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Abstract base class for a single piece of audio hardware. The IOAudioDevice provides the central coordination point for an audio driver.


An audio driver is required to subclass IOAudioDevice in order to provide working audio to the system. A single driver instance will contain a single instance of the driver's IOAudioDevice subclass. The subclass is responsible for mapping all hardware device resources from the service provider nub. It must control access to the hardware so that the hardware doesn't get into an inconsistent state. It is possible that different threads may make requests of the hardware at the same time. The IOAudioDevice superclass provides an IOWorkLoop and IOCommandGate on the IOWorkLoop through which all hardware accesses may be synchronized. All entry points to all parts of the driver controlled by the IOAudioFamily will be synchronized through this one IOWorkLoop.

The IOAudioDevice subclass is responsible for creating the rest of the pieces of the driver. It must identify and create all IOAudioEngines that are not automatically created by the system (i.e. those that are not matched and instantiated by IOKit directly).

The IOAudioDevice subclass must enumerate and create all IOAudioControl objects to match the device capabilities.

It must also execute control value changes when requested by the system (for example, volume adjustments).

In order to allow sleep and work to work on the system, the IOAudioDevice subclass is responsible for performing the necessary actions to sleep and wake its hardware (and restore necessary state on wake).

The IOAudioDevice class provides timer services that allow different elements in the audio driver to receive timer notifications as needed. These services were designed with the idea that most timed events in a typical audio driver need to be done at least as often as a certain interval. Further, it is designed with the idea that being called more often than the specified interval doesn't hurt anything - and in fact may help. With this in mind, the timer services provided by the IOAudioDevice class allow different targets to register for timer callbacks at least as often as the specified interval. The actual interval will be the smallest of the intervals of all of the callbacks. This way, we avoid the overhead of having many timers in a single audio device. As an example, each output IOAudioEngine has a timer to run the erase head. It doesn't hurt to have the erase head run more often. Also, a typical IOAudioDevice subclass may need to run a timer to check for device state changes (e.g. jack insertions).

There are a number of strings passed from the driver to the CoreAudio.framework and then into applications. All of those strings should be localized by the driver. In order to do that the kext bundle should have localized string files following the Mac OS X localization instructions. The IOAudioDevice should contain a property with the name of the bundle/kext that contains the localized string resources. To do that, the driver's personality in the bundle resources could have a property named 'IOAudioDeviceLocalizedBundle' with the path of the bundle/kext relative to '/System/Library/Extensions'. It could also be set by the IOAudioDevice subclass in its initHardware() function. To do so, call setProperty(kIOAudioDeviceLocalizedBundleKey, "Driver.kext").

In a typical driver, the IOAudioDevice subclass will implement initHardware() to perform the hardware initialization and driver construction. Within that initialization it must create at least one IOAudioEngine instance and activate it. In order to activate a new IOAudioEngine activateAudioEngine() should be called for each one. It must create the IOAudioControls matching the hardware capabilities to allow the system to set volume, mute and input selection. To add those controls to the driver, each control should be attached to the IOAudioEngine to which it applies by calling addDefaultAudioControl() on the IOAudioEngine. During initialization it should also call setDeviceName(), setDeviceShortName() and setManufacturerName() with localized strings representing each of the attributes.

If the driver is to work properly after sleep/wake, it must implement performPowerStateChange() and deal with the sleep and wake transitions. It may also deal with the idle state transitions to turn off device power when it isn't in use (especially useful for devices attached to a portable running on battery power).


activateAudioEngine(IOAudioEngine *)

This simply calls activateAudioEngine(IOAudioEngine *audioEngine, bool shouldStartAudioEngine) with a value of true for shouldStartAudioEngine.

activateAudioEngine(IOAudioEngine *, bool)

Adds a new IOAudioEngine object to the IOAudioDevice.


Adds a TimerEvent callback for the given target called at least as often as specified in interval.


Adds the port to the IOAudioDevice's list of ports and attaches the port to its parent and attaches the child to the port.


Called by IOAudioEngine when it is starting up.


Called by IOAudioEngine when it has stopped.


Called when a power state change is complete.


IOCommandGate Action which calls protectedCompletePowerStateChange() while holding the IOCommandGate.


Deactivates all of the audio engines in the device.


Deactivates all of the ports in the device.


Called by timerFired() to cause the timer event callbacks to be called.


Forces each IOAudioControl in the driver to have its value flushed out to the hardware. That will cause either the IOAudioControl's ValueChangeHandler to be called.


Frees resources used by the IOAudioDevice instance


Returns the IOCommandGate for this IOAudioDevice.


Returns the pending power state if a state change is in progress. Otherwise it returns the current power state change.


Returns the current power state (the old power state if a change is in progress).


Returns the work loop for the driver.


Initializes a newly created instance of IOAudioDevice.


This function is called by start() to provide a convenient place for the subclass to perform its initialization.


Called internally to execute a power state change.


This function is called by the IOAudioDevice when a power state change is needed.


Called on the IOWorkLoop when a power state change is complete.


Called on the IOWorkLoop when a power state change is complete.


Called by setPowerStateAction() to deal with a power state change from the IOService power management facility.


Removes all timer events and stops the timer.


Removes the timer event for the given target.


This function is to be called if an external configuration application is available to set which application to launch.


This function is to be called to tell CoreAudio if this device shouldn't be a default device.


Sets the name of the device.


Sets the short name of the device.


Sets whether or not the family should manage the device power through the IOService power management APIs.


This function is to be called by a driver that doesn't want to be told about the audio going idle immediately, but at some point in the future.


Sets the manufacturer name of the device.


Called by the power management system in IOService when the power state of this service needs to change.


IOCommandGate Action which calls protectedSetPowerState() while holding the IOCommandGate


This function is called automatically by the system to tell the driver to start vending services to the rest of the system.


Stops the device after the system is done with it (or if the device is removed from the system).


Internal static function called when the timer fires.


Called internally to wait until a pending power state change is complete.

activateAudioEngine(IOAudioEngine *)

This simply calls activateAudioEngine(IOAudioEngine *audioEngine, bool shouldStartAudioEngine) with a value of true for shouldStartAudioEngine.


virtual IOReturn activateAudioEngine( IOAudioEngine *audioEngine);

The IOAudioEngine instance to be activated. It is treated as a newly allocated instance.

Return Value

Returns true if the audio engine was successfully activated.

activateAudioEngine(IOAudioEngine *, bool)

Adds a new IOAudioEngine object to the IOAudioDevice.


virtual IOReturn activateAudioEngine( IOAudioEngine *audioEngine, bool shouldStartAudioEngine);

The IOAudioEngine instance to be activated.


If true, the audio engine is treated as a newly allocated IOAudioEngine instance and is appropriately attached and started according to IOKit convention. If it is false it is assumed that some other process (possibly the IOKit matching process) has started the IOAudioEngine and will skip that step.

Return Value

Returns true if the audio engine was successfully activated.


Once the IOAudioEngine has been activated by this function, it is ready to begin moving audio data. This should be called either during the subclass' initHardware() implementation for each IOAudioEngine the device creates. Or it should be called by the IOAudioEngine itself if the audio engine was automatically created by IOKit's matching process. The system won't be able to properly track and control IOAudioEngines if they are not activated though this function. This implementation will retain the IOAudioEngine while it maintains control of it. When the audio engine is deactivated, the IOAudioEngine will be released. If the IOAudioDevice subclass is passing a newly instantiated IOAudioEngine, it will need to release the audio engine after it has been activated. This will insure that the refCount on the audio engine is correct when it gets deactivated when the driver is stopped. That allows the audio engine to be freed when it is no longer needed.


Adds a TimerEvent callback for the given target called at least as often as specified in interval.


virtual IOReturn addTimerEvent( OSObject *target, TimerEvent event, AbsoluteTime interval);

This parameter is the target object of the TimerEvent.


The callback function called each time the timer fires.


The callback will be called at least this often.

Return Value

Returns kIOReturnSuccess if the timer event was successfully added.


The frequency of the timer event callbacks will be the smallest interval specified by all targets. Only one interval and callback may be specified per target. If a addTimerEvent is called twice with the same target, the second one overrides the first. There is currently a bug triggered if the first call had the smallest interval. In that case, that smallest interval would still be used.


Adds the port to the IOAudioDevice's list of ports and attaches the port to its parent and attaches the child to the port.


virtual IOReturn attachAudioPort( IOAudioPort *port, IORegistryEntry *parent, IORegistryEntry *child);

The newly created IOAudioPort instance to be activated.


A parent IOAudioPort or IOAudioEngine of the given port.


A child IOAudioPort or IOAudioEngine of the given port.

Return Value

Returns true when the port has been successfully added and attached.


This function provides the functionality to represent the device's signal chain in the IOAudioPlane in the IORegistry. An IOAudioPort's parent(s) are before it in the signal chain and its children are after it. This method may be called multiple times for a single IOAudioPort. This is necessary when there are many children or parents. Once a relationship is made, it is not necessary to make the reverse relationship. A NULL value may be passed in for either the parent or child or both. The IOAudioPort passed in should be a newly allocated IOAudioPort instance. This function will appropriately attach and start the port object. NOTE: It is not necessary to use IOAudioPorts in a fully functional audio driver.


Called by IOAudioEngine when it is starting up.


virtual void audioEngineStarting();

This should only be called while on the IOWorkLoop. It is not intended to be called directly. It is called when an IOAudioEngine is starting up to allow the IOAudioDevice to keep track of running audio engines and change the power state from kIOAudioDeviceIdle to kIOAudioDeviceActive when the first audio engine starts up. If the state change is done asynchronously, it waits for the state change to complete. This is to ensure that the system doesn't start playing audio until the IOAudioDevice has completed its transition to kIOAudioDeviceActive.


Called by IOAudioEngine when it has stopped.


virtual void audioEngineStopped();

This should only be called while on the IOWorkLoop. It is not intended to be called directly. It is called when an IOAudioEngine has stopped to allow the IOAudioDevice to keep track of running audio engines and change the power state from kIOAudioDeviceActive to kIOAudioDeviceIdle when the last audio engine stops. If the state change is done asynchronously, it waits for the state change to complete.


Called when a power state change is complete.


virtual IOReturn completePowerStateChange();
Return Value

Returns kIOReturnSuccess on a successful completion


In the case of an asynchronous power state change, a subclass is responsible for calling this function. It is safe to call this function if not on the IOWorkLoop. This function calls protectedCompletePowerStateChange() through the IOCommandGate and completePowerStateChangeAction(). If the call is already on the IOWorkLoop, it is safe to call protectedCompletePowerStateChange() directly.


IOCommandGate Action which calls protectedCompletePowerStateChange() while holding the IOCommandGate.


static IOReturn completePowerStateChangeAction( OSObject *owner, void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3, void *arg4);

The owner of the IOCommandGate (the IOAudioDevice in this case)

Return Value

Returns the result of protectedCompletePowerStateChange()


This is needed to allow protectedCompletePowerStateChange() to be called on the IOWorkLoop.


Deactivates all of the audio engines in the device.


virtual void deactivateAllAudioEngines();

This is called by the stop() and free() methods in IOAudioDevice to completely shut down all audio engines as the driver is being shut down.


Deactivates all of the ports in the device.


virtual void detachAllAudioPorts();

This is called by the stop() and free() methods in IOAudioDevice to completely shut down all ports as the driver is being shut down.


Called by timerFired() to cause the timer event callbacks to be called.


virtual void dispatchTimerEvents( bool force);

A bool param to allow the timer events to be dispatched even if the device is in the kIOAudioDeviceSleep power state.


This method iterates through all of the timer event targets and calls the callback on each. Unless the force flag is set to true, the timer events will only be dispatched if the power state is not kIOAudioDeviceSleep. This prevents unexpected timer firings while making wake->sleep->wake transitions. This function must be called on the IOWorkLoop.


Forces each IOAudioControl in the driver to have its value flushed out to the hardware. That will cause either the IOAudioControl's ValueChangeHandler to be called.


virtual void flushAudioControls();

This can be used to force the hardware to get updated with the current value of each control. It may be useful during wake, for example.


Frees resources used by the IOAudioDevice instance


virtual void free();

This method will deactivate all audio audio engines and release the audioEngines OSSet. It will also deactivate all of the audio ports and release the audioPorts OSSet. It will release the timerEvents OSDictionary as well as cancel any outstanding timer callbacks. It will clean up all of the event sources and the workLoop.

Do not call this directly. This is called automatically by the system when the instance's refcount goes to 0. To decrement the refcount, call release() on the object.


Returns the IOCommandGate for this IOAudioDevice.


virtual IOCommandGate *getCommandGate() const;

This IOCommandGate allows calls into this IOAudioDevice to be synchronized on the IOWorkLoop.


Returns the pending power state if a state change is in progress. Otherwise it returns the current power state change.


virtual IOAudioDevicePowerState getPendingPowerState();
Return Value

The pending power state.


Returns the current power state (the old power state if a change is in progress).


virtual IOAudioDevicePowerState getPowerState();
Return Value

The current power state.


Returns the work loop for the driver.


virtual IOWorkLoop *getWorkLoop() const;

The IOWorkLoop is used to synchronized all critical aspects of the driver. This includes all entry points to the driver as well as power management.


Initializes a newly created instance of IOAudioDevice.


virtual bool init( OSDictionary *properties);

An OSDictionary of the device properties that gets passed to super::init and set in the IORegistry.

Return Value

true if initialization was successful


This implementation initializes all of the data structures and variables used by the IOAudioDevice. The currentPowerState and pendingPowerState variables are set to kIOAudioDeviceIdle. A subclass that overrides this method must call the superclass' implementation.


This function is called by start() to provide a convenient place for the subclass to perform its initialization.


virtual bool initHardware( IOService *provider);

The service provider nub for the device.

Return Value

This function should return true on a successful initialization.


In a typical implementation, a driver would implementation this function and perform a number of tasks. Those include mapping hardware resources, initializing the hardware to a known state, creating the IOAudioEngines, IOAudioControls and IOAudioStreams. Additionally it should also call setDeviceName(), setDeviceShortName(), setManufacturerName(). Upon return of this function, the device should be ready to begin vending services to the system.


Called internally to execute a power state change.


virtual IOReturn initiatePowerStateChange( UInt32 *microsecondsUntilComplete = NULL);

Pointer to the microsecondsUntilComplete that should be set by performPowerStateChange if an asynchronous power state change was started.

Return Value

Returns kIOReturnSuccess on success.


This function must be called on the IOWorkLoop. It calls performPowerStateChange() to let the driver process the state change. If the state change is completed synchronously by the driver (subclass) it calls protectedCompletePowerStateChange(). If done asynchronously it returns the microsecondsUntilComplete that was set by performPowerStateChange(). This function should not be called directly.


This function is called by the IOAudioDevice when a power state change is needed.


virtual IOReturn performPowerStateChange( IOAudioDevicePowerState oldPowerState, IOAudioDevicePowerState newPowerState, UInt32 *microsecondsUntilComplete);

The power state before the power state change


The power state being transitioned to


A pointer to a value representing an upper bound on the number of microseconds to complete an asynchronous power state change. It points to a value of zero at the start and if it remains zero, the state change is complete upon a successful return from the function.

Return Value

Returns kIOReturnSuccess on a successful completion


In order to deal with power state changes, a subclass must override this function. Any combination of old and new power states may be passed to this function. If work is to be performed while transitioning to sleep, check for a newPowerState of kIOAudioDeviceSleep. If work is to be performed while transitioning from sleep, check for an oldPowerState of kIOAudioDeviceSleep. A power state of kIOAudioDeviceIdle means the system is awake, but no clients are currently playing or recording audio (i.e. no IOAudioEngines are active). A power state of kIOAudioDeviceActive means that at least one IOAudioEngine is active. It is possible for a power state change to be performed synchronously or asynchronously. In the case of a synchronous power state change, simple leave microsecondsUntilComplete alone and return kIOReturnSuccess. If an asynchronous power state change is needed the driver should do whatever needed to schedule another thread to finish the state change and set the microsecondsUntilComplete to an upper bound on the amount of time it will take to complete the power state change. Then when the power state change is complete, a call must be made to completePowerStateChange(). During an asynchronous power state change, the current power state will remain the same as before the transition began, and the pendingPowerState is set to the new power state that will be set when the change is complete.


Called on the IOWorkLoop when a power state change is complete.


virtual IOReturn protectedCompletePowerStateChange();
Return Value

Returns kIOReturnSuccess on success


This function does the work to complete a power state change (both synchronous and asynchronous). If the system is waking from sleep, the timer system is restarted and the audio engines are resumed. If this was called as a result of an asynchronous power state changed it makes the IOService power management call acknowledgePowerChange() and resets the asyncPowerStateChangeInProgress variable. Finally it sets the currentPowerState to the pendingPowerState. This function must be called on the IOWorkLoop. If a subclass is not on the IOWorkLoop (e.g. holding the IOCommandGate), call completePowerStateChange() instead.


Called on the IOWorkLoop when a power state change is complete.


virtual IOReturn protectedCompletePowerStateChange();
Return Value

Returns kIOReturnSuccess on success


This function does the work to complete a power state change (both synchronous and asynchronous). If the system is waking from sleep, the timer system is restarted and the audio engines are resumed. If this was called as a result of an asynchronous power state changed it makes the IOService power management call acknowledgePowerChange() and resets the asyncPowerStateChangeInProgress variable. Finally it sets the currentPowerState to the pendingPowerState. This function must be called on the IOWorkLoop. If a subclass is not on the IOWorkLoop (e.g. holding the IOCommandGate), call completePowerStateChange() instead.


Called by setPowerStateAction() to deal with a power state change from the IOService power management facility.


virtual IOReturn protectedSetPowerState( unsigned long powerStateOrdinal, IOService *device);

Param passed to setPowerState() - 0 for sleep, 1 for wake


Param passed to setPowerState - the device initiating the power state change

Return Value

Returns 0 if the power state change is complete - the number of microseconds until complete if its asynchronous.


This function is responsible for performing the necessary sleep and wake tasks when the system is sleeping or waking. If an outstanding power state change is in progress, it will wait until the state changes has completed. While sleeping, all audio engines are stopped before calling initiatePowerStateChange() to call performPowerStateChange() to let the driver deal with the sleep request. When waking, it determines if the device should be idle or active and continues to call initiatePowerStateChange(). If initiatePowerStateChange() indicates that the power state change is occuring asynchronously, it returns the number of microseconds. This function must be called on the IOWorkLoop, but should not be called directly.


Removes all timer events and stops the timer.


virtual void removeAllTimerEvents();

Called during teardown of the driver.


Removes the timer event for the given target.


virtual void removeTimerEvent( OSObject *target);

The target whose timer event will be removed.


If the interval for the target to be removed is the smallest interval, the timer interval is recalculated based on the remaining targets. The next fire time is readjusted based on the new interval compared to the last fire time.


This function is to be called if an external configuration application is available to set which application to launch.


virtual void setConfigurationApplicationBundle( const char *bundleID);

The bundle ID of the application to be launched by the HAL for configuration of the device and its engine(s).


This is useful for device drivers that are too complex to be represented by the Sound Preferences panel. The bundle ID is a more flexible way of specifying where the application is than a hard coded path.


This function is to be called to tell CoreAudio if this device shouldn't be a default device.


virtual void setDeviceCanBeDefault( UInt32 defaultsFlags);

The flags to instruct CoreAudio to allow this device to be only the indicated default devices.


This is useful for device drivers that don't want to be a default device. Can be called with kIOAudioDeviceCanBeDefaultNothing to prevent CoreAudio from allowing this device to be any default device, or it can be called with any combination of kIOAudioDeviceCanBeDefaultInput, kIOAudioDeviceCanBeDefaultOutput, or kIOAudioDeviceCanBeSystemOutput. The default is (kIOAudioDeviceCanBeDefaultInput | kIOAudioDeviceCanBeDefaultOutput | kIOAudioDeviceCanBeSystemOutput).


Sets the name of the device.


virtual void setDeviceName( const char *deviceName);

This method should be called during initialization or startup. It should be set by the time initHardware() completes. The device name is used by the CoreAudio.framework to identify the particular piece of hardware. This string should should be localized by the driver.


Sets the short name of the device.


virtual void setDeviceShortName( const char *shortName);

The short name is a shorter representation of the device name. It may be used by applications when the device name is too long. It should be set by the time initHardware() completes. The string should be localized by the driver.


Sets whether or not the family should manage the device power through the IOService power management APIs.


virtual void setFamilyManagePower( bool manage);

Set to false if it is not desired that the family does the power management


The default behavior is for the family to manage power. It is only necessary to call this function if the driver does not want the family to manage power. It is not recommended that this function be called because it makes power management much more difficult for the driver. If this function is to be called, it must be called before initHardware() completes. Immediately after initHardware() is called by start(), the power management system is initialized if the family is to manage power.


This function is to be called by a driver that doesn't want to be told about the audio going idle immediately, but at some point in the future.


virtual void setIdleAudioSleepTime( unsigned long long sleepDelay);

The amount of time, in nanoseconds, before the hardware should be told to go idle.


This is useful if the device will want to power down its hardware into an idle sleep state, but doesn't want to do that unless audio hasn't been used for a while. Calling this function immediately changes the idle sleep timer and queues it up if the idle is different from the previous idle time. The idle time defaults to 0, which means be called immediately (backwards compatible with previous versions of IOAudioFamily). A value of 0xffffffffffffffffULL means don't ever tell the driver about going idle.


Sets the manufacturer name of the device.


virtual void setManufacturerName( const char *manufacturerName);

This method should be called during initialization or startup. This should be called by the time initHardware() completes. The string should be localized by the driver.


Called by the power management system in IOService when the power state of this service needs to change.


virtual IOReturn setPowerState( unsigned long powerStateOrdinal, IOService *device);

The number of the power state as defined by the IOAudioDevice - 0 for sleep, 1 for wake.


The power management policy maker.

Return Value

Returns kIOPMAckImplied (0) when the power state change is complete. Otherwise an upper bound on the number of microseconds until the state change is complete is returned.


The default implementation of IOAudioDevice sets up two power states for IOService to use. State 0 is sleep and state 1 is wake. This function should not be called directly. It is only supposed to be used by the IOService power management services.


IOCommandGate Action which calls protectedSetPowerState() while holding the IOCommandGate


static IOReturn setPowerStateAction( OSObject *owner, void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3, void *arg4);

The owner of the IOCommandGate (the IOAudioDevice in this case)


The powerStateOrdinal to be passed to protectedSetPowerState()


The device to be passed to protectedSetPowerState()

Return Value

Returns the result of protectedSetPowerState()


This is needed to allow protectedSetPowerState() to be called on the IOWorkLoop


This function is called automatically by the system to tell the driver to start vending services to the rest of the system.


virtual bool start( IOService *provider);

This is the service provider nub that provides access to the hardware resources.

Return Value

Returns true on success


The start() implementation in IOAudioDevice starts by calling start() on its superclass. It then calls initHardware() which the subclass should override to properly initialize itself and the hardware. If that call succeeds, it sets up power management if the family is supposed to manage power (checking the familyManagePower variable). Then finally it calls registerService() to make the IOAudioDevice visible in the IORegistry.


Stops the device after the system is done with it (or if the device is removed from the system).


virtual void stop( IOService *provider);

The service provider nub for the device.


The IOAudioDevice implentation of stop() disables the timer services, deactivates all of the audio audio engines and audio ports and stops power management of the device. The audio engine and port deactivation causes all of the audio engines to get stopped and all of the audio engine and port resources and objects to be released. A subclass' implementation may could shut down hardware here if necessary. If this function is overridden by a subclass, the superclass' implementation must be called.


Internal static function called when the timer fires.


static void timerFired( OSObject *target, IOTimerEventSource *sender);

The IOAudioDevice instance that initiated the timer callback.


The IOTimerEventSources calling this callback.


This function simply calls dispatchTimerEvents() on the IOAudioDevice to do just that.


Called internally to wait until a pending power state change is complete.


virtual void waitForPendingPowerStateChange();

This is only used by internal functions to wait during pending power state changes. It is used to prevent multiple power state changes at the same time. This function must be called while holding the IOCommandGate. If an asynchronous power state change is in progress this function will block until the state change if complete. Once complete, it will return while still holding the IOCommandGate.



Generic timer event callback for IOAudioDevice timer targets.


typedef void ( *TimerEvent)( OSObject *target, IOAudioDevice *audioDevice);

The target of the timer event - passed in when the timer event was registered.


The IOAudioDevice sending the event.


TimerEvent callback function takes two arguments; the target of the timer event and the IOAudioDevice sending the event.

Member Data



bool asyncPowerStateChangeInProgress;
Set to true while an asynchronous power change is pending and false all other times.



OSArray * audioEngines;
The set of IOAudioEngine objects vended by the IOAudioDevice.



OSSet * audioPorts;
The set of IOAudioPort objects associated with the IOAudioDevice



IOCommandGate *commandGate;
The IOCommandGate for this IOAudioDevice. It is attached to workLoop



IOAudioDevicePowerState currentPowerState;
Used to track the existing power state - can be fetched by calling getPowerState()



bool duringStartup;
State variable set to true while the driver is starting up and false all other times



bool familyManagePower;
Set to true if the family is supposed to manage power - this is the default state. It can be changed early in the initialization process with a call to setFamilyManagePower().



static const IORegistryPlane *gIOAudioPlane;

A static IORegistryPlane representing the new IOAudioPlane that the IOAudioFamily uses to represent the signal chain of the device.



AbsoluteTime minimumInterval;
The smallest timer interval requested by all timer event targets.



UInt32 numRunningAudioEngines;
The number of running IOAudioEngines. This is used to maintain idle vs active power state.



IOAudioDevicePowerState pendingPowerState;
If a power state change is in progress, this represents the pending power state. All other times this is the same as the currentPowerState.


The time of the last timer event.


AbsoluteTime previousTimerFire;

This is used to schedule the next timer event.


The set of timer events in use by the device.


OSDictionary * timerEvents;

The key for the dictionary is the target of the event. This means that a single target may have only a single event associated with it.



IOTimerEventSource *timerEventSource;
An IOTimerEventSource attached to workLoop used for the timer services



IOWorkLoop *workLoop;
The IOWorkLoop for the driver - this is shared with the other objects in the driver

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Last Updated: 2008-12-19