (Deprecated. Use kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNegotiatedSSL.)

Available in Mac OS X v10.1 and later.

Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.2.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Specifies that TLS version 1 be set as the security protocol for a socket stream. (Deprecated. Use kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelTLSv1.)

Available in Mac OS X v10.1 and later.

Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.2.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


This enumeration defines constants for setting the security protocol for a socket stream pair when calling CFSocketStreamPairSetSecurityProtocol.

Special Considerations

This enumeration is deprecated in favor of the constants described in CFStream Socket Security Level Constants.

Declared In

CFStream Socket Security Level Constants

Constants for setting the security level of a socket stream.

const CFStringRef kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNone;
const CFStringRef kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelSSLv2;
const CFStringRef kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelSSLv3;
const CFStringRef kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelTLSv1;
const CFStringRef kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNegotiatedSSL;


Specifies that no security level be set.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Specifies that SSL version 2 be set as the security protocol for a socket stream.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Specifies that SSL version 3 be set as the security protocol for a socket stream pair.

If SSL version 3 is not available, specifies that SSL version 2 be set as the security protocol for a socket stream.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Specifies that TLS version 1 be set as the security protocol for a socket stream.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Specifies that the highest level security protocol that can be negotiated be set as the security protocol for a socket stream.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


This enumeration defines the preferred constants for setting the security protocol for a socket stream pair when calling CFReadStreamSetProperty or CFWriteStreamSetProperty.

Declared In

CFStream SOCKS Proxy Key Constants

Constants for SOCKS Proxy CFDictionary keys.

const CFStringRef kCFStreamPropertySOCKSProxyHost;
const CFStringRef kCFStreamPropertySOCKSProxyPort;
const CFStringRef kCFStreamPropertySOCKSVersion;
const CFStringRef kCFStreamSocketSOCKSVersion4;
const CFStringRef kCFStreamSocketSOCKSVersion5;
const CFStringRef kCFStreamPropertySOCKSUser;
const CFStringRef kCFStreamPropertySOCKSPassword;


Constant for the SOCKS proxy host key.

This key contains a CFString object that represents the SOCKS proxy host. Defined to match kSCPropNetProxiesSOCKSProxy.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Constant for the SOCKS proxy host port key.

This key contains a CFNumberRef object of type kCFNumberSInt32Type whose value represents the port on which the proxy listens.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Constant for the SOCKS version key.

Its value must be kCFStreamSocketSOCKSVersion4 or kCFStreamSocketSOCKSVersion5 to set SOCKS4 or SOCKS5, respectively. If this key is not present, SOCKS5 is used by default.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Constant used in the kCFStreamSockerSOCKSVersion key to specify SOCKS4 as the SOCKS version for the stream.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Constant used in the kCFStreamSOCKSVersion key to specify SOCKS5 as the SOCKS version for the stream.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Constant for the key required to set a user name.

The value is a CFString object containing the user’s name.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Constant for the key required to set a user’s password.

The value is a CFString object containing the user’s password.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


When setting the stream's SOCKS Proxy property, the property’s value is a CFDictionary object containing at minimum the kCFStreamPropertySOCKSProxyHost and kCFStreamPropertySOCKSProxyPort keys. The dictionary may also contain the other keys described in this section.

Error Domains

Error domains specific to CFSocketStream calls.

extern const int kCFStreamErrorDomainSOCKS;
extern const int kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL;
extern const CFIndex kCFStreamErrorDomainWinSock;


This domain returns error codes from the SOCKS layer. The errors are described in

Available in Mac OS X version 10.5 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


This domain returns error codes associated with the SSL layer. For a list of error codes, see the header SecureTransport.h in Security.framework.

Available in Mac OS X version 10.5 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


When running CFNetwork code on Windows, this domain returns error codes associated with the underlying TCP/IP stack. You should also note that non-networking errors such as ENOMEM are delivered through the POSIX domain. See the header winsock2.h for relevant error codes.

Available in Mac OS X version 10.5 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


To determine the source of an error, examine the userInfo dictionary included in the CFError object returned by a function call or call CFErrorGetDomain and pass in the CFError object and the domain whose value you want to read.

Error Subdomains

Subdomains used to determine how to interpret an error in the kCFStreamErrorDomainSOCKS domain.

enum {
   kCFStreamErrorSOCKSSubDomainNone = 0,
   kCFStreamErrorSOCKSSubDomainVersionCode = 1,
   kCFStreamErrorSOCKS4SubDomainResponse = 2,
   kCFStreamErrorSOCKS5SubDomainUserPass = 3,
   kCFStreamErrorSOCKS5SubDomainMethod = 4,
   kCFStreamErrorSOCKS5SubDomainResponse = 5


The error code returned is a SOCKS error number.

Available in Mac OS X version 10.5 and later.


The error returned contains the version of SOCKS that the server wishes to use.

Available in Mac OS X version 10.5 and later.


The error returned is the status code that the server returned after the last operation.

Available in Mac OS X version 10.5 and later.


This subdomain returns error codes associated with the last authentication attempt.

Available in Mac OS X version 10.5 and later.


This subdomain returns the server’s desired negotiation method.

Available in Mac OS X version 10.5 and later.


This subdomain returns the response code sent by the server when replying to a connection request.

Available in Mac OS X version 10.5 and later.


Error codes in the kCFStreamErrorDomainSOCKS domain can come from multiple parts of the protocol stack, many of which define their own error values as part of outside specifications such as the HTTP specification.

To avoid confusion from conflicting error numbers, error codes in the kCFStreamErrorDomainSOCKS domain contain two parts: a subdomain, which tells which part of the protocol stack generated the error, and the error code itself.

Calling CFSocketStreamSOCKSGetErrorSubdomain returns an identifier that tells which layer of the protocol stack produced the error. This list of constants contains the possible values that this function will return.

Calling CFSocketStreamSOCKSGetError returns the actual error code that the subdomain describes.

CFStream Errors

Error codes returned by the kCFStreamErrorDomainSOCKS error domain.

/* kCFStreamErrorSOCKSSubDomainNone*/
enum {
   kCFStreamErrorSOCKS5BadResponseAddr = 1,
   kCFStreamErrorSOCKS5BadState  = 2,
   kCFStreamErrorSOCKSUnknownClientVersion = 3
/* kCFStreamErrorSOCKS4SubDomainResponse*/
enum {
   kCFStreamErrorSOCKS4RequestFailed = 91,
   kCFStreamErrorSOCKS4IdentdFailed = 92,
   kCFStreamErrorSOCKS4IdConflict = 93
/* kCFStreamErrorSOCKS5SubDomainMethod*/
enum {
   kSOCKS5NoAcceptableMethod     = 0xFF


The address returned is not of a known type. This error code is only valid for errors in the kCFStreamErrorSOCKSSubDomainNone subdomain.

Available in Mac OS X version 10.5 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


The stream is not in a state that allows the requested operation. This error code is only valid for errors in the kCFStreamErrorSOCKSSubDomainNone subdomain..

Available in Mac OS X version 10.5 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


The SOCKS server rejected access because it does not support connections with the requested SOCKS version. SOCKS client version. You can query the kCFSOCKSVersionKey key to find out what version the server requested. This error code is only valid for errors in the kCFStreamErrorSOCKSSubDomainNone subdomain.

Available in Mac OS X version 10.5 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Request rejected by the server or request failed. This error is specific to SOCKS4. This error code is only valid for errors in the kCFStreamErrorSOCKS4SubDomainResponse subdomain.

Available in Mac OS X version 10.5 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Request rejected by the server because it could not connect to the identd daemon on the client. This error is specific to SOCKS4. This error code is only valid for errors in the kCFStreamErrorSOCKS4SubDomainResponse subdomain.

Available in Mac OS X version 10.5 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Request rejected by the server because the client program and the identd daemon reported different user IDs. This error is specific to SOCKS4. This error code is only valid for errors in the kCFStreamErrorSOCKS4SubDomainResponse subdomain.

Available in Mac OS X version 10.5 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


The client and server could not find a mutually agreeable authentication method. This error code is only valid for errors in the kCFStreamErrorSOCKS5SubDomainMethod subdomain.

Available in Mac OS X version 10.5 and later.

Declared in CFSocketStream.h.


Error codes in the kCFStreamErrorDomainSOCKS domain can come from multiple parts of the protocol stack, many of which define their own error values as part of outside specifications such as the HTTP specification.

To avoid confusion from conflicting error numbers, error codes in the kCFStreamErrorDomainSOCKS domain contain two parts: a subdomain, which tells which part of the protocol stack generated the error, and the error code itself.

Calling CFSocketStreamSOCKSGetErrorSubdomain returns an identifier that tells which layer of the protocol stack produced the error.

Calling CFSocketStreamSOCKSGetError returns the actual error code that the subdomain describes. This list of constants contains the possible values that this function will return. They must be interpreted within the context of the relevant error subdomain.

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